(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) dude you obviously don't actually research any of this stuff it's fascinating to me that you have this many people that follow you and your level of knowledge is so low and you're sitting there spewing these talking points that are so debunked it's mind-bending if you have a piece of iron is it remotely plausible that without a grindstone that piece of iron is going to turn into a sword and without a fire this has no bearing on what we're talking about it does answer the question okay let me let me give you hold on hold on hold on let me you ask me a question let me actually finish answering okay all right so let me let me give you a good example of how this uh of a code that arises naturally right uh take bumblebees for example okay so you're trying to resort to evolutionary signal theory and which is quite honestly one of the stupidest arguments that evolutionists and atheists try to make because it requires a completed pre-existing system like do you not comprehend this well okay okay well i mean i asked the question first so how about you just oblige me and then maybe i can oblige you can you explain the the word decimated for me you question my knowledge of coding so if you're writing a code what is your background you say you're engineer what is your background with coding i i don't allow me to answer questions you understand me john this is an adult conversation yeah and you're dropping insults you can't back up i've just come away from the opening um figuring out that you don't like me so much it seems as far as my response to you i guess when you ask me can codes as far as we understand them be generated naturally obviously they can i'll put a dare on you uh would you have the co jones to go out on camera and literally tell people that php invented itself no i wouldn't but let me hold on hold on hold on let me you ask me a question let me actually finish answering okay all right if you don't think i made an argument against evolutionary theory then i'm guessing you just are ignorant about evolutionary theory is that uh i mean what i actually asked you to do was differentiate cause and effect from if then if then literally is a cause and effect and it requires if then's require for knowledge of the intended outcome correct i don't understand that bit um i also don't understand but um it seems to me that you just don't seem to really understand like logic gates as far as like coding and coding standards really go um you just said i don't understand them so debunk what i just said because if you want to continue on this rabbit hole i will happily pull up well i mean you're just going to make me pull up a paper and like prove it to you what you're gonna make me pull up a paper and prove it to you right now okay so are you now number one are you admitting that there is a code dna can be interpreted as a cutter is it literal or figurative uh it's it's i i it's it's if you obviously don't actually research any of this stuff it's fascinating to me that you have this many people that follow you and your level of knowledge is so low and you're sitting there spewing these talking points that are so debunked it's mind-bending but it's ultimately a chemical that goes through different chemical reactions different processes so were you paying attention at all during my opening i mean yes i've been paying attention to okay okay so are you suggesting that you should fly over to the royal society and tell them that's not a literal code i i would still appreciate you not you know uh doing questions like that you insulted my knowledge of coding uh well that's not exactly dropping like personal insults against you which i think is given the fact i owned a software development company and worked in multiple tech startups yeah i think i know a little something about this so what is your background i didn't know that there is no chemical reaction between the codon and the amino acid it is literally being read this is a recognized premise in biology and cellular biology information theory that there is literally a read of data being executed by the ribosome there is no chemical reaction so to argue that there's nothing but cause and effect chemistry is absolutely eviscerated at the fundamental of the creation of a protein there is no chemical reaction between them it's ultimately a chemical that goes through different chemical reactions different processes there is no chemical reaction this is a well-recognized premise it would behoove you just comment me or to put words in my mouth i'm just saying that that's that's not how adult conversations work okay how could binary come into existence without an intelligent agent to assign the values to each side of the data set dna can be interpreted as a code is it literal or figurative uh it's it's i i believe goddess um i don't know how you put engineer at the after you're at the second part of your name because if you number one your level of ignorance on this topic is so mind-bending i do not know how you actually think you're making a remotely coherent separation of these things there's syntax for what this codon this triplet of base pairs equals does not become does not transform into is equal to this amino acid i mean this is such basic logic i i really don't understand how you're trying to argue this is separate there are papers after paper after paper i read several of them this past two weeks so was that all hypothetical or were they actually doing direct comparison to a code base and its redundancy its robustness and its ability to store data it seems to me like evolution naturalistic evolution has uh just as good of an explanation as your god did it i mean i i really i i can't remember everything that you said in that gish gallop of uh you know you dismissed my arguments so back up your claims which which claims in particular uh how does arbitrary data values get assigned to a recognized code base through random undirected process as an engineer explain to me how that's remotely plausible well i mean as i said i've already explained this in in this debate that natural processes natural chemical reactions would have resulted in a process that would have would have resulted in the the the the configuration that would have been most likely to survive because it did survive and so over millions of years and over a lot of trial and error so the obviously you have never researched abiogenesis because um the uh as of right now the greatest number of base paired nucleotides they've managed to get to hook together without enzymes is 21. so um and that's in a non-prebiotic environment they've gotten 21 to bind together so your entire premise of somehow a syntax that has semantics and pragmatics being able to just over millions of years somehow form itself is not remotely backed up by the quote-unquote chemical react natural chemical reactions to which you are referring to i don't understand how this is prescripted to the natural world you don't understand that the point that is being made is that even in a controlled environment which has exponentially uh reduced um obstructions to the processes that you're referring to actually being executed they can't do it on purpose they can't do it so you're claiming that the undirected natural process things that we can't do on purpose somehow happened by accident is that your claim thank you for inserting more words into my mouth okay let me dumb it down for you then are you suggesting that something that is not feasible in a lab is more likely to occur in a uncontrolled violent environment can i explain i'm letting you talk now oh are you sure nevermind sorry about that um so uh the the the way that this doesn't exactly correlate to the discussion of evolution is that god could totally exist god could have created dna uh god i mean that's the i i will for the sake of the argument that we're having right now that could totally plausibly be a thing but that goes nowhere to address evolution the whole premise of evolution is that somehow the new entirely new functions are able to spring into existence through undirected process and we actually don't observe new data set functions coming into existence but they're so no no no what they have observed is modifications to existing data this isn't something new it's just the acceleration of something that was existing so you're now looking at existing data being construed as supposed evolution versus it having to already have been there i mean is this are you comprehending what i'm saying here yes john i comprehend what you're explaining to me then what what what you're failing to understand is how epigenetics plays into evolution because evolution is the only way to really understand why epigenetics happens no no you expand you have to expand on that you have to expand on that assertion go real quick real quick let's just let godless finish no he needs to expand on that assertion yes john i comprehend what you're saying explain it to me then