(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Alright guys, well we have a very special guest in the studio today all the way from Rock Falls, Illinois. We have Pastor Tommy McMurtry in the house and of course we have Matt Powell also in the studio. This is episode 5 of Answers in Creation. I really appreciate everyone tuning in to today's program. Today's episode is going to be about the two world religions. You know, they're basically two faiths in this world. Either you believe in salvation by grace through faith or you believe in salvation by works. And so we're going to be discussing that today. It should be a great episode. Today's program is sponsored by the Romans Road app. I really hope if you guys go download that app and also of course all of our donors to our Patreon account as well as through the website. So I just want to quickly read out some of the names, some of the sponsors of this program. Sarah Wallace, Chad Demian, Josh Ludsford, Robin Kearney, Andrew Harms, Preston Taylor, Justin Schwartz, Ethan Schmidt, Walter Rodriguez, Kay Kuntz, Julio Feliz, Julio Guerrero, Samuel Elliott, Christian Combe, in memory of Timothy Caffone, and Effectious Services. So like I said, today's should be a very good program. I'm going to be letting Matt and Pastor McMurtry do most of the talking. It's usually best that way if I say as little as possible, but of course I wanted to thank all of the donors before we got this show on the road. And so I'm gonna let Matt here take over and explain to you what exactly this episode is gonna be about. Sure thing. Well thanks everybody for tuning in. This is episode 5 obviously and it's on the two world religions. And I just want to state right off the bat that this is actually the most important episode of Answers in Creation. Now the reason that I say that is because, you know, we talk a lot about evolution versus creation and why creation is a scientific fact and why evolution is just a made-up and make-believers fantasy. But when it comes to the facts of why we believe Christianity over all the other religions out there in the world, whether it's Islam, Buddhism, Judaism, etc., that is the most important topic is why we are Christian, why it's a fact that Christianity is different from all the other world religions, and why people need to believe on the Lord for salvation and not trust their own works. And one of the things that we're gonna demonstrate in this show is that every other religion believes in the same method of salvation. That if you're good enough that you'll make it up to God. Basically like the Tower of Babel where they thought they could build us a tower that they may reach unto heaven religion. And so we're just gonna debunk that thoroughly. We're gonna play a lot of clips of heretics that deny the truth and we're just gonna expose it with the Word of God and with facts. And so this is the most important episode and if you're not sure whether you believe in eternal salvation or if you believe like the rest of the religions of the world on salvation, then you need to listen to this whole episode. And so with that being said I'm going to turn it back over to you Paul. All right well we want to start this episode off with a clip about the proof of the two religions. And so we're gonna just play this clip right now and get the show on the road. They are immersed into that baptismal pool and then as they come out of the pool they're anointed with oil. And so that's kind of like that sign of that's kind of like that moment where they get saved you might say. Well that is it's like it's like the moment that brings it to completion. Ultimately we don't know who is going to be in heaven and who is not going to be heaven. What we can do and what we're told as Muslims is to be good and do good. What is a Mormon perspective of salvation? What is that step that somebody needs to take to kind of enter into God's presence from a Solific standpoint? Baptizing them and it were commanded to be baptized. Baptism is a sacrament that allows us to enter his faith and then there comes the gift of the Holy Ghost by the laying on of hands. Through these rituals of initiation, water baptism, anointing, being sealed with the Spirit. So to kind of gain gain at a spot in the world to come you need to live a good life you know kind of be an overall good person in the sense of keeping the commandments of God and following him. It goes according to our actions so if a person wants to sort of get paid he has to do the work. Not to curse your Creator, not to murder, not to steal, not to eat any limb or part of a limb that came off an animal while it was still alive. So baptism is kind of at that moment of where salvation comes to like a completion I take it. Well it's the it's the entry it's the way you enter in and and then we have to keep going on. Wow. What are some of the determining factors when somebody stands before God? What are some of the determining factors that God would look at to let them in? Sure well I mentioned one of them there. Did we feed the hungry? Did we clothe the naked? Did we welcome the stranger? Did we visit the one in prison? Throughout scripture talks about our deeds. Our deeds matter. In Islam we have some principles for a person worthy of entering into paradise. Every good deed has a weight, has a reward and we believe in that. We actually believe there are scales. We don't know the description of the scales. We see scales in this world but what? Skills could be even electronically in scale knowledge you know technology so how would you scale the actions of a believer in men and women so every good deed has a weight. So so by keeping those laws as a Gentile that kind of guarantees their spot in the world to come. Correct. Once you've entered in by baptism is it done? No it's not done. You have to press forward and endure to the end. That's one way but it's not the only way. The other step is anointing and it's like an immersion into the mystery of the Spirit. Keep on the path you know keep going. Did they feed the hungry? Did they clothe the naked? Did they give drink to the thirsty? Did they visit the sick? It's not Jewish only has to follow the seven Noahide laws and then we have to keep going on. Through these rituals of initiation every good deed has a water baptism anointing. If a person wants to get paid he has to do the work. Wow. So there you have it. There's only two concepts of religion and if you didn't notice folks all of those people that I interviewed about three years ago actually now they all believe the same thing. They all believe that if you're a good enough person you're going to go to heaven. And if you're somebody that listens to this show regularly if you enjoy creation versus evolution you know I applaud you for that. I think it's good to know science and know what fiction is and know what reality is. But more importantly than that when it comes to this topic it's important to know that there are only two concepts of religion. And so if you're an atheist and you've listened to me for a while or you've listened to Paul or even Pastor McMurtry and you've come to realize that there is a creator and you're asking that question well which creator is it? There's so many gods. Well really there's only two. There's the God of this world Satan and the God of the Bible the Lord Jesus. And so with that being said we're going to turn it over to Pastor McMurtry to go ahead and demonstrate why there are only two religions. And so Pastor McMurtry thank you so much for coming on the program and it's great to see you. Thank you for having me on I'm excited to be here. And I love this topic and I love that video clip that was very powerful and it did it illustrated a great truth showing how all the religions are basically the same. It is a works-based type religion and the truth is you know I agree 100 there's the two world views there's faith in Jesus Christ you know without works and then there's a works-based religion and ultimately what these works-based religions are this is man creating a God in their own image. They reject the God of the Bible and so they go about to create one in their own image. In fact many atheists that are out there today many of them that are especially the real vocal ones are former you know Christians former Catholics former Mormons people who were formerly religious but one of the things they found out in their religion that it was very empty that it was phony that it was and it was fake to them and so then they often go to atheism is where we often see people go and the truth is they were right what they had was phony because it was works-based and so what they don't realize they did is they don't even realize that they went and just basically changed who God was in their mind and the Bible says in Romans 1 21 it says because that when they knew God they glorified him not as God neither were thankful but became vain in their imaginations and their foolish heart was darkened professing themselves to be wise they became fools and changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image made like unto corruptible man into birds and four-footed beasts and creeping things wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts to dishonor their own bodies between themselves many of these people that leave some form of Christianity and go into atheism often to go into every other kind of abomination they always end up accepting every left-wing political point they're pro-abortion they're pro-sodomy they're pro just everything that's wicked and often they start participating all this weakness themselves and it's because in their religion that they had before you know they weren't getting any victory because it was works-based they didn't have the Holy Spirit inside them and they got fed up with that it wasn't going anywhere and they decided you know what I'm gonna just create a God in my own image and then God ends up giving these people up to all uncleanness and it goes on naming all these horrible things they go into and that's why every atheist too they they promote every type of perversion and wickedness that's out there even though science would tell you that you know homosexuality is very dangerous even if you don't have a moral code you'd have to admit that it's at least dangerous that the odds of you getting STDs and things are much higher that it's not good for you mentally and physically it's it's these are terrible relationships and they but they reject all these things and then they turn around and then act like people who are religious are now the horrible people and we might say more about that later but basically what these people have done is they tried following after a fake religion that did not appeal to their flesh and then they decided now I'm giving myself everything I want and they've basically changed who God is and for some now they worship nature they worship you know what they call science and they don't even realize that they're in a religion of their own okay but here's the thing that people often forget so on one side you've got the just the flaming you know crazy atheists just you know LGBT types but on the other side you've got all these people that was in that last video these all looked like very nice decent moral people they're talking about good works these are people striving to do good things but the the thing is those people are all hypocrites because in Romans 1 when it goes and it's talking about all these horrible things that people did who decided they were just going to make God in their own image it says in verse 1 it says therefore thou art inexcusable o man whosoever thou art that judges for wherein thou judges another thou condemnest thyself for thou that judges do it the same things and the truth is religious people are sinful too religious people fail it goes on and it says in verse 12 for as many as have sinned without law shall also perish without law that would be the gentiles and as many as have sinned in the law shall be judged by the law for not the hearers of the law are just before God but the doers of the law shall be justified and I promise every person you interviewed in that video talking about a workspace salvation if they were to make out a list of things that you've got to do in order to be saved and go to heaven they failed in that area they've sinned somewhere they've fallen short and that their list of rules that they have is one they came up with because they've also made a god in their image he's just a little prettier than the atheist god that they've come up with and the truth is both come short of the glory of god both are offering up filthy rags in the sight of god though the LGBT atheists the Greeks just all these immoral people they have filthy rags but all those religious people too they don't realize their works are as filthy rags too and so in Romans 3 you know what we see Paul said what then are we better than they no and no wise for we have before proved both Jews and Gentiles that all are under sin as it is written