(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Hey guys, Matt Powell here. I wanted to do this quick video just providing everybody with an update about the controversy between me and the Raging Atheist. So recently him and the atheist community decided to put a strike on my channel and decided to flag one of the videos that I had exposing them for who they are and exposing some of their lies. And the video was titled Raging Atheists Therapy Session and he was basically having a therapy session explaining how he got really beat and they're all trying to give him advice on how to debate better and they all decided during that video that it's not beneficial to debate me. They're done doing debates with me. They figured that you know I talk too smooth according to their words not mine and that it's just not worth debating me because it might increase the reach that I have on YouTube and the purview that I have. Well number one, I'd just like to state that making the move of taking down somebody else's content you know and censoring it, censoring the truth is a really really dishonest move and that's what we can expect. The Bible says who is a liar but he that denieth that Jesus is the Christ and so these people are some of the biggest liars in the world. They're some of the most dishonest people in the world and the only way that they can keep people in their little cult is by exercising information control and not letting anybody see the other side and so they obviously were able to get this video taken down but one of the things that they don't realize is number one, it shows that they're dishonest you know. Number two, that strike is gonna be on my channel just for a few months and it will be taken down because YouTube strikes expire and then number three, it shows that these people are just so dishonest and they obviously weren't smart enough to know that there's other platforms where you can upload these videos so the same video that they wanted to get taken down and that they took down off of YouTube is in the description below and you can watch and see what they're trying so desperately to hide and you can see why they failed. They failed against the movie science falsely so called, they failed in the debates and so now they have to throw ad hominem attacks and just say that Matt Powell doesn't know what he's talking about and then censor all of the material that I have exposing them so they don't want people to see the other side folks and I just like to make it real clear that as Christians we should stand up to these people and not back down to them. Look and even some Christians came to me after the debate that I had with Raging Atheist and said Matt you know you beat him so bad and he's so down on himself you need to you need to have sympathy for him. Look folks I'm not gonna have sympathy for somebody that advocates for the mass murdering of children and the mother's wombs across this country. I don't I don't advocate and I don't support people I don't want to make people that advocate for murder feel good about themselves. Yeah I hope Raging Atheist feels like an emotional bum because that's exactly what he is. He's a bum, he's a filthy pervert and anybody that advocates for abortion is a pervert and is a disgusting person and you know if you're for abortion and you're listening to this right now why don't you just unsubscribe and go get a life. You know because I want nothing to do with people that believe in the mass murdering of children in the mother's womb across America. I'm not for it and I refuse to have sympathy for people like Raging Atheist and you know the debate was ended he decided to take down all of his videos with me in it and even though he started this whole thing he said well my aspiration Matt Powell is that you'll meet me and debate me and we'll see who the champion is and so I decided to meet him after he put out several videos against me. I finally met him and we had the discussion and now he's taking down all of his material it's gonna be as if he wants it to be as if he had never met me and even some of the atheists had messaged me after the video was taken down exposing them and they said we'll see you know it's hidden now nobody can see what happens so therefore we've beat you Matt Powell. You know that's that's the height of deception and dishonesty and these people that will say that and say well it's hidden and nobody knows about it so therefore we've won the battle you know that's dishonest and in closing folks I want to wish you all a wonderful day but if you want to get a good laugh the video has been re-uploaded they obviously can't take it down there's nothing they can do about this because it's on a different platform and it's in the description below if you feel like watching it. God bless guys.