(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) All right guys we are live and again I like to say this in air quotes live because we're really premiering these episodes but I'm really excited about today's episode we have in the house Matt Powell so he actually lives here in Michigan and we just happened to just move to the same area I didn't talk to him I knew he was going to the Grand Rapids area and that's where my family's from so but you know the Grand Rapids area is pretty big and we ended up moving within 30 minutes of each other so that's exciting hopefully we can get him in the studio more often I want to do a bunch of these shows and as you saw on the graphic you know this is answers in creation this is our first episode here at the framing the world studios I'm excited to talk with him today about debunking evolution we're gonna be talking about different ways you can debunk evolution there's so many different ways you can debunk evolution and that's why I'm excited to talk to him he is the one that made the film silence falsely so-called and so did God create the world or did the world create itself it's a fantastic documentary I hope you guys check it out you can get a copy at framing the world but yeah we're gonna be talking with Matt today about debunking evolution Matt how you doing today man I'm doing great Paul it's good to be here thanks for having me on yeah I when you said you know your location and where what church you're going to I was excited because I do I googled the church and it was eight minutes from my house so that that totally is awesome so you should hopefully we can do this more often when you're in the area or stuff like that but Matt you know why don't you get off start off by telling us a little bit about yourself and tell us like why can evolution be so easily debunked sure thing well thanks again Paul for having me on and just a real brief introduction to who I am my name is Matt Powell I run a YouTube channel just called Matt Powell official and I pretty much dedicate my time to unindoctrinating those who have been indoctrinated by the theory of evolution and atheism and with atheism being the fastest growing religion in the world it's something that I take very seriously as I have a lot of atheist family members and then not my immediate family but outside of my immediate family there's an atheist family members and I've seen what this religion has done to them and you know I heard a creation scientist say one time that evolution is a religion of death and that phrase has never rung more true than in 2020 and so I'm in college and I'm a senior in college this year studying computer information systems and so I love studying I love the Bible I love God's Word and I love reason and logic and so forth and one of the things that is really easy to debunk is the theory of evolution and what's interesting about it is the theory of evolution is actually the only theory protected by law so whenever an atheist says well I'm a free thinker I'm able to think for myself and they go out on the street and they hold up a sign that says free thinker on it basically what they're what they're not realizing is that their theory is a theory that they're not allowed to think outside of because evolution like I said is protected by law and so since it's protected by law they're not allowed to free think outside of it so that just shows that evolution right at the foundation is not based on free thought it's based on confined thought it's confined down to what's protected by law in their system and so since my tax dollars pay for it and your tax dollars and everybody that's listening to this show has to go to that nonsense we should have a say in it and so one of the easiest ways to debunk evolution is just to look at the founders of it for starters so obviously you know people like Charles Darwin you know he said and I quote because a lot of people don't know this about char Charles Darwin in his book life and letters written in the late 1800s he said and I quote he said often a cold shutter has run through me and I have asked myself whether I have devoted my life to a fantasy so Charles Darwin was literally scared to death that he devoted his life to a fantasy and so when people like Bill Nye and all the mainstream atheists out there come along and try to tell you how smart Charles Darwin was and how great of a man he was show them that quote show them that they're trusting a man they're trusting a theory that was invented by a man who was afraid that his theory was a fantasy so that's not a very good foundation you know a good foundation would be something like what Jesus said when he spoke in absolutes and said I'm the way the truth in the light in the life no man cometh unto the Father but by me so Jesus spoke in absolutes Charles Darwin spoken well it could be a fantasy I'm worried my life's a fantasy he daily asked himself that so can you really trust somebody who was afraid that they were living in fantasy land you see well how can you demonstrate that these people are living in a fantasy well not only did Charles Darwin admit that he was possibly living in a fantasy Ernst Haeckel the man who went off of what Darwin said and basically was the co-founder of evolution he said and I quote he said spontaneous generation or life coming from non-life must be true not because it had been proven in the laboratory but because otherwise it would be necessary to believe in a creator so Ernst Haeckel admitted that if spontaneous generation did not happen then he would have to believe in the Lord obviously spontaneous generation was disproved decades ago and so is he going to believe if Ernst Haeckel was alive today he would say well I have no choice but to believe in the Lord because you know if spontaneous generation didn't happen then there would have to be a creator spontaneous generation was disproved entirely by the scientific community yet people like Ernst Haeckel are still out there and in fact Ernst Haeckel the co-founder of evolution was convicted of fraud he was proven to be a fraud and he got his embryos his fake embryos are still put in textbooks today now I understand he was only convicted of fraud only 130 years ago but I don't think it should take textbooks that long to get updated and so they still have his fraudulent embryos and and those those frauds that he designed in there those fakes and so you know just looking at the founders of evolution just as a start goes to show that they they didn't know anything about science they didn't have they didn't understand what was under the microscope and now that we can see in genetics we can see that creationism is completely scientific and the evolution is falsified by the simple fact that when we look at a genome what do we see well obviously we see that in each generation you lose information so for example my son has one to two percent less genetic information than I do and when he has a son if he does his son will have one to two percent less genetic information than he does so what that means is genes are actually to create degrading over time we are losing information we're not gaining information information is getting lost and so evolutionists will often say well give me more time and anything will happen the silly thing about that is the more time that you have the more the universe decays and the more that things become worse in our bodies and in the world around us so if the earth was billions of years old the earth would have just simply decayed the planets would have decayed everything would be out of orbit because as of right now things are in a perfect orbit but they're heading towards a imperfect orbit and an orbit that could destroy life so the earth could not have possibly been around for billions of years and you know just that's just on the genetic level you know we're losing information and so let's just enter into fantasy land and you know just play pretend with the atheists for a minute they'll say that life started from a single-celled organism now we know that a single-celled organism if it magically evolved somehow and came into existence on its own without a designer then if it would have reproduced then again it would have made worse versions of itself it wouldn't have added new two traits or characteristics natural selection only selects the genes that already exist it doesn't create new information it simply selects and so that that first single-celled organism would have reproduced worse versions of itself and it would have simply died out and a lot of evolutionists will say well no you can have new information but by a male and female coming together and having a child the mom's genes and the dad's genes make a child that which is new genes they say but the problem with that is it's that's like saying well let me take a can of jelly and a can of peanut butter and mix them together and I've got a new ingredient that's not how it works you're taking information from a father and information from a mother that's already previously existing and putting it together to make a baby and that doesn't make new information it simply selects the existing information from the father and the mother so if we go back far enough in time there would have had to have been a perfect male and a perfect female to account for all the diversity that we see today that is that is creationism demonstrated in the most simple way possible and so whenever an evolutionist tries to tell me that evolution is a scientific fact or that I use information control but this this cracks me up so much evolutionists consistently accuse me of controlling information from my audience and not giving the other side and and and not letting these other atheists speak out well what I think is so hypocritical about that is I'm willing to go on platforms with each and every one of them even our and raw Larry Nelson excuse me any one of the big names out there I'd be happy to tell them the facts and they can come forth with their opinions but the facts will still be the facts and there are scientific facts that we know are true regardless of what any of their opinions are and so since they accuse me of trying to use information control I think one of the best ways to jump into this show would be to actually play clips of them attacking me or attacking other preachers in our