(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) I'm the Raging Atheist, come join me for this fantastical journey of wonder and enlightenment as we expose these con men for the charades that they are. I'm gonna search for and find any of these religious f***ing tards and go out of my way to destroy them. Guess what, mad pal? I'm not the one indoctrinating the brains of young children with hatred. I'm not the one standing in hatred for the whole world to see. You are a reprehensible, monstrous person that belongs in jail. You are a criminal that feeds off the innocent. That is what you are, mad pal. Hey everybody, today we are debating Does God Exist and we are starting right now. Jim did a superb job and he is here tonight to help co-mod, we're co-modding together for this epic debate. The one that, you know what, believe it or not, despite the thumbnail, we think that this is going to be a good dialogue that isn't going to turn into a crazy dumpster fire. So, with that, we're going to jump right into it. First, I want to say, if you're new here, consider hitting that subscribe button. We are very excited for a lot of future debates and we're trying to build a very diverse ideologically diverse community, people from all sorts of different views, whether Christian, Atheist, Agnostic, Muslim, Republican, Democrat. We want everybody here because we do not want this to become an echo chamber. We want to have as many different views kind of sharpening each other with that. We are going to now start introducing everybody for this epic debate tonight. Hopefully the internet doesn't explode, but I'll start by just saying, as you know, I already introduced Jim briefly. Jim Majors has been helping with the channel in a trillion different ways. Glad to see you again, Jim. Good to see you, man, always. And then Raging Atheist and Matt Powell, who, by the way, I just learned something super interesting about these guys just today. Did you know, like, Matt Powell, is it true that you're like, like a six-foot-five or six-foot-four? I'm actually 6'3". Oh, so you are slightly shorter than I am then. So these guys, I had no idea, Matt Powell's 6'3", which puts in, I'm pretty sure that's like two standard deviations above the mean, which basically means only 2% of people are taller than Matt, actually 2% of men, so probably like 1% or less of the entire human population. And then Raging Atheist even taller at, is it six-foot-five? I'm just under 6'5", just under 6'5". It's all about the reach. Yes, these towering gentlemen are joining us and we're excited for it. You can find both their links in the description, and we highly encourage you to check out their content, as they've both been influential, they've both made waves, both been, you can say, mildly provocative on YouTube. And you know what? The trick, though, is that this channel, we're like, hey, you know what, you can be provocative and we're glad to have you here. So, whether you're provocative or not, we will start with Raging Atheist. If you want to share what you've been up to at your channel, thanks for coming back on, we're glad to have you, and just like, as we usually do, like a sentence or two about what you've been up to at your channel, we're excited to have you here, and thanks for being here. Alright, do you want to go first, Matt? I'll go first. I'm the Raging Atheist, Nakasuchi, I make response videos, I'm doing a lot of live shows on my channel, you can come check me out and subscribe. And I have a whole playlist dedicated to our friend, Matt Powell here, called Dancing with the Devil. Gotcha, thank you very much. And Matt Powell, glad to have you here, thanks for coming on. James, thank you so much for having me in. So my channel, just a real brief introduction to who I am and my channel. So I'm a preacher, I'm a college student as well. I love college, I love just education, I love science, and I really love the Bible. And I'm part of the Independent Baptist movement, and I've been saved since I was 11 years old, and just ever since then trying to preach the gospel to every creature. And so I produced a film in which Raging Atheists is featured in it numerous times, entitled Science Falsely So-Called. And we may end up discussing a little bit of that tonight, but I'm looking forward to tonight's discussion. Thanks for having me on. My pleasure. It's going to be a blast, and I will kick it over to Jim, who will explain the format to everybody and get our debaters started. Thanks, James. Real quick before I do that, I'm just going to reiterate what James said, guys. Please just subscribe to this. It's solid content coming out of here. There's a reason that I'm here so often, because I love what James is doing with modern day debate. You guys give him some love. And with that being said, the format for tonight, we're going to have a 10-minute opening from each person. We're going to start with the person taking the affirmative here, that's going to be Matt Powell. And we're going to go into a 10-minute cross-examination afterwards, where they're going to be asking each other questions, and a 20-minute open discussion in which they're going to be just talking back and forth. And then we're going to open that up into a Q&A. So if you guys want to ask questions to either of our debaters tonight, just at Modern Day Debate or at Jim Majors in the live chat, and we will make sure to get those read for you. Absolutely. And with that, we will get our debaters started. While I am setting up the clock, Mr. Majors will just let the debaters know how we will move forward. So thank you very much, Jim. Sure. No problem. Okay, guys, it's going to be a clean fight, nothing below the belt. Oh, wait, wrong thing. Okay. So, Matt, you're going to go first with a 10-minute opening. So if you want to go ahead and state your case, I'm going to start the timer whenever you start talking. All righty. Hey, thank you so much. Well, I'd just like to state that, you know, the Bible says, and I believe the Bible very firmly, and that's where I get the foundation of my faith and practice. The Bible says, just right off the bat, oh, Timothy, in 1 Timothy 6.20, it says, oh, Timothy, keep that which is committed to thy trust, avoiding profane and vain babblings and oppositions of science, falsely so-called. So before any of this stuff came out with the atheist community and the idea that God didn't exist, God had warned us in the Bible that science, falsely so-called, would come about and would deny the flood, deny the Bible, deny Himself. And the Bible also says, for the invisible things of Him, talking about God from the creation of the world, are clearly seen being understood by the things that are made, even His eternal power and Godhead, so that they're without excuse. So they're without excuse. Anybody that doesn't believe in God, the Creator God, especially the God of the Bible, the Bible says that they're without excuse in Romans 1.20. And so there's many reasons and many levels by which you could debunk atheism very simply. And I'm going to go ahead and do that here for you tonight. So pay close attention, viewer, because these are very important facts from atheists and from Christians, from the founders of science and so forth that are very important to take into consideration, whether you're going to desire to be an atheist or Christian. So to start out, you know, we have to look at the mathematical equations and the mathematical odds of a universe coming from nothing. And I'm going to go ahead and just instead of diving into that, let's dive into a little bit of mathematics. So obviously, Stephen Hawking, he was a famous scientist who had passed on last year. He said, and I quote, he said that if the expansion rate, he said the universe would not exist. And this, by the way, this is an exact quote from him. I'm quoting word for word. Every quote I use is word for word. Otherwise, I will not tell you that it's a word for word quote. I won't use it as a quote, but because I get accused of that. He said, and I quote, he said the universe would not exist if there was a decrease in the expansion rate one second after the Big Bang by only one part in one hundred thousand million million. So that's one chance out of one hundred thousand million million chances that the world would come into being by chance. And so sometimes I'll speak at universities and ask students whenever I speak at the universities, hey, if you think that this odd could happen by itself without intelligence behind it, what would you call that person? And they'll always say a liar, you know, a fool, a ridiculous person. And the Bible says the fool has said in his heart there is no God. And so anybody that believes that those odds could come about by chance, the Bible says is a fool. And the Bible also says professing themselves to be wise. So stating they believe in science, stating they have wisdom, they became fools. And Stephen Hawking's excuse me, Stephen Hawking also said that it would be very difficult to explain why God would create why the universe would be designed in such a way, except as an act from God who intended to create beings like us. So even he was like, look, this is a powerful case for intelligent design. But one of the most important things for people to realize if they're going to look at just and that's one of the most simple mathematical equations, you know, the chances of a functional protein, just the smallest protein that's functional existing by chance is 10 to the hundred and sixty fourth power. So that is a ridiculous number. So anybody that says, yeah, I believe that, you know, 10 to the hundred sixty fourth power is a great thing that could just happen by itself and happen by chance. That's foolish. And by the way, that odd that mathematical equation has to happen simultaneously trillions of times. Why? Because there's trillions of proteins in our universe. And this is why the agnostic astronomer Robert Jastrow said, and this this guy's an agnostic. He was not a believer in God. He was not a believer in Jesus. He said, and I quote, he said he said, astronomers now find that they've painted themselves into a corner because they've proven by their own methods that the universe began abruptly in an act of creation to which it can trace the seeds of every star, every planet, every living thing in this cosmos and on the Earth. And they have found that this is a product of forces that they cannot hope to discover. So he's saying, look, there is something beyond our universe. And he said that there are what I or anyone would call supernatural forces at work is now, I think, a scientifically proven fact. And that's from an agnostic astronomer. So we have to look at what these scientists are saying, even what some of these agnostics are saying. They're admitting that it takes intelligence to create life. And if we look at just the simplest protein in the world, it requires tons of information and tons of cells and stuff to make up that stuff. And if that wasn't the case, then life could not exist. And even one of the most famous teachers of evolution, the co-founder of evolution, Ernst Haeckel himself, who was convicted of fraud by his own university, by the way, he said, and I quote, he said, spontaneous generation must be true. Now, whenever somebody says something must be true, you ever see the movies where they're like, oh, this must be true? You know, obviously, that's a statement statement must be true. That phrase is a phrase of desperation. So Ernst Haeckel was desperate and he's saying spontaneous generation must be true, not because it had been proven in the laboratory, but because otherwise it would be necessary to believe in a creator. That's what he said. And so he's saying if spontaneous generation did not happen, then I would have to believe in God. Ernst Haeckel didn't want to believe in God. He wanted to believe what he wanted to believe. And so therefore he believed in spontaneous generation or something that's known as abiogenesis, something that we've never observed in the universe. The first part of scientific method is to make an observation. If we can't observe life coming from nonliving material, then it's not science. You know, I was in a debate one time and the atheist told me, says, well, I can't believe that you believe that there was this Jewish man that died and resurrected from the dead. I can't believe that you believe in this thing known as the resurrection. And I looked at that man. I said, hey, would you look at what you're saying? You believe