(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Just when I thought that I had seen it all in evolutionary theory, all the craziest wild stuff that these people actually believe in, I found out that they actually believe that dinosaurs, duck-billed dinosaurs, rafted on debris across the ocean. Hmm guys, I wonder if that's what evolution actually says. All I had to do was a simple Google search and this was the very first thing that came up. Dinosaurs once crossed oceans. First duck-billed dinosaur fossil discovered in Africa. You know, Matt's right about that. Cowabunga dude, duck-billed dinosaur surf in Africa. So they're saying, oh man, all these animals are surfing all these different continents and and so on and so forth and that's because the flood put them there. They surfed there all right. It just wasn't a very friendly surfing. You