(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) You have to accept by faith that one out of 100,000 million, million chances happened. And that's just the beginning. So you accept by faith that that happened by chance, correct? There could have been a universal mind pulling the strings of evolution. There could have been a universal mind that sprang us up just like that. Maybe we came from the stars. There's a theory that we came from the stars and we just gave away all of our technology. We didn't want it no more and we started over and yet here we are again. I think I'm an offshoot of the universe. We're all offshoots of the big bang. So long, long ago in a galaxy far, far away. Basically all of the matter in the entire universe, all the energy in the entire universe, it was all just crammed in this one little dot, smaller than the period on a page. And even smaller than that, now scientists are saying it was just infinitesimally small. And it was approaching zero in its size, in fact. And then this little dot exploded and in one trillion trillionth it then exploded into the size of our observable universe. Maybe we came from the stars. There's a theory that we came from the stars and we just gave away all of our technology. We didn't want it no more and we started over and yet here we are again. I think I'm an offshoot of the universe. We're all offshoots of the big bang. you