(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) this guy look at the uh look at the thumbnail on this video this is his youtube thumbnail now he's a hebrew roots gentleman and his name is lex meyer and he asks this question in his thumbnail and this video has got tons of views it says what does it what does born again really mean folks remember that paul said but i fear lest by any means does the serpent beguile leave through his subtlety so your mind should be corrupted from the simplicity that is in christ simplicity so you're complicating things just by the thumbnail when you say well what does born again really mean jesus didn't come to confuse the matter and jesus would have never said well what do you think born again really means instead of asking these questions like satan asked eve in the garden jesus spoke in absolutes and so let's go ahead and play this clip and see what kind of argument that this guy makes we must be born of the spirit to enter the kingdom of god and that which is born of flesh is flesh and that which is born of the spirit is spirit keep that in mind as we continue reading so the next time someone asks you if you've been born again you can say not yet but i will be at the resurrection when messiah returns so he says you know and there's other hebrew roots teachers that say nobody is born again and this guy is saying that you don't get born again until jesus returns or the messiah returns the bible says in john 112 but as many as received him to them gave he the power to become the sons of god even to them that believe on his name which were born past tense verse 13 so were born is past tense so when the bible says they were born you can't say nobody is born again until the coming of jesus that's just a ridiculous argument right well here's another verse too i mean i don't know how you can get any clearer than this but this is immediately the verse that popped out in my mind first john 3 1 says behold what manner of love the father hath bestowed upon us that we should be called the sons of god therefore the world knoweth us not because it knew him not beloved now are we the sons of god okay right that's right now okay you can't be a son until you've been born well you know what's interesting is this guy actually contradicts himself in this video and that's what i actually wanted to point out here he says at the end he says so if somebody asks you if you're born again tell them not yet but i will be in the resurrection when the psi returns notice what he says beforehand we must be born of the spirit to enter the kingdom of god and that which is born of flesh is flesh and that which is born of the spirit is spirit did you catch that he said that which is born of the flesh is flesh and that which is born of the spirit is spirit well if nobody's born again till jesus comes back that doesn't make any sense so he literally contradicted himself by saying well that which is born of flesh is flesh that which is born of spirit is spirit however nobody's born again until jesus comes back that does not make any sense and when you listen to guys like this that have a big smile on their face in these youtube videos wolves always will smile they'll always you know the counterfeits they'll always try to make themselves look really nice and really harmless and the bible even says that satan himself is transformed into an angel of light and you know even when the anti-christ comes there's going to be so many people that are deceived and if it were possible even the elect would be deceived if it were possible so when you see these guys on the internet they're going to use what sounds to be very compelling arguments if you don't know the bible it's just like atheists when they say your god is uh you know god is magical and you don't know what you believe you might assume that god is magical but what you probably aren't aware of and if you study you're going to realize the atheists themselves believe in magic not the christian the bible says the lord hates sorcery the lord hates magic number one and number two if you think that the world could create itself from nothing matter time space energy etc from ex nihilo with no cause for it that is magical saying that systems could come into place without a creator is magical saying that a creator made them is not magical and so when it comes to false teachers like this they use methods that are unreliable and that are unbiblical and my my advice to you is to read the bible don't be deceived by these people that were in the hebrew roots movement i was in the hebrew roots movement there's a lot of other people that were in that movement that have seen the truth and come out of it and snapped out of these lies and you know these work salvation types what they need to keep in mind is they're all the same it's all the same game muslim jew mormon hebrew roots hindu you go down the line i will show you the same religion every time