there is none righteous no not one so here we are you know here I am you know a fundamental Baptist grew up a fundamental Baptist but in the eyes of a holy god there is no difference between me and the atheist there's no difference between me and the person who's never gone to church and so what true biblical Christianity teaches is that all are sinners no matter how you grew up no matter what your religion is no matter what you have or have not done you come short of the glory of god you cannot be good enough to be acceptable in the eyes of a holy god your only hope is faith in what Jesus Christ has already done and for other people that's not they don't like that either they've rejected that and so they've made a god in their own image one that will accept them if they get baptized if they do you know some type of religious thing and you know there's self-centered reasons that we can come up you know why we might have some of the religious practices that we do some people might want to just lift themselves up they want you know they want to they want to have that pride at the end of the day we all come short and as a fundamental Baptist in the eyes of a holy god I'm no better than the atheist so the only difference between me and the atheist or a person from any other religion in the world is where my faith is I put my faith in what Jesus did I'm going to heaven only because of that because of that free get to salvation and even some of the people on that video clip you know they're talking against once saved always saved you know like god's just gonna hang on to you yes that's what we believe we are relying on him to hold on to us but he's made another god in his own image and his god looks a little better than the atheist god does but at the end of the day both god both gods that they've come up with are going to send them to hell all god's will except for Jesus Christ the mediator between god and man amen and I think those are some great points and you know something also that I think is interesting is you know if you look at the beginning of time even we have you know Cain and Abel for example Cain brought forth of the works of the ground of the works of his own labors before god as a sacrifice Abel brought a substitute and so we see that god accepted Abel's sacrifice whereas he rejected Cain's Cain's obviously represents works because he brought forth the fruit of the ground Abel represents faith and so it just demonstrates once again folks that there are only two concepts of religion and so like pastor McMurtry said if you are in one of these other religions and you believe in work salvation if you believe like Cain and you're trying to work your way to heaven you're no different than the atheist that we take all this time on this show to debunk and so you know you look at the tower of babel even like you know you look at all these people that say well we're going to build a tower that we may reach unto heaven they said well that didn't go very well in fact the lord got pretty angry about that and it angers the lord when people believe that their works will justify them the bible says our righteousnesses are as filthy rags before the lord and so the way that we get saved is by putting all of our faith and trust in jesus once we do that we receive eternal life as a free gift and so a gift is free by the very definition the bible says for by grace who you save through faith and that not of yourselves it is the gift of god so a gift is free and if i said hey i want to offer you my car but you have to clean my house for it all of a sudden my car ceased from being a gift you know if you came down at christmas time down by the christmas tree and you grabbed one of your gifts that had your name on it and your dad or mom said note you can't have that gift unless you do such and such and such a thing and promise that you won't be uh misbehaving this year it's not a gift a gift is something that you receive and jesus said that as you freely received freely give and so one of the things that is always important to remember is that if you believe in work salvation you believe just like every other false religion in the world and even atheists will say well i think if there is a god he'll let me in because i'm good enough well what's the difference between that and all these other people all these other religions there's no difference jesus the bible says come ye out from among them and be ye separate so there's got to be separation somewhere and so we've seen with kane and able that there's faith or works in faith and with the tower of babel there is those who tried to build their way up to heaven and god confounded their languages you look throughout the whole bible from genesis to revelation you see that those who are trusting their works to save them went to hell and those who put their faith in jesus went right to heaven and so with that being said now we now we've established through logic and the bible that there really are two religions there's what must i do to be saved and what has christ already done and the answer to what must i do to be saved is simply to believe on the lord jesus christ and put your faith in what he did on the cross and that's it once you're saved you're always saved jesus says i give unto them eternal life and they shall never perish and so what we're going to go ahead and do is since we've established that christianity is the single religion that is different from all the others we're going to look at what some christians out there say that claim to be christian and we're going to see how it lines up with the bible and you'll see that even in christianity there are infiltrators that have brought this garbage from these other religions in and have tried to confuse the masses into believing in work salvation so instead of just giving you the facts we'll actually what we're going to do is we're going to play the opposing side and we're going to listen to their arguments carefully and we're going to respond to them with logic and facts and reason what the bible says so here we go the real question is once i come to christ do i stay there or can i slip away because many people put their security as a believer under that cliche once saved always saved you won't find that in the bible that that's a great example of what we've been talking about is there is there's ultimately what it comes down to is pride you know pride is what got lucifer in trouble you know when uh abel's offering was sacrificed and cain uh when it was accepted and canes wasn't you know cain got jealous he got angry he killed his brother at the tower of babel you know they wanted to build that tower so they can make a name for themselves with true christianity it's all glory to god you know it's all about jesus christ we boast in him we have nothing to boast about and so when you listen to that guy right there you know he's an example of a guy who you know he has created a god in his own image that looks better than the atheist god but his won't get him to heaven either he said you know when we're just kind of you know depending on that cliche or finding security in that that's exactly what we see throughout the bible god wants us finding security in his word and what he said to do we see how angry god got with the children of israel when they wouldn't uh when when they didn't rest on the sabbath day and were trying to gather manna when god told them hey just pick up double on friday and that man will be good for two days but there were some that didn't believe and they went and they they just didn't trust god and that's what he's looking for he's looking for people of faith we see that throughout the entire scriptures and when when a guy gets up and he says something like that it's showing once again that no i've done something i'm and not only have i done something i'm doing something and not only that i'm gonna continue doing something and at the end of the day that's you trusting in yourself and everybody has their own rules for it there's a lot of people out there that reject once saved always saved but there's no two people that are going to have the same set of rules for which rules you can break and which ones you can't because they won't even say you know you have to be perfect but they've all got their own standard and it's a standard they came up with in their own mind not realizing that a holy god cannot lower his standard at all a holy god cannot do that the wages of sin is death end of story you know nothing can change that that is good but thankfully jesus paid for that and so if all of a sudden now we've got to start doing other things to pay for our sins or to earn our salvation we're taking away from what jesus christ did on the cross and you say that's really simple but you know to greeks that's foolishness but paul said i'm not ashamed of the gospel of christ it is the power of god and the salvation to everyone that believeth to the jew first and also to the greek or we could say today to the religious workspace crowd or even the atheist crowd jesus christ is it so i mean i could i couldn't disagree more with what that man said amen and i love how you mentioned simplicity you know how these people criticize you for example for preaching the simplicity of salvation and what's interesting is these people will say well why is it so why do you make it so simple why do you make it so easy well number one because we want to put the cookies on the bottom shelf so that everybody can reach them and then number two paul literally said in corinthians he says but i fear lest by any means does the serpent beguile leave through his subtlety so your mind should be corrupted from the simplicity that is in christ so the bible clearly says there's simplicity in christ so this guy david pawson when he comes along and says it's not simple it's not easy and you know nowhere in the bible does it teach that once you're saved you're always saved well jesus said i give unto them eternal life and they shall never perish right and god's not trying to like trick us with this actually when you study the bible and and it makes sense because we see just how holy that god is and when you recognize and when you study the law of god and you see how holy it is you realize very quickly we can't possibly do this and then when you see how jesus came and he lived a perfect life how he was holy and he died in our place it would send a completely wrong message if there if any works at all got added to salvation the way i often illustrated to people when i'm out soul winning is you know if they have a child or like if they have a son i'll ask him i say hey what if i was out driving my car and i wasn't paying attention and i ran over your child and i killed them i said now you know that would be a horrible thing you know i i took your child you know because of my negligence maybe i didn't mean to do it maybe it was an accident but what if i came to you a week later and i just said listen i'm sorry for uh you know killing your child i want to make up for it i'm going to give you a million dollars and everybody always says no i wouldn't accept that because you know what you can't put a price tag on your child's life if you do if you accept that it's like you know okay yeah you killed my child but you gave me a million dollars we're even you just put a price tag on your child's life and you know i don't think a loving parent would do that that would send the wrong message and i and i would ask him so what would make you feel better me offer you a million dollars or me just coming to you and saying i messed up i know there's nothing i can do to replace but i'm just asking for your forgiveness so what would make you feel better and so the thing is if god accepted our works first off he never would because he's holy and our righteousnesses are his filthy rags but it would it'd be devaluing the life of his son it would be taking away from the sacrifice that he did and so for somebody to even come and just make an offer like that that's very insensitive and it shows that they don't realize what they did and i'm afraid that's where a lot of people are at they don't realize how bad their sin is they don't realize what jesus had to do to pay for our sins and so once we've recognized that we realize that now if i when i go to god and i ask for that forgiveness i'm actually relying on his love and mercy and his goodness to give that to me and god is good god is a loving god and so that's what he wants from us when we come to him is he just wants to come to him in faith he doesn't want us offering our works he wants us to realize no you have nothing to give me but i have everything that i would love to give to you and my son you know gave his life so i can give you these things all i require is faith and so that's anybody who adds even if you just add baptism you add any work at all we're taking away from what jesus did and that's why i believe too salvation has to be completely without works and it has to be once saved always saved right i mean that's