(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Hey guys, this is Matt Powell. So evolutionists will all claim that we came from a single-celled organism that came to life millions and millions of years ago by itself on a rock. Now even if we were to grant this to be true, our human genome and the genome of other creatures is degrading over time. So for example my son has one to two percent less genetic information than I do, and his son will have one to two percent less genetic information than he does. And so what that means is genes are actually decreasing over time, we're losing information, and things are getting worse in our bodies. Diseases are increasing, viruses are increasing, and so that means that if we go back far enough in time it would trace back to a perfect male and a perfect female genetically speaking, and it demonstrates that we could not have possibly come from a single-celled organism. If there was a single-celled organism at the beginning and we all somehow magically evolved from this thing, then this single-celled organism would have simply mutated to death. It wouldn't have been able to produce anything other than what was existent in the gene code. And so natural selection simply selects the genes that already exist. It doesn't create new information, it simply selects. This demonstrates that that single-celled organism would have got worse and worse over time as it reproduced, and it would have simply died off. It would have ceased to exist. And so even if there was a single-celled organism at the beginning, this organism would have simply reproduced worse versions of itself, and over time it would have died out through mutations. And so this demonstrates that we could not have possibly come from a single-celled organism, and rather it shows that we would have had to have come from a genetically perfect male and a genetically perfect female to account for all the diversity that we see today as things get worse over time and not better. So I hope you guys enjoyed this video. Feel free to let me know if you have any questions down in the comments section below, and I'll get to them as soon as I can. God bless guys. Take care.