movement and just demonstrate that they have nothing and show how their claims that they try to come back at you with don't hold any water and so Paul if you're ready we'll go ahead and switch over to the laptop screen so people can see what's going on yeah you know what for some reason for some reason we don't we're not seeing it I don't know if I totally screwed this up I just look back and I'm not seeing that laptop screen but why don't you why don't you let's why don't we go back to that why don't you talk about what what got you into this to begin with Matt like what what makes you so passionate about the these subjects because I know this is kind of like your main bread and butter you love to talk about these issues what makes you so passionate about these subjects talk about that and I'm gonna get this figured out sounds good thanks Paul so I would say the thing that got me into it was just seeing students go into college and in their first year a lot of Christian students would come out just within the first semester and just come out and make wild claims like there is no God and that you know a creationism must be false and evolution must be true and they they just make a lot of blanket statements that they've heard from university professors which goes to show that they don't really think on their own two feet they're not really taught how to think they're taught what to think and so when you try to tell them how to think they get upset because they've been told what to think about how to think and so their worldview just I've seen just collapses in on itself and so I noticed that and I noticed you know some of my you know peers in college just you know coming up with silly ideas and so that's what motivated me to speak out on this topic is because you know I myself am a college student you know and I and I you know it honestly bothers me just to see college students deceived and so that's why I've gotten into this that's why I'm I decided to debate people like the raging atheist or Mark Drysdale is because these the raging atheist for example came out against me and just put out multiple videos saying you know debate me please debate me and so I finally took him up on it and that's basically how I got started with the creation versus evolution gig and then you know I just had other people saying that they were blessed by the material they were blessed by science falsely so called and they were blessed by other videos that I had put out on the matter that would clear up the confusion that's out there and so that kind of motivated me to keep doing this and especially when some of them would get saved you know that would that would be you know a big motivator as well and so you know with that being said you know there's so many ways in which you can get them to doubt their faith in evolution you ask them really basic questions I find if you if you talk to somebody that's been indoctrinated and you just simply ask them do you think that an explosion out of chaos produced order they are gonna sit there dumbfounded because they know that the second law of thermodynamics states that everything in order tends towards disorder and so they have no foundation and when you ask the right questions that's when things become incredibly clear that we have the truth as Christians and all they're left with is an unsupported assertion and a lie awesome man well we got all set up and I again I'm sorry about that yeah why don't you go and cue up that clip one more time sounds good all right we'll just jump right into this so for those of you out there who accused me of using information control and not letting the other side speak we're gonna let the other side speak tonight we're gonna see how it lines up with logic and facts and reason so today it's going to be another first for the response list today we're going to be responding to a 22 year old pastor named Matt Powell there is no logic at all into believing that one day God just decided to poof us into existence well number one I'm not a pastor you know if you would have done the basic research you would have seen that I've always claimed just to be a college student and then number two you say there's no logic at all into believing that one day God just magically poofed us into existence you're describing what the Big Bang teaches it was literally a poof so when you say so when you say there's no logic at all in the believing that one day we were just poofed into existence that's what the Big Bang teaches the Big Bang literally teaches that all the matter in the universe was condensed down to a size smaller than a proton and then in a billionth of a billionth of a billionth of a second it went from that tiny point to something billions of miles across you know that's so crazy I love how dr. Ken Hovind puts it it's smaller than a period on a page is that because some people don't even think like what is a proton but like what's the size of a proton I mean it's way smaller than probably a period on a page yeah it's it's hundreds of times smaller yeah and so you know so to say like you know this this thing poofed into existence crazy everything and created everything but yet you think it's crazy to believe that God could have poofed I'll use your words the universe into existence I would say that that's the fallacy of false equivalence that's an equivocation where they try to project their own problems onto creationists they fling their own poo like this guy just did on to me and I don't want it you know they can keep it they can keep their fantasy land you know I'll make up a purpose for myself it's so funny you ask an atheist like this guy what is the meaning of life and so since they don't think there's any actual objective meaning to life they'll say well my meaning of my life is whatever I make up what they're admitting is that they're making up or make believing a purpose for life so you know it's it's pretending they're pretending that there's a purpose when they know that there actually is no purpose that's dishonest and I've always said that evolution is impossible to defend honestly so you know either so to finish this guy off you know he says it's just crazy to believe that God poofed this world into existence well number one you believe it was a poof and that no one caused it number two and then number three what's magical somebody creating the universe or matter and energy creating itself from nothing this man believes in magic you know they often accuse Christians of believing in magic but their worldview is magical by definition you know the Bible says the Lord hates sorcery so the Lord's not into magic God can do whatever he want he's outside of the laws of nature so to try to confine God down in your three-pound human brain is illogical and unscientific so let's go ahead and move on to the next atheist so saying according to you we have to defy science to believe in evolution okay you will then please explain to me why the majority of scientists 97% of them to be exact all believe in evolution it's kind of funny so okay so I find it an amazing whenever somebody says well the majority accepts something so therefore it must be true you know the majority the people back in the days of old thought that the earth was flat does that mean it was true just because the majority of scientists believe in evolution or claim to believe in it so that they can make money otherwise they won't get funded doesn't mean that it's necessarily a true theory and then just the fact that you're saying you know well why you know if evolution is not true then why do 97% of people believe in it if you actually had evidence for evolution instead of saying 97% of these people over here believe in it look at what they say you would actually give me evidence you would say okay actually here's the evidence for evolution but instead you've admitted somebody else has done the thinking for me I may not have any evidence for it but all I know is that these 97% of people already over here have done the research so I'm gonna trust them I don't have any evidence that's what he's admitting and so I guess we'll continue on funny you said earlier they can't think for themselves but are you are 22 years old buddy if there's anyone that doesn't think for themselves I would say that it's freaking you I'm egghead thanks for watching and good good lord that's hilarious Wow it cracks me up he mentions the fact that I said that these people aren't allowed to think for themselves they're not allowed to they can't think for themselves evolution like I said earlier is the only theory protected by law itself so you're not allowed to be a free thinker you're not allowed to free think outside of your box of evolutionary theory free thought always gives both sides as a Christian I can compare the Word of God to evolution I don't have to use information control I can simply lay out the facts about creation and I can show all the fantasies that evolution teaches and I can let you freely choose between the two I can do that but in evolutionary theory you're not allowed you're not even allowed to consider the other side otherwise your grant money will be gone and so when I said that you can't think for yourself what I mean is you're not allowed to think outside of that box you're not allowed to be a free thinker so I hope that this is eye-opening for you mr. egghead as well as your other atheist youtubing buddies Paul do you got anything on that yeah I mean it is funny how they they mock you but it's it they're both religions whether you believe in evolution or creation you have it's it's both a religion so you know it makes way more sense to me that God created everything as opposed to it just happened by chance you know from this small proton that just kind of created everything that we see stuff that's so hard to even comprehend just how our bodies work and and and you know eyes and just all these complicated things that just happened by chance yeah right I just it makes no sense evolution makes absolutely no sense if you want to believe in a different God that makes way more sense than just believing in just that it all created itself in my opinion magically and from nothing I might add yeah magically they think that the universe magically popped into existence uncaused what if I said nothing caused something over here to this in this room