(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) I defy the Pope and all his laws. If God spare my life here many years I will cause a boy that driveth the plow shall know more of the scripture than thou dost. The translation of the scripture corrupted by William Tyndale shall be utterly expelled rejected and put away out of the hands of the people. All manner of books of the Old and New Testament in English being of a crafty false and untrue translation of Tyndale shall be clearly and utterly abolished. Extinguished and forbidden to be kept or used in this realm. First he maintained that faith alone justifies. Second he maintained that to believe in the forgiveness of sins and to embrace the mercy offered in the gospel was enough for salvation. Third he avowed that human traditions cannot bind the conscience except where their neglect might occasion scandal. Lord open the King of England's eyes! you you your own appetite as over many do making it like a bell to sound as you please to interpret but by the contrary frame all your affections to follow the rule they're set down when you read the scripture read it with a sanctified and chaste ear admire reverently such obscure places as you understand not blaming only your own incapacity hi this is pastor Jonathan Shelley from pure words Baptist Church and the point of this documentary is to help people realize that we have the greatest treasure on earth the Bible many people don't realize where the Bible came from and the point of this documentary is to show through history and the doctrine of preservation how we have a Bible from Moses all the way to the one I hold in my hand today after the ascension of Jesus Christ into heaven the gospel was spread throughout all the world this caused the scriptures to be translated into many different languages over the next few centuries in 382 AD Jerome of Striden translated the Bible into Latin which became the official translation of the Roman Catholic Church and by 500 AD the Bible had been translated into over 500 languages despite hundreds of translations being available the Roman Catholic Church prohibited access to the Bible for common people this time period is referred to as the Dark Ages where the scripture was restricted to the Latin translation used by the Catholic Church furthermore from the 13th century to the 19th century Rome enacted a myriad of laws making it illegal for common people to obtain the Word of God and read it in their own language in AD 1215 hope innocent the third issued a law commanding that anyone who translates the Bible would be seized for trial and penalties he stated as by the old law the beast that touching the holy month was to be stoned to death so simple and uneducated men were not to touch the Bible or venture to preach its doctrines people would be persecuted if they quoted any scripture I mean we have testimonies of children quoting scripture and their parents getting into trouble for that so that was a real point of persecution because the church wanted to hold on to its power and reading the Bible gave power to the individual because they saw that this was what God is saying this might be not what the church is saying so it was a real real hard time in 1229 ad the Council of Toulouse made it illegal for laymen to possess or read the Bible for themselves and the Council of Tarragona in AD 1234 ordered all vernacular versions to be brought to the bishop to be burned in rebellion and contrast to Rome's view of Scripture brave men like John Wycliffe challenged the status quo of the Catholic Church by translating the Bible into the language of the people Wycliffe was very concerned because and of course he only knew Latin and was only working with Latin but he was concerned about he called goddess law he felt that God's law was more important and more authoritative than the church's power and authority so he felt that they were abusing indulgences and abusing a lot of the power that they had and so that's why he wanted to translate the Bible the Bible in its entirety wasn't translated to English until Wycliffe's translation produced in the Middle English period in 1382 with the help of his assistants John Pervy and others later revisions were produced in 1388 and 1395 we had the Latin but people weren't speaking Latin anymore it got to the point where the Vulgate is no longer Vulgate it's no longer common it's no longer vulgar anymore because people aren't speaking Latin so of course there's another need for a new Jerome quote-unquote where he's gonna start translating the Bible into their tongue which would be English and this is where you get men by the name of John Wycliffe who ended up translating a Bible into English it's a decent a good translation very literal that he keeps a lot of the word order he didn't have anything to follow as far as what principles you use for translating the Bible so he had to make up his own now this was not at the desire wishes of the Catholic Church and the Catholic Church still is wanting to prevent people from hearing the Bible or having the Word of God Wycliffe was born in a village in England around the 1320s he rejected many of Rome's heresies including the doctrine that laymen shouldn't have access to God's Word he said the following you say it is heresy to speak