what distinguishes us from the other religions and if we didn't believe either of those things we would be just like them right yeah there'd be no difference and then another thing too i always try to explain to people one of the great things about a free salvation that you can never lose is now we actually can have a relationship with god because you hear people talk about relationships a lot today you hear that word thrown thrown around a lot and i don't always like how it's used but here's the here's the thing about the salvation that we have if i have to go to church to get saved or even to stay saved i'm going to go to church because i love myself because i don't want to go to hell you know if i have to be a good person in order to stay saved or get saved i'm going to be a good person because i love myself but the thing is god has freely given me salvation promising he'll never take it away from me okay and that now if i continue obeying god to the best of my ability if i'm going to church if i'm soul winning doing all these things it's there's only one reason i would do that out of love for god and there but many people today are doing these things thinking all right i got to go read my bible because i want to go to heaven i got to go to church i got to give my offering because i want to go to heaven they're doing that because they love themselves i want to god wants us to do these things because we love him god wants us to love him because god does want to have a relationship with us but we can't have that relationship until we have salvation and and you can't have salvation until you realize that it is 100 through what jesus christ has already done that it's a free gift that we accept and once you've got it it's yours and so i'm free right now to go and live a carnal life i'm free to go and just you know never do another thing for god and still go to heaven but i don't want to do that you know that that goodness of god is what leads me to repentance when i realize and when i think about what god did for me and how he saved me and how i'm always going to be saved no matter what i mean i i'm reminded i'm going to see him one of these days and so i want to do something for him while i'm here on this earth amen and amen for salvation doesn't happen in a moment it takes a lifetime and in fact it's a process now this is really bizarre because obviously all throughout the bible you see that salvation is a one-time thing and i'll give two examples when moses had to lift up the serpent in the wilderness he said three words to the people he said look and live and so that was instantaneous they looked and they lived and that was a picture of jesus jesus said that as the serpent was lifted up in the wilderness even so must the son of man be lifted up that whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have eternal life so what that's telling us is that just as they look to the serpent we look to jesus and number two jesus said i'm the bread of life you know he that cometh to me shall never hunger and he that believeth on me shall never thirst so when this guy says salvation is not a one-time thing you know if you come to jesus and he says you'll never hunger and you'll never thirst that is a one-time thing by the very definition so logic proves that this guy is wrong and that you know this guy he's a pentecostal but he believes just like the muslims just like the mormons just like all the other religions out there right and yeah and i hate when i hear people say that salvation is a process you know that it takes a lifetime again that proves you know he's relying on him hanging in there and enduring to the end but you know jesus also said you know if we'll drink of the water that he gives we'll never thirst again it sounds like a one-time thing once you take that drink of water you're all good once you go through that door you know you're good you're secure once he gives you that eternal life you'll never perish and you know he told nicodemus you must be born again there's a physical birth that is it's a one-time thing and then there's a spiritual birth it's a one-time thing and there's there's a time and there's a place where it happens just like a physical birth and once you uh once you believe listen you are as saved as you can be the bible in romans chapter 4 the bible talks about abraham how god told abraham i have he said i have called thee a father of many nations god called him a father of many nations before he had any children before those nations came because god speaks of those things that be not as though they are once god has promised something to us in the future we as good as have it and where a lot of these people err you know doctrinally is they will go to uh you know they'll go to certain passages of scripture that where they don't look at the context and they'll see a passage that says you know now is our salvation nearer than when we believed but what they fail to do is look at the context and realize that when it comes to our salvation while we have the promise of it we don't necessarily physically have the full package yet because i don't have my new glorified body yet but i do have the promise of it and so if i have the promise of it i'm as good as god in fact in the eyes of god i do have it that's why jesus christ was the lamb slain from the foundation of the world once there was a promise of a messiah as far as god was concerned the messiah had already come god doesn't say something's gonna happen and then it just doesn't happen and so when you believe on christ it is a fact it is is it is as sure as past history that one of these days you will have that glorified body you will be with christ in heaven and so we don't want to take things about our salvation that our future and then use some of those take some of those verses out of context to act like we don't have salvation right now i don't have my new body right now but i have the promise of it so as as far as god's concerned i as good as have it it's already done in the eyes of god i am saved right now because i i have the promise he said for whosoever shall call upon the name of the lord shall be saved and you can say well that's talking about somewhere out in the future it doesn't matter when i called on the lord i got the promise of it so if i say it now it's completely true and that's what these guys are missing you know i'm really glad that we're having this conversation because it seems like most of the leaders on this uh creation evolution debate uh discussion definitely uh have a workspace salvation and so i think it's very important to to tell people what we believe and make it very clear on what we believe we believe salvation is a free gift you don't have to earn your way into heaven you don't have to you know do anything it's salvation by grace through faith plus nothing minus nothing uh we believe that the way to get to heaven is by believing in jesus and so it's not by the works not by works lest any man should boast and so uh i think this is a very important episode i'm glad we're having this episode and i i really think that uh you know if you're just happen on this this these if you're googling these topics and you happen on this video that you really listen to the rest of this conversation because we want to make this very clear for you and uh you know hopefully you know by the end of it you'll believe right and so that's why i think this is great yeah and what's interesting too i guess and what kind of drives me crazy about the atheist sometimes is they get all bent out of shape when we start talking about morality because they don't like what the scriptures say but then they will turn around and then tell us that we're terrible people for believing some of the things that we believe and for teaching what the bible says here's what they're missing though is we're not saying that we're wonderful people in fact we're saying and i said before that me as that grew up in an independent fundamental baptist home in the eyes of a holy god i'm no better than the scumbags that are out there and the lgbt's and all that in the eyes of a holy god i fall short too but here's the thing how can we teach people that they're sinners and need a savior without letting them know what god thinks about sin and the bible i mean it's got some real strong language against sin because sin is a very bad thing so they do they they act like we think we're so good no no we're not like now there are so again if you're talking to the christian out there that's teaching a workspace salvation yeah there's no difference between you and them okay and there's no difference between you and me in the eyes of a holy god but at the same time when you hear me preaching against sin and showing what sin is in the bible this isn't me just trying to pick on you and tell you i'm me to me saying that i'm better than you this is me showing you hey this is what god thinks about your sin you think it's great in fact you have pride because you you know are involved in a certain sin we're trying to show you that no actually that sin it it's going to send you to hell whether it's you know immorality you know you know fornication and things like that or even if it's just you know you doing little things you know just not even living up to whatever your religion is we all come short so uh nobody's saying that they're better than anybody we say we're all sinners and come short when we preach about sin it's to you know show why you need a savior we didn't make these things up this is what god said and we can point out what you do but you know you can find stuff in the bible find it that you know that we do is wrong too and we're not claiming we don't do anything wrong amen it's too late for you to tell me uh that once i'm saved uh nothing can ever stop me from being saved it's too late well once you're saved no matter what happens you'll always go to heaven and if something happens you really weren't saved and i said well that's not what this book is saying i like all the scripture he used to back that up you know they say that's not what this book is saying but then they never show you where the book says that and but no that's that we don't there nothing can separate us from the love of god no one can pluck us out of the father's hand and it you know jesus was very plain about that but again okay and here's the thing we need to understand okay guys like that man right there he's created a god in his own image and he has done it for his purpose and there are here's something where the atheists are right sometimes there are people out there who use religion to control people and they want they want you to think that you need them they want you to be dependent on them in order for you to make it into heaven and they do manipulate people unfortunately that is out there now if you come to my church you know it's you'll it's very clear the people in our church know salvation is free they can never lose it and people can leave our church and i still think they're gonna i still think they're going to heaven they can leave our church we're not gonna go chase them down hunt them down harass them you know we don't have a cult in our church we we make it very easy to get in our church and even easier to get out and the reason we do it that way i want people being in church for the right reasons but people like that guy there they want to control you he needs your money he needs you sending in your checks and so he can't let you get too comfortable where you're at in your salvation because in his carnal mind he thinks you might move on without him but i personally believe people do better and they do more when they realize that salvation is a free gift because when they realize that goodness of god that's actually what leads people to repentance not threatening them with hell that doesn't help anybody amen and amen you know it's interesting that guy we listen to you know his name is sid roth and he runs the show that's called it's supernatural and it's a very popular show but what i find interesting about this guy is like you said he doesn't he doesn't actually quote any scripture no scripture comes out of this guy's mouth all that comes out of his mouth is opinions and the doctrines of man and then number two you know it's so ridiculous when he says you know it's too late for you to tell me that once i'm saved i'm always going to be saved well and he tries to make it out like once saved always saved is the popular opinion but the truth of the matter is and i know you could testify to this just about every door you knock they will all make fun of once saved always saved if you knock a catholic store they're going to say that's ridiculous if you knock a muslims door they'll say you know we don't believe in eternal salvation and do you know how silly that sounds folks when somebody says i don't believe in eternal salvation that sounds crazy you know and it just sounds ridiculous the bible says that the preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness but unto us