to explode yeah what if I said nothing caused it that wouldn't make any sense something there's always there's a law known as the law of cause and effect that the atheists obviously don't believe because they don't believe in the laws of science the law of cause and effect states that everything that comes into being has a cause for everything that comes into existence has a cause to say that the universe was uncaused but came into existence is a denial of the law of cause and effect so they don't believe in any of it but I'm with you a hundred percent brother yeah and you know when I was young I grew up in a Christian home and I think what made the biggest impact on my life was this crit the creation evolution debate dr. Kent Hovind came to our church and spoke when I was young real young like 12 13 years old and you know what he was saying just would blew me away it was like a three-day conference that we had and every day was just going after a noose you know when he was doing that seminar series and it just blew me away on the so many different proofs and that's why I really appreciate Kent Hovind and I have a lot of respect for him to this day because you know those talks really you know I always believed in God but it really just made me firm on the issues and it really changed my life knowing this kind of information and so that's why I really appreciate you Matt coming on the show and talking to people because there's some people that may be listening to my channel that are more conspiracy oriented and they don't really know all these issues you know if you if you want to know you know if you want to dig deep these are the kind of things that are important and so I appreciate you coming on and I just want to quickly just thank all of our sponsors for the show we we had a bunch of people like ten different people that donated to this show to make this show possible and I just wanted to quickly mention them and thank them for their support Preston Taylor I appreciate you Justin Schwartz orange blood is always in the chat I really appreciate him he's a great guy and I thank him for his support on this show Ethan Schmidt Walter Rodriguez K coons Julio Feliz Julio Guerrero Guerrero and I'm sorry if I butcher your name I'm horrible at names here Samuel Elliott Christian come be in memory of Timothy kafoon do you know how to pronounce his name right it's the food yeah yeah he's a great guy yeah and man I can't even say this website but this website is EFF IC AC I owe you SS services calm and in fact I'm gonna pull that up in a little bit and show it to you by the end of the stream I hope you check out that website again it's EFF IC AC I owe us services calm again guys thank you so much for everyone who's donated to the show and made this possible obviously these things cost a lot of money to do I'm actually in the basement of the studio and I have Matt all in the upstairs so we have like a lot of cables running around this this house here and but you know we're trying to do different things we're gonna perfect it there's little things that are bothering me that I've done wrong but we're gonna get this figured out by the by the next show but Matt you know what are you what are you some of your thoughts on other ways like if you would just if someone says you like they believe in evolution and what was what is your like go-to thing to kind of just make them think about the opposite side sure thing well first I asked them if they believe in mathematics and they'll say absolutely ask them if they believe in science they'll say yes and so if they believe in those two things then they have to believe in you know certain probabilities and you know the the probability of a functional protein coming into existence by chance it's not even alive it's just a protein is 10 to the hundred and sixty-eighth power 10 to the hundred sixty-fourth power and so there's 10 to the 28th inches in our world here and so that just kind of gives you a glimpse of how crazy the odds are just for a functional protein to come into existence by chance 10 to the hundred sixty-fourth power you know Stephen Hawking said and I quote and this is something I share with them that if the rate that if the expansion rate would have changed one second just one second after the Big Bang by one part and 100,000 million million chances the universe would not exist so I was asked them is it rational and logical to believe that one out of 100,000 million million chances could happen simultaneously with 10 to the hundred sixty-fourth power trillions of times over to account for the trillions of proteins in our universe and typically they'll say no they'll say well that's crazy somebody must have designed these odds but sometimes they'll say well there's still a chance there's still a chance that this could happen and I always quote Stephen Hawking Stephen Hawking said and I quote he said we are a mathematical impossibility that means that it's not possible for natural causes to have brought about themselves if you google the definition of impossible it is literally a miracle so atheists believe in miracles why because the world came out of an impossibility so either way it's not going to go their way either way they try to play this game it will never go their way and so you know one of the things that I always like to do is use the Bible I always just show them what the Bible says and I show them because a lot of times they'll say you know the Bible is unscientific and I'll ask them to show me where and then they'll come back and then they'll say well you know it was just the reason it's unscientific is because it was written by goat herders well number one why are you saying that all goat herders are bad and then number two Paul was not a goat herder he was a scholar so it just shows their lack of research and he wrote over half the New Testament by the way so whenever they say your Bible was written by goat herders no it wasn't the New Testament over half of it was written by a scholar and so in the number three when they say that all they're doing it when they say Bronze Age book you know it's from the Golden Age and and and superstitious people from way back when all they're doing is admitting that the Bible is historical at that point when they say it's an old book absolutely because God didn't want to leave us without his word for thousands of years and so whenever they come at us with these blanket statements that we've all heard a million times I've heard them a million times in debates you know I was debating the raging atheist and he says well I I don't know how you can believe that there was this Jewish man that died and resurrected from the dead and I said would you look at what you believe Ronnie you believe that every living life-form came to life out of non-existence and resurrected itself from dead material to begin with you and I every other life form on the planet came from the resurrection of non living material that's a greater resurrection than I believe in as a Christian I believe Jesus said I have the power to lay down my life I have the power to take it again into myself but Jesus had that power but to say that every living organism out there came to life through spontaneous generation that's pretty crazy that's a miracle that's that's beyond a miracle and so you know of course they make the blanket statements about saying like how could a virgin conceive how could you believe that that you know Mary would conceive as a virgin look these people think a rock conceived so no matter how they play this game it's not gonna go their way they can pretend to believe in science they can make believe a purpose for life they can pretend all these things but at the end of the day but at the end of the day all they're left with is an unsupported assertion and lies to back them up awesome well I also wanted to talk to you about this movie science falsely called so-called what what made you want to make this movie what kind of prompted this movie and can you talk about the new movie that you're in the works right now making sure thing well what prompted me to make it was quite a few things but one of the things I noticed was that there was this atheist who was continually challenging me on the internet he put out probably about 10 videos and he said he wanted to do a debate with me and at that point I had done a couple discussions with atheists and I didn't really enjoy it but I figured you know I'm coming out with this movie I would I'd be happy to meet up with him in person to film and see if it would be movie material and so I met up with the guy and filmed a debate with him and we actually that was my first ever debate with an atheist and that was moderated by the guys and it went very well and I decided you know what I've got enough footage here to put together a documentary with I'm gonna interview dr. Kent Hovind pastor Steven Anderson and I'm gonna interview some larger names and bring them on to this and we're gonna expose the entire atheist community and that's what that film was about and I highly recommend it to anybody that's struggling with their faith in God it demonstrates nothing but facts and even though the atheist community will put out videos against me saying that you know I'm a liar they accuse me of being a liar and I always ask them well just show me one line just show me one they can't do it because it's not there and in fact the opposite is true my goal is to bring forth understanding and not confusion and so lies are completely against what my goal is and all I do is quote the sources word for word so if they're disagreeing with me they have to disagree with their own scientists because I'm simply quoting the scientists word for word and Stephen Hawking said and I quote word for word because there are laws such as gravity the universe can and will create itself from nothing real scientific right so they have nothing and that's what I wanted to bring forth in that documentary and that's what was demonstrated in that documentary awesome well what about that what about the new documentary that's coming out I know you had some problems with the footage did you ever try to recover those hard drives I did but the recovery corporation they weren't able to recover it for whatever reason so I'm gonna actually gonna be shipping it off to a friend to see if he