of the Holy Scriptures in English you call me a heretic because I have translated the Bible into the common tongue of the people do you know whom you blaspheme did not the Holy Ghost give the Word of God at first in the mother tongue of the nations to whom it was addressed why do you speak against the Holy Ghost you say that the Church of God is in danger from this book how can that be is it not from the Bible only that we learn that God has set up such a society as a church on the earth is it not the Bible that gives all her authority to the church is it not from the Bible that we learn who is that builder and sovereign of the church what are the laws by which she is to be governed and the rights and privileges of her members without the Bible what charter has the church to show for all these it is you who place the church in jeopardy by hiding the divine warrant the missive royal of her king for the authority she wields and the faith she enjoins he really did break the ground and he was persecuted for it he was he died natural death but then later they dug up his bones and burned him and then scattered the ashes into the thin river so he was a martyr and but after he was after his death John Wycliffe one of the common man of access of the Bible which ended up spurring a movement to mass-produced Bibles and more translation works eventually in 1453 the Ottoman Empire comes in invades takes over the Byzantine Empire the city's collapse marked the end of the Middle Ages and because of this collapse a lot of people in this area fled into the Latin area they fled into the western portion of Rome well when they're fleeing what do they take with them their Greek translations of the Bible in 1516 desiderius Erasmus published a Greek New Testament that was paralleled with the Latin text this was done to highlight areas in which the Latin deviated and to show where it had been corrupted desiderius Erasmus is one who then wants to also give the Bible to the common people but he doesn't want to just use the Latin so desiderius Erasmus says you know what the Bible was originally given to us in Greek then it was translated into Latin but what if we go back to that Greek is it really lining up with our Latin and so basically what he wanted to do is he wanted to provide people with a Latin and a Greek comparison conservative academics were beginning to realize that Greek was really the basis that's what the Bible was written in was not written in Latin it was written in Greek so they began to realize that if you want to go to the source you must you must do the Greek you have a movement to go back and and basically take the Bible back to the original Greek in Hebrew because the idea was that the Latin Bible was corrupt that was the fear that the Catholic is the Catholic Bible then it must be corrupted because they want to stay in power he was not going to use the Latin of the Catholic Church he was actually going to use the Greek as the underlying source for the Latin and so then when people would look at his Latin they would say this is different than the Latin of the Catholic Church the Roman Catholic Church had corrupted the Latin Bible and we don't know if we can trust it let's go back to the original languages and see what the Bible says in the original languages now here's a quote from Erasmus but one thing the facts cry out and it can be clear as they say even to a blind man that often through the translators clumsiness or inattention the Greek has been wrongly rendered often the true and genuine reading has been corrupted by ignorant scribes which we see happen every day or altered by scribes were half-taught and half asleep so according to Erasmus he was saying hey the guys that gave us this Latin Bible and the Catholic Church they're at best blind clumsy you know half-taught half asleep I mean this guy did not have a high view of the translation work of the Latin he printed right next to it a Greek and a Latin so that people could read the Greek and be like whoa this is different anybody got education and the in the why that was so authoritative is because everybody knew that the Greek had multiple manuscripts spread across the world all saying the same thing so if it's disagreeing with the Greek it's just not true he probably used it it's estimated between five and twelve different manuscripts which is just a few and that's always been a criticism of his but if he had picked up another five or six chances are they'd have been the same text because the vast majority of the Texans are being around are all of that text he inspired a giant movement and of course one of the people that was mostly inspired by this was Martin Luther in 1522 Martin Luther produced a German New Testament that relied on the Greek published by Erasmus during the time that new translations were made from the Erasmus Greek New Testament the Hebrew Old Testament was standardized by Daniel Bomberg's printed edition in 1524 Bomberg's Hebrew text served as the underlying Hebrew that was translated to English for the Old Testament of the King James Bible and its predecessors you've got Daniel Bomberg producing a printed copy of the Hebrew Old Testament so now you've got Hebrew Old Testament Greek New Testament being printed on the printing press in the 1500s and so now these