(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) For the last 200 years, Christians have been extremely confused about where dinosaurs fit into the Bible. What's happened, Christians have compromised the clear teaching of the Bible in order to accommodate the dinosaurs. That's why they have the Gap Theory, or the Day Age Theory, or Progressive Creation, or Theistic Evolution. There's no need to do that. I'm going to give you the Biblical view of dinosaurs here this morning. Now this guy, a National Pornographic, a Geographic, says that no human being has ever seen a live dinosaur. Now just hold on a minute, does he know that, or does he think that? He thinks that. There is no possible way he could know something like that, unless he talked to everybody that ever lived. Do you think he talked to Adam and Eve before he wrote that? Did he talk to you before he wrote that? No, okay. That's just not something you can know. The Bible says, in the beginning, God created the heaven and the earth. It says, in six days, the Lord made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is. Well if he made everything in six days, then Adam must have seen dinosaurs. From the Creation 6,000 years ago, up until the Flood, 4,400 years ago, the world was very different. During that time frame, the Bible says that people lived over 900 years. They really, honestly did. Lived to be 900 plus. It's interesting, many ancient cultures have a legend about what they called the Golden Age. The Babylonians, the Sumerians, the Egyptians, all talked about a time when man used to live to be nearly 1,000. Well that's because it was really true. They really did live to be almost 1,000. And yesterday we covered how reptiles grow all their life. Reptiles never stop growing. So dinosaurs were big lizards that lived with Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. They did not live millions of years ago. So the obvious question would be, did Noah take dinosaurs on the ark? Dinosaurs on the ark? Well I hope he kept the woodpeckers in a steel cage of some kind, that will be important later. People say, dinosaurs on the ark, now Hovind, they're kind of big aren't they? Yeah, the big ones were big, but the little ones were little. See Noah was 600 years old when he built that boat, he's probably smart enough to figure out. You don't have to bring the biggest ones you can find, you bring two babies. Just be sure to get a pink one and a blue one, that will be important later. There are all kinds of reasons for bringing babies on the ark. You bring babies because they're smaller. Well duh, you know the biggest dinosaur egg is smaller than a football. You bring babies because they weigh less, they eat less, they sleep a lot more. They're tougher. You know kids fall down and bounce and get up and keep running. Adults fall down and break or lay there for a while. Plus you bring babies because after the Flood they're going to live longer to produce more offspring. And that's the reason you're bringing them. Why on earth would you bring big elephants on the ark? Why would you bring big giraffes? Just bring babies of everything, young ones. God told him to bring two of every sort. Not two of every species, two of every sort. He said bring them after his kind, after their kind, after his kind, after his kind. I mean the Bible is real clear on the topic. You bring the kinds of animals, not the species. You only have to bring those in whose nostrils was the breath of life. And only those on dry land. Noah did not have to bring any fish on the ark. They had plenty of water outside, okay? He also did not have to bring any bugs on the ark because bugs don't have nostrils. Bugs breathe through their skin, through spiracles. Insects were not required to be on the ark. Insects can survive a flood just fine. Go any place where there's been a flood. After the water goes down, walk out into the mud and tell me the first thing you notice. Bugs bite a bazillion, right? Insects did not have to go on the ark. Some of them might have been on there, but they didn't have to be. Noah did not take 400 pairs of dogs on the ark. Noah probably never saw a chihuahua in his life. Why did somebody do that to the dog? Probably the horse and the zebra had a common ancestor, like this Mexican textbook says. And I would agree, the horse and the zebra had a common ancestor, but it looked like a horse. Four-wheel drive, genuine leather upholstery, I mean all the horse equipment. Skeptics say, how did Noah fit those millions of animals onto the ark? Well, in the first place, he only brought land animals. Secondly, you bring those with nostrils, no bugs. Thirdly, you bring babies, now that's just plain old common sense, right? Fourthly, you bring two of each kind, not every single variety. And since God made the kinds, and God told Noah how big to build a boat. I bet God had it kind of figured out, you know, about what size to make it. Plus, how many were there? Many experts will tell you there are about 8,000 basic kinds of animals in the world. 