can do it but because he said he had some experience in that did you take it to the data doctors I did yeah they couldn't do it yeah they couldn't do it oh man yeah you must have had a tough case cuz so I can relate to this Matt okay I had you can I had shoot no sorry three hard drives 310 terabyte hard drives quit on me for Babylon USA and so I had first I had my backup just die on me and then while I was trying to create another backup during that process the the original quit on me and then I made I had to bring it in it costs I forget how much money was so much money for 10 terabytes to get recovered and they were able to recover like 90% I did lose a few things but nothing with the interviews it was all likes footage I shot of scenery and stuff like that so yeah I'm shocked they couldn't recover I wonder why that was if maybe your file systems they use maybe it's the I don't know cuz I I was dot mo V's what what what were your file types mine were all doubt mo V's to man I think it was with the hardware itself so like for whatever reason the discs ended up getting scratched somehow and so they couldn't read the information well do you know and I I'm really just interested in this I know probably not too many other people are interested what kind of hard drives were using I was just using I wasn't using solid-state ones well that was like just the standard Seagate drives okay yeah it apparently didn't work out very well yeah so I have had really good luck and this is an infomercial for our drives I wish I could show you guys but I have like a whole stack of hard drives right there I have like 40 of them 10 terabytes and I use all the same kind the G drives I'm a big supporter of the G drives now I say that but the new G drives are not good so they failed two of them failed on me luckily they were both backups but yeah man I I I have gotten so I have to back things up because hard drives are such crappy technology that they just that's what happens they die on you and to to recover the footage is so much more than just buying a hard drive I feel for you man I I understand exactly how that is when we were making the book of Revelation I had one of my hard drives totally kaput's on me and I tried to recover it myself I didn't know as much back then I wish I would have taken it into a company to recover it we probably could have recovered it but unfortunately I just tried to recover it myself and when you try to recover yourself sometimes you actually screw up the possibility of recovering it later and so yeah I think that's what happened in my case oh you did you try I did try yeah yeah so yeah you just got to take it straight in because if you do anything to it it kind of screws it up anyways but so we had to actually reshoot like half of the revelation series because of my screw-up well it's the hard drives incredible I mean it's no one's fault really it was my fault I should have backed it up that's when I didn't back things up and so did everyone listening out here this is a PSA back up your footage yes yes everything yeah you have to back up everything it's so expensive but you just have to do it unless it's stuff you don't care about losing then it's like all right take a shot but again guys I really appreciate everyone's support if you want to support this show you can do that by donating to this show or you can subscribe to our patreon account go to patreon forward slash frame in the world you can subscribe to their support the show again guys I want to do a quick shout out to why can't I pronounce this word Matt look at this word efficas efficacious I think let's say it efficacious services efficacious services so I appreciate that I have no idea what this website is but that's it right there so they have supported the show and I appreciate them also in memory of Timothy Caffoon Christian come be Samuel Elliott Julio Guerrero feel Julio Feliz K Coontz Walter Rodriguez Ethan Schmidt Justin Schwartz orange blood and Preston Taylor thank you so much guys for tuning in I mean is there anything else we want to talk about or should we just keep this one short here today well I do have some other clips of these guys that oh you do you haven't even finished we've got plenty man let's keep going yeah all right sounds good but it takes longer than that can that's the problem you won't allow us the time you you always tell us that the time is the religion it's not enough time can't we need more time anymore time isn't that funny it kind of sounds like those movies where it's like give me more time like he's but I think he's been watching too many movies because I've never heard them say it like that you know usually they'll say you know just we need time for evolution to happen but he's just begging dr. Hovind there for more time so let's pretend that we should give him more let's give him more time obviously the earth is decaying you know the earth is slowing down in its rotation the moon's getting further away from earth you know the Sun is burning and so things are deteriorating in our universe right now so the more time that you have if we had a million years not only would the planets be out of orbit but the earth would be rotating too slow the moon would be too far away if we wound things backwards in time the moon would be too close to the earth at several million years and it would you know the moon causes our tides so everything would have been flushed out all the animals living so the question would be well can you swim you know and so there's so many fallacies that go along with crying out for more time so the more time you have the more energy decays and breaks down just like human genomes like I said our genome is deteriorating from generation to generation we're getting worse and so the more time you have the more of the things around us deteriorate and in us so time will never work in favor for an evolutionist time will only support special creation as we all know that things do not get better in the universe they only get worse so did you have anything you wanted to add on this guy man is keep going next one all right we're taking on the whole Internet atheist community tonight folks that's his job to prove to you that every single one of these lines is more than ninety nine point nine nine percent so let's take a look shall we in the beginning God created the heaven and the earth oops the earth didn't come till almost ten billion years later you got proof otherwise bro you got empirical evidence that the earth was created million years ago when the Sun was created or the sorry the universe was created you got no he does not he's got argument by assertion that's what he's got Wow Wow so the reason that this atheist he's in a debate with Jeff Durbin and James White and he goes you know the reason that the Bible is wrong is because it says in the beginning God created the heaven and the earth and he's like but we have a problem because the earth didn't come into being till 10 million years after the creation well that's because he believes in evolution and an easy way to debunk that which you know if this guy took a first grade science course he would understand of legitimate science that the Earth's magnetic field is actually decaying right now so a little bit about the Earth's magnetic field without it everything will die on earth from the deadly radiation coming in from the Sun now if the magnetic field is too powerful it will kill everything on earth because it would be too strong so you know we can't live without it we can't really live with it unless it's at a perfect at a perfect balance of energy and so the Earth's magnetic field right now has a half-life of 1,400 years which means every 1,400 years the Earth's magnetic field gets split in half and it's deteriorating so like I said if the Earth's magnetic field deteriorates we will die from the deadly radiation coming in from the Sun with the half-life being 1,400 years the Earth's magnetic field from where we're at right now in time will be gone actually in about 2,000 years just 10,000 years ago it would have been too strong it would have killed everything on earth so when this guy goes well my proof that your Bibles incorrect is because the earth didn't come into being till millions of years after the creation he doesn't even know basic science if he knew about the if he knew basic science he would know about the Earth's magnetic field and the fact that the earth cannot be any older than 10,000 years old otherwise he would have been fried and all the organisms on earth before 10,000 years ago would have fried from the magnetic field being too powerful and so that just goes to show we live in a very narrow span of time and so this guy doesn't know what he's talking about and that sums up just about every evolutionist and I don't know if you notice this or not Paul but this that guy was angry yeah how can you be angry at something that you don't think exists it's just not possible the Bible says for when they knew God they glorified him not as God and neither were thankful and so you know people aren't gonna throw temper tantrums against something that they don't think exists they're gonna fight against the God that they know exists but repress the truth you know yeah I mean I just don't even I can't even understand how you couldn't believe that that a gods exists I mean everything's so perfect it's just it's hard for me to even fathom that people actually believe there is no God and that's why you know the Bible when it says the fool has said in his heart there is no God they really are fools or they're just deceivers well though their claim is and I'm with you on that their claim is that the world the reason the world could come into being by chance is because if you give it enough time anything will happen well we already debunked that five minutes ago but let's just enter into fantasy land with these guys where they belong at and where their mind is at and pretend that this is true so I have here with me an iPhone and I have a set of keys let's pretend that I'm gonna put them right here and I'm gonna shuffle them up I'm gonna put them in a bag shuffle them up and I've got a 50-50 chance of drawing one of these two items how long is it gonna take me how many billions of tries would I have to have before I pull out a red apple out of that bag you'd say it never would