which are saved it is the power of god so what keeps me going every day is the gospel of christ it's the power of god and look god has not given us the spirit of fear like these people have and if they're serving god out of fear of going to hell that's not love and love gives you the the option to either stay or go that's what love is and so love does not force anything and so you know just as he mentioned some people could go to his church and they could they could stay there and they're free to go as well his love for them as a pastor and as a man of god will not leave that person why because they're a sister or brother in the lord and so jesus loves us unconditionally and when you say that you can lose your salvation like this guy says you're saying that the love of god is conditional and on a side note how can you undo what jesus has done for you if you've been regenerated and the bible says not by works of righteousness which we have done but according to his mercy saved us by the washing of regeneration and renewing of the holy spirit you know if that's true then you're saying that you have more power than god does when it comes to undoing what christ has already done for you no that's really good yeah it is it's sad when you hear those things because you know the bible says too that jesus christ one of the great things about our high priest is that he's an eternal high priest one that will never die and he ever liveth to make intercession for us he is continually daily making intercession for us now why is that because we need it because every day we are sinful and so you know if you talk to sid roth you know yeah he'll admit he's got the little sins but again it's the big sins but i need them to give me the list of the sins that make me lose my salvation and the ones that don't make me lose my salvation if sin could make you lose your salvation any sin would have to do that but none of them will give you the list because they would expose themselves as a fraud and it would again they would basically be writing out and illustrating to us a god that they've come up with in their own mind and you know every time they come up with these lists because some of them actually do i actually had somebody give me a list that was in the hebrew roots movement of things that you could do to lose your salvation and then another person in the hebrew roots movement gave me a list that they could do and they were two totally different lists which means that it was made up made up how made up in their own mind just like you said a god in their own image that they're serving right i was uh i was solving one time and i talked to a guy who had been going to a mennonite church and he showed me a handout that they gave him that kind of had like a statement of faith and really like what they had to do for salvation and it had you know and i mean it was pretty specific in there and you know what it had a dress code that looked just like the dress code that they all follow but here's what's funny about everybody's um you know lists that they come up with is when a holy god looks at that list he's not a hypocrite like we are he's he sees through all that and so for example most people would put on their list not to murder well the thing is if we hate somebody in our heart we're wanting that person dead in the eyes of a holy god you've sinned there too because you murder them in your heart you know most people would probably have adultery on there but in the eyes of a holy god somebody who's just wanting to do that and just you know thinking about that kind of thing that is adultery in the eyes of a holy god you see because god sees all sin as disgusting he sees all sin as sin you and i we're used to it we live around it we participate in it therefore it's no big deal to us and that's why it's important too that you know we we want to do what we can to give people a glimpse of god and that's why we need to you know teach the whole council of god and we've got a we've got to preach these things in the old testament that aren't real popular it it reveals you know it helps us see just how serious god takes his thing called sin god was willing to uh i mean he brought death into the allowed death to come to the world because of sin and god showed that he was so serious even when it came to his own son he got allowed his own son to die for sin so god takes this stuff serious we often don't take laws and punishments and things serious god does god said for the wages of sin is death and just like a parent often they will tell their child hey if you do this you're in trouble this is going to be your punishment and then often they back down on it well god's not like that god said the wages of sin is death god told adam and eve the day you eat of that fruit you shall surely die debt and so when god makes those you know pronounces those judgments they are going to happen they have to happen but man because god is so loving god said you know i'm going to send my son to die in your place death has to come payment has to be made but god was merciful and sent his son to do that instead of us and so any any time anyone makes a list unless it has every sin that is mentioned in the bible they are lowering god's standard and we can't do god can't do that and he's not going to listen to us when we try to do it excellent points from logic and from scripture folks so pay close attention if you're just tuning in right now make sure you pay close attention because these are very important facts of why if you go to maybe a pentecostal church or a mormon church or a johovah's witness and you listen to this stuff and you like creation versus evolution i applaud you and i and i thank you but more importantly than that more importantly than any of these topics that we discuss this is the one that is this is the straw that breaks the camel's back folks if you don't believe in eternal salvation you know you're rejecting the gift of god the bible says this is the record that god hath given to us eternal life and this life is in his son we can choose to end that relationship anytime we want if that happens and jesus said that our fate is to be cast into the fire to be burned well the problem i have with that statement right there is one of the things the bible talks about that we do when we get saved is we're we're committing our souls to jesus christ so in other words we are entrusting him with our souls so if i was if i were to to commit this bible to you okay what am i i'm trusting you with it i'm telling you hey i want you to hang on to this for me i want you to keep this for me just like you might have somebody watch something for you for a little while what we do when we get saved is we're committing our soul to jesus christ because we realize we can't gain we can't earn our salvation we can't do anything to hang on to our salvation so when a person gets saved they're committing their soul to jesus christ and he's not going to lose it he's not gonna you know it's he's not gonna you know lay it somewhere and then forget about it and then not know what happened to it no he's going to hang on to it that's what we're doing when we get saved we're trusting him with it so he's got it now and he's not going to take he's not gonna you know just give it back for me to then lose we don't see that anywhere in the bible so i can't walk away from my salvation because i quit trusting in myself for my salvation and i put my faith and trust in him i said here lord you know i'm relying on your goodness not mine and so when a person gets saved they receive imputed righteousness we are credited with christ's righteousness and when jesus died on the cross he was credited for our sins and so when you get saved and you do you're that that's you saying all right i'm giving it i'm giving myself to god i'm entrusting my soul to him so you can't find that anywhere in the scripture where you can walk away from your salvation it's just not there and it does it doesn't make sense it doesn't make logical sense because again you ask that guy or anyone who thinks they can walk away from their salvation then you just say well how do i walk away from my salvation and you know what it's going to come down to me again it's all about me and at the end of the day if i can walk away from my salvation well then then i got saved it was jesus and me because jesus died on the cross and i didn't walk away i endured to the end no when i get to heaven there's only going to be one person that gets any credit for it and it's going to be jesus christ amen you know it's interesting the bible flock box guy that's the name of his channel which is very very interesting and he's extremely popular on youtube and he's a young earth creationist just like we are and what i find interesting is he said in this clip he said you know um what did he say oh he said we can choose to end that relationship whenever we want and then jesus said we'll be cast into the lake of fire well number number one jesus never said that that could even happen to begin with and the number two he uses the term the phrase we can end that relationship well if you think about it judas walked with jesus christ or judas actually had a relationship with jesus logically speaking so if and he was one of the 12 disciples and yet judas went to hell and so yes judas had a relationship quote unquote with god because they'll always say it's about a personal relationship well there's two kinds of relationships there's relationships that are end that are endable and then there's relationships that are eternal the relationship that god gives us in relation to salvation is an eternal relationship the bible says that i will make an everlasting covenant with them everlasting goes forever it's an everlasting covenant it's an everlasting relationship and it's a father-son relationship or father-daughter relationship when you get born into god's family jesus said that you're a son of god even to them which believe on his name which were born the bible says so when you believe on jesus christ or you trust him to get you to heaven you become a son of god and like i said earlier once you're a son you're always a son it's just like my father he'll always be my dad my son will always be my son there's nothing that we can do to undo that relationship and there's nothing that god or us could even undo to undo what he has already accomplished when jesus died he said it is finished and so these people that preach this work salvation they have no power and a lot of these atheists that i'm seeing on the internet were former listeners of these guys well it's no surprise that they were confused to the point where they didn't even know if there was a god or not because they're listening to people like this that are very confusing and and this greg guy from the bible flock box needs to re-examine his position on this and i would just venture to say he needs to get saved if he's preaching this greg if you're listening to this you need to believe what jesus said jesus said that he's the resurrection in the life and that whosoever liveth and believeth in him will never die right jesus also said my sheep hear my voice and i know them and they follow me i give unto them eternal life and they shall never perish but you know there's other people jesus when jesus cast man hell is gonna say depart from me i never knew you so the truth is once he knows you once you're his son you're always going to be his son there's there's nothing that can change that there's nothing that can separate you from that and again all of this stuff we're talking about um the difference is works and faith and what we're talking about this is us just trusting in the promises of jesus christ you know and trusting in what the bible explicitly says what these guys are all talking about again it's just look what i've accomplished you know i did this i'm gonna do this and i you know what's the difference between you and you know the catholic okay or what's you know that believes you got to do the sacraments you know what's the difference between the catholic and the muslim that believes you have to do some good works or the hindu whatever you say well they got the wrong god well the thing is the only way to the father is through jesus christ and jesus christ paid it all did it all on the cross he's the one that died and was buried and rose again and we have to have faith in him and so if you're bringing works to the table i mean you might as well offer up those gods the buddha or allah it's going to do you just as good as it does offering up to god when cain brought the work of his hands to god god rejected it and you know the thing too that you know one thing we're not very good at in our culture today is covenants we don't keep covenants very well you know we've got marriage and divorce running rampant but you know what's amazing about the covenants and the promises of god is you know we see how he always keeps those things he always you know fulfills his end of things and the lengths that he goes through to