that every living thing came to life out of non-existence through spontaneous generation without any intelligence behind it. How much time do I have left? You have, I've got three 18. Okay, great. I'm going to have to move quickly here. So fundamentally, and I could go on for hours and hours and hours, but obviously the time is limited, but I just want to state that atheism is a worldview that is fundamentally unscientific. I don't have a problem if somebody wants to be an atheist, but it violates every known scientific law known to man. For example, the first law of thermodynamics States that matter cannot be created or destroyed. It's also known as the conservation of matter and energy. So since matter cannot be created, excuse me, or destroyed by default, if there was no matter, something outside of our system would have had to bring matter into existence. And to say that it's not intelligent, that the cause was not intelligent did that is foolish based on the mathematical equations that we observed. And the Bible also says that the heavens declare the glory of God and that people that don't believe in God are without excuse. They have no excuse and they believe what they want. And, you know, sometimes I bring these facts forward to atheists and I'll say, well, do you realize this violates your worldview? And then they say, well, I don't have a worldview. And then they're like, and then I'm like, well, is that your worldview that you don't have a worldview? You know, one time I had a guy tell me, well, there is no truth. Well, is that true? Because if it's true that there's no truth, how can we be sure that anything's true? How can we be sure that that statement you said is just true? You know, and I've had them say, well, I can't be sure of anything. Well, you seem sure that you're not sure of anything else. That's for sure. You know, so anybody that believes in atheism or Gnosticism or that God just doesn't exist and there's no absolute truth or absolute morality. They've even said, well, there are no absolutes. Well, are you absolutely sure about that? So it just, again and again, it violates the laws of science, the laws of logic and raging atheist here, if he was honest, I believe that he would admit that these facts are facts. They're not just ideas. These are quotes from actual scientists. They're not quote minds. They're exactly what they meant. And in closing, I'll, I'll just leave, I'll leave with two quotes here. Um, Neil deGrasse Tyson said, and I quote, cause these guys, they've been painted into a corner. They don't have a choice. Intelligent design is there. Neil deGrasse Tyson said, and I quote, he said, it's hard to argue against the possibility that all of us are not just a creation of some kid in a parent's basement programming up a world for their own entertainment. So Neil deGrasse Tyson believed that intelligent design was possible, not by God, but by a fourth grader in his parents' basement, you know? So it takes a lot of faith to believe something like that. And then the last quote is one from Richard Dawkins. He says, if we were to look at the details of biochemistry and molecular biology, he says, I suppose you might find the, the fingerprint of some sort of designer and that designer could well be a higher intelligence from elsewhere in the universe. So he's saying, look, it could be another designer other than God, but not the God of the Bible. The Bible says professing themselves to be wise, they became fools. And the Bible says the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power in Godhead, so that they are without excuse. Thank you. Ran out of time. Thank you very much, Matt. And one reminder really quick, I'll kick it right back over to Jim, but just wanted to mention to people, uh, our friends in the live chat. Thank you so much for your questions. Uh, I think Jim might've covered it at super chats. Uh, basically if you have a super chat, it will be, uh, you can make a comment if you want to one of the debaters to respond to, and also all super chats go to the very top of the list automatically throughout the debate or the Q and a, and one last thing about the chats is that, uh, I was thinking about this today, the philosophy of the channel, namely, if you can do me a favor, try, uh, I like it that we want to have tough skin and ideally our attitude is to always be like, Hey, like let's just sticks and stones I'm actually, um, I think that's the best outlook we can have for ourselves, uh, for others though. Ideally we won't attack them personally. So it's okay to attack ideas, but we won't censor you in the live chat. If you are abusing somebody even like we will even let that fly, but we would ask you to not do it. So with that, I generally it's not like that. Like it's 99% of the time it's great. And 99% of the people are great. It's just once in a while it comes up. So, okay, Jim, kicking it back over to you and I've got the clock logged in so I can put the clock on. We've got a great first 10 minutes introduction by Matt Powell. And now we're going to turn it over to raging atheist for his 10 minutes. I'm going to do the same thing for you. Start when you start talking, we're going to give you a two minute warning and then we will move on to the, uh, the cross-examination portion. All right. Hopefully my video is going to be ready to go when I'm ready for it. James, um, Matt, nothing new. God, nothing new. All right. So I'm trying to fit this in the 10 minutes. Uh, I will start the timer when James starts the video. Oh no, the video, you start your timer now because the video is part, right on, right on. All right. So not starting out. Oh, okay. Good. It's going to read from a script. I don't usually do this. I usually have to stay in for this, but I came prepared. Hold on. Uh, one second. So, sorry. I just want to make sure. And I'll give you your time back rage. I might've misunderstood. I'm really sorry. Did you want, uh, you don't have the video up, right? So in other words, I'll play it through me having it up on my page. Okay. You got it. Yeah. I'll, I'll, I'll, I'll say when I'm ready for it to start playing and then we'll pause it once or twice. Okay. And then I'm going to restart and we'll start your 10 minutes right now. All right. So reading from a script, does God exist? A worthy question asked by humans since we were capable of thinking such thoughts. Matt here didn't even address it. Does God exist? My thought, my immediate answer is no, but I cannot prove that. My opponent here will tell you yes, but he cannot prove that I could grant the premise and there is a creator God, and then make my opponent here prove that his God is that creator instead of all the others, indeed, I have danced that dance before with my opponent. You will find all of the work I've done on Matt, on my page and its own section called dancing with the devil. Does God exist? A question that has never been truly answered. Neither side of this question can prove their claims. It is a stalemate. As soon as the question is asked, I have no interest in this question. I am not here to even entertain it though. I might, I am here because I have history with my opponent. We have bad blood. If Matt Powell wants me to believe a word that comes out of his mouth, he must answer some questions and he must answer some wrongs. So maybe we can move on because if God exists, it would not choose Matt Powell to be his representative in this debate right now, at least I would hope. I mean, my opponent thinks gay people should be killed, which is ridiculous. I am simply here to get Matt to admit he was wrong and maybe find a way to end our feud. Which is the debate that Matt himself approached me with. In your movies, science falsely so-called, you quote mind our conversation, blatantly misrepresented me and my beliefs in order to make me look inferior to you. I'm about to show you, Matt, how your ethics and integrity are the questions here tonight. So now we can start the clip, please. You bet. Uh, moving to full screen. If you can give me one second. Here is the clip. And what we're going to pause it at 2 26 0 7. 2 26 0 7. So now we're going to get into a blatant lie, a blatant edit. So as you're watching this next clip, try to pay attention to Matt speaking and then once Matt speaks, try to see the cut. You'll, you can see it if you're paying attention and then I'll speak and I'll answer, answer. And then I'll play the part in our, in our conversation that proves that he edited to that. And then if you don't quite catch it, we'll play that clip again. You have to accept my faith that one out of 100,000 million, million chances happen. And that's just the beginning. So you accept my faith that that happened by chance, correct? The universe, the universe has a mind of its own and it creates life. It creates galaxies, individual systems for life to expand. It could be a number of things. Hopefully you guys saw the cut. Now let's see the real conversation. It's playing the audio dance, it's playing it through your own video. The universe shoots us out. The universe has a mind of its own and it creates life. It creates galaxies. It creates individual systems for life to expand. It could be a number of things. To say that there's two possibilities is a fallacy. All right. So what I'm playing is there you have me responding to Matt's absolutes, not the question from the movie. It misedited me and I'm playing two clips. So let's check it out the movie clip. Let's talk about the origin of life. Obviously for evolution to be possible and for things to come into. I'm assuming I'm not allowed to speak. It would take a decision. Obviously the sun is burning down. The moon is getting further away. The earth is, somebody wound things up very precisely. And if any one of those quantities were tweaked at all, no life could exist. So you can say that there's design and everything. I'm not going to disagree with that. There is the universe could have designed itself. Oh my God. Oh my God. Raging atheist. How could you get that answer? Maybe because that's not what I said in that context. Maybe it's because he put that answer there in that context. Just maybe obviously the sun is burning down. The moon is getting further away. Can the audience hear us at all talking? Somebody wound things up very precisely. And if any one of those quantities were tweaked at all, no life could exist. So now let's talk about life itself. So life requires work for just one cell. It requires 30 mechanisms to be able to work. I think, uh, you asked me to stop at two 26. We're at two 35. Is that good rage? Um, yeah, I'll, I'll respond real quick. So in that first clip there, Matt takes me responding to absolutes from a different part of the conversation and edits an end to make it look like I'm answering your question, but I'm not answering that question and he clearly edits it in to make it look that way. Now you can continue, please. Gotcha. We will, uh, go back to the clip. So we will go back to the clip. Here it is. Now, if we stick those 30 mechanisms all together, let's say, for example, you and I went to the lab and I said, okay, we're going to throw DNA, RNA, and even some membranes in a can of soup. We're going to, we're going to put all this together. And these are things that contain life. These are, these are what life is made of. This is what life is made out of is DNA, RNA membranes. If I was to put all that together, it would not create life. And in fact, they've never created life. So let me ask you this. So you're saying something, but we've never created life. Well, even if we did create life, wouldn't that mean there was an intelligence behind it in that situation? Yes. Um, well, that situation, there you have it. There you have it. Now I don't have my answer because my answer is from the second segment that he managed to sabotage my equipment. And I did not get that segment. And I'm going to show you more examples of what I don't have. What's not in my conversation. I put everything I have in my map, my raging atheist versus Matt Powell video. That was all of my footage. So he managed to successfully get rid of one of my segments that I couldn't cover. So I can't show you how that answer, what context that answer came from. But I did just show you that I did not answer with that answer, that it wasn't even a question. He kept talking. Check it out again. Let's talk about the origin of life, obviously for evolution to be possible and for things to come into being with such precision, it would take a