8,000 basic kinds of animals. Noah had two of each kind, now seven of some, I understand. But plenty of room on the ark for that. I have atheists that I debate all the time, they'll say, Noah could never put all those animals on the ark. I say, really, how many were there? They say, well, we don't know. Oh, well, how big was the boat? Well, we don't know, all we know is that he couldn't do it. Oh, I see, is that the way this works? It beats what they believe. They believe that 18 or 20 billion years ago, there was a big bang where nothing exploded and made everything. And 4.6 billion years ago, the earth cooled down and formed a rocky crust. Yes, the planet earth cooled and a rocky surface was created. And then, as the earth formed, the surface was hot and there were large pools of bubbling lava. This textbook says there was no oxygen on the earth, 0% oxygen, but the rocks absorbed it. What? I've been trying to figure that one out for four years. Then oceans formed as it rained on the rocks for millions of years. Millions of years of torrential rains created the oceans. And swirling in the waters of the oceans is a bubbling broth of complex chemicals. Progress from a complex chemical soup to a living organism is very slow. Boy, it sure is. It doesn't even happen, that's how slow it is. Life on earth may have begun in rocks on the ocean floor. Wow, it all came from a rock. The first self-replicating systems must have emerged in this organic soup. So according to their theory, 20 billion years ago there was a big bang, 4.6 billion years ago the earth formed, and it was a hot ball of rock. And then it began to rain and rain and rain and rain and rain and rain. Finally the oceans filled in, and in the oceans the first living organisms appeared. So great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great grandpa was soup. That's the evolution theory, I didn't make it up, but they did. So you can laugh at them if you like, as far as I'm concerned. What happened to the dinosaurs when Noah got off the ark? The question of what happened to the dinosaurs has been used in schools to start a conversation about evolution for a long time. One of Satan's favorite tools to use is dinosaurs, because kids love them. Why hasn't there been a Christian response to this dinosaur stuff? What the Christians did in the 1800's is they compromised their Bible with the Gap Theory to accommodate the dinosaurs. And then they let Satan have the dinosaurs. That's what happened exactly. But anyway, there are 16 theories of what happened to the dinosaurs. One theory says an asteroid struck the Yucatan Peninsula in Mexico and killed them 65 million years ago. A scientist here in Indiana said that the dinosaurs killed themselves off with their own flatulence. They could not stand the heat. I'm not sure what to do about a theory like that, but here's the real reason they went extinct, smoking. What made the dinosaurs go extinct? Do you realize they are asking the wrong question? The question is not, what made them go extinct? The question is, did they go extinct? Dinosaurs getting off the ark had a very difficult time. The climate had changed. Things were different. Remember, before the Flood they lived to be 900. Read your Bible. After the Flood they only lived to be 400, and then 200, and then 100. Something changed. For one thing, that canopy overhead was gone. Number two, the soil was now not loaded with minerals like it's supposed to be to have plants grow like crazy. The atmospheric pressure was different. The canopy had collapsed. It was gone, I believe. Night was now getting through, radiation, etc. Many more problems in the post-Flood environment. Dinosaurs had two problems. Number one, the climate change. Number two, was probably worse. People hunted them. They killed them. They didn't call them dinosaurs, though. They called them dragons. See, the word dinosaur wasn't made up until 1841. So for most of human history these creatures are called dragons. Did you know dinosaurs were not even in the dictionary in 1891? For most of human history they were known as dragons. Dragons are mentioned in the Bible 34 times. People say, why aren't dinosaurs in the Bible? Last night