(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) I find it interesting that evolutionists will go on and on about how they want to save species and they open up animal shelters to save certain species, when according to evolution, species should be getting created all the time. New kinds of animals should be popping up, new families through natural selection. Well, we don't see that at all. In fact, we see animals going extinct. So what that proves is that if we go back far enough in time, back to the Garden of Eden, there were more kinds of animals back then than there are now. According to evolution, there's new kinds popping up all the time, new families of animals. But according to the creation model, we are constantly losing animals. Animal kinds are constantly going extinct. And so whenever an evolutionist tries to open up an animal shelter and shelter a endangered species as they call it, they're just proving that there were species in the past that are getting wiped out now that we'll never have again. Evolution will never invent these new species through natural selection. Evolution is impossible to defend, honestly. You have to lie. You have to make believe to believe in evolution. You ask an evolutionist or an atheist, what is the meaning of life? And the experts ask them that. And they'll respond back with, well, my meaning of my life is whatever I make up. What they're admitting is that they're making up or make believing a purpose for life. They don't think there actually is any purpose. And so they say, well, I'll just make up purpose. That's make believe, folks. These people are make believers.