decision. Obviously the sun is burning down. The moon is getting further away. The earth is slowing down in its rotation. Somebody wound things up very precisely. And if any one of those quantities were tweaked at all, no life could exist. So you can say that there's design coming up on two minutes. I'm sorry. There is the universe could have designed itself. Gotcha. All right. We are now switching back to the dialog box. All right. So am I good? Yes. So in the second clip, I'm not sure how it got viewed, but in the movie clip, he cuts to us walking up the stairs. Matt is still talking, ends with any of those qualities were tweaked at all. No life can exist. But then he edits in an answer. And my unedited version of the conversation, there is no answer. Matt keeps talking for quite a while. There's dishonesty and it did harm to my reputation and a community I didn't know about. The edit to me in this movie got the atheist community into an uproar. Aaron Ra, one of the people I look up to, called me an atheist. My opponent found on the streets. Now, Aaron Ra responded to me and I think he knows the truth now. But I had to work to repair that damage. And I am still working to repair that damage. I met Cyrus because he was taking apart this movie. And now I have met my my community because of it. So while my opponent wants to think himself legitimate to debate a question with me, I have to ask, why should I believe a single word that comes out of your mouth? So Matt Powell, does God exist? I don't care. I care about how you misrepresented me, how you misrepresent facts, how you use children to promote your hate mongering. That is what I care about. And if you have any interest in ending our feud, you will respond and you must stop calling me or anyone else a reprobate, as if you are capable of knowing the mind of any God. It is dangerous. It is reckless. And just another example of your disgusting hate speech. I am done. Gotcha. And we will go ahead, Jim. All right, well, with that being said, I was a great 10 minute opening from you as well. We're going to go into a 10 minute cross examination, so 10 minutes from each of you, 10 minutes from from Matt, asking questions of Raging Atheists and we're going to switch to Raging Atheists. He's going to ask 10 minutes worth of questions to to Matt. If you guys have to respond a third time to the same question, that that's that's OK. Let's just try not to get it too out of hand. And I will start with your first question, Matt. Yeah, well, first off, I'd just like to state real quick that I was not able to hear any of that video that was playing. You've seen it before. Yeah. Well, I'm more than happy to go back and look at whatever video and you don't know for sure that I've seen that video. You've responded on it several times, it's proof that Matt Powell lied in his movie. You've seen it. Well, you were there. Feel free. Yeah. Well, viewer, feel free to go over to Raging Atheists channel and check it out. I fully approve of all his material. In fact, you know, if you guys want to go over and take a look at that, feel free. I'm not ashamed of any edits that were made. I think everything was done in honesty. And the only reason that Matt was able to go over to Raging Atheists is because he said that the atheistic worldview may look silly and kooky and crazy to some people is because that's exactly what it is. And the reason that I say anything that I say is because of this book right here, the King James Bible, my final authority. And so I'm not going to bow to the will of man, and I'm not going to succumb to what man wants. The Bible says cursed is the man that trusts the man. My trust is in God. My hope is in Christ. When I talk to this is a kind of a surprising discussion. The topic, though, I think we should try to stay on topic. You know, we could probably end our feud if that's how you want to call it later. Let's talk about the topic at hand that all the viewers are here for. Does God exist? And I think that the mathematical equations that we have point to God existing. And my question to you would be, do you think that it's rational and logical to believe that 10 to the 164th power, which is proteins being created by chance, happening trillions of times over, is a good possibility to happen by itself? Do you think that's rational and logical to believe that and why? Will you repeat the question? Do you believe that it's rational and logical to believe that 10 to the 164th power happening simultaneously trillions of times over could happen by chance? Or do you think it's more rational to believe it happened by design and why? I think I've answered that question before. This is not the first time you've asked me that exact question, Matt. I'm more interested in how you're trying to pretend like you weren't aware that this is what the debate was going to be about. So here's my text message from Matt. Let's be fair, though. Let's be fair, though. He asked the question as it's pertaining to his God belief and his 10 minutes. If you want to respond to that in yours, that's fine. My response will be the same as before. It's the same as before, Matt. It's the same as before. It's the same exact response that you asked me this. Probably both times I've talked to you face to face. This hasn't changed. I am interested in you asked for this debate, this debate to end the feud. You asked for it. I have the text right here. Tell you what, if you want to settle this once for all, I'll do a debate with you. Modern day debate. Your words right here on this text message, Matt. So don't pretend like you don't know this was what it was going to be about. I've sent several emails to James and to yourself. Do not sit here and be disingenuous with me. If you want to ask me questions and want me to answer you, address the topic. The topic is does God exist? That's the topic you agreed on before going online. The topic is how can I trust a word out of your mouth, Matt? Well, that wasn't the agreed upon topic, though. The topic of the debate is does God exist? I mean, feel free to address that if you want in your closing statement or during the cross-examination. But during the questions, I think they need to pertain to the topic. All right. That's fine with me, Matt. You can same answer as before. Move on to the next question. OK, next question. You got six minutes, Matt. Sure. So do you believe that it's rational and logical to believe that a unconscious dead material became living and conscious material through spontaneous generation? Or do you think it's more logical to believe it was designed and why? This is your pond, pond scum to human evolution bid. We've discussed it thoroughly. Same answer. Move on. OK, no problem. Ernst Keckel said, and I quote, he said spontaneous generation must be true, not because it had been proven in the laboratory, but otherwise swinging. Yeah, yeah, but because otherwise, but because otherwise, let me restart that question so you can get a clear understanding of the question I'm asking you. Ernst Keckel said, and I quote, he said spontaneous generation or life coming from nonliving material must be true, not because it had been proven in the laboratory, but because otherwise it would be necessary to believe in a creator. Do you agree with what Ernst Keckel said? Yes or no? And why? Same Ernst Keckel that you claims to be a father of evolution. I believe he was the co-founder. Yes, you believe wrong. Same Ernst Keckel you've claimed to have been, well, I think, found guilty of fraud. He was convicted of fraud by his own university. Yes, wrong. Same Ernst Keckel that you quote mine nonstop. Same answer, Matt, move on. OK, do you have an answer that you want to give the viewers maybe or is or do you just want to move on? That's fine. If you don't, I'm not interested in answering these disingenuous questions that you always come with. These are the same stuff. You told me he was going to come swinging. This is the same stuff. Spit back again. I thought this was going to be interesting to me, but you approached me with a new interesting debate, not the same thing we've always done. Oh, OK. You said he was going to come ready for the next come up, come up to Matt. Are you ready for the next question? Four minutes. Yeah, I'm ready. OK, how many minutes? Two minutes for their own blows. Yeah, no problem. What is more plausible to you, intelligent design or things coming into being by chance and why? Intelligent design or things coming into being by chance. What's the point of question? Probably more likely things coming to being by chance, but what's the point of question? Because you're trying to dismiss evolution, right? No, I'm just asking you if you believe that things came into being by chance or by design and why, why do you believe it's probably like my fourth or fifth time I've answered that question to you, but I answered it. Move on. OK, no problem. Do you believe that it's rational to believe that all the stars, planets, galaxies, oceans and everything else that's contained in the cosmos contained in the universe was all condensed down to an infinitesimal amount of space? And do you believe that that infinitesimal amount of space exploded out of chaos into order without intelligence? I believe it's probably as highly likely that is that as your creator, God. This is as good a possibility as any. So you're saying it's possible that God could have created the universe? Yeah, I've said that before, it's not new to you. So I grant I grant the premise of God. Would you like to prove to me how you can create or prove that your God was the creator and not any of the other gods? Well, you can ask me that in your question time. But I just want to know, like, yeah, well, do you believe that it's rational and logical to believe that an explosion out of chaos produced order? Man, this is the same repetitive crap, Matt. Do I believe that repeated again? I should know about heart repeated again. Do you believe that an explosion out of chaos produced order? I have no idea. I wasn't there. What do you mean? OK, I was just curious. So you said that you think the possibility of God is possible. Do you think that's a logical, rational position to believe in the possibility of God? Yeah, OK, so you believe it's logical to believe in the possibility of God? Thank you. I think I mean, the possibility has been put forth by people such as yourself for thousands of years. I think, yeah, you have to consider that possibility. OK, and I know we just got a couple more minutes here, probably like 60 seconds. So I'll just ask you this question. Stephen Hawking said, and I quote, he said, Because there are laws such as gravity, the universe can and will create itself from nothing. So from Ex Nihilo, from nothing, the universe would create itself. Do you believe that that is a rational position to believe in? Do you not know anything new? Not my turn. All right. Yes, it's a rational position to believe in. I didn't really catch it all. It's just the same crap. God, man, I mean, I thought he was coming out swinging tonight, man. This is nothing new. OK, question. OK, wow. So where do you find your morality? And myself, I got it from my parents. We've been over this at least four times, man. Come on, dude. You can't remember like two months ago. Well, sometimes the same questions stumped the same atheists. And I gave you the same answer. So so it's based on what you feel inside. So your morality is based on a feeling. Mm hmm. OK, so it's not about what is true, it's about what you feel is true. It's based on my emotions, my experiences and the society and societal standards that are around me, what we find acceptable as a whole. But yes, it has also to do with my own inner being and what I think is right and wrong. OK, and thank you for your time. Thank you so much, Matt, and thank you, Raging Atheists for answering those questions. We're going to turn it over to you, Raging Atheists, to ask your 10 minutes worth of questions. And Matt, if you'd answer him, I'd appreciate it. And let's try to keep this on on topic and let's try to address the questions. All right. So, Matt, why did you approach me yesterday morning with about a debate to end our feud? And then this morning I found out that the debate title was Does God Exist? And I got all up in the emails with James here and with you. I even emailed you or texted you personally and was like, what's up with this? And you called me and we talked and I'm like, dude, I'm totally going to attack you with the stuff. I'm going to attack you