(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) In the recent debate by Bill Nye, the science guy, and Mr. Ken Ham, Bill Nye assumes that ice rings are annual rings and uses this assumption to say that the earth is millions or billions of years old. My scientific colleagues go to places like Greenland, the Arctic, they go to Antarctica, and they drill into the ice with hollow drill bits. It's not that extraordinary, many of you have probably done it yourselves, drilling other things, hole saws to put locks and doors, for example. And we pull out long cylinders of ice, long ice rods, and these are made of snow. And by long tradition, it's called snow ice. And snow ice forms over the winter as snowflakes fall and are crushed down by subsequent layers. They're crushed together and trapping the little bubbles, and the little bubbles must needs be ancient atmosphere. There's nobody running around with a hypodermic needle squirting ancient atmosphere into the bubbles. And we find certain of these cylinders to have 680,000 layers, 680,000 snow winter summer cycles. How could it be that just 4,000 years ago, all of this ice formed? Let's just run some numbers. This is some scenes from lovely Antarctic. Let's say we have 680,000 layers of snow ice and 4,000 years since the great flood. That would mean we'd need 170 winter summer cycles every year for the last 4,000 years. I mean, wouldn't someone have noticed that? Wow! Wouldn't someone have noticed that there's been winter summer, winter summer 170 times one year? Bill Nye assumes that the ice layers are annual rings. They are not. Apparently, he has never heard of the lost squadron. In 1942, during World War II, some war planes landed in Greenland. After the war, those planes were forgotten. In 1990, an aircraft enthusiast decided to go find them and recover the planes. They had to use radar to find the planes because in just 48 years, they were recovered in 263 feet of ice. That comes out to be about 5.5 feet per year that was laid down on top of these planes. They drilled down to the planes and discovered literally hundreds of ice layers that accumulated in only 48 years. So no, these ice layers are not annual rings as Bill Nye would have you believe. They are simply indicating cold, warm, cold, warm. This could happen many times and over the course of just one year. Ignorance can be fixed. Stupid is forever. Be sure to check out the creation seminar by Dr. Kent Hovind. You can watch it for free on our website at truthingenesis.com. Thanks for watching.