never happen yeah that's my point no matter how much time you have the impossible will never become possible and possibilities can never become possible within the realms of time no matter how much time you give it the impossible will never become possible that's where they enter into fantasy land is they think that well if you give it enough time all these wild odds will eventually happen but that's not true things deteriorate things don't get better over time evolution teaches that things get better creation shows that things get worse and what we observe is that everything gets worse in the universe yeah I mean no one's been able to demonstrate two cats making a dog I mean no one's been able to demonstrate any other two kinds making some other species so I mean you know all we have is two dogs produce a dog and nothing else has been demonstrated and so it's just crazy to me to even think that people believe that you know an organism produce human life and animal life and then yeah just they don't even they don't even know how natural selection works so natural selection selects genes that already exist in the gene code so they say well new genes get created we've never seen that we've never observed that we know never will observe that because only information can only come from a mind from an external force and so you know to say that a dog can turn into a cat you know I think these guys have just been watching too much of the incredible mr. limpet you know I wish I wish I were a fish well according to them they were fish billions of years ago yeah and so they think that we started out as fish you know and I always love to ask these guys do you think your ancient ancestor was a fish and they'll sit there for a second and they'll have the weird body language because they're not sure of what they believe just like Darwin wasn't and they'll say well it's what it's what 97% say so therefore it must be true because they've done the thinking for me they've demonstrated that they don't think for themselves that's what defines the internet atheist community and that's why they're gonna hate this video and they can try to critique this video but they'll fail every time because they're not actually critiquing us they have to critique scientific theory because all I'm stating is what scientific theory says all what Paul is stating is what scientific theory says all that they're stating is what opinions and traditions of men that were laid down through history by people like Darwin and Haeckel that's all they have and so yeah and I love how Kent Hovind puts it you know why don't we see like a half fish like the the morphine of the fish because the fish still exists the monkeys are still there we don't see like some half-breed monkey so it's it's like you know wouldn't we see that that change well what's interesting is evolutionary theory they have so many holes with the theory they don't have any evidence for it and so like I said they make believe and a prime example of that is they realize that squids and octopuses have a different genetic build than any other creature in the world and so scientists have come to the conclusion that they could not have come they couldn't have evolved by any Darwinian means from any other sea creature so here's how evolutionary theory actually states that they got here they say and I quote in their book a peer-reviewed paper by 33 scientists the most well-established theory that the squids are likely new extraterrestrial imports to earth so they believe that these squids and octopuses actually hitched a ride the article says on the back of asteroids and comets and crash-landed on earth that is what evolution teaches about how squids and octopi got here now of course they would never have involved that in any textbooks because they have to use information control and not give all of the details about their side it's just like any other cult in the world cults believe embarrassing things Mormons believe embarrassing things Jehovah's Witnesses they believe in very embarrassing things that they would never say publicly evolution is the same way that is embarrassing that these 33 scientists claim that squids and octopuses are extraterrestrial beings because they couldn't have evolved that's just crazy it's a whole lot easier and it's a whole lot more honest to say in the beginning God created the heaven and the earth and God created these creatures but instead they have to enter into fantasy land and just imagine as I've always said and as they say a vain thing why did the heathen rage and the people imagine a vain thing yep in Christianity faith is a virtue right it's a virtue but here's the thing faith is actually a preaching that you do not have a reason for anybody to believe what you have to say so he says faith he literally said faith is a is giving a reason giving I forgot what he said something along the line let me replay that play shoe what did he say it's a virtue faith is here's the thing faith is actually a preaching that you do not have a reason for anybody to believe what you have to say so it's he's basically saying faith is presenting unreasonable things that you'd have no evidence for well if you look at the definition of the word faith and Paul you can pull it up the definition of the word faith is a trust or confidence in someone or something that's one of the many definitions of it and so when people say yeah complete trust or confidence in someone or something so when these guys come along during these debates and they throw in their own definition they're made up definition just like they make up a purpose for their life they're just gonna make up a definition for the word faith they'll say well faith you know is without evidence well wait a minute the Bible says that faith is the substance of things hoped for the evidence of things not seen so what the atheist has it once again is trying to it's an equivocation fallacy projecting their own faults onto the creationist and flinging their own poo onto us and I would just like to say they have irrational faith they trust science falsely so called we trust what we observe and what was given to us by God which is the King James Bible and these people often say you know and I've I'm sure you've heard this Paul your Jesus didn't exist he's still in the grave blah blah blah blah blah whatever they say Jesus didn't exist what they're negating is the fact and then what they probably don't even know is that 98% of scholars including secular ones believe that Jesus existed so do these do these people believe in any sort of scholarship if 98% of historians and scholars say we believe firmly that there is strong evidence for the existence of Christ and then these atheists come along and say well Jesus never existed they're going against mainstream scholarship and so they're going against what is accepted by the scholarship community now I understand they accept what 97% of evolutionists say but by that logic they should be able to accept what 98% of historians say which is that he actually existed he was a real person and so once again the fallacy of false equivalence another lie told by these people exposed and so when you say faith is rational and evidence-based I mean if that were true it wouldn't need to be faith would it I mean if there were evidence for it why would you need to call it faith you'd say just evidence and when you said that week that that faith in relativity and in Einstein's theory of relativity is is evidence-based that of course it is but the but the evidence is is all important I mean Einstein's predictions fit in with with observed fact and they and with a whole body of theory whereas we only need to use the word faith when there isn't any evidence I presume you've got faith in your wife is there any evidence for that yes plenty of evidence hmm I that is so funny so Richard Dawkins doesn't even know what the definition of faith is you know and if he's listening to this because I know he's tweeted against me in the past you know rich I would just encourage you to pull out a dictionary you know dust it off your shelf there and look at the the word faith it's a confidence or trust in someone or something and so like mr. Lennox said he had faith in his wife he has evidence for that you know I have evidence that I can trust her have faith in my wife that she's not gonna be disloyal or whatever and so you know my advice to you and to the atheist community would be to you know and I understand that fantasy land for a lot of people is where they like to reside you know and they like to imagine up vain things but I think that you know if you're gonna be teaching college students and you're gonna be teaching the world about scientific theory maybe you should start with you know understanding the definitions of words and so I'm not trying to be a jerk Richard but I'd really encourage you to look up the definition the dictionary definition of faith and not the one that you made up in your own mind a complete trust or confidence in someone or something that is what faith is ready for the next one yep before the Big Bang there was nothing literally nothing and then something happened triggering the most colossal explosion in history in a billionth of a billionth of a billionth of a second the universe grew from the size of that tiny point to something billions of miles across this colossal blast created everything all the matter we see in the universe today does he make sense because there's no sense to it you know it's it's so funny to me it's like I said earlier if I said nothing caused like something to detonate you'd say I was crazy this is National Geographic by the way folks National Geographic is playing on some people's televisions all all across America and they're hearing this nonsense and they're doing what Hitler said they would do because Hitler said if you tell a lie big enough loud enough and often enough people will believe it and he says you got to make the lie big that's a big lie and people will believe it that's indoctrination so let's go ahead and do some unindoctrination so National Geographic says that nothing caused an explosion well if I said nothing caused something to explode you would say I'm I'm crazy not only do they believe that nothing caused an explosion they believe that there was nothing at the beginning for that