start getting translated into everyday languages as the Word of God continued its journey going all the way back to the time of Moses it was eventually translated into the lingua franca of the world William Tyndale was used by God to translate the New Testament into modern English for the very first time in 1526 he laid the groundwork for the English Bibles that succeeded his work Tyndale was a highly regarded scholar who was so fluent in eight languages it was said that any one of them could have constituted his native tongue he's frequently referred to as the architect of the English language Tyndale loved what Luther was doing in Germany he said if I can do in England if I can do in the English-speaking world what Luther did in Germany we're gonna change the world and he did he ended up printing a New Testament edition of the scriptures from the Greek and so this is our first edition of the New Testament 1526 we know he translate the Bible into the New Testament excuse me in English for the first time that got him in all sorts of hot water price was put on his head King was looking for him bishops were looking for him bounty hunters were looking for him how dare you challenge Church authority now of course you know who didn't like this the Catholic Church now William Tyndale is a fugitive and an outlaw because the Catholic Church was dominating in England at this time and so it's not legal for the Word of God to just go free he tried to get permission because you weren't allowed because of the Constitution of 1408 he wasn't allowed to translate anything into English so he tried to go to the arch bishop and ask him if he could get permission well he didn't get permission so that's why he fled from England over to the to Europe and there he found some places for hiding and he could start translating and so in 1525 he began translating the Greek into English and so he was able to translate the New Testament into modern English so William Tyndale produced the first modern English translation of the Greek New Testament William Tyndale brave man who fought against the Catholic Church didn't want the Catholic Church to dominate the Bible and I wanted regular people to have it here's a quote from him I perceived how that it was impossible to establish the laypeople in any truth except the scripture were plainly laid before their eyes in their mother tongue William Tyndale said I can't teach anybody any truth until they have the Bible in their language now how true is that today because the Bible his Bible was forbidden in England anything that came into England and Tyndale New Testament they would destroy it burn it and so forth so he began to smuggle copies into England with bales of cotton and things like that William Tyndale was printing a Bible into English against the authority of that time the Catholic Church he was hunted down and he was literally killed for having given us a He lived in obscurity then while he was in in Europe and was able to keep hidden but he was betrayed by someone who knew him and they arrested him and charged him and then he was burned at the stake in 1536 strangled first and then burned at the stake and he was tied to the stake and burned at the stake and in his dying breath he said Lord open the king of England's eyes while he almost while he was praying that Henry was changing his mind about being an English Bible for the people it's just almost seemed like God was answering that prayer right at that time in 1535 Miles Coverdale continued Tyndale's work and created the Coverdale Bible the very first modern English translation to contain both the Old and New Testament making use of Luther's German text and the Latin Vulgate as sources the 1537 Matthew's Bible was published by John Rogers under the pseudonym Thomas Matthew it was the first English Bible translated from the original Hebrew and Greek the 1539 Great Bible became the first English translation authorized for public use as it was distributed to every church it received its name due to its large size in 1560 the Church of Geneva in Switzerland produced the Geneva Bible the first to add numbered verses to each chapter making it easier to reference specific passages 1568 you have the bishops Bible so you have this continual work refining process of them going to the Greek trying to work on this process instead of just one guy on the run by himself being hunted down you have other people kind of picking up the torch but a lot of times it was still just one guy or a handful of guys eight years later you know it as the bishops Bible that was done in 1568 another explosion the Queen permitted the Archbishop of Canterbury loved the Geneva Bible didn't have a problem with it read it at home but the bishops Bible would be the Bible of the pulpit and that's what they taught from it was a beautiful text wonderfully laid out it was a kind of a prototype both in translation and in printing format for what we know today is the famous King James Bible in 1604 the Anglicans and Puritans hotly disagreed on which translation should be used in an effort to address errors and establish unity the suggestion was made for a new translation so people are kind of divided you got some people that want the bishops Bible you got other people that want the Geneva Bible and it's kind