make these things work so for example we see how god made a covenant with israel yet israel just continually rebelled against god they broke that they broke that covenant but yet god preserved them all those years until there was one born among them jesus christ and you know what he fulfilled all those things all those things that israel could not fulfill through their keeping of the law even though they had a temple in the levitical priesthood they never were capable of fulfilling that covenant but one was born among them the son of god jesus christ who did live a perfect life and then jesus offered up himself as the sacrifice and so we see that while israel wasn't able to keep that covenant god still loved them and so he sent jesus to fulfill it for him to be the sacrifice for them and now all israel has to do to be saved is believe in the lord jesus christ in fact all israel would be saved if they would not abide still in unbelief i mean we see just how far god went to give these people a way to be saved he gave him a law they couldn't do it he sent jesus christ he did it all for him and all they've got to do now is believe and it just shows how much god wants us to be saved so when we see the effort that god you know put into our salvation i don't understand why these people think that he's going to give us all these hoops that we got to jump through and just have these vague rules out there that somehow these people think they're getting from the bible where no two people can agree on that have us always wondering if we're even saved if god was willing to give his own son i mean why would he not want us to be saved i don't think these people realize god wants us to be saved god wants everyone to be saved and at the end of the day if you don't get saved it will not be because you know you failed to live up to something it will be because you rejected the free gift you refused to have faith you saw people like myself and brother matt and brother paul who just accepted the blood sacrifice that was offered up by jesus and just like you know able you know by faith offered a sacrifice that the blood of that lamb cain went and slew his brother when he saw that his works were righteousness and his weren't i'm afraid these people there they hate us for what we're teaching because they realize their works aren't righteous what we're preaching here today we're not bragging nothing we have done has is there any boasting the bible says boasting is excluded when it comes to what we're talking about yet people will get angry because ultimately when we point to the sacrifice that jesus made we're pointing to the fact that your works still are unrighteous and are you going to get mad and you're going to lash out at us or are you going to repent hopefully you'll repent of your unbelief and your lack of faith and you'll trust in what jesus christ already did you know a lot of times when people say hey you can't just live however you want and still go to heaven you know the the bible says very different than that the bible says whom the lord loveth he chasteneth and scourgeth every son whom he receiveth so you know if if you are a true child of god you can do wrong and still go to heaven you know the bible says whom the lord loveth he chasteneth so if you do wrong god's gonna make sure he chastise you or punish you or spanks you here on this earth but you still go to heaven just like my child you know he could grow up change his name say you're not my dad and and you know reject me but you know he's still my son no matter what there's nothing he can do to stop being my son and the bible says behold what manner love the father that we should be called the sons of god so we're a child of god we're a son of god then it's the same thing we we can't lose our salvation but we are going to get punished on this earth if we do wrong and so that's i think important point that you know a lot of people have a hard time understanding and just to prove what you said some of my favorite verses in the bible and folks if you have a bible pull it off your shelf or look it up on your phone app psalm 89 30 through 34 these four verses nail that point home the bible says if his children forsake my law and walk not in my judgments if they break my statutes and keep not my commandments so these are people that have a license to sin according to the lose your salvation crowd it says then will i visit their transgression with the rod and their iniquity with stripes nevertheless my loving kindness will i not utterly take from him nor suffer my faithfulness to fail so god said i will not break the covenant nor will i suffer my faithfulness to fail so we may fail but god never fails jesus never fails and you know people in these pentecostal churches they sing this song called he's a good good father it's who he is well if you really think he's a good father a good father isn't going to forsake their child a good father is not going to give their child a license to get away with sin they're going to spank the child and you know there are people in the bible there are prophets in the bible who are actually physically killed because of their sin so the world actually has a license to get away with sin because they don't have a heavenly father chastening them see it's the fallacy of false equivalence in christianity when these people project their own problems onto our world view they'll say well you must have a license to sin well the truth is we don't they actually do why because they don't have a father to chase in them they can get away with sin all day long god's not going to punish them like he's going to punish us so in the at the end of the day these false teachers every one of them has a license to get away with sin because they're not even saved and like pastor tommy mcmurtrie was saying earlier you know we're not gonna we're not going to preach something that's going to feel good to you it might make you upset and a lot of people have accused paul and i of trying to you know become popular in the young earth creationism circles look folks they will never accept us there's a lot of organizations out there that will have nothing to do with me or paul or even pastor tommy mcmurtrie because what we're preaching goes directly against the doctrines that they hold to that you can lose your salvation that you have to turn over and do leave to be saved we are not preaching the popular thing here and that's why this show will probably never uh become popular on the internet and i'm okay with that i'm not in this for the numbers i'm in this to speak the truth and the truth is brighter than darkness right and this license to sin uh thing that is the ultimate straw man argument because when they say that we're teaching have a license to sin well that would be like me saying well i have a license to speed and i can drive as fast as i want and then i go out and i'm driving as fast as i want and i pull over i get pulled over and i get a ticket and all right and then i said i still try to claim well i have license to sin because he didn't kill me i didn't get death but that ticket that shows i don't have license to sin and just because god is not gonna throw me in hell for sinning it doesn't mean i'm not going to get some kind of punishment on the earth in fact the bible promises if we're his children we will receive chastisement so that's not license to sin okay my ticket that i get that's showing i don't have license to sin if i i could say you know today i've got a license to kill people because we say well if you do you're going to get thrown in prison yeah but they're not going to put me to death and so therefore you know i have license that that would just be a dumb thing to say and so when a person says that you're teaching license to sin just because we're not going to go to hell that's foolish because we will and i do get punished when i sin on this earth so that's a strong that's that's one of the worst straw men that they use well way to take the straw man down very good very good i guess we'll move on to the next clip okay so let's pause for a second this guy look at the uh look at the thumbnail on this video this is his youtube thumbnail now he's a hebrew roots gentleman and his name is lex meyer and he asks this question in his thumbnail and this video has got tons of views it says what does it what does born again really mean folks remember that paul said but i fear lest by any means as the serpent beguiled eve through his subtlety so your mind should be corrupted from the simplicity that is in christ simplicity so you're complicating things just by the thumbnail when you say well what does born again really mean jesus didn't come to confuse the matter and jesus would have never said well what do you think born again really means instead of asking these questions like satan asked eve in the garden jesus spoke in absolutes and so let's go ahead and play this clip and see what kind of argument that this guy makes we must be born of the spirit to enter the kingdom of god and that which is born of flesh is flesh and that which is born of the spirit is spirit keep that in mind as we continue reading so the next time someone asks you if you've been born again you can say not yet but i will be at the resurrection when messiah returns so he says you know and there's other hebrew roots teachers that say nobody is born again and this guy is saying that you don't get born again until jesus returns or the messiah returns well jesus very clearly said that everyone that is born of god he said he literally said there are people that that in the the the phrase the bible uses is is born of the spirit so is everyone that is born of the spirit the bible says in john 112 but as many as received him to them gave he the power to become the sons of god even to them that believe on his name which were born past tense verse 13 so were born is past tense so when the bible says they were born you can't say nobody is born again until the coming of jesus that's just a ridiculous argument right well here's another verse too i mean i don't know how you can get any clearer than this but this is immediately the verse that popped out in my mind first john 3 1 says behold what manner of love the father hath bestowed upon us that we should be called the sons of god therefore the world knoweth us not because it knew him not beloved now are we the sons of god okay right that's right now okay you can't be a son until you've been born so it says right here now are we the sons of god but here there is something to come and it doth not yet appear what we shall be but we know that when he shall appear we shall be like him for we shall see him as he is and so what this what this what's happening i think with this guy and i've never listened to any of his stuff before except for that clip right there again they're mistaking a part of the the promises that come with our salvation okay you know we have heaven we have the new body those things are coming later but when we spirit we spiritually already have these things that's what he's missing right there one of these days i am going to have a spiritual body first corinthians 15 talks about it but i have the promise of it right now and so we claim these things right now and that's why we have that's why we're able to say all these spiritual things and we have all these spiritual things that's why we have been born again because we have we receive the promises of these things when we believed on christ and so this goes back to that point i made earlier and this passage here it's clarifying that it's talking about what's to come in the future but it's saying right now we are already the sons of god and we got it when we believed on him and we became that spiritual man and it's and it also goes on and you know and people get confused too in first john when it talks about that which is born of god sineth not and the truth is that new man that spiritual man that doesn't sin now what you see here today it does sin because you know it was born of the flesh and it is flesh and you better believe it sins but that which is born of god that which is in me that that inward man that i have that i received upon my salvation and believing on christ it doesn't sin and it is a part of me just as much as this physical body is a part of me and one of these days when christ returns this physical part of me it is going to be changed it's going to be transformed into that spiritual body that's one that's like christ and so i have the hope of that so now you know i'm trying to purify myself because it says in the next verse and every man that hath this hope in him purifieth himself even as he is pure so because i have that hope i'm trying to be more like christ i'm trying to do more like him but this this passage couldn't be any more clear that even though there's something that's to come in the future right now i am a son of god so i was born again when i believed on him i'm not going to be born again you know in the resurrection right i'm already saved i'm