(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) The atheist they always say Matt, we don't really hate God because you can't hate what doesn't exist Matt I'm gonna prove to you that they know he exists What if I spent all of my time? Debunking fishing what if I wrote a book against fishing and I told you that there is flaws with fishing. I don't believe in it Wouldn't that mean that I hate fishing? Yes, if you spend your life and your whole YouTube career Against something that you think is a fantasy It proves that you actually hate the thing that you're trying to debunk If I wrote books right against Jesus and if I put out content against Jesus said that the resurrection Never happened That means that I would hate Jesus in that case And when they say the resurrection never happened, there's only two resurrections that you can choose to believe in You could either believe in the resurrection that Jesus spoke of when he said that this temple will be destroyed He says you destroy this temple and in three days, I'll raise it again speaking of his body Or you could believe that every living life form once you think about this every living life form Resurrected itself from the dead millions of years ago from non-existence and non living material That you and I and every other animal Resurrected ourselves from the dead you could either believe that Jesus resurrected or that all of us just came to life out of nowhere Who are you gonna trust folks when anybody here do a debate with me on the existence of Elmer Fudd for three hours? Would they do a debate on the existence of fairy stories and fairy tales They say believing in God is nothing more than a laughingstock to me Then why do you debate on it because you know that God is legitimate enough to fight against You know deep down in your heart that God is legitimate enough To have a battle with but I'm sorry. You cannot battle with fact and you cannot battle with those who know fact That's why at the end of these debates that I've that I've done What's the very first thing that the atheists all do when they lose? What's the very first thing? They will light a joint on camera They'll light a joint Which is extremely unprofessional And They will sit back in their chair and start drinking alcohol because that's their way out. That's their way into Back into fantasy land to make them feel better after taking such an incredible loss and it shows that the statistics are true It's not that I'm some great debater It's that facts will always defeat fiction that facts will always trump that which is an opinion that fact is stronger Than the way that they feel inside and You know, I look done several of these debates and you know, one of these atheists broke down crying look I'm not in any way trying to hurt their feelings I'm just trying to get them to wake up and realize that they were lied to In 1963, we saw some terrible things happen, right? the Bible was removed from the schools and then Darwinian evolution was what it was replaced with and They Had replaced it with the origin of species So they took the Holy Bible from the hands of the students and replaced it with the origin of species by means of natural selection problem is What it caused all right? Suicide rates went up premarital sex rates amongst teenagers went up Premarital birth rates also went up couples living together went up Drug abuse child abuse went up. All of these statistics went up in 1963 when the Bible was taken from the schools and Here's a scary fact It's because that the Bible says that all the nations that forget God Shall be turned into hell Talk about a hell on earth when literally everything is going crazy The wicked shall be turned into hell and all the nations that forget God And that's scary But if my people which are called by my name will pray seek my face and humble themselves and turn from their wicked ways Then will I hear from heaven and forgive their sin and heal their land? We need to turn back to God We need to get the Bible back in the schools the Ten Commandments back on the wall and God will start blessing and these horrible statistics of death suicide and murder will lower You