(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) So the number one place that evolutionists go to genetically to prove evolution, quote unquote, is mutations. And they'll claim that as genes mutate over time, that means that you'll become a frog to a prince over millions of years. And they think that mutations somehow create new information. But what a mutation actually is, is information from one parent, information from another parent being put together and it corrupts. That's what a mutation is, is a genetic corruption. It's deleterious to the gene code by definition. And so from generation to generation, we accumulate mutations as a human population. And as we add mutations or errors into the code, because that's what a mutation even is, as you add errors in, things get worse in our bodies from generation to generation. And so the supposed best evidence genetically for evolution actually is some of the best evidence for creation. And it proves that we would have had to start out perfectly genetically. And then when man sinned, it got corrupted. And then from generation to generation, our genetics would get worse over time. And so in 2003, the Human Genome Project was completed. And they found that we actually lose one to 2% of our genetic information per generation as human beings. And so for example, my son has one to 2% less genetic information than I do. And his son will have one to 2% less genetic information than him. So as genetic information gets lost, as mutations accumulate in the genetic code, things will only get worse for us over time. Now evolutionists claim that things get better over time, and that we started out simple, and that we got more complex through mutations. But what mutations actually do is cause errors and problems in the genetic code. And that's why we have things like Down syndrome, or even autism. Those were caused by genetic mutations that were deleterious and caused genetics to fail in certain of the human population. And so autism and certain diseases are actually increasing over time as we accumulate genetic mutations. So when an evolutionist says that mutations are somehow proof that we're evolving, they're literally admitting that they don't even know what a mutation is. Because a mutation, by the very definition, is a copying error. That's what the definition of a mutation even is. So by all these errors, somehow we have a perfect genetic code for humans now. That's their logic, is that genetics mutated from a frog to a prince over millions of years. That is completely unscientific on every single level, and just the fact that somebody would think that mutations somehow cause perfection, and that we would get a perfect human species millions of years later. Folks, it just goes to show they don't even care what science is. If they cared, they would look at the definition of words before throwing out those words as supposed best evidence, genetically, for evolution. And evolutionists always like to claim that natural selection somehow disproves God, and it proves that evolution is somehow true. But just the phrase natural selection literally proves that the genetics have to do some selecting, or they have to make a choice. That's what select even means, hence the phrase natural selection. And so selection requires consciousness, choices require consciousness. And it's not natural randomization. If it was a dead unconscious process that came about through spontaneous generation, there wouldn't be any conscious coding involved, but just the phrase natural selection proves that there's genes that are selected, and hence a choice is made. God programmed our genetics to be able to make choices, and selection can only occur when there's a mind behind it. And so even the phrase natural selection points to intelligent design and disproves atheistic evolution at the fundamental of the phrase and of genetics. And so I hope you guys enjoyed this video, and I hope that you guys have seen that by one man's sin, death entered into the world and death by sin. And so sin was what actually caused genetic mutations and genetic failures and copying errors, not evolution making things better, but sin causing genetic information to get lost and to deteriorate over time, which is what we would predict anyways in the biblical model. Let me know if you guys have any questions down in the comment section below, and I'll get to them as soon as I can. God bless, guys. God bless. God bless. God bless.