(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) There's virtually nothing that we can be certain about. There's virtually nothing that we can be certain about. It's so funny, this guy, Matt Dillahunty, he's basically one of the main leaders of the atheistic movement in 2020. Now, he's been around for a long time, and he's done a lot of debates, tons of debates with creationists, and he said in this debate, there's virtually nothing that you can be certain about. Are you certain of that, Mr. Dillahunty? Are you certain that there's no certainties? Are you absolutely sure that there's no absolutes, like your worldview is saying? If you're certain that there's no certainties, why are you certain all of a sudden that God doesn't exist if you're not certain of anything? It seems that the only thing that you are certain of is that you're certain that God does not exist, but everything else is uncertain. That is certain with you. And so this guy, apparently, once again, he doesn't believe in logic, doesn't believe in science. He's just spouting off regurgitated arguments that he's making that other atheists have made before him. The forefathers of the first church of atheism, which is an actual church, folks. Atheist churches are popping up all over the place now. And so, you know, really let that sink in when people like this say statements like that.