already a son of god well you know what's interesting is this guy actually contradicts himself in this video and that's what i actually wanted to point out here he says at the end he says so if somebody asks you if you're born again tell them not yet but i will be in the resurrection when messiah returns notice what he says beforehand we must be born of the spirit to enter the kingdom of god and that which is born of flesh is flesh and that which is born of the spirit is spirit did you catch that he said that which is born of the flesh is flesh and that which is born of the spirit is spirit well if nobody's born again till jesus comes back that doesn't make any sense so he literally contradicted himself by saying well that which is born of flesh is flesh that which is born of spirit is spirit however nobody's born again until jesus comes back that does not make any sense and one thing you you viewers out there and people in the Hebrew roots movement and other movements should keep in mind when you listen to guys like this that have a big smile on their face in these youtube videos wolves always will smile they'll always you know the counterfeits they'll always try to make themselves look really nice and really harmless and the bible even says that satan himself is transformed into an angel of light and you know even when the antichrist comes you know there's going to be so many people that are deceived and if it were possible even the elect would be deceived if it were possible so you know when you see these guys on the internet they're going to use what sound to be very compelling arguments if you don't know the bible it's just like atheists when they when they say your god is uh you know god is magical and you don't know what you believe you might assume that god is magical but what you probably aren't aware of and if you study you're going to realize that atheists themselves believe in magic not the christian the bible says the lord hates sorcery the lord hates magic number one and number two if you think that the world could create itself from nothing matter time space energy etc from ex nihilo with no cause for it that is magical saying that systems could come into place without a creator is magical saying that a creator made them is not magical and so when it comes to false teachers like this they use methods that are unreliable and that are unbiblical and my my advice to you is to read the bible don't be deceived by these people that were in the hebrew roots movement i was in the hebrew roots movement there's a lot of other people that were in that movement that have seen the truth and come out of it and snapped out of these lies and you know these work salvation types what they need to keep in mind is they're all the same it's all the same game muslim jew mormon hebrew roots hindu you go down the line i will show you the same religion every time right and you know i like what you said you have to be reading the bible see because the thing is it's real easy for these youtube guys to use a verse like that you know and then hey he just quoted a bible verse he must be telling the truth but the thing is if you were if you read your bible if you're familiar with that passage you would realize that when jesus said that he was talking to nicodemus a man who who was a ruler of the jews who believed because he was a jew that he was on his way to heaven he thought he had something special for being jewish and so jesus told him he must be born again he said well how can a man be born when he is old can he enter his mother's womb a second time and that's the same passage where jesus goes on to tell him and john 316 for god's love the world that he gave his only begotten son that whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have everlasting life you know what he was trying to do he was trying to teach a man who was trusting in his works and who he was in the flesh to have faith and to believe on christ and that is how he would be born again he was telling he he needed to believe in the spiritual he needed to believe in the promises of god and so this guy here he's kind of doing the same thing as nicodemus he's he's thinking all right well i'm seeing born again well you know the first birth i mean that was a physical thing so therefore the new birth has to be a physical thing no it's it's a spiritual thing that takes place in the heart and don't get me wrong we're going to get a new body at the resurrection but first john 3 makes it clear that right now we're already the sons of god therefore if i'm if i'm a son of god now then it is because i believe i believed on him and i've already been born again amen the real question is not can someone lose their salvation the real question is can a person choose to walk from salvation abso-freaking-lutely use the scripture to prove it to you right now doug you are on heart of the matter how are you sir i'm doing well how are you i'm doing good there's a verse that kind of says um if we believe not yet he abides faithful he cannot deny himself do you know what i'm talking about uh give me the give me the reference we have time i'll look it up you know it second second timothy 213 all right let's look it up really quick if we believe not yet he abideth faithful he cannot deny himself oh that's a good passage i think i think you got me on a passage i don't know i don't know uh i have to look at the greek oh man how dare somebody bring the bible into a situation like that you see this guy's you know he's appealing to people's common sense he's appealing to just you know that just base instinct of man or that uh that sin nature that wants to give themselves some credit again that wants to be able to look and say hey look what i did or look what i didn't do and you know he wasn't going to any bible verses to to prove that and then somebody goes to a bible verse talking about how god cannot deny himself you know he's gonna buy faithful and at the end of the day what that passage is trying to teach us i don't i don't believe that passage is just trying to teach well if we quit believing you know we're still going to get saved even though i think you can make an application there because at the end of the day if god promises something whatever it is you know we can deny him all we want we can deny that god's gonna do what he said he's gonna do but you know what no matter what he's gonna abide faithful he's not gonna deny himself he's not gonna go along with whatever we say and so the thing is that guy he's got so many other passages that he's got to answer for besides what we see there in second timothy and it's just it's funny when these guys actually get hit with scripture and he's probably you know not used to that in his audience absolutely not and actually i think we're gonna i think the viewers are gonna love this this guy goes on more and it is pretty hilarious how little he know i'm surprised he's able to run a television show called heart of the matter and i mean i've seen him get stumped so many times on his show so we'll continue here he gets stumped again and i give them to them eternal life they shall never perish neither shall any men pluck them out of my hand that means like no man will pluck them out of my hand that includes you you you've not even you can walk away from it do you think you're stronger than god that's an isogenical reading of the passage that's an isogenical you're reading into the passage that's not what it says and then it says what if you're a woman which gave them to me is greater than all and no man is able to pluck them out of my father he's freaking out okay you gotta look at the greek word for pluck it's not something i want to believe i would love to believe that i came to know christ and i will forever ever be safe yeah that guy got desperate right there he's he was literally just freaking out because uh you know how is that he just doing an ice of jesus of that passage i mean jesus couldn't have been talking any plainer right there that's not what the greek says yeah but yeah he wants to try to go to the greek and you know i don't know the greek but i'm i'm sure the greek's not going to help you get out of that it's just it's too plain it's too simple what jesus is talking about you know he he's talking about eternal security i mean my sheep hear my voice and i know them and they follow me i give unto them eternal life and they shall never perish and in case that's not clear for you clear enough for you neither shimmy and pluck them out of my hand if that's not clear enough for you my father which gave them me is greater than all and no man is able to pluck them out of my father's hand i mean he's i mean doubling down and tripling down and just making it clear that you know once you're saved you're not going anywhere and so i you know yeah that guy you know he should have been freaking out he's kind of strange i mean he came from a mormon church he is a former mormon but there's no difference between him and mormonism they all say the same thing i mean i was talking to a mormon recently and they're like well you can't lose your salvation but you can walk from it just like this guy said well can you walk from salvation absolutely well you know it's the same thing it's he's he he claims to have come out of mormonism yet he's preaching the same thing that the mormons preach yeah you know i was thinking about something just i think it was just yesterday i was just i was pondering on some things and thinking about how in most religions and even in the baptist world how little scripture is covered by a lot of preachers i was thinking about an evangelist that i know that i mean has just a handful of sermons and he just preaches the same sermons everywhere he goes almost verbatim and i got to thinking about it and i was like you know if you're wrong on a doctrine then that creates a bunch of bible that you can't use and you know the more doctrines you're wrong on the more scripture that there is that you can't use because it creates other problems for you and so the thing is you go to most churches today i mean you're lucky to only hear three or if you hear more than three or four verses and it's because they can't give a lot of scripture because the more scripture they do the more problems it's going to create because they're teaching so many things wrong and when you have your doctrine right you're not going to be scared of any part of the bible you know people aren't going to call you up with questions like that and freak out because you you've studied these things and your doctrine's right and when you're when you have when your position is right nothing's going to mess you up anywhere in the scriptures and i'm telling you you know one thing that we're not doing on this program i've done it on my youtube channel before on some things but i love going to the scriptures that people try to use to debunk once saved always saved and just showing every single time without fail if you just look at context it's teaching the opposite but these guys like him depend on your ignorance and if you're one of these people and if you only know the scriptures that they read to you you're going to be in trouble you have to be reading your bible and obviously that guy had an audience member that was reading his bible and he i mean this audience member put him to shame and so you've got to be in the scriptures and and once you start getting uh certain doctrines right it opens up all of the bible to you and so there's a reason you're only getting a few verses a week in your church because your pastor's probably got some doctrine wrong but when you know you go to a church like ours and a lot of the churches that i fellowship with these guys preach just a huge variety of things they preach through entire books they go verse by verse you know they read a chapter a full chapter in every service from the chapter that they're going to be preaching on why are we why do we do this because if we're preaching the truth all the scripture is going to back us up and it's going to help us out we don't have to run and hide from anything but these guys obviously do absolutely absolutely great points now what is the lake of fire the lake of fire is hell it's where everyone goes who does not obey jesus to the end of their lives but there is a spirit of delusion that is coming upon the church and i want you warned so it doesn't touch you and it doesn't touch your loved ones that's what we're going to talk about today wow yeah so he's anybody who is not obedient all the way but you know the bible makes it real clear that the lake of fire you know it's the second death and uh the bible says in i think it's revelation 2 11 it says he that hath an ear let him hear what the spirit saith unto the churches he that overcometh shall not be heard of the second death now i don't have time to go through all of revelation i preached a sermon uh that was probably a couple years ago and if you go through revelation chapter two and three where jesus is writing to all the churches he keeps