nothing to cause it to explode so they think that nothing literally caused nothing no matter or energy or time to explode so that's the bizarre part so nothing times nothing I mean that's you know it's just so so wild you know and that's why people like Stephen Hawking have said well we have no choice but to believe the universe came out of nothing so because of gravity the universe will create itself from nothing that doesn't make any sense and Stephen Hawking also stated that he was becoming more intuitive and speculative rather than relying on mathematical proofs so when Stephen Hawking was approaching science the man who claimed to be one of the most smart people in the world when he was approaching science he took a more speculative approach and a more intuitive approach rather than relying on mathematical proofs so did this guy rely on proof is that science was this guy a scientist or was this guy what the Bible refers to as one of the people that believes in science falsely so called and so you know if you want more information on mr. Hawking there you can look up the quotes that I just gave and they're on articles everywhere or you can watch the film science falsely so called you can get it on framing the world but wow I mean that's that's pretty bizarre to say that all the matter in the universe I mean think about this there's 326 million trillion gallons of water on earth right now water can only be compressed past a certain point it can hardly be compressed at all so I always ask evolutionists is it rational to believe that 326 million trillion gallons of water was condensed down to an infinite testable amount of space space smaller than a single proton is that logical or rational or is that something that you just imagined up for yourself what makes you think yeah definitely one of the things I've barely touched on so far on this channel is the Big Bang an interesting topic that we've only really started to properly understand but when Matt Powell official had a go at debunking it my patrons couldn't help themselves there wasn't an explosion the Big Bang is a really poor name for it actually we just know there was a rapid expansion of space itself no explosion no bang just expansion oh how cute it's so funny whenever they whenever you tell them you know you ask them did an explosion out of chaos create life in order in nature and energy and they'll say well they'll redefine it they'll say well it wasn't really an explosion it was just an expansion because expansion sounds a little bit more believable but just to prove that it was an explosion the Big Bang Theory states and I quote once again that all the matter in the universe everything that we see around us all the water spent planets space galaxies etc was all condensed down to an infinite testable amount of space smaller than a single proton and notice this it says in a billionth of a billionth of a billionth of a second it went from the size of that tiny point to something billions of miles across that is an explosion by definition the definition of an explosion is a rapid expansion of material that was the fastest expansion of material in all of history to go from smaller than a single proton to in a billionth of a billionth of a billionth of a second billions of miles across that's an explosion by the very definition and so to say no explosion no bang just expansion this Simon Dan guy we should call him sci-fi man Dan because this stuff is based on sci-fi this is not reality you know he's got hundreds of thousands of YouTube listeners and you know this guy is just saying well let me assure you that the Big Bang Theory is the best theory that we have for the beginning of the universe sure it has some flaws but it's the best theory well if something has flaws in it do you really want to believe it he literally admitted in his response to me that there's flaws on the Big Bang Theory you know I'd be happy to have a discussion even with with mr. Simon Dan there if he'd be up to the challenge and you know he's more than welcome to quote and misquote the scientific sources that say that it was an explosion and put his expansion definition in there but that's not what the sources say and so to accuse me of lying like they all do you know and and to to make up this fake definition once again is dishonest and you know whenever when I was growing up on the playground as a little child whenever another kid couldn't get their way they would always call the other kid liar liar liar they do the same thing with me when they can't get their way and expose me quote unquote for the liar that they think that I am they will just call me liar they'll just throw that out there Matt Powell's a liar Matt Powell's a liar well I'm I'm willing to confront these people face to face and demonstrate the truth there's no information control everything is out in the open and the viewer is willing to make the viewer is able to make the decision for themselves so that's all I've got to say about this guy the Big Bang was an explosion and was supernatural by definition yeah not just an expansion but yeah I'm so glad that you're you you got all these clips together for us because I mean these really do show what they believe in and how ridiculous it is we could just play the clip you know it's so funny Paul I'm with you we could actually just play the clips and walk away from the show today and say wow that was crazy but but because we live in a generation of people that are not taught to think they're taught how to think so they don't know what to think and what is logical and rational it's appropriate to make things like this out there and you know I'm just the reason I say that is because when you're indoctrinated enough it can really affect you it can limit your ability my goal is to just open people's brains up a little bit and sometimes with these atheists like a jack-in-the-box you you help them free think just a little bit and they're like ah you know and they just want to be back in their little their little cage of evolutionary thinking they don't want to think freely and yet they'll hold up free thinker signs it's like being in a jail cell and holding up a sign I'm free I'm free when you're really not if I told my wife you can only cook with rice and beans you're not allowed to free think outside of rice and beans just as the theory of evolution is not allowed to be thought outside of my wife would not go into the kitchen and say oh this is so great I'm a free cooker I can cook for myself whatever I want when atheists say they're free thinkers they're lying to you they're either lying willfully or they're just ignorant about what evolution actually teaches well you know I'm hoping that we can get different people that are experts on this issue I know we did have what was his name dr. Grady McMurtry yeah dr. Grady McMurtry I'd love to get him back on I don't know if he can do Skype but maybe we could get him on for a show we could get dr. Kent Hovind on we could get some of these main people on and you could just talk with them because this this topic is so huge and expansive that you know there's so many different shows we could do and I really hope we can make a bunch of shows like this just exposing what they believe and so I I really appreciate you putting these clips together how many more do you have I've got like four minutes worth but I think we could get there in pretty fast yeah let's do that and then we'll call it a night sounds good next Matt Powell is going to lie to you about how monkeys traveled from Africa to South America evolutionists also claim that monkeys because monkeys had to have somehow gotten to South America from Africa that's what evolutionary theory states and they have a problem figuring out how so their best conclusion that their best scientists have come up with is this idea that monkeys surfed across the ocean across the ocean to a land anew over in South America now that has a lot of problems there's tides out there you know they probably get blown off their surf whoever who has ever seen a monkey surf I don't even think they can't nobody says that monkey surf from Africa to South America intrepid monkeys again according to scientists made an improbable sea voyage from Africa to South America on a raft right on picture it on a raft 34 million years ago they're saying the only way they could have got there it's climbing on a little little raft and this is what evolution teaches my friend I'd see it in her face she did not believe that she didn't believe what else you could see in her face like that's not true it's just one of the many like there's literally thousands of theories that they would never put in textbooks but if you accept evolution folks that's something that you have to believe as a part of evolutionary theory otherwise evolution doesn't work you see because we would have had to evolve from those monkeys that surfed here on rafts 34 million years ago from Africa to South America and so you know just to answer this guy that came out against me and said that I was lying when there's news articles all over the place apparently maybe he didn't do his research I don't know but you know there's articles all over the place and it's accepted by the scientific community that this would have had to taken place in order for evolution to be true and so I always tell people you can either believe that in the beginning God created the heaven and the earth or if you're an atheist you can believe that monkeys surf the ocean blue to find a land anew over in South America 34 million years ago on a raft and so they'll say well you know they could have they could have made it by you know just hopping on this raft let's just go into fantasy land once again and debunk this using basic logic I don't even need to use science there's many scientific reasons but let's just pretend for a minute within the realms of the fantasy here that these people are living in that monkeys all got on a raft because there would have had to have been multiple monkeys or they wouldn't have survived so you would had to have a male and a female maybe a family they got on these surfs or rafts or whatever and they wanted to make a voyage over to South America 34 million years ago well there are currents so if and pretty much anybody knows this the currents are gonna take you either up to the north or