with the things that I want to talk about is our few. The things that you approached me in the damn text message, man, was about the feud. So for you to sit here and act surprised. It's just another example. And you're not the audience ain't going to see this text message with the camera right there, but they're going to see it in my next video. You asked for this debate, not does God exist? But fine. You want to talk about what does God exist instead? You want to be a coward, Matt, instead of address the issue of you approached me with the issue I reached out to James about the issue that I have been very vocal about all day in the emails, all day on Twitter. This isn't anything new to you, nothing for you to act like it's new. So please answer it before I ask you some God exists questions. You're surprised. Well, I'm not surprised you are the raging atheist, but like acting like it's the debate is about something and that you're surprised that I'm coming at you with this stuff. Why are you acting surprised when you knew when you approached me with this debate, not does God exist? Well, it's not we're going to be an honest representative of your God, man. Be an honest representative of your God. Be honest for what am I have in your life, dude? Well, with all the videos, the reason that I asked you, Ronnie, is because number one, and Dave can testify to this. They've reached out to me about a month ago and asked me to do a debate on modern day debate. And he even said you could do it with raging atheists, aren't whoever you want. Just get them in and you reached out to me yesterday morning about a debate to end our feud. Did you not didn't use that? I didn't use the wording and our feud. Yeah, that was the exact wording, man. It was the exact wording. Tell you what, if you want to settle this once and for all, I'll do another debate with you. Modern day debate, your choice. I know you had wanted to come. You had wanted me to come on your channel. Let's have a moderated discussion. What do you say? That was the debate. Tell you what, if you want to settle this once and for all. Yeah, and it just happened to be on whether God existed or not. That was on several videos. That was OK. OK, I'm going to step in if you guys want to debate whatever personal issues you have later, that's fine. But for now, the topic is, does that exist? So, too, does God exist? I have a permission from a friend to use this argument that you have actually presented no proof of God's existence. Let's say God exists. So that means that you would believe in hell, right? Yeah, absolutely. And I have permission from a friend, Ocean. This is a brilliant argument he just came out with. And I promised myself I was going to use this argument if you. Insisted we stay upon the God thing. So I want you to grant me some things, is determinism true? Go ahead and define determinism for me. We'll just take it as a premise. And I just wish you'd be honest for once in your damn life, I really do. So we're going to take it as a premise. Determinism is true. God is omniscient, right? Absolutely. God knows the future, the exact future. Thank you, Ocean, for this for this argument. He absolutely does. Sure. All right. I mean, he's the end from the beginning. I'm glad I'm glad you're agreeing. And coming from somebody that believes that a pterodactyl was killed in the civil war is insane. But you're agreeing on this. God is the that was quote mind, by the way. But go ahead. Keep going. You have seen the picture. You showed me the picture. All events in the universe have a cause, right? This is sourced from the Kalam cosmological argument. Chris, most Christians agree with it. Yeah, absolutely. God is the first cause because he's the creator, right? Sure, absolutely. He's the uncaused cause. But sure, God caused all actions in the universe. Not all actions. Well, you don't believe that God caused all actions. What actions did he not cause? Well, the Bible says that God the Bible says in the beginning, God created the heaven and the earth. So the Bible says that God set the earth and set the heavens in motion. And so God set everything up and he let mankind have their free will. And and so that's why we have free will. That's why we can make this. So you think that we can surprise God? Well, nothing is surprising to God. How would you have free will if if your actions wouldn't be surprising to God? Yeah, that's a good question. That's a good that's a good question. So say, for example, this is just a parallel to help understand that question, especially for the viewer, because this is important to know. Let's say, for example, I was in the military, me and Ronnie here. Let's say we enlisted. We're together. The raging atheists are not to suit you, please. I appreciate you doing what you always do. Well, no problem. I understand you have your fantasy name or that it is. It is my Native American name that you know this. We've been over this a million times. It's my Native American name. You're insisting on using my real name, which you know that I don't like. We've been over this many times. Well, I'm just trying to be as respectful as possible. This is raging atheist. OK, raging not not to suit you, whatever you want. Just just not my real name, please. OK, no problem. So let's say, for example, guys, that me and raging atheists here, you know, we enlist in the military and there's a drill sergeant. Right. And let's say this drill sergeant knows what we are going to wear the next day. Right. So he you know, it's like Wednesday. And so there's a Wednesday. You're filibustering my time. Yeah, but you asked the question. So I got to answer the question. That's a deep question. All right. So I mean, so you believe in free will, but you don't think we can surprise God. Let's move on. So is God a just God? Yeah, absolutely. So God, who is just only sends the responsible those responsible for sin to hell, right? Absolutely. So the conclusion of what you have just agreed to is that God should go to hell and is the only one that should go to hell. Yeah, what you said just doesn't make any sense. Well, God is a just God. He is he would only send those responsible for sin to hell. And wouldn't God be responsible for sin? Well, here's the thing. I'm not interested in man's wisdom, OK? The Bible says that the wisdom of this world, the wisdom of man is foolishness to God. And so God is beyond all space and time. And to limit God's brain down to a finite human brain, a three pound brain, such as you're trying to do is, well, God, by definition and being supernatural, by definition, is outside of the natural. And not only that, but you're limiting God. You're putting God's emotions into your brain and saying, well, God, why isn't God like this? The Bible says God's ways are not man's ways. Neither are my thoughts, your thoughts. That's what God said. God created God created the universe, right? Absolutely. God is omniscient. God knows the future, the exact future, right? I seem to have a pretty warped version of free will. You didn't let me explain. Well, let me explain it at all. You was you was filibustering. He was trying to take up all the time. It doesn't really it really doesn't require a five minute answer. So I mean, how can you explain that God should not be the one that goes to hell instead of instead of, say, homosexual people, since you would have them die? How can you say that God doesn't go to hell when he is the one responsible for sin? Well, God is not responsible for for sin. Man is responsible. How is he not? Well, says man's because God set the world in motion at the beginning. And the Bible says in the beginning, God created the heaven and the earth. God isn't this puppet master up in heaven. A lot of people have this idea, this crazy, warped idea that God's just up in there. You agree, they've given us the choice. You agree that God is omniscient. Yeah, absolutely. But yet now you're saying he's not responsible for the sin he created and that he wouldn't know everything that would happen throughout the history of the world. He never created sin. But here's the thing is, well, we would not know what love is. He obviously gave Adam and Eve that that choice of sin. Right. And they chose sin. So he I mean, he created the universe. He created everything in the universe. He's the only one outside of time, outside of the universe. Matt, please explain. Please explain why your God is not in hell. Well, why don't you take this up with the Lord? Why don't you? You know, I don't speak to imaginary people. I don't I don't speak to imaginary people. But you'll believe that the world came out of nothing, which violates the law. I don't think I've ever said that. I think you just said that earlier in the conversation. You say I say that. I say it's a possibility. I don't even know what you're trying to really ask me. Like, can you explain your questions a little bit more? I'm just like, if God exists, why isn't he the one in hell? And what is say, I don't know, gay people have to go to hell because they love who they love. That's just a silly question. No, it's not. He created God in the world. Why isn't he created the sin question? I think that's that's I think it's a great question, but that's my time. OK, awesome. All right. Now we're going to move into a 20 minute open discussion. This should be very interesting, which is going to be back and forth. If you guys want to pick up where you guys just left off, that kind of seemed like a good segue into whatever you were getting into. And just feel free to bring up your own arguments. But please, please keep them to the topic. And I will start 20 minutes whenever you start talking. Please go to Ocean's channel. His version of that argument is a lot better than mine. Yeah, because you need to learn from somebody else. You need to put your faith in man and not or is the Hovind impersonator telling me or going to going to going to criticize me about using something that he personally told me I could use in case you were bullheaded enough to try to pretend like the debate isn't what it's really about. So what is what is your question? Are we still in the question period? Are we still in the question period or is this just a discussion at this point? My microphone was coming in and out a little bit when you were talking there. Totally moderator, totally, totally open. Oh, boy. Oh, this should be interesting. You you agree to it, though. I mean, you agree to all of this coming in. You told me, man, Matt, you told me I'm come out swinging. Be ready. Not to suit you. Be ready. I mean, I think you probably use my real name because that's what you do. But be ready. And I was ready, Matt, because I was you know, you know, this feud has been going on so long, dude. You had a chance to come in and end it, which it wouldn't have ended. It's not going to end until you end the hate speech. I will always stand in opposition to your hate speech. But you could have had a chance. You had a chance and you just chose to be disingenuous again and give me all the same again. So please, I mean, come with it, Matt. Throw them blows. I have no interest in throwing blows. I just have interest in the gospel and the things of God. And when it comes to it. I didn't say I was coming out punching. I just said that I'm going to come out punch and be ready. I what I said was that I'm not going to lay off. I'm not going to I'm not going to step back like I did in our first two conversations. Well, I'm going to take the gloves off and, you know, I'm going to come out punching all of this. Well, I just did. I did say that I was not going to lay off like I previously did. And, you know, and if and if you want to go there, we'll go there. So let me ask you this. Stephen Hawking said, and I quote, I guess you didn't. Maybe you didn't hear this well enough. I heard a lot of quote money. I mean, the chat was counting them. It was I'm just quoting what he said and asking if you could go ahead. Go ahead. Stephen Hawking said, and I quote. He said that if the expansion rate after the Big Bang would have changed by one part in one hundred thousand billion million, nothing would exist. So let me ask you this, Ronnie, if you and I were in a room. Ronnie, again, I'm sorry. Sorry. I'm sorry. Come on. This is nothing new. We have been through this for four damn months now. Come on, dude. Raging atheist. If you and I were to go into a room full of cups of water and only one out of one hundred thousand million million of those cups was clean water, would it take intelligence