(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Well, my name is Ken Hovind. I was a high school science teacher 15 years and then became an evangelist for 20 years, teaching on creation and evolution. And then I've been really concerned about my view of the end times and how it fit together with scripture, and I became convinced, oh, about three years ago that what I've been taught all my life is not true. I have had to switch, much to the dismay of many of my fundamental brethren, to the post pre-wrath position. The Bible says the scoffers in the last days would be willingly ignorant of the creation, the flood, and the coming judgment. Well, I spent 20 years teaching all over the world about the creation and the flood, but I kind of avoided the coming judgment part because I didn't understand it myself. But when they're coming to you saying, you can't buy or sell without this mark in your right hand or in your forehead, you'll remember this sermon. Maybe it won't happen in our lifetime, maybe it will, but if it does, you'll remember this sermon. That's why Jesus said it, and that's why I'm saying it. .