of two factions so King James when he comes to power is given the suggestion that maybe we should just put in the work necessary to just make one definitive version of the Bible in English that we could all agree on instead of having some people who got the Geneva some people got the bishops let's put in the work to have one definitive version after seven years of rigorous work by 54 top scholars the King James Bible was completed in 1611 in the introduction written by the translators they refer to King James desiring one more English translation they underscore the importance of the King's aspiration by quoting him as saying the following that out of the original sacred tongues together with comparing of the labors both in our own and other foreign languages of many worthy men who went before us there should be one more exact translation of the holy scriptures into the English tongue you it was King James the first during the second year of his reign who called for the Hampton Court Conference a meeting designed to address Puritan complaints and resolve conflicts within the Church of England when King James came to the throne there were hopes on the both sides of the Roman Catholics as well as the Protestants because he was coming from Scotland which had a Catholic background his his lineage had some Catholic background but he was in charge of the Church of England which was Protestant so the Protestants thought he's going to support them and the Catholics thought maybe he is support them and he disappointed both the whole scripture is dictated by God's Spirit thereby as by his lively word to instruct and rule the whole church at the ascent of the throne of King James we have a controversy between Puritans and Anglicans over which Bible to use we're gonna use the Geneva we're gonna use the bishops upon his coronation or when he was announced to be the king a group of about a thousand came together they called the Millennials and they came together and they said we want to reform the church so that Hampton Court Conference was gathered in order to reform the church it was at that conference that Puritan John Reynolds suggested to the king that a new English translation be commissioned he moved his majesty that there might be a new translation of the Bible because those which were allowed in the reigns of Henry the 8th and Edward the 6th were corrupt and not answerable to the truth of the original in July of 1604 King James of England wrote to Archbishop Richard Bancroft of Canterbury that he had appointed certain learned men to the number of 54 for the translating of the Bible these men were the best biblical scholars and linguists of their day the translators were organized into six groups and met respectively at Westminster Cambridge and Oxford and then after the death of Queen Elizabeth in 1603 you see King James come down and what does he do he hires basically 50 53 to 55 scholars then those guys are broken up into six committees if you remember the committee names you have the Oxford one in Oxford Cambridge one Cambridge two and then the two down in London and you had all of that work being supervised so you had good check and balance so he appointed these translators and Bancroft was a real scholar and so he insisted that they had the very best scholars throughout all of England to do it so they ended up getting 54 scholars they took Calvinists and Puritans they took the Church of England many of their scholars and they said all of you guys have to work together come together and agree on the text one of the translators is famous for speaking 15 modern languages and six ancient languages I mean this guy knows 21 languages that's one guy there's 54 guys Lancelot Andrews an English bishop and scholar chaired the translating work for the King James Bible born in 1555 by the Tower of London Andrews had an intimate knowledge of both modern and ancient languages 21 in total from Hebrew Syriac and Greek to Cal D Andrews was a linguistic savant who made use of his expertise to act as a general editor during the making of the King James he also led the first Westminster Company the group of translators tasked with Genesis to second Kings now he became really the main source of the translating he was given the commission to do the translating and oversee it and everything so Andrews was a really a great scholar and Bancroft was too but Andrews is considered the greatest of the scholars yeah the King James translators were some of the most distinguished scholars of their day for example William Bedwell was England's leading Arabist Thomas Harrison was a heavyweight intellectual with daunting expertise in both Greek and Hebrew he was known as the only translator in any of the translation groups whose prodigious learning rivaled that of Lancelot Andrews Richard Brett was an expert in languages such as Latin Greek Hebrew Aramaic Arabic and Ethiopic Henry Seville was an astronomer who had translated early scientific and mathematical manuscripts in addition Seville was known for his mastery of the Greek language miles Smith was so familiar with ancient languages that some believed Hebrew Aramaic Syriac and Arabic were as familiar to him as English the translation companies included many acting and former Regis professors at their respective colleges