to select that cup or would that cup be selected by chance? And why that's exact. That's an exact question for you. Wow. All right, man. This is like the fifth time you've asked me this question. Not today. Maybe the second time today. I can't remember you asked me today. You just don't get off script. I mean, who gave this to you? Was it Steven Anderson or was it can't hold me? They didn't even know I was having this discussion tonight. These are just I'm just saying, who's yeah, I've asked that question. Who's argument have you stolen this time? Which whose argument did you steal this time? Whose is it? I was just looking at what Stephen Hawking said. I mean, I was pretty obvious. And I, hey, Ocean told me I could say this. You're sitting here straight up stealing other people's arguments, not giving credit for credit, dude. I'm not stealing anybody's argument. I'm using what's true. And so I asked the question again. I guess so thrown off by the fact that you're just asking me the same stuff you've always asked me before. I thought we were going to have an interesting debate. I thought this was going to be something new that we have a chance to end our feud. I mean, even James put it out on Twitter. Hey, we're going to end the feud, right? No interest in that, Matt. You just made it worse. You just perpetuated it. So go ahead. Just repeat the question, please. Wow. All right. No problem. Do you believe that it's lost? Excuse me. Logical and rational to believe that the first law of thermodynamics could be violated within a closed system rather than something outside of that system? Talking about the first law of thermodynamics again. Holy s***. All right. No, I don't believe yes or no. Let's let's do a different question. Can I ask a question? Feel free. Yeah. How can your God exist and choose you? Like, do you represent the NIFB, the old IFB, the what do you represent now? Well, I just represent being a Bible believing Christian. I mean, you follow Steve Peterson, though, so do you subscribe to the NIFB or the old IFB? You you you you describe yourself as an independent Baptist. I love all Baptists. I think all Baptists are awesome. No, you don't. As far as like within the old IFB. Because like you spent a lot of your last couple of months really calling out a lot of Baptists here in Michigan. On your channel. Yeah, well, you know, like one man who claimed to be a Baptist, but not so. They're never. What's what's your point? Like disagreeing with like I'm just trying to where you're coming from. Let's let's go back to the topic at hand, because I don't want us to screw the the viewers over here. And if God was here, I'll hate monger to represent them here. OK, so so we're we're 15 minutes in. We've only been five minutes in. So, Matt, will you start? And let's just start with with your evidence that that God exists and then you guys can pick it up from there. And I'll let you guys continue. Sure thing. Well, I'd like to start with just the first and second law of thermodynamics. So I'll go for five minutes and then we'll give raging eighties five minutes. Does that sound good? Yeah, you just clarify what those are for the audience. So just so some some may not know what they are. The first and second law. Yeah. So the first law of thermodynamics states, if you Google it and again, I don't know why people accuse me of, you know, believing all this wild stuff. I'm just saying exactly what the sources say. I'm just repeating the exact words. The first law of thermodynamics states that matter cannot be created or destroyed. It's known as the conservation of energy and matter, right? Conservation of matter and energy. So if we are in a closed system and at one point there was no time, no space, no matter. There was just this little infinitesimal amount of space. If that space exploded and created time, created space and matter, that would violate the very first law of thermodynamics. So all I'm trying to get the atheists to understand is that it's OK. If you want to be an atheist, that's fine. But it violates the first law of thermodynamics. The second law of thermodynamics states that everything in order tends to go towards disorder or did things go towards disorder? Well, we have to ask the question, well, why is there order, right? I mean, if the expansion rate would have changed after the Big Bang by one part out of one hundred thousand million million, nothing would exist. To top it off, after that, a protein coming into existence, just one functional protein coming into existence from non-existence through a biogenesis, the odds of that one protein alone out of a trillion proteins that are out there in the universe, trillions and trillions is ten to the hundred and sixty fourth power. So that is an insane number. That number is just beyond crazy. And so the Bible says the heavens declare the glory of God. And now we can see at the microscopic level that everything declares the glory of God, that something and it would be very foolish to say that something like that, as simple as it may appear to the human eye, was not designed. And so all I'm stating is that if the universe is winding down, why do we have order? Why did this explosion out of chaos produce order? Unless there was intelligence involved. Look, I'm willing to grant that even if evolution were true. That this would still have to be the problem that all atheists face, and they're going to have to face this problem whether they like it or not. And the truth is that there are things we can be sure of. There is absolute truth. And the only reason that somebody will reject believing in God and reject the God of the Bible is because the Bible says in John 3 16, we'll just go through this. I'll go for another minute and we'll give raging atheists some time here. But John 3 16 says, for God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. The Bible also says for God sent his son in the world not to condemn the world. So God didn't want to condemn anybody. He may know the beginning from the end, but he's not willing that any should perish. And the Bible says that they would not come to the light lest their deeds should be reproved. The Bible says he that doeth evil hateth the light. So there are some people that hate the light. And that's the only reason that people will not come to believe in God. Every boy, woman, man, child, when they're brought into this earth, have a yearning and a desire for God. And that's how God designed things. And to strip that away from a child, to strip that away from people I believe is abusive and it's wrong. And Richard Dawkins even came out recently and said that pedophilia was OK four years ago. He said, you know what? Pedophilia. He says, I don't have any problem with mild pedophilia. And that's from the daily the daily. I can't remember the exact name of it, but many secular sources just. And it says the title of the article is Richard Dawkins. Pedophilia remarks spark outrage. So even the secular world was outraged. But I'm the crazy one. You know, if you believe in the Bible, if you believe that children should not be aborted and massacred by all these abortion doctors, then you're the crazy one. It's illogical. And I just want to I just want to say that's all I've got. If Raging Atheist has anything to rebut any of that, I'm all for it. You got 10 minutes and 45 seconds so you can go ahead and respond to that and say whatever you'd like. And this is your guys back and forth, so go for it. Matt, I'm just I'm just disappointed. I thought we had a chance here, Matt. I did. Maybe maybe we can move on. Maybe it could be a little different. People don't think that. I don't think that you're crazy, Matt, because you believe in the Bible or that you believe in a God exists. As I stated in my opening. That question is a stalemate. You have provided no proof that God exists. I cannot provide no proof that God does not exist. It's a still I can't prove that George Washington existed. Well, I think it's my turn. It's my turn now. I let you I let you speak very hard, but I let you speak. People don't think that you're crazy because you believe in God or you think that God exists or that you hold to the Bible. People think that you're crazy because you believed some of the craziest things that the Bible says and is open for interpretation and has been deeply rejected by your Christian community. People think you're crazy because you condemn people to death for loving other people. So these are why people think you're crazy. It's the video game comments. All atheists and video games. It's not the fact that you believe in God. I love many people that believe in God. I do not think that they're crazy. What I think about you that is crazy is your denial to be genuine. Your denial to accept blame for a wrongdoing that you have done me. You had your chance right now to say, you know what, Nakasuchi? It was wrong. I clearly did it, and I'm sorry you didn't take that chance. I think most Christians would have taken that road. And I was hoping that for you, Matt. I was hoping you wanted to ask for what the no, I don't want nothing. You don't mean what I wanted was maybe for closure to this little thing between me and you. I really wanted that. I was hoping for it. You are a fellow Michigander. You are two hours away from me, man. We have met two times face to face, and we have gotten along both times. Both of those times we have gotten along. There is no reason for what you did. And I just wanted I came into this thinking that maybe we could end the feud, but you wanted to speak about God. So my response to you is that I don't think you're crazy because you believe in God. I love many people that believe in God. I think you're crazy because of the things you say. That's it, and that's all. That is it, and that is all. So I'm crazy because I believe the Bible. I believe what the Bible says. Because you hold to the Old Testament form of justice, and you are not afraid to run away from it. Well, the Bible says the law of the Lord is perfect, so I have no problem with it. In spirit of the debate, does what you just said invalidate the existence of God, and how? Which one are you talking to, Jim? You, bud. Very pretty atheist. Like, talking about the things in the Old Testament, does that invalidate the existence of God as far as the topic of the debate goes? I think, yes. I think it does. I think that if God is omniscient, omnipotent, if He exists, then He has to be responsible for everything. You cannot run away and say it's free will when God is responsible for all the pain, massacre, murder, cancer, death, children with cleft palates, children like mine with diabetes. He is responsible for all of it. He's responsible for all sin. He is responsible for it all, according to your ideology, not mine. Now, I am an atheist that grants the premise because the premise has been put out timeless before. Yes, there is a slim possibility of a creator God. I find it highly more likely. A number of the other million possibilities are more likely. My thing is, and what I've said from the beginning, is Matt Powell can't sit here and prove the existence of God. And if he does prove the existence of God and that God has chosen Matt Powell, the individual with no ethics or integrity to represent him, then that God is crap. Okay. Are you done? Yeah. Okay. You guys keep going back and forth. Okay, so first off, your claim that, well, I don't like God, I don't like what he says, so therefore he doesn't exist. You know, that's nothing new. And the Bible says there's nothing new under the sun. Well, we just passed the one hour mark. I know there'll be a talk before the call that you guys wanted to start the Q&A then. If you guys want to keep going, that's fine. But if you want to start the Q&A, that's fine as well. Let's start the Q&A. I was hoping, Matt, and I'm sorry that you didn't come ready. Are you okay with that, Matt, or do you have something else to say? I wish you would have came to end it, dude. Well, like, I'm not like one of these typical dudes just in closing. I'm not one of these typical dudes that has to duke things out and just, you know, rage. The definition of rage is, let me pull it up here. I have it right here. Not controlling your emotions. After the Q&A, each of you guys get a five minute closing just to kind of make your case. So, I mean, if you want to go ahead and say something real quick, that's fine. Okay, I'd just like to say that the topic of the discussion has been agreed upon and it's on the existence of God. And