down to the south they're not gonna take you out into the middle of the ocean and so they would have had to go to the middle of the ocean all the way to South America it's simply not possible just imagine Paul I mean maybe they were fishermen I don't know I mean maybe they must have survived the storms I mean this is like you know this is like you know the voyagers man they were they were ready to go well I you know I didn't believe you man honestly when you just said that because I never heard this before I was like no one believes this no one in the right mind so I googled it look at this National geographic.com long ago about 36 million years before today a raft of monkeys found themselves adrift in the Atlantic I mean can you believe this keep looking Smithsonian when monkeys surfed to South America look at that headline that like that's literally what they believe National Geographic I mean that is what they believe look at the next one Smithsonian mag how did monkeys come across America 30 million years ago monkeys rafted across the Atlantic Smithsonian mag again monkeys sailed across the Atlantic BBC baby this is really what they believe this is crazy CNN calm prehistoric monkeys rafted across the Atlantic are you kidding me Matt no I and it's funny because when I was first hearing this stuff from a good friend of mine dr. raw Matt who's a great creation scientist I highly recommend his stuff I was interviewing him for my film and we got on this topic and he brought this up to me and I thought he was joking I'm like you've got to be kidding me but sure enough and this this godless engineer guy who just responded to me that we just debunked here using science you know against his opinions there you know this guy he tried to justify how they could have made it he just says well a raft you know could have supported a monkey a family of monkeys well so what a current wouldn't have taken them to South America you know that's just basic logic and so it's pretty bizarre stuff I mean this this is the weekly world news right here folks so now it's real I can't believe it's actually real and yeah I mean article after article I just kept scrolling through and well look at the squids and octopi too I mean the the scientific community the consensus is that they're extraterrestrial beings and that they crash-landed on earth and just and you know it's funny because squids and octopus is they don't even get along with each other to begin with so somehow they found their way on the same rock so they could crash land on earth and become mortal enemies with each other pretty wild stuff they really believe that yep that's what they believe actually I've got a video you want to see it I think it's on the next one yeah and that is I think it's uh all right well actually it's gonna be I'm just gonna I'm gonna bring it up I'm gonna bring it up it's it's worth it Wow all right so it's actually squids I gotta Google this myself yeah it's what'd you just say squids squids and octopi evolution actually it's this one right here I'm gonna I'm gonna bring this back right here all right so here's here is where it starts the octopus certainly does look strange with bugged-out eyes suction cup tentacles and the ability to change color for camouflage but a new paper in a peer-reviewed scientific journal posits that octopi aren't just strange they're aliens literally that's according to 33 authors writing in the journal progress in biophysics and molecular biology all right so the study concluded if you look at the screen it says the octopuses have alien genes and that they couldn't have come about by Darwinian means and so yeah it seems that come from in answering that question the authors taken out of this world leap they write quote it is plausible then to suggest octopi seem to be borrowed from a far distant future in terms of terrestrial evolution or more realistically from the cosmos at large so that's literally what they believe is that squids and octopi had to have found their way on the same rock somewhere in outer space and crash-landed they did a massive crash landing to earth to visit us and so it just you know you research this stuff and you just realize once again you know I've been told a lie about the theory you know a lie by the theory of evolution and I didn't even know it was a model because they don't even cover this stuff in the main textbooks but these are the writ this is what you have to believe if you're an evolutionist because it's part of the theory it's kind of like if you took away part of the Bible that would invalidate the Bible that would make it not perfect same thing with evolution evolution is an atheists Bible you take away one part it doesn't work and evolutionists will all claim that if you find a dinosaur with a man in the same layer of strata that it would falsify the theory of evolution and prove that there was a global flood we have found that it's known as and it was in an area known as the Ashley phosphate beds in the same inch 18-inch layer were dinosaur bones and human bones found together now evolutionists still won't believe the truth and they'll try to rationalize it away but they have admitted that if they find these animals together in the same layer of strata that it will falsify excuse me that it will falsify the theory of evolution and demonstrate that the geologic column is completely off if it's off in one spot it's off everywhere yeah and they don't put it in the textbooks because it's so ridiculous I mean most people would just laugh if you told them that yep well I was talking to Grady McMurtry dr. Grady McMurtry about this and he said Matt he said if people we were out to lunch and he said if people actually knew what evolution taught no one no one would believe it not one person would believe it well that's why that guy said to you that that rafting that they don't believe that because it's ridiculous that they that anyone would teach that and so he probably never heard of it because he's so ridiculous right it gets worse man I mean there's even crazier things that we could jump into but well we gotta save something for the next show man I guess we'll just have to keep it off the next show we have we got to get you we if we just let it all out this show and I can't get you back man right well there's unlimited stuff Paul we could do like a billion shows we could be here a few billion years but all right you ready yeah right and that is the thing that led me to atheism when I was a child that is the thing that led me to first question the whole story and existence of a god creature and that is the mother dinosaurs but dinosaurs and I've always said this you can go way back in my video diary in my video upload list and you can see my dinosaurs videos where I said I always said dinosaurs are the number one argument against theism dinosaurs is the proof that there is no God and I've always said that and they existed on this planet and dominated this planet for hundreds of millions of years dinosaurs and men did not exist at the same time so there was no creation so because dinosaurs exist there is no God that was hit that was the reason that this man the raging atheist who I've debated a couple times and I'd be happy to do it once again that's the reason why he doesn't believe in God is because of dinosaurs let that sink in for a minute you know they say dinosaurs died off 65 million years ago and so he was taught this and that's what destroyed his faith in God I can think of a lot of better reasons that you could lose your faith but apparently dinosaurs were what did it for this guy so let's talk a little bit about this so they say dinosaurs died out 65 million years ago well recently in 2000 in 1990 they discovered dinosaur bones a dinosaur fossil with blood in inside of it still contained with the hemoglobin still in the blood so the blood was active still now you ask an evolutionist could blood survive for millions and millions 65 million years absolutely not it would have deteriorated now they'll say now here's how the evolutionists will make a comeback quote-unquote they'll say well under certain conditions it could survive well recently in a peer-reviewed journal the paper said and it's from a secular scientist that no matter what conditions you have blood will not last that long it doesn't matter the conditions it doesn't matter if it's in completely airtight space or what blood will not last that long the maximum it could last is about 10,000 years so that shows that that dinosaur would have had to have died a few thousand years ago so the theory of evolution once again falsified creationism vindicated right here on this show ladies and gentlemen and it just could never be more clear in 2005 the same scientists went out and find found fossilized or actually found dinosaur flesh with blood you could literally squeeze the blood right out of the flesh so do you think that blood and that dinosaur flesh could last for 65 million years how about the fact that grass they say grass came into being 55 million years ago but dinosaurs died out 65 million years ago so they say dinosaurs never saw grass well they just discovered that you know they looked at dinosaur feces to see what dinosaurs ate and guess what the dinosaur ate grass yet grass came into being 10 million years after dinosaurs became extinct it doesn't make any sense because there's no sense to it and the theory of evolution once again I want to make this very clear if it's impossible to defend honestly you must make believe you must enter into fantasy land you must lie you must use unsupported assertions and you can make blanket statements all day long about how you think the virgin birth is crazy or how you know you don't know how to Jewish man could have resurrected from the dead like Jesus but every time the creationist will counter those arguments you have nothing if you're an evolutionist and you need to look to the Lord Jesus Christ for your salvation and be saved you need to look to the man that spoke in absolutes not somebody like Darwin who said that he was scared he was living in fantasy land but anyways moving on so that's why raging atheist doesn't believe in God is because of dinosaurs because it's an absolute statement and I don't believe in absolute statements okay let's pause there for a second are you absolutely sure that you don't