putting a message out there you know to him that overcometh to him that overcometh we see that constantly well what's interesting is if you go back in the scriptures in the new testament every one of these things where jesus says to him that overcometh we find out that we have all done that through jesus christ he's done all these things for us you know who is he that overcometh the world even he that believeth that jesus is the christ we are an overcomer because jesus has done these things on our behalf so i am an overcomer all right why because my high priest did these things for me the high priest in the old testament he would do things you know in the name of the people in israel he would do it on their behalf and in the book of hebrews we see that jesus christ is our high priest and so there's in the book of hebrews there's some verses you can pick and choose out of there to talk about things that you know we have to do but if you actually read all the book of hebrews and look at the context we see that those things were that we have done those things through our high priest jesus christ so i physically i personally didn't do these things but my high priest jesus christ did so i get credited for these things and in revelation the things that we are to overcome those things were all done through jesus christ he we are overcomers because he is an overcomer and so if you're an overcomer you will not be hurt of the second death and just because you you believed on christ and that's all there is to it again all glory goes to jesus christ jesus never said you have to obey me until the end or you'll be cast into the lake of fire like this guy just said and i find it interesting you know my favorite verse in the whole bible is is john 5 24 and that verse completely debunks this idea that until you have to make it until the end because jesus actually gives a prophecy here he says verily verily i see into you he that heareth my word and believeth on him that sent me hath everlasting life and shall now notice what jesus prophesies and shall not he's making a prophecy right here shall not come into condemnation but is passed from death unto life what kind of life eternal life once you trust jesus you're passed from death the second death unto life and life everlasting so when these false teachers say you know you you can lose your salvation and you have to obey jesus until the very end well wait a minute jesus prophesied because these guys go on and on about prophecy prophecy prophecy well look at what jesus prophesied he prophesied that if you trust him and that if you believe on his name in the name of him that sent christ the father that you have eternal life life that never ends from that moment on and you shall not come into condemnation but is passed from death unto life past tense you can't get any clearer than that folks now and here's a prophecy for you first thessalonians 4 14 says for if we believe that jesus died and rose again even so them also which sleep in jesus will god bring with him for this we say unto you by the word of the lord that we which are alive and remain of the coming of the lord shall not prevent them which are asleep for the lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout with the voice of the archangel with the trump of god and the dead in christ shall rise first so right there talking about the rapture talking about the resurrection that we've been talking about it says all we have to do to be part of that if we believe that jesus died and rose again well it also says in revelation 20 verse 6 blessed and holy is he that hath part in the first resurrection on such the second death hath no power i mean folks what are you going to do about that i mean that's these are both prophecies right here prophecy tells me that if we believe on christ the second death hath no power over us you can't get around that at the end of the day these people just need to admit we don't like what the bible says we don't believe it we've created a god in our image it's just a better looking god than the one that the atheists have created that's the only difference both teachings will send you to hell amen there's no good works that you could do to to get saved and so therefore there's no bad works that you could do to get unsaved and a lot of people treat it like well now i'm saved and now i'm not they treat it like it's a fence game like you're jumping the fence and this guy earlier he's like you can walk from your salvation but where is that in the bible where is any of the things that this guy says or that any of these guys have said in the bible it's just not there and just to prove that you don't have to make it till the end to be saved and just to prove that jesus will always hold on to his children and that god the father will never let us go as he promised saul before he died turned his back on the lord the bible says that he was an enemy of god the bible says that he went to the witch of andor and they raised up the spirit of samuel samuel looked at saul and said saul tomorrow at this time shall thou and thy sons be with me now where was samuel well the bible says that to be absent from the body is to be present with the lord so samuel was with the lord and samuel was telling saul saul you messed up you've done some wrong things and because of this tomorrow you and your sons are going to be with me well samuel was with the lord in heaven saul went to be where samuel was so you see that saul went to be with god saul committed suicide people say how can you say that committing suicide you know wouldn't you go to hell if you committed suicide you can take your own flesh you could destroy your own body but when you get saved it's the spirit that gets saved not the flesh and so once again the lose your salvation crowd has no credit in christianity they're they're not christians folks and i'm not trying to be mean to anybody and i'm not trying to be rude but this is the truth the truth is what the facts are and the fact is that these people that claim that you can lose your salvation they're not they're not christians they are people that believe just like all the other false religions they're the same thing it's all the same game right yeah and it's sad too because you know they uh said a lot of them seem pretty close you know to what we are you know they talk about jesus they say they say a lot of the same things but but at the end of the day work salvation is work salvation and there have been many ways it's been packaged throughout time in the early church they said you must be circumcised and keep the law of moses in order to be saved well when the disciples got together and had their conference about whether or not that was the case they rejected that and the reason for that is you know they said you know why should we put a yoke on these people that they are not able to bear and that we were not able to bear they were admitting hey we never kept the law so why are we asking these guys to keep the law in order to be saved we said we believe that we're saved by grace without works and so um the the devil has always tried to get this in and again it started with cain and it will always be around it will as long as there are unsaved people on this planet there will be those out there trying to teach some sort of works-based salvation because that that's basically the opposite of a faith-based salvation and your faith must be you must have faith without faith it is impossible to please him yeah and a lot of people do use that unpardonable sin of suicide and another great proof of that is samson and if you look at hebrews he's listed in the the faith chapter as he went to heaven and he did commit suicide so that that's another great proof right there that uh you can't lose your salvation right jonah in a way he kind of he tried to commit suicide yeah when he told those guys to throw him overboard uh you know god ended up sparing him anyway but again you know you can't find anywhere in the scriptures where suicide causes you to lose your salvation you know that's that's a common teaching uh in like the catholic world especially and obviously it's a terrible thing to kill yourself that's that's a horrible thing to do but at the same time um there's no evidence anywhere in the scripture that that would make you lose your salvation we just we just don't see it amen and amen you know i think that you know between the three of us and the working of the holy ghost and the word of god that it's been demonstrated clearly tonight folks that there are only two religions there's people who trust their works like we've demonstrated and like these fake christians out there will do and then there's those of us who have trusted in the sacrifice of christ and you know before we start wrapping this up i wanted to talk a little bit about repentance now pastor mcmurtrie let me ask you because i've run into a lot of people that say you have to turn from your sins to be saved how would you respond to that well i would ask them i like to ask the question well what sins because again god can't lower his standards to your to your standards and so because people mean different things when they use that term repent of sins or turn from your sins so when i've i've had people bring that up when i've been out soul winning and i ask what do you think you do you get saying they'll say you have to repent of your sins and then i'll always ask well what do you mean by that and a lot of times they'll say well you know you need to and they'll start talking about things you've got to give up and and so then i'll bring up well so do you think god so are we not expected to give up pride you know what about temper you know do we need to make sure we never lose our temper again i mean you know just and once you start doing that most people start realizing uh yeah we can't do that because obviously if repenting of sins was a way of salvation we would have to repent of all the sins and nobody can do that that's not what believing on christ is and so a lot i'm afraid uh what happened guys like billy graham he used that term a lot and i think he meant repent of your sins when he said it and there's a lot of people they've picked up that terminology and they don't even realize what they're saying but i think that's a terrible thing to say when telling somebody how to get saved because a lot of people think yeah if i'm going to get saved i got to be willing to start going to church i got to give up this sin i got to give up that sin and the problem is with a lot of the people i've talked to they've already tried repenting of their sins many many times only to fail i know many people you know they'll go to these camp meetings and they'll hear a preacher getting up talking about repenting of sins they go down to the altar and they determine all right that's it i'm laying my cigarettes on the altar you know i'm giving up this i'm giving up that i'm not going to do these things anymore and then they pray a prayer they shed some tears but then they go home and you know what we're always going to have this flesh folks this flesh is always going to be around until jesus christ returns and gives us that new glorified body and then you know what they find themselves they find themselves sinning again and they're like well i guess i didn't mean it you know i guess i didn't really mean it and the thing is you know we want you to repent of your sins but at the end of the day nobody can completely and we're not commanded to do that we're commanded to believe in the lord jesus christ he's like but the bible talks about repentance well you gotta look at those passages and see what they're repenting of if you were a jew back then thinking that you were going to go to heaven because of your keeping of the law then they needed to repent of that and they needed to believe on jesus christ they needed to repent of their unbelief if you're believing in an idol if you're believing in some other god you've got to repent of whatever that is but you know telling people they got to repent of your sin their sins you know some people just mean well you got to realize you're a sinner well okay i agree with that you do need to realize what you're being saved from but you know i like in romans chapter 3 i want to read this passage here because again anybody who teaches you have to repent of sins or quit doing some sins be saved if they actually mean that they're they're really a hypocrite because the bible says in romans 3 uh 28 says therefore we conclude that a man is justified by faith without the deeds of the law now that can't couldn't be any clearer but then it goes on to say in verse 31 do we then make void the law through faith so are we just saying who cares about the law it doesn't matter we're just trying to throw all those old testament laws out is that what we're trying to do do we make void the law through faith god forbid yay we establish the law those of us who teach that you do not have to repent of your sins to be saved and that you just have to