(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Don't like God. I hate God. God is a you know, he's you know, Richard Dawkins saying that he's a masochistic and genocidal and all this other stuff Those people are gonna be judged by the things that they say with their mouth, you know They're gonna be asking for mercy after the fact, but it's gonna be too late for them too late reprobate My favorite verse on creation is Genesis 1 1 says in the beginning God created the heaven and The earth and so what's most powerful about that scripture is that you know from the very get-go it explains Who made us and what he created and so God wants us to know that he's the one that made us and that is the first scripture and I think it's the most powerful scripture on creation and I just I think it just speaks volumes about some of the there's there's great questions in life and one is that one of them is You know, where do we come from and who made us and so Genesis 1 1 answers that question very clearly