just because you don't like what God believes in and what God has foreordained for every believer doesn't mean that it's not true. And you even said at the beginning of the debate that you don't even care what the truth is. You don't care whether God exists or not. And so that tells me you don't care what the truth is. I'm not presenting to this argument, I don't. And you don't care what the truth is. James was in the emails. He can sit there and back me up when I say that I said to you and to him what I clearly thought this debate was about. James, right before we came on, reached out to you. I'm not sure if you ever responded. Reached out to you. Are you okay with that, Matt? I'm not the only one here involved in this. In fact, after our conversation, when you agreed that we could talk about it, I even put it into the email because it was on a phone conversation that nobody was aware of that Matt agreed that we could talk about this. And I wanted to make everybody else aware of it. The emails exist. I mean, you can sit here and pretend for the audience that this is something that you're not aware of. But Matt, you are the liar. You can sit here and call me the liar all you want. I've shown you for a liar time and time again. You came in here lying again. And I'm sorry, I really hope that we could have ended it, but you're Matt Powell. And that's who you are. Okay, let's move into the Q&A and then you guys can have your closing statement and make your individual cases. Matt, I'll let you go first then. James, I didn't get all the Super Chats. Did you get those by any chance? Okay, I'm not getting all the questions. I just hope you can grab all the Super Chats. I think I've got all the questions in Super Chats and I will send them over to you via Twitter, Jim. And I will get us started by reading the first Super Chat that comes in and that's from Kent Hovans, CPA. And as I can't help myself every time, it's not really Kent Hovans' accountant. So just so everybody knows that. And he had asked, take a shot every time, think this is supposed to be a typo, Matt Powell says, quote, unquote, here's the thing or quote, unquote, it's like this. So Kent Hovans CPA, for an accountant, he's quite feisty. Just wanna let you know, we have opted out of some readings of some Super Chats because some are a little bit abusive, not necessarily from Kent Hovans CPA. But the next one, as I'm sending it over to Jim, it's gonna take a second as I load up Twitter. Kent Hovans CPA also says, Visine for cheeks, it gets the red out. But you know what, Matt, we think that your red cheeks are adorable. And more importantly, Matt, I don't know if anybody knows it, but Matt actually just got engaged. So if you haven't heard, congrats to Matt Powell for that. And- Congratulations. So it seems like an opportune time to balance out the insult, hopefully. Exactly, that's great. Kent Hovans CPA again, he is, okay, I can't say that one. Next one, let's see. Avidia Nirvana, thanks for your Super Chat, so Kent Hovans CPA, and thank you Avidia Nirvana for your Super Chat. And Jim, I'm sending them over right now, sorry about that. You're good. My old PC is, it's a dinosaur, but it's working here. What, no, okay, we're getting there. So Avidia Nirvana asks, when it comes to science- You sent me the Zoom link. I know, that's embarrassing. I was in the wrong window. One second. This is a question though, that it would be, so basically, they asked, when it comes to science, why should we rule out a creator at the start? I mean, if there were in fact a creator, wouldn't this be faulty logic? And they said that question is for Raging Atheist. Repeat it, I'm sorry. No problemo. The question is, when it comes to science, why should we rule out a creator at the start? I mean, if there were in fact a creator, wouldn't this be faulty logic to rule it out at the start? Yeah, I mean, I don't rule out a creator. That's why I was really kind of surprised this morning when I learned of the title of the debate. I wasn't aware of what the debate was gonna be about. Clearly put it in emails, I wasn't ready for that. I spent the first two hours of my morning preparing for a completely different debate. So for Matt Powell to sit here and pretend like that never happened is pathetic. So I don't deny the possibility of a God. I think it's one of many possibilities. A lot of people call me an agnostic for it. I'm sure Steve in the audience would call me an agnostic for it. I am a damn atheist. Yeah, I don't think he would. I mean, just to butt in real quick. I do get attacked, you're an agnostic, you're not an atheist. Well, no, no, no, I completely disagree. If you entertain the possibility, like I think, I mean, if I see the unicorn could possibly exist, I'm not agnostic about unicorns. You know, it's just saying that in some possible world a God could exist, that doesn't make you any less of an atheist. Yeah, all right, thank you for that because I do get attacked and I get thrown. With that, let's move on to the next super chat, which is from Steve McCray actually. For $2, thank you, Dave. It says, what is the formula for the first law of thermodynamics? I think that's for you, Matt. Good old Steve McCray. Um, I don't know, I'd have to Google that. So like the mathematical formula associated with it, you'd have to Google it. And no average person, no average street preacher is gonna know what that is. So that's just a trick question from an unbeliever. It's just a question to make it appear like Matt Powell doesn't know what he's talking about when no random person who doesn't study a ton of science is gonna even know what that is. So nice try, Steve McCray. The next one is from Joe the graphics guy for $6.66, thank you, Joe. It says, Matt, can you show the math or sources to those probabilities you quote? He's, I believe he's referring to the law of thermodynamics. The first that you're taking to the first and second law. So you want a quote of the first and second? Is this what this guy wants is a quote of the first and second law of thermodynamics? No, no, he's asking me that if you can show the math or sources to the probabilities that you quote. Well, there's sources, I mean, it's just, well, you don't even, I mean, I think that's just a silly question. I mean, that's exactly what Google is for. We could pull up, we could pull over a computer right now and go on Google and find these answers in two seconds and there's multiple sources for them. Otherwise, why would I even quote them? And so- Well, sure, but I mean, to be fair though, I can go on Google and find that Ariana Grande is really a man, it doesn't mean that it's true. So I think what they're wondering is, what are your scholarly sources for that? Sure, well, I'll give the one for Richard Dawkins quote, for example, on the laws of physics and so forth. Richard Dawkins said, and I quote, he said, let me pull it up here. I know it's somewhere over here. He said that the simplest life has the amount of specified complexity in it of over 1000 complete sets of encyclopedias. That's on page 116 of the Blind Watchmaker. Get the book folks, pull it off of your shelf, page 116 of the Blind Watchmaker. I have tons of sources. Fair enough, move on to the next questions from Bryce Nance for $5. Thank you so much for that super chat. And this is to Matt. It says nothing exploded, it expanded. Also, vacuum fluctuations may play a part also. Entropy doesn't work that way. And how does that point to Yahweh? Well, number one, the idea that it's an expansion rather than explosion is just a hermeneutical game. Expansions and explosions are the same thing. When something, it explodes, it expands. When something expands, we refer to that as an explosion. So if you just type in, in Google, just type, or even look in dictionary at the definition of an explosion, one of the first definitions for it is gonna be expansion. It's the same thing. It's just a hermeneutical game to make it sound like it's not as crazy as it sounds. And I hate to break it to the atheists, but yeah, it does sound kooky. It does sound like something off Star Trek. And so the question, this is, how does that point to Yahweh? What, that there was an explosion? I don't think, I think that if the evolutionary worldview was true and we did come from an explosion, even granting all that, it would prove that it takes intelligence to create those odds because of what Stephen Hawking said about the possibility of one out of 100,000 million, million chances having to come to pass. So that would require intelligence. Okay, thank you for that. Next one is from Blue Koolaid, oh yeah, for $5. Thank you so much for that. Says, why is it that no atheists has caused me to doubt my faith, but most Christian debaters always cause me to question so confusing? If you wanna address that, you can. If not, we can move on. That's not really a question. Sure, I'm happy to. I'm assuming that's addressed to me. Yeah, so- Yeah, I'm guessing. Yeah, I have no problem. If there's some perverted person that just doesn't wanna retain God in their knowledge, then according to the Bible, I hope that they just go that route and that we get rid of all the bad people and that they just do their own thing. I'm not saying execute or hurt them in any way. I'm just saying that they need to do their own thing. If they wanna believe what they want while accusing me of wanting to believe the Bible, look, nobody wants to believe in hell. No Bible-believing Christian wants to believe in that. And so, you can believe what you want. And if you think that one out of 100,000 million chances happen by itself simultaneously with 10 to the 164th power trillions of times over, then just go ahead and believe that. But the Bible says, and logic and reason says that that's foolish and silly. Okay, thank you so much for your answer. Raging atheists, not very many of these are for you. So, if you wanna chime in on that one, feel free to. I'm enjoying seeing Matt squirm. Then I will move on to the next one. Avidia Nirvana for $2, thank you for your super chat. It says, for the record, I'm against genocide of any kinds. Also- Me too. Oh, we got some new subscriptions. Wooly, thank you so much for subscribing. Guys, if you want notifications, hit the bell, subscribe, and you'll get notifications when we go live and get riding on the action early. Continuing the questions from Tyler Durden for Matt, it says, how did he determine that the Bible was inspired by God and not by Satan pretending to be God? Reals, not feels, please. Reliable method of telling the difference is needed. So, the question was, how do you determine that the Bible's inspired by God and not by Satan pretending to be God? Sure, well, I'll go ahead and logic from his point of view. In today, and in any day and age, there was always a court system. And within court systems, there's always one or two witnesses, sometimes two or three, sometimes multiple witnesses. You have a whole jury. And so, the Bible says that out of the mouth of two or three witnesses, let every word be established. And so, you have four witnesses of the four gospels just to start the foundation of the New Testament. And not only that, when you pick up the word of God and read it, especially the King James Bible, you know it's the word of God. And so, you don't have any problem with it. If you're a Christian and if you're just good with what God says, you're not gonna have any problem with the Bible. And so, the reason that I believe that the Bible is the word of God is because of the power contained therein. And not only that, there's thousands of witnesses that recognize the resurrection. And so, to not believe in the resurrection, for example, would take more faith than to believe in it. So, for me, it's easy to believe in the resurrection. It's easy for me to believe in the Lord Jesus Christ because it's a historical fact that 2019 years ago, he died and buried was rose again. So, that's why I believe the Bible. The Bible doesn't say that nobody witnessed the resurrection. I think it says hundreds, not thousands witnessed him after he rose, but nobody witnessed the resurrection, Matt. So, they just reset the calendars for no apparent reason. So, I'm just saying when they showed up to the tomb, it was empty. Nobody actually witnessed the resurrection. It was an empty tomb. Well, I'm thankful it was an empty tomb. I'm thankful the Savior's risen. Well, I'm just trying to correct you on your Bible from your God. Well, I could go back. If you guys want, I'll go back and forth