believe in absolute statements yeah absolutely absolutely there's no certainties I said that at the beginning mark that there's no that though it's absolutely absolutely there's no certainties so so this guy it's certain that there is no certainties and he's absolutely sure that he doesn't believe in absolute statements I bet that doesn't even need a nothing more there's virtually nothing that we can be certain about it's so funny this guy Matt Dilla hunty he's basically one of the main leaders of the atheistic movement in 2020 now he's been around for a long time and he's done a lot of debates tons of debates with creationists and he said in this debate there's virtually nothing that you can be certain about are you certain of that mr. Dill hunty are you certain that there's no certainties are you absolutely sure that there's no absolutes like your worldview is saying if you're certain that there's no certainties why are you certain all of a sudden that God doesn't exist if you're not certain of anything seems that the only thing that you are certain of is that you're certain that God does not exist but everything else is uncertain that is certain with you and so this guy apparently once again he doesn't believe in logic doesn't believe in science he's just spouting off regurgitated arguments that he's making that other atheists have made before him the forefathers of the first Church of atheism which is an actual church folks atheist churches are popping up all over the place now and so you know really let that sink in when people like this say statements like that yeah once in a while I get people that really that or that claim they don't believe in evolution and I just want to say real quick like you know in case you're you're thinking that we are picking easy targets a lot of times people say you just pick the easy targets if you haven't noticed everyone in this stream so far has been bigger name people pretty much they've been people with degrees that we've got Bill Nye the science fiction guy here I mean Bill Nye the science guy and we've got all sorts of different very popular atheistic leaders that were debunking so I'm just letting you know now we are going for the big dogs and my response generally is so why not really why not your world just becomes fantastically complicated when you don't believe in evolution okay so your worldview becomes fantastically complicated when you don't believe in evolutionary theory would you please explain to me then like how believing that you came from an ape makes your world less complicated explain to me how thinking that you came from an explosion makes your world less complicated explain to me how thinking that you're you you know pond scum to human evolution believing in that is gonna make your world view less complicated in fact it makes things more complicated that's why 97% of school shootings are done by atheists their worldview Bill is complicated because of what you teach and because of what you've said to people and the indoctrination that you've given them and using their taxpayer money to support your religion to be taught to them the religion of death evolution teaches that you know death brought man into the world but creation teaches that man brought death into the world everything with evolution is contrary to the Bible and it's contrary to science as well because the Bible and science are hand in hand and a lot of atheists will say well you believe that the Word of God is the Word of God because the Bible says the Word of God's you got a circular argument look I don't care what shape the argument is the Bible has power never a man spake like this man and a lot of times they'll say well that's not good enough you know you can't just say it's a circular you don't care what shape the argument is it's still a circular argument well look if truth is a real thing which it is they'll say well there is no truth is that true because if it's true that there's no truth how can the statement be true that there is no truth you know and like these guys that have said well I can't be sure of anything well they seem pretty sure that they're not sure of anything else that's for sure and so you know if the Bible's authority was dependent upon my reasoning to give it authority then my reasoning would be the final authority but if the Bible is true which it is it has to be its own authority you shouldn't accept the Bible just because I can make it sound legitimate you can you should accept the Bible because you know it to be true not based off my words but based off the power contained therein in the words of Christ never a man spake like this man Jesus said my words shall not pass away heaven and earth will pass away but my words shall not pass away so Bill you know you're saying like it's so complicated you know your worldview becomes so complicated if you don't believe in evolution look your worldview becomes complicated when you don't believe in creation that's why atheists and evolutionists they lead the world in suicide drug abuse alcohol abuse and school shootings 97% of school shootings are done by atheists and so that's what happens it complicates their worldview to the point of suicide alcohol drug abuse and school shootings so the evidence is on our side not yours the the fiction is on your side the facts are on our side as creationists I mean if you have nowhere to look forward to going after you die I mean you can see how that can create a lot of problems right yeah and that's honest you're being honest when you see that if there is no purpose to life there's no purpose to life let's not pretend that there is and they will pretend they'll say let's pretend that there is look if I just wanted to pretend that I'm a fighter pilot I can pretend all day but it doesn't change the fact that I'm not yeah and so they can pretend all day that that they have meaning but at the end of the day they know that they're lying it would be a lie if I said like hey I'm a fighter pilot and pretended it's a lie for them to say and it's dishonest to pretend there's meaning to life when they really don't think there is they make it their purpose to tell everybody that there is no purpose to life you know almost can build and believe you're here today I'm here to talk about my adventures with the young preacher Matt Powell as I started to watch his videos I noticed that he was making arguments actually putting the words into atheist mouth of arguments that atheists just don't make and frankly that pissed me off that is funny you know that I guess I guess you know a lot and that's what they always accuse me of right so they say well you're making arguments that atheists don't make well just for your information and that was the last video we had on here you know for your information mr. compelled unbeliever you know we we went through this whole stream here and dealt with arguments that atheists actually make and so I would encourage you to watch the stream and the interesting part of your worldviews you call yourself a compelled unbeliever what if I define what if you said Matt what do you like to do tell me about yourself I'm not gonna say I'm an unbeliever in something I'm an unbeliever in fishing I'm an unbeliever in flying planes I'm not gonna define my life but what I don't like atheists like you and like everybody else define yourselves by what you don't like in what you don't believe in that doesn't make any sense and just the fact that you would spend time to make a response to me and say all of these these wild things that you've said just the fact that you do that shows that you have that you think that God is legitimate enough to come up against now I'm not God but what I'm saying is the concept of the Lord would you argue like this about Santa Claus atheists often claim well believing in Jesus is like believing in Santa Claus well why are there be books being written every day against the existence of Jesus why don't they write books against the existence of Santa Claus would you do a three-hour debate with me on the existence of Santa Claus you wouldn't do it you know what it tells me is that the debate of God and in evolution and creation is a legitimate enough for you to take your time to deal with that's very telling of where your belief system really is and so you know atheists can can cry out for evidence all day long and we'll give them evidence but the Bible says for this they are willingly are ignorant of that by the Word of God the heavens were of old and the earth standing out of the water and in the water and the Bible says for the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen being understood by the things that are made even his eternal power and godhood so that they are without excuse so if you're an atheist and you're listening to this show you're without excuse so that's all I've got for this episode as far as what we had rehearsed or we didn't really rehearse anything we just did it all on the fly but in this video here that we played and I hope you guys enjoyed it Paul I think it was a great time great discussion yeah and you know I God obviously cares about this topic because I mean the first verse in the Bible in the beginning God created the heaven and the earth God wanted us to know that he created the earth he wanted us to know that he's the one that gave life he's the one that can take it away and there is a purpose for life and so I'm really glad that you decide to do this show I I love it man answers in creation I love the logo I love the the name that you came up with Matt it's a it's a great name answers in creation because there are a lot of answers in creation and I thank you guys for tuning in to this program we're gonna do another one here I'm gonna try to get Matt locked down for another show we'll try to do it again every show is gonna be a little different we're we're just trying to work all the little kinks out but I appreciate him I appreciate all of our patreon supporters and I really appreciate everyone who donated to this show again guys if you want to support the show you can go to framing the world calm and donate to the program you can also subscribe to our patreon account and help us out there thank you so much Matt for coming here today and again guys answers in creation stay tuned next week or whenever we do this next I appreciate it god bless guys