such as John Harding the Regis professor of Hebrew at Oxford and William Thorne a former Regis professor of Hebrew at Oxford John Perrin the Regis professor of Greek at Oxford and John Harmer of former Regis professor of Greek at Oxford the translators of the King James Bible were selected for their academic achievements rather than their doctrinal agreement the King James translators they weren't uni-minded they weren't one-minded they had lots of scholarship with lots of passion with lots of ideas and at the same time I think what they knew was that what they were going to produce would change the world 54 top scholars and they weren't all from one denomination or one faction because he didn't want it to be slanted doctrinally toward one group or another so he's got Church of England guys Puritan guys people that are just more secular guys that just really loved the language weren't really necessarily that religious author Gordon Campbell said quote the learning embodied in the men of these six companies is daunting it is sometimes assumed that people in the 21st century know more than the benighted people of the 17th century but in many ways the opposite is true I mean some of these guys had had read everything that had been ever written in Greek that was available in England at that time they had read it they'd read all of it they didn't just stop at the Iliad of the Odyssey and to think that a committee of 54 could come up with such a fantastic translation is really sort of unbelievable the translators were given 15 rules to abide by the first rule to the translator stated quote the ordinary Bible to be read in the church commonly called the bishops Bible to be followed and as little altered as the truth of the original will permit they have the bishops Bible which is a complete Bible a completed work and they said you can only alter this Bible as long as the original allows it they're not starting from scratch folks they've already got the bishops Bible and King James specifically told them in the instructions don't just change it for no reason if the bishops Bibles right leave it alone only change it if it actually needs to be changed the fifth rule stated the division of the chapters to be altered either not at all or as little as may be if necessity so required additionally the rules to the translators called for no marginal notes at all to be affixed but only for the explanation of the Hebrew or Greek words when necessary at the time the marginal notes for the Geneva Bible had caused some controversy and some people in England had even confused them for the inspired words of God King James wanted to curtail this from being a recurring issue the eighth rule to the translators stated every particular man of each company to take the same chapter or chapters and having translated or amended them severally by himself where he thinketh good all to meet together confer what they have done and agree for their parts what shall stand in fact every part of the translation was examined at least 14 times with some parts totaling 15 or 17 times depending on the complexity of the scripture one of the tasks that they did is after they would translate a portion of scripture they would have one guy sit there and read it out loud in English the King James Bible and they'd have the other guys reading in different languages so they would have the Spanish they'd have the French they would have the German and they were making sure that it lined up with even all the foreign language works that were done lining up with the Greek lining up with all of the scriptures that it even sounded good to the ear and so they're sitting here and doing this for years and years and years and finally they produced the King James Bible they had the bishops before them and they looked at the bishops and then they they translated it and that would be the first form but you can bet that they were using the the Old Testament Bamberg's Old Testament Hebrew and the Erasmus Greek New Testament the King James translators utilized revised editions of the Erasmus Beza and Stephanus Greek New Testaments along with the Daniel Bomberg Hebrew Old Testament in the New Testament the King James Bible is translated 100% from the Greek which Greek they were using printed editions of the Greek New Testament that were published by Erasmus Stephanus and Beza they primarily used Beza's edition and there are some very slight very minor very few differences between Beza and Stephanus so sometimes they went with Beza sometimes they went with Stephanus but again the difference between these two is very minuscule and so the Greek underlying the King James Bible is not any one of those printed editions but rather it's drawn from that whole family of printed editions of the Textus Receptus so you have a guy in 1894 named Scrivener who published a Greek text that basically takes Beza's text and Stephanus's text and just basically marries them into one text based on what the King James Bible translators use some people will wrongly say old back translated from the King James it's not back translated into Greek it's just basically a synthesis of Stephanus and Beza to basically give us exactly the Greek that went into the King James New Testament but what we all see in common is is that the Greek that