with you on this, but I think we're in the Q&A time. Yeah, I was just commenting. He was wrong. I'm wrong again. As to what you meant by starting the calendar over, that's the only thing that can be. Yeah. So, what do I mean by that? Okay. Yeah. Sure, yeah. If you don't mind, don't feel obligated to answer. No, I'm happy to. So, the reason we're in 2019 AD is because when Christ resurrected from the dead, it shook up all of history so much, and that's a historical fact. And so, that's the reason that they reset the calendars is because when Christ died, was buried and resurrected. And the Bible says that when he comes back, every eye shall see him. So, that's why history was shaken up. And that's why they reset the calendars. I think you're muted. Muted, Jimbo. All right, I was trying not to interrupt you. I had to mute myself. Tyler Durden says a debate question for Matt. Do you value the US constitution? And if so, how do you justify your position that the government should execute homosexuals? And if you don't believe it, why not? Yeah, so first and foremost, the only way that somebody could become a homo, the Bible says, is the person has to first hate God. They have to just hate God. And the Bible says that the spirit of God is wooing every man. And when somebody gets to that point where they're rejecting God, rejecting God, rejecting God, God finally takes that limiter off of them and turns them over to a reprobate mind. And so, that's the reason why I believe that homosexuals are dangerous and that many of them are child molesters. Because on a common sense level, a man that would have sex with another man would have sex with anything. And so, of course, I believe the US constitution applies. In fact, in the 1800s, it was perfectly legal if your wife was sleeping with another man to go in and just take the life of both of them. I don't advocate for that. I think that's wicked and simple. I believe it's the government's job to execute criminals. But with regards to the homosexual community, you better believe that I have a severe problem with them and we will never back down to the LGBTQ or whatever you wanna call them. Yeah, that's what I believe. And I believe that it's totally constitutional. Okay. Just for clarification, what verse was it that you were referring to in the beginning when you said that in order to become a homosexual, you had to first, what was it? Well, you have to first hate God. The verse I'm referring to is Leviticus 20, 13, where it says, if a man also lie with mankind, as he lies with a woman, they have committed an abomination, they shall surely be put to death, their blood shall be upon them. Matt, you call me a reprobate too, just to be clear to the audience. But you said that in order to become a homo, you have to first do something. And what this is just talking about is saying that this is a result of a man lying with another man, he becomes an abomination. Well, no, I'm saying that becoming a homo, if a man has an urge, a sexual urge for another man. Can we please refrain from saying that word, please? I mean, you can say homosexual, but come on, dude. What word did I say that offended you? It's the second time you used it, you know what you, just continue with your point, please. Well, I find it interesting how people are offended when we talk about homosexuals, but then since all sorts of babies can be. You can also call them people, they're people. Yeah, people in the mother's wombs being murdered and you atheists will stand up for them, support abortion rights for children to be murdered. You know, everybody wants to make this a news story about Matt Powell, stop making this about Matt Powell. Are you saying atheists are the pro-life or the pro-choice movement, that it's an atheist movement? Yeah, absolutely. I believe that that wasn't the question, wasn't the question at all. We just got a super chat. It says, where is the sacrifice if he just rose and went to paradise, wouldn't it be a sacrifice if he never rose after death? What was the question again? I heard- Where is the sacrifice if he just rose and went to paradise? Wouldn't it be a sacrifice if he never rose? No, because the Bible says that when he resurrected, he gave us the hope of the resurrection and it wouldn't be a sacrifice if it didn't cost him something. It cost him his life. Jesus said, I have the power to lay down my life and I have the power to take it again unto myself. And so therefore Jesus or God had to go through death, through suffering. And so that's just man's wisdom saying, well, since he didn't just stay there in the grave, well then that's not a real sacrifice. No, God gave up everything. In fact, the Bible says for God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son. So he gave his only begotten son. He gave all he had for people. That is the ultimate sacrifice. With that- Okay, were there any other super chat? There is one or there might be several more. I think that even though I understand that homo is technically like it is an abbreviation of the word homosexual, which I don't think homosexual is derogatory. I know the rules change or things change, but I think homo usually is used in a derogatory way. So to use it is if you're okay with not using it, I mean, maybe you didn't know that homo is oftentimes used as like, even though- No, he knows. So we had one other one. This is Taliesin Oberlander. Thanks for your super chat. We appreciate it. They had asked Matt's curses being a homophobe in a twink's bod. I don't exactly know what a twink is, but Matt, if you want to respond to that, you can. Well, you know, anybody that, yeah, this is, and folks, just for the record, anybody that watches this in the future, you need to know that the Bible says to be unclean and to be perverted is nothing clean. Nothing is clean to these people. And so these, the people that hate the God, that hate God, you know, nothing is clean to them. It's all impure. And all they want to talk about is filth. Look, I don't enjoy talking about homosexuality. The Bible calls it filth. Bible calls it disgusting. And so it's not something- I will get a chance to respond to all this. Yeah, you'll have a closing statement. As a matter of fact, we probably need to be wrapping up pretty soon. We're getting close to, we're over an hour and a half. So they always have to make it about the homosexual. They always have to, you know, just pull out that card and say, we'll see, we got you, Matt Powell. There's thousands of men. The Bible says there's 7,000 men that haven't bowed the knee to Baal. And there's tons of people in my church and in other churches across America that are preaching the same thing. The only reason it's shocking to certain people here on YouTube is because not everybody in these churches across America speaks out on YouTube. And that's exactly what I'm doing. And that's exactly what I'll continue to do. We also had another super chat from Maynard Saves. And they had asked or said, please read between Matt's lines, people. Feel free, you know, just examine me. I have no problem with that. I guess, what is their question though? Like just read in between the lines? That's just what it says. So I'm not exactly sure what it means, but we had another super chat and this one was, why do atheists use rape in evolution instead of forceful copulation where the strongest is surviving for the benefit of the species in reproduction, reproduction being in all capital letters? I think so. Is that for me? And if it is, I don't, atheists for rape, what? I think it is for you. I don't fully understand it. So they asked, why do atheists use rape in evolution instead of forceful copulation where the, I think they're maybe saying like, if we've evolved, why is the word- Like an animal kingdom? Yeah, that might be it. That's probably a better interpretation. Why do atheists use rape in evolution instead of forceful copulation where the strongest is surviving for the benefit of the species in reproducing? So I think there- I don't know. I don't use that, I don't know. I mean, yeah, I don't just moderate, but I would have to say that what is beneficial for the species is not necessarily beneficial for society. Yeah. I don't think that atheists say we use rape, but I don't even really understand the question, but I am somewhere lost in strange land right now. Rape is very prominent in nature. I mean- Yeah, yeah, it is definitely. It is definitely something that if it was created, it was created that way. Yeah, I think I would need clarification on the question to really be able to answer it. Gotcha. We had a super chat from the non sequitur show. Good to see you, Kyle. And he says, F you, Matt Powell. So I think that it might be referring to the homo word. So we hope that even though this has been heated, I know it seems pretty heated, but we are one step of progress as we're not hitting each other. Next up, Kent Hovind CPA, thanks for your super chat as well. He says, Matt, your parents lied to you about everything. So let's see. Sad. We, I think to the end of super chats, except there's one more that, we get this one from Bryce Nance, which says, does godliness have to contravene humanity? You remember if we read that? What was it? Does godliness have to contravene? I think they might mean contradict humanity. Oh yeah, no, I don't think I did that one. Okay. Thanks for that super chat, Bryce. And not exactly sure who it's referring to. Sorry about that. I don't think it does, but I think some people's godliness can totally mess up the overall image of the religion. Gotcha. And Evadia Nirvana for the record, thanks for your super chat as well. They say for the record, I'm against genocide of any kind. Me too. Great. Are you against the genocide of murderers? Are you against the genocide of people like Adolf Hitler, who murdered and massacred a bunch of other people? You know, just because they were Jewish. By definition, you can't have genocide if you kill one person. Like the genocide of Adolf Hitler, are you speaking of the genocide? I said people like Adolf Hitler. The genocide he committed? No, I'm talking about people like Adolf Hitler. That's the wording I used. And I do believe that certain people groups should be put to death. A murderer should be put to death. People that go around killing other people, that should be punished by death. And our American court system says that it should be by death. And since we live in 2019, you know, and all the radio stations and all the media is telling you how terrible it is that these, and you know what? God's not willing that he should perish. I don't want these people to die. But if somebody murders somebody, it's just and right for them to be on death row. And it's a sad thing. That's not pleasant. It's not a pleasant subject. So you're equating everybody you advocate for death to, to murderers now? No, I was just using that as an example. Do you guys wanna move on some more questions or you wanna move on into the closing statements? Kind of up to you guys. We're kind of- Most of the questions are from Matt, so I'll leave it up to him. I mean, I don't mind just batting out all these questions with these keyboard warriors in the chat from the atheist community. But I do think we are, we're getting pretty close to the end time and my phone is gonna die here pretty soon. So if you have any questions for me, feel free to just comment on a video. I'll try to get to you as soon as possible. Okay, thank you for that. And you can find his information in the description box below. Links to both of their chats. Thank you to both Matt and Raging Atheists for coming out and debating this. Before you guys do your closing statements, really appreciate it. And with all that you have experienced and learned from each other, you can now compress that into five minutes and give your closing statements. And you can start, you can start Matt and I will start your timer when you start talking. All right, sounds great. So as we've seen in this discussion, folks, there are certain people that it doesn't matter what the truth is. And there's certain individuals that will say, and I'm not trying to be mean to anybody here. I love people, I want all men to be saved. But there are some people who will say, well, I just don't care and they laugh and stuff. And you know what, if you're listening to this and you're an atheist, you should care. You should care about your family. And if you truly love your family, you're gonna look at the evidence and you're gonna follow the evidence where