believe on christ we are the ones who are establishing the law and what we are doing is we're looking at this law of god and we're saying i can't do it what we're doing is we're saying yep that's the law and it's good and i'm in big trouble and my only hope is grace and i'm putting my faith in jesus christ and so because every and everyone too who teaches you got to repent of your sins if you get specific with them you start saying well which sins that's when they start creating a god in their own image again what they do well you got to repent of all the sins that i repented of you know i gave up my drinking smoking and cussing and i started going to church in tithing you got to do those things too okay but there's a lot more things that you know we're not supposed to do than just those things it's always magically the things that they repented of well you don't have to repent of all your sins you know but the big ones again then no you're not going to find any two repent of your sins preachers that have the same standard on these things and so i personally uh you know encourage preachers to not use that terminology at all don't tell people to repent of their sins for salvation and if you do and i'm fine with using the word repentance but you better make it clear what that means because a lot of people are teaching it wrong two things we don't come to the cross or we don't change to come to the cross is what i've always said we go to the cross to be changed or to be saved number one and then number two you know to say that you have to turn over a new leaf you're taking the spotlight off of what the lord did he gave us the ability to trust him and to receive the free gift and folks if you're not sure that you're saved i recommend right now even in this moment getting on pastor mcmurtrie's youtube channel subscribe to him it's liberty baptist church is the name of the channel and um he has the bible way to heaven on there and you can watch the full video and you can walk away today knowing for sure that you're going to heaven check out his website givemeeliberty.com is that what it is give me liberty baptist givemeelibertybaptist.com check out his website subscribe to his material check out the solid content coming out of here this isn't going to be the popular opinion folks but you know what if you're looking for the truth it's not going to be amongst what's popular and so um you know i highly recommend that and in closing i kind of want to tie this back into one of the things that we make this show about and that's debunking evolution demonstrating creation and let's talk a little bit about these atheists the definition of atheism because atheists will say well i just lack belief i don't have any beliefs well is that your belief that you don't have a belief number one they'll say well atheism is not a worldview well is it your worldview that you don't have a worldview so many logical fallacies from them just as all these people had logical fallacies the atheist religion has logical fallacies as well the dictionary definition is the belief that there is no god so when they say we don't have beliefs the dictionary literally says that it's the belief that there is no god and so in closing i think we'll play a quick video of the atheist church now on this show we showed that there is an atheist church and some of the atheists picked up on that and they picked up that i said that and they didn't watch the whole episode because if they would have watched the whole episode they would have seen that we actually showed the actual church but instead of researching it they just said there's no such thing as an atheist church there's no such thing as an atheist church so let's look at the religious atheist church ladies and gentlemen and demonstrate and just let this uh moment here demonstrate to you that they do have a religion and that they do actually have a church which is with a statement of faith that says that they have faith in nature these churches are popping up all over the place now and so atheist churches let that sink like what the is he talking about i have never seen an atheist church audience my atheist audience it's good to see the crying atheist laughing church i agree what's your background were you raised so he's gonna be crying now you're proving him wrong again recently i've just been uh de-baptized so i have the actual certificate to show that i've been de-baptized even after taking time out of my schedule to debate the raging atheists and the atheist community said that he lost both debates hands down well if you know if i was to lose a debate i would do research right and one of the things that i shared with the raging atheist was that there are atheist churches popping up all over the united states and they have sunday services with the worship service as well and he goes no there's no such thing as an atheist church you're off the rails matt and he didn't do any research and now two years later when i mentioned last episode about the first church of atheism raging atheist went ahead and responded and he goes there's no such thing as the atheist church and other atheist youtubers responded and said there's no such thing as an atheist church the atheist church is launching 35 new services in cities across the world there's ones in new zealand hungary france the uk and 16 here in the us so i'm here at the one in strongsville ohio just outside cleveland the atheist church is a real thing ladies and gentlemen they're popping up all over the place and so for these atheists to respond to me and say there's no such thing as an atheist church it just goes to show they haven't actually done research they're not interested in facts and scientific methods they are interested in just fighting and debating and arguing and trying to demonstrate something that they themselves don't even know to be true these churches are popping up all over the place now and so atheist churches let that sink like what the is he talking about i have never seen an atheist church audience my atheist audience have you seen an atheist church like the first couple videos in like forever that we get from that pound is just a bunch of lies i love the music yeah i saw the video where he was talking to you i don't know how recent it was but uh where he was just kept telling you you know you you're bringing nothing new matt you're bringing nothing new but it's like he wouldn't answer the questions because he knew he couldn't answer the question so he has to just you know make it out like you're the one that's the problem so just as there's two world religions we see that the atheists fit right in with all of the other religions in the world in fact they have their own church and these atheists on youtube they don't even research to find out i've been seeing for years that the atheist church is a real thing and then all of a sudden raging atheist here for example goes i what is he talking about atheist church i've never heard of that well my question to you is where have you been because the atheist churches are popping up all over the us they're trying to indoctrinate adolescents and young people and as well as old people that's why we have this show is because it's the fastest growing false religion that fits in with every other religion they claim to be outcasts they claim to be free thinkers yet they believe just like the rest of the religions out there that are works based and so with that being said i'm going to turn this over to tommy mcmertree to pastor tommy mcmertree to close us out and thank you all for tuning in you know i thought that was interesting because to me those were just honest atheists basically admitting that what they believe is a you know faith-based religion they called it a statement of faith because evolution it's not based on facts it's based on faith and you know what what we teach what we believe it is based on faith also and you know my faith is is everything to me but you know at least i'm honest enough to say hey i believe what i believe based on this book right here here's where it said it and here's who wrote it this is where it came from what's funny about atheists they act like what they believe is just based on fact in science yet you know their view constantly changes ours has been around you know christianity's been around for 2 000 years and yet and it's remained the same and it's not changing where theirs is constantly changing and the thing is if you ask an atheist too uh you know why they believe what they believe you know it's based on faith too if they're honest because you know when you talk to an atheist ask them all right when they're giving you their so-called scientific facts say well where did you get those facts can you tell me what book you know when who published it who was the author of that book did you observe the experiment did you did you do this research yourself or are you just believing what this scientist told you and what are you going to do you know 10 years from now if he updates his position again are you just going to go along with that and the truth is atheists are constantly changing and moving and they say it's them they're growing and they're learning more but the truth is they're just basing their faith on the popular narratives of today is is what they're doing they're trying to be relevant they're trying to just fit in with society and at the end they don't even realize they're just a bunch of just sheep being led astray by false prophets and they're being told they're enlightened they're being told they're not in a religion they're being told what they believe is based on faith yet it's not they haven't done the research they're trusting in someone else they're trusting in a man who hasn't been around that long they're trusting in a publication that has not been tested by time and so uh at the end of the day i think what they do and what they teach takes a lot more faith than what we do and teach we've seen what christianity produces you know we've seen you know i mean i'm not seeing a lot of christians who believe like we do you know going down the paths that they're going down and just living the horrible lives i mean the christian life is a great life i mean god has blessed my family greatly we have a happiness that they will never understand without alcohol without drugs without promiscuity we have all these things that they're searching for in their false religions we have it right here and they're missing out and they at the end of the day they've rejected the god of the bible when they knew god they glorified him not as god neither were thankful they came vain their imagination their foolish heart was dark and they decided they are going to decide what god is and they have turned god basically into what they are they are their own god and you know i don't see i don't think they should be able to fault me for not wanting to worship them and worship what they're worshiping i'm going to continue worshiping the god of the bible and he's never let me down and i know we never will all right well you know there's a lot of things in this episode that i really want you guys out there to really think about and the the to contemplate especially if you're not sure if you believe everything that we just presented but uh i think we made ourselves very clear tonight i think we presented um uh the best possible episode we could on this this topic and so i really appreciate pastor tommy mcmurtry and matt you know coming out to do episode five of answers in creation we're going to try to do a bunch more episodes here guys so make sure you share these videos and uh support us on our social media accounts and also i want to just remind everyone before we leave here tonight that we have alternative sites because youtube is being so highly censored please subscribe to our bit shoot accounts and uh brighteon accounts you can find us framing the world generation conspiracy um and don't forget to support us on our patreon account of course i wanted to quickly list off all of our patreon supporters i mean not our patreon supporters but our donors to the store real quick before we run off uh sarah wallace chad demian josh lunsford robert kerny andrew harms preston taylor justin schwartz ethan schmidt walter rodriguez k coons julio feliz julio guerrero samuel elliott christian cumbi in memory of timothy kaphone and infectious services i you guys are awesome thank you for your continued support uh you know you guys if you believe in this this show if you believe in the different shows we're doing uh please donate to the show uh it is truly appreciated and of course the sponsor of today's program is the romans road app if you haven't yet downloaded that app make sure you download it it has a lot of bible preaching and it has the audio of the bible uh read on there as well so again guys thanks so much for your support i really hope you enjoyed this episode i know i did and uh yeah episode five of answers in creation thanks for listening guys make sure you share this video god bless