I was talking to this lady at the counter at the hotel. She said, well, dinosaurs aren't in the Bible. I said, that's correct. That word wasn't made up until 1841. And if you got the right Bible, that was translated 1611. So of course you're not going to find that word in there. Duh! But they called them dragons. Dragons are listed in the dictionary in 1940 46 as now rare. As the population of people began to grow after the Flood, the population of dragons began to go down. Well as people move in and civilize an area, the big ferocious animals are killed off or driven off. Happens everywhere. Well that's exactly what happened to the dragons. People killed dragons for meat because they were a menace, to prove you're a hero, to prove you're superior, competition for land, or for medicinal purposes. Many ancient recipes call for dragon blood, dragon bones, dragon saliva. Why? Gilgamesh is famous for slaying a dragon. A Chinese legend tells about a guy named Yu that surveyed the land of China. It says after the Flood, he surveyed the land and divided it into sections. He built channels to drain the water off to the sea and make the land livable again. Many snakes and dragons were driven from the marshlands. Yeah that's just normal. If you want to build a city, you've got to drive off the dragons and then build your city. I mean it was expected, you've got to drive the dragons off. Why would the Chinese calendar have eleven real animals? You know the pig, the duck, the dog, and a dragon? Why would they put a mythical animal in there? Could it be that at the time they came up with these twelve symbols, there were twelve real animals? Here's one of the oldest pieces of pottery on planet earth. It's a piece of slate from Egypt, the first dynasty of united Egypt. It shows long necked dragons. We make replicas of it if you want to get one for a prize for your bus route. Give out to the kid who does whatever. You could go crazy over these things. Half size replicas of the oldest pieces of pottery on earth. Why would they put long necked dinosaurs on pottery 3800 years ago? Here's two long necked dinosaurs with a sheep in between their mouths. Here's a hippo tusk from the 12th century B.C. showing an animal with a long neck and a long tail. Here's a cylinder seal showing what appears to quite obviously be long necked dinosaurs. The Babylonian god Marduk is shown pictured on a fire breathing dragon. You say, Brethren, you don't believe in fire breathing dragons, do you? Yeah, I believe there were some. We cover all that in our video tape about Leviathan. Job chapter 41 talks about Leviathan. It says, out of his mouth go burning lamps and sparks a fire leap out. Out of his nostrils go a smoke. I've seen deacons do that at Southern Baptist churches, so that's no big deal. His breath kindleth coals and a flame goeth out of his mouth. Was there really a fire breathing dragon? You better watch the Leviathan video about the fire breathing dragon. Saddam spent a fortune rebuilding the ancient city of Babylon. Ancient Babylon was discovered, buried in the dry sand over there. The bricks were just nearly perfectly preserved by the dry sand. So they excavated ancient Babylon and rebuilt it. Babylon was totally rebuilt in the last 20 or 30 years, I believe. Saddam put a brick about every 10 feet around the wall that says, I am Saddam Hussein, I have rebuilt Babylon the Great. I am the grandson of Nebuchadnezzar. But on that wall they found carvings of lions and carvings of dragons. Now I can understand why they put a lion on there. We know about lions, but why would they put carvings of dragons on a brick wall 2,600 years ago? Maybe because they knew about dragons? They're still there, you can go see them. A friend of mine was there, a soldier, he said, yep, they're still here. Dragons still on the wall from 2,600 years ago. Ishtar Gate is covered in them. Lions and dragons. Now we made a model of it for Dinosaur Adventure Land. If you want to come to Pensacola, that's a little closer to Iraq for most of you. But Alexander the Great said his soldiers were scared by dragons when they conquered part of India in 300 B.C. This Roman mosaic shows two long necked dragons fighting, or kissing. Now that would be necking, wow! Anyway, how did the Romans know about dragons in 200 A.D.? St. George is famous for slaying a dragon in 275 A.D. Beowulf slew two dragons and the third one killed him. You should try to read the Beowulf story in Old English. Good luck. That's English. 