(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) I wanted to leave a history behind on what happened to me and some of the co-workers here in this county. And it kind of gives the inside look at a phosphate plant, mainly the chemical plant where phosphoric acid is made. Our CDC and the liars in Washington, D.C. have only had success in countries that speak English for the vast majority of the disposal of their hazardous waste product. That means that you and I and our children in the United States are the largest consumers of hydrofluosolicic acid. Call it what it is, hydrofluosolicic acid. What is that? Hydro's water, fluofluoride, silicic sand, and it's missing an electron, it's acidic. It'll kill you. You take your hand and dip it in like that and you're going to die. FDA in 1997 required manufacturers of toothpaste to put this warning label on it, the same as you'd have on a loaded .38 caliber pistol, cape out of reach of children, and only use a little pea-sized amount, which is about the same amount that would be a bottle of water. And if that amount is swallowed, call the poison control center or seek professional help immediately. So if I drink a bottle of water, should I call the poison control center too? This is just insane. There are solutions out there. There are answers to this. There's a ways to get around and possibly clean up your system. What can we do? I really wish for this project the greatest success. People need to hear this message from all of those that you've interviewed. This is powerful information. I imagine that in 50 years people will be watching this and they'll look back and say hey, there were some filmmakers who did know what they were covering but weren't willing to just sell out and do some explosions and on-screen sex and this and that. They actually had a message for humanity. That's what you guys are doing. Thank you.