it leads. And I think that all the evidence in this debate, even spoken on Raging Atheists side, really points towards design and points towards just the truth of God's word. And these people that hate God, they just proved the Bible right. The Bible says they would not come to the light because their deeds were evil. And these people that are atheists that support the murdering, the mass murdering of thousands and millions of innocent children every day in America, you know, people go on and on about, oh, 9-11 was so terrible. Well, you know what? We killed more people yesterday in an abortion clinic than they killed in 9-11, you know? So, and then this idea that well, because Matt Powell grew up in a sheltered home, therefore he can't think for himself. Well, I answered every question from this discussion and I have no problem answering any other questions that'll come up in any other discussions. The reason that I do debates like this, I don't enjoy debating. For me, it's kind of like a sad thing because I don't like to just duke things out with any random person. It's not my hobby. But the reason that I did this one tonight was for my audience. And when they search Raging Atheist and Matt Powell, the first thing that I want them to see is this video. And I want them to see the truth about what atheism teaches and the bias behind them, and if you notice folks, my opponent, every time a logical equation, mathematical argument was brought forth, every single time he dodged the question and stated that he already answered it in previous stuff. So I'd really encourage you to, well, most of the time. Can we settle with that? Most of the time. I'll agree to that. Right, okay. So most of the time he did dodge the questions, he would not answer them, but you can see his answers in science falsely. So called, you can see them in previous discussions that we've had that he's put on his channel. And I really recommend them. But in closing, the Bible already warned us about these things in Psalm 14 one. The Bible says, the fool has said in his heart, there is no God. They have done abominable works. And the Bible says they would not come to the light because their deeds were evil. And it's a very selfish worldview. It makes zero logical sense. And ultimately you have to deny the laws of thermodynamics, the laws of physics to be an atheist. And if you're listening to this and you wanna be an atheist, you don't like Christianity, you don't wanna trust Christ to save you, you know, that's fine. You know, but just don't tell me that you believe in science because atheism is an unscientific worldview. So less than two minutes? Yeah, sorry. Yep, no problem. Because atheism itself is an unscientific worldview. It's not based on science. It's not based on logic. It's not based on how God feels. It's based on emotion. And even raging atheists said, and I'll quote him earlier in this discussion, well, it's based on what I feel. My morality is based on myself. So he said that morality is based on what he feels is right. Well, can we always trust our feelings? You know, is truth about what we feel inside? Or is truth an absolute true thing? And is truth a person? Jesus said, I am the way, the truth and the life. And no man cometh under the father, but by me. And anybody that believes that mathematical odds, such as the ones presented here, could happen by chance, any university student, any college student would say a fool would believe that it would happen by chance. And the Bible says that the fool has said in his heart, there is no God. So in closing, folks, the Bible says, you know, I believe the Bible, I know I quote a lot of Bible, but the Bible warned us about these things plenty ahead of time. And I think we just always need to remember that. And raging atheists, despite the fact that you and I have been really going hard at each other, and maybe more you than me in that area, it's been a good discussion nonetheless. It's been kind of a surprising discussion. And I wanna wish everybody on this panel the best. Thank you for having me on. Awesome, thank you so much. I wish you the best as well. And my little parting work nugget of wisdom would be Matthew 5 22, just comes to mind. And with that, I will turn it over to raging atheist for your five minute closing. We've got a few really quick super chats that I just wanna quick. Go for it. Maynard Saves said, I'm in your area, debate me. I love Pope mining the Bible. So I think that's for Matt. And then Matt, if you wanna respond to that, you can. Sure, well, I'm pretty nitpicky about shady characters. And I'm not saying the person is a shady character. I don't even know who they are, but if they wanna meet with me, I'm not really interested in doing debates off air. The only time I'll ever debate anybody is on air on a panel where I'm speaking to an audience. Because honestly, I mean, I have hopes for Nagasuchi here, but I have no expectation of reaching him. I have expectations of reaching the audiences and have done that successfully for years and will continue to do that. So if you wanna film a discussion with me, as long as I can film it, great, send me an email. Gotcha, and then also Maynard Saves, thanks for your super chat too. Also debate Aaron Ra, you stud, is what Maynard Saves says. So if we can get Aaron Ra to come on Modern Day Debate, would you debate him, Matt Powell? I would debate Aaron Ra in person. I would not debate him over the internet because then he would be able to interrupt. One of the things Aaron always does is he interrupts his opponent just over and over and over. But in person, under a controlled panel, on camera, on a professional set, whether he'd do it or not, I'm not 100% sure, but he offered, he says, well, you fly me up to Michigan and we'll have a cup of coffee on camera. And then he says, I guarantee you, the result will not be the same as it was in your movie. So he was convinced that his science fiction religion, is what I call it, is true in that he, so of course, I'd be more than glad to have a discussion with Aaron in person, not on the internet. I heard it was the other way around, but maybe I was wrong about that, sorry. One more super chat. Martha Camillo, thanks for your super chat as well. She says, keyboard warrior, come talk to a bisexual pagan. So I think she's inviting you to have a chat with her. If you wanna, if you guys wanna come on Modern Day Debate, you guys are welcome to come on. Well, I don't have a ton of interest in debates. Debates just are not my thing. I've been told that I should do them more and more, but it's just, it's really not my thing. The reason I did this one today is because when people Google Raging Atheist, I want this to be one of the first things that pops up. I'm not ashamed of any of it. And in fact, I'm pleased at how this went. And we're gonna, I don't see any more super chats. So let's go and turn this over to Raging Atheist for your five minute closing. And that will do it. I just wanna say again, thank you to both of you and to everybody watching. Thank you for coming in and watching. Subscribe real quick. And with that being said, Raging Atheist, go ahead and give us your five minutes. Matt, you had a chance, man. I mean, I was never gonna stop making videos of you, but maybe our conversation could have changed back to a more positive conversation. You approached me with ending our feud, with getting it over with, with duking it out. I've approached you several times, trying to get you to answer the misrepresentation of myself in your movie. I thought I was finally gonna get that. I found out today that it was changed. I went along and said that it's fine because after a conversation with you, you said, well, we'll call the debate that, but it'll be a wide ranging discussion. And I have no problems if you discuss what I wanted to discuss tonight. And I was very open about what that was. I think that you had a chance to really maybe bring it back to the level to do that third one-on-one face-to-face conversation like we spoke on the phone about this morning. If you just came in genuine, maybe a little contrite, like, and I'm not even worried about the movie, Matt. I'm worried about the rhetoric about gay people, homosexuals. I'm worried about the homophobic slurs that you leave on 85% of the comments that you leave me include homophobic slurs. I'm worried with you calling me a reprobate that has led to death threats of my child. Of my child, Matt. Yeah, I don't believe that at all. But you can, you can- I don't believe that. I've got no threats to all of you. I let you speak, you can take your disbelief and shove it up your- Hey, hey, hey guys, okay, okay, hang on. I have been threatened, I have been threatened. Rating aging abuse finishes- I apologize and I told myself I wouldn't, but you can take your disbelief, Matt, and I don't care what you do with it. I have been threatened with the words reprobate time and time again. You have called me reprobate time and time again. I was hoping that you would come and resolve this issue. You chose not to do so. So instead of a resolved issue, all you did was sit here and show yourself for the hate monger you are. And all I had to do really is sit here and let you do it. And I don't think I ever want to speak to you again. That face-to-face, it's done, it's not going to happen. This will be my last Matt Powell conversation. Yeah, two minutes. You disgust me, I am done with you. Gotcha. And with that, also want to mention, we, in addition to having a controversial one tonight, we will have probably a controversial one tomorrow. We are having a gentleman on who's, it's going to be a triple threat, atheist versus Christian versus black Hebrew Israelite. So we know that someone mentioned that there's concerns of like black, the black Hebrew Israelite position being what you can say may be black supremacist. But if that is the case, our hope is that even though they are coming on, there's empirical data to back a view in sociology called social contact theory. So the idea that if we develop relationships with people who are black Hebrew Israelites, which are allegedly divided when it comes to race, we are hoping that we could kind of help both sides to kind of become synthesized. So we know that'll be controversial as well. And we have a couple of super chats that just came in. So I'm just going to quick read through, pardon my delay on those. One was Maynard saves, rage, thanks for exposing this fallacy. And Barry Switzer who says, Matt gives Christians a bad name. So Matt, I guess those are kind of both directed at you. If you want to respond, you can. Sure. Well, real quick, you know, the Bible says, I am for peace and I am for peace, but the Bible also says, but when I speak, they are for war. So, you know, these people that hate my gods and that hate Christians, you know, I love them. You know, I love pretty much everybody. But the Bible says, God's not willing that any should perish. So, you know, just because the Bible says certain things that maybe somebody doesn't like, doesn't mean that it's not true and that we shouldn't believe it. And then also, you know, I just want to reiterate when I am for peace, but when I speak, they are for war. I am going to be having a, I'm going to be going live after this. Anybody that wants to come and talk to me is more than welcome. Listen to me later. Yeah. I would say what, like 40% of the time, he was like quoting the Bible. I feel the same way. And that's what's really frustrating to me the most about the debate tonight with Matt is I feel like for the first time, cause Matt did use some of his pseudo scientific facts and like that easily debunked, but for the first time he was using a lot of Bible verse. It's clear that when it comes to the Christian verse atheist debate, we win every time. I mean, brother Matt Powell literally made one of these atheists cry after one of the debates. I've seen some big beat downs in debates, but I've never seen another guy get beat down so bad that he was crying publicly about it. We hope that even though there is disagreement, that people can learn about each other. And hopefully a good concrete example of social contact theory is the movie, Remember the Titans. No. I'm going to search for and find any of these religious f***ing tards and go out of my way to destroy them. You can post what you want to post and I'll post the truth. Yeah, right there, let's see if this happens. The raging atheist is posting a challenge to Matt Powell to have a motherf***ing debate yo.