1,500 years ago that was English. I can only read one word on the page that says, duh. But anyway, when they translate the story to modern English, the story tells us, Beowulf killed Grendel the dragon by pulling off one of its arms, and the creature bled to death. Pulled off his arm? Well, they found a Babylonian cylinder seal showing a guy pulling the arm off a dragon. Interesting. Get the book, After the Flood, if you want a whole lot more on dragons living with man. But Marco Polo lived in China for 17 years. When he came back he said, the emperor is raising dragons to pull chariots in his parades. Why would he say that? Probably because the emperor was raising dragons to pull chariots in his parades. That's my theory. In 1611 they appointed the post of royal dragon feeder. Why do you need a royal dragon feeder? Let me guess, to feed the dragon. We've got seven coins in our museum on loan. They're silver dollars from 1500's to 1600's. Real silver dollars. All of them show somebody slaying a dragon. It was common 400 years ago, everybody knew about slaying dragons. Of course you've got to slay the dragon. That's just standard procedure. Indians carved dinosaurs on the walls of the Grand Canyon. Why would they put dinosaurs on the walls of the Grand Canyon? Maybe because they hunted dinosaurs around there. In 1925 some guys took a raft trip down one of the canyons out west. And they wrote a report. They saw one of these dinosaurs and they said, The fact that some prehistoric man made a pictograph of a dinosaur on the walls of this canyon, upsets completely all of our theories. Oh, they upset his theories. Oh no. He said about a year ago, a photograph of a dinosaur was shown to a scientist of national repute who was then specializing in dinosaurs. He said, it's not a dinosaur, it's impossible. Because we know dinosaurs were extinct 12 million years before man appeared on earth. Hold on just a minute. First place, it's not possible for you to know what happened 12 million years ago. So let's just get that straight first up. Secondly, notice he said 12 million years ago. Now today the kids are taught dinosaurs died 65 million years ago, aren't they? 65 million years ago. It's interesting to see the inflation of the age of the earth. See in 1770, they said the earth was 70,000 years old. By 1902 it was 2 billion years old. In 1969 it was 3.5 billion years old. Today it's 4.6. Did you know the earth is getting older at the rate of 21 million years per year? That's 40 years per minute. It's aging rapidly, folks. If you go to Blanding, Utah, you'll see carvings of dinosaurs on the cliff there. Apparently they knew about dinosaurs in Utah. The Indians knew about them. They killed them apparently. This is a cave painting in Australia showing a guy running away from what appears to be a dinosaur. I can't pronounce the name of this place in Canada. It looks like these Indians have painted something on the cliff there that appears to be like a dinosaur. With a dermal frill, ridged on its back. This is a painting from Australia. These guys are all dancing around what quite obviously looks like a dinosaur. They're upset because it ate their friend. There's the friend inside. Give him back, please, right now. This guy says nobody has ever seen a dinosaur. Why did they put them on their cave paintings? Why did they put them on ancient pottery? Why do we see so many legends of dragons if nobody has ever seen one? Down in Peru, they've got the driest desert in the world. In 1535, the Spanish conquistadors came through that area and found stones with strange animals on them. They sent some back to the king of Spain and said, What on earth are these animals carved on these rocks? The king said, I have no clue. Today they're called the Ica burial stones from Ica, Peru. Dennis Swift is probably the world's expert on those. He's one of my good friends from Portland, Oregon. He did a great session at our boot camp in 2005. Our creation boot camp we have in Pensacola, Florida. We've got his DVDs of him speaking on the Ica stones. It's incredible. You can still get those on our website. These stones show dinosaurs on them. During the age of sailing ships, there are thousands of legends of people sighting sea monsters. Well if you're in a sailboat, it's kind of quiet going through the water. Today with a diesel engine, they can hear you coming 50 miles away under water. Of course you're not going to see one. But there are legends all over of dragons living with man. Did you know there are actually stories of giant octopus living in the ocean? I mean like really, really, really big octopus. One octopus washed up on the beach in Florida. It was 200 feet across and weighed 5 tons. That's a big octopus. A whale was