(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) My name is Matt Powell. I was in the Hebrew Roots Movement for almost two years, and a lot of the doctrines that they taught people, they hit on the surface, and they wouldn't just come out and actually tell me what they believed. And so all my friends in the Hebrew Roots Movement, a lot of them just didn't say, hey, I believe that you can lose your salvation. They would hide those beliefs. And so coming out of the Hebrew Roots Movement has been a blessing, and I hope that ultimately in this film that we can reach the people of the Hebrew Roots Movement with the gospel. My name is David Dongura, and I grew up in the Hebrew Roots Movement, and thank God today I know the truth. And looking hindsight, I think that a lot of the things that I experienced and learned, especially the doctrine, I think I can be a blessing to those that are still there today. In the late 1800s, modern Hebrew was invented. And when modern Hebrew was invented, the name Yeshua was invented with it. So when somebody says that they're going back to the original, they're not going back to the original at all. In fact, they're going back to a counterfeit. The name Yeshua was not invented until the 1800s. So to say that it's his original name is false.