(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) What we are saying is, we are apes. We are evolved apes. There is no God. You are a monkey and we can prove it. I mean, I don't mean you came from monkeys. I mean I can prove it. You are a monkey. We are evolved apes that evolved from apes. Since we supposedly evolved from chimps and chimps do not have beards, but humans do, the burden of proof is on the evolutionist to explain how we evolved beards. According to evolution theory, we were punched in the face so much as primates that natural selection had to invent a cushion to protect us from face punches. That is why in evolution we have beards as men. These are some of the craziest things that anyone could possibly buy into. But like I said, the supposed skeptics of America, the skeptics that are so critically analytical of everything that they have ever observed are willing to just believe this with no question. I mean, I don't mean you came from monkeys. I mean I can prove it. You are a monkey. I didn't believe you man. Honestly, when you just said that, because I never heard this before, I was like, no one believes this. No one in the right mind. So I googled it. I mean, can you believe this? This is really what they believe? This is crazy. You would think that somebody who is actually skeptical, somebody who actually is a free thinker would look into that and say, that's insane. And in fact, when I interviewed people on the street and asked them what they thought of this theory, all of them came back and said, it's crazy. The only one who didn't was an atheist, of course, because they're so skeptical. They say when we were primates and we were punched in the face so much that this is where our beards came from. And we evolved beards as a cushion. I have hit a few guys in the mouth and they beards did grow immediately. It's just right. You have to do it here. Well, I don't have no brittle hair. And if you notice, there are several boxers don't have hair when they fight and they take plenty of punches in the chin. So you know what I mean? I would squash that theory. Everybody has an opinion, right? Because when we were primates, we punched each other so much and we fought so hard that natural selection had to create a cushion in our face. It's what they're saying. It's got to be Laffy Taffy jokes. I think if it's big enough, it would kind of take some of the shock off that punch, I don't know about it if it was big enough. When we were primates, we fought so much and so hard that natural selection had to create a beard in our face. I wonder what you thought of that. Just no. Can I just say no? It's all of us. Let's be honest. It sounds ridiculous because it is ridiculous. We're also Christians.