killed near Seattle. Inside the whale's stomach was one arm to an octopus that was 150 feet long. There are giant squids found out there in the ocean. I mean really big squids. We could spend a long time about that one. A giant squid washed up on the beach in New Zealand. They said it was a baby. Full grown, it would have been 150 feet long. People say, no wait, wait, wait. If there are dinosaurs mentioned all through history, are dinosaurs mentioned in the Bible? But yes, dinosaurs are mentioned in the Bible. You say, I didn't see them in there. Well you need to read carefully, ok? If you get the book of Job, the book of Job has 42 chapters. Come to chapter 40. God said, Behold now Behemoth. What on earth is a Behemoth? Well whatever it was, Job could behold it. Because God never tells you to do something you can't do. God would not say, Behold now Behemoth, if he could not behold now Behemoth. That's deep theology, I know, but think it through. Some reference Bibles say, Behemoth is probably the elephant or hippopotamus. That is ludicrous. I believe Behemoth is the long neck dinosaur. Now there are 13 different long neck dinosaurs. There's the Brachiosaur, the Apatosaur, the Cetosaur. There's the Blondosaur, you have to talk to her kind of slow, ok? I think Behemoth is the Brachiosaurus. It says he eats grass as an ox. Some people say, hey my Bible says elephant and elephants eat grass. Well duh, bunny rabbits eat grass too, ok? A lot of animals eat grass, right? Look at the next verse. His strength is in his loins, his force is in the navel of his belly. The biggest part on him is his belly. And they say, well elephants have a big belly. Yes I know, hippopotamus have a big belly. Brachiosaurus had a big belly. He has a big belly. So does he. That is just sick, sick. Who would pose for that? It says, he moveth his tail like a cedar. Now hold on a minute, his tail is like a cedar tree. Have you ever seen an elephant's tail? I mean would that remind you of a cedar tree? Or a hippo tail? Not like a cedar tree. Now a Brachiosaurus tail, yeah that's a little more like a cedar tree than the rest of them. Next verse says his bones are strong pieces of brass. His bones are like bars of iron. He has big heavy duty bones. God created the living creatures, every living creature. God made the dinosaurs. He made them. And Satan said, you know, there has to be some way I can use dinosaurs against God. But he couldn't fool Adam. Not with dinosaurs. Adam named them. Can you imagine the devil walking up to Adam and saying, Hey Adam, did you know dinosaurs lived millions of years ago? Adam would say, are you stupid? There's one in the back yard right there eating on a cherry tree. I mean, what do you mean millions of years ago? The devil couldn't fool Noah. He fed him every day. But for the next 4,000 years dinosaurs became more rare. They were dying off, or being killed off, or whatever. Some of the reasons they died. And by 1809, they were just nearly extinct. And somebody found the bones and put one together. 1809, the first dinosaur that we know of, put together for a museum. Satan was there that day and said, wow, here's my chance. These critters have always lived with man, I know that, and God knows that. But these people don't know that. So the devil said, I think I'm going to tell everybody they lived millions of years ago. And if they believe it, it will make them doubt the Bible. And boy, has it worked good. You know, for the last 200 years, kids have gone to kindergarten and they get a book like this. I can read about dinosaurs. Would anybody like to take a wild guess at what the first sentence in the book says? Millions of years ago. How many kids are being taught that in your town? At your expense, you are paying for the destruction of the next generation. Now maybe that doesn't bother you, but it bothers me. The Bible says, Behemoth, lieth unto the shady trees, in the covert of the reed and fens. Now the word fens is an old English word that means the swamp. You know the biggest swamp in the world is in the middle of Africa. It's called the Lekwala Swamp. That swamp is huge. Most Americans don't appreciate the size of Africa. Here's what Africa looks like next to the entire United States. Africa is gigantic, ok? That swamp is bigger, is the same size as the state of Florida, 55,000 square miles. That swamp is huge. Did you know that swamp today is 80% unexplored? There were reports in that swamp from the 1700's when the missionaries went in there and said, Man, there are dinosaurs still living in that swamp. Dinosaur still alive? 1910, the New York Herald ran an article about dinosaurs still living in Africa's swamps. Here's the Saturday Evening Post, 1948. There could be dinosaurs still alive in Africa. A big game hunter named Mr. Gobbler returned from a trip to Angola. He announced to the Cape Town newspaper, the Cape Argus, that there was an animal of large dimensions, the description of which could only fit a dinosaur. The natives call it Chippiqui. In the African Republic, they call it Ngurri. Roy Mackel went there in 1980 on an expedition. He spent a quarter million dollars and went back again the next year. He went to that swamp. He said it was the most miserable swamp on planet earth. The mosquitoes landed on them at the rate of about 1,000 an hour, constantly. I mean, like swarms of dust around you. Bloodthirsty mosquitoes, 95 degrees, 95% humidity all the time. As they traveled around the swamp, the natives talked about this animal called Mahamba. He said, what's that? And they showed him a crocodile. Oh yeah, that's the Mahamba, right there, Mahamba. He said, how big does it get? They pasted off on the sandbar, 50 feet long. Now if you're a pig, me four foot four, a 50 foot crocodile looks really big to you. And everybody says, no crocodiles, they never get past about 17 feet. Oh, I don't think that's correct. Here in the summer of 2005, they killed a 24 foot crocodile in that swamp. Of course, the natives will say, oh, you should see the big ones. The natives also talk about an animal they call Mokele-Mbembe. Mokele-Mbembe? What on earth is that? Well, if you show them the picture of an Apatosaurus, they'll say, yeah, that's it, Mokele-Mbembe. The natives claim these animals live under water. They're very rare. Of course, they're in the swamp in Africa. Nobody goes out at night anyway, and there are no lights over there at night. But the animals are seen mostly early, early morning or late in the evening when they come out. And their favorite plant is the Malombo plant. There's Dr. Mokele holding a Malombo plant. Dr. Mokele was a University of Chicago microbiology professor. And he went over there and studied this carefully, and came back and wrote a book. Called, A Living Dinosaur? He believes in evolution, but his book is great about the evidence for dinosaurs still living in African swamps. They found footprints of the creatures. A missionary friend of mine was there for 43 years as a missionary. Eugene Thomas. He's in Ohio now. Here's his phone number, call him up. He was there for 43 years. He said, I had two pygmies in my church that killed one and ate it. Dinosaurs. There have been reports of these creatures in that swamp for a long time. There is a lake in Scotland called Loch Ness. Has anybody ever heard of Loch Ness? Loch Ness is a huge lake, 24 miles long, a mile to a mile and a half wide, up to 900 feet deep. Loch Ness is big enough that everybody on planet earth could go drown in it at the same time. It would hold the entire population of the world. Six billion people would fit in that lake. It's huge. In 1933, a road bed was cut into the side of the mountain. Before 1933, if you wanted to see the lake, you had to climb over the mountains or go up river seven miles in your boat. Not many people went there. Very sparsely populated. In 1933, the first year the road was put in, there were 52 separate sightings of the Loch Ness Monster. This author said that there had been 9,000 reported sightings today. That was back in the 1960's when this book was written. Today it's over 11,000 reported sightings of the Loch Ness Monster. Of course, some are fakes and frauds. I wouldn't trust the weekly world news. They got all this weird stuff in there. Sir Peter Scott is a member of Parliament. He said he saw it. He believes it's a plesiosaur. Almost everybody that sees it says it's this animal right here. A plesiosaurus. Long neck, four big flippers. One guy wrote a book and he said, Some people think Nessie is a plesiosaur. There's one thing wrong with this theory. Plesiosaurs are believed to have become extinct 70 million years ago. Oh, is that what's wrong with the theory? I think this evolution theory has got to be the biggest hindrance to scientific research there has ever been. You look at the facts, forget your theories. Look at the facts and come up with your conclusions. Now the Bible also talks about Leviathan, but that's a whole other story. We will cover Leviathan some other time. So basically, God made everything in six days. Dinosaurs lived with man. People have killed most of them. There could be a few still alive. And Christians need to quit worrying about dinosaurs and start using them for God's glory.