Luther Tyndale the Geneva committee all of the foreign language committees and then the King James committees they all shared the same Greek so things are going to read very similar the KJV translators wrote quote truly good Christian reader we never thought from the beginning that we should need to make a new translation nor yet to make of a bad one a good one but to make a good one better or out of many good ones one principal good one it had started with Tyndale he had lots of limitations to work with to start with when you're on the move because they'd like to kill you that makes sitting down and they've been through a process and there was a purification process and the King James Bible process really starts in 1526 with Tyndale they wanted one more their words exact translation they wanted to finish the process you know an illustration that I was thinking of is when you look at how copper is mined from the earth and refined it's pulled from the earth and then it's refined at a certain plant to get it 90% then they send it to another plant to get it to 99% and then they send it to another plant whose only job is to take it from 99 to 99.9 okay because that's a big step right there and so that's what the King James Bible is the bishops Bible was already 99% and the King James Bible translators are taking a good translation and making it a great translation in 1611 after seven years of arduous work the King James Bible project was finished and ready to be published the completed work featured a title page that read quote the Holy Bible containing the Old Testament and the new newly translated out of the original tongues and with the former translations diligently compared and revised by his majesty's special commandment appointed to be read in churches imprinted at London by Robert Barker printer to the king's most excellent majesty led by dr. Thomas Paris of Trinity College in Cambridge the 1762 edition of the King James Bible standardized spelling based on Samuel Johnson's dictionary of the English language in 1769 dr. Benjamin Blaney of Oxford further refined the Paris KJV essentially finishing what he started the 1769 edition also corrected printer errors and modernized spelling in 1769 we finally had the Oxford Standard which essentially established the spellings and a lot of these printing errors and we have the Bible that we have today I mean if you have a King James Bible in your lap today you basically have a 1769 copy that's what it's like it's virtually the exact same okay so you say well how do we get the Bible we went from Moses to Jeremiah to Jesus to the Apostles to the Apostle Paul to Jerome to Wycliffe to Tyndale all the way up to the bishops Bible to the King James Bible to the Blailey 1769 to the modern Bible I have in my hand right now as the Word of God being preserved through all ages it's very important for us to believe that the Bible is inspired by God and was delivered by God but equally as important is for us to believe in the doctrine of preservation that God has providentially preserved the inspired words of God all the way from the time of Moses to the Bible we have today the Bible itself is the final authority there's no greater authority that we could appeal to outside of the Bible and say oh well I believe the Bible because of science or I believe the Bible because of history because that you know those things would then become the final authority the Bible itself is the final authority and the Bible claims to be the inspired preserved Word of God the Bible says all scripture is given by inspiration of God and is profitable for doctrine for reproof for correction for instruction and righteousness but the doctrine of inspiration is completely worthless without the doctrine of preservation I believe every Christian every so-called Christian out there would argue that the originals were inspired everybody virtually believes that but it's very few that believe in the preservation of Scripture it's no use to me to believe that the original manuscripts were inspired by God if they cease to exist and I don't have I don't have them most doctoral statements will start off with a statement generally stating they believe that the originals are inspired by God God delivered and handed down his word to man what good is that if we don't still have the words that God originally gave us yeah there's nothing wrong with that statement as long as it doesn't end right there and you have to go on and describe what God has done after that because if God didn't do anything after that to keep his word in front of us you're answering what good is it virtually none if it's inspired by God then it has to be preserved by God in order for that inspiration to mean anything to me today what would be the point of God giving us his word you know over 1,500 years multiple writers different countries different continents different languages and use men to inspire his word and then allow it to be corrupted when it needed to be translated or when it needed to be rewritten obviously documented the the physical originals do not exist anymore so in order for us to continue to have the Bible those had to be copied and when people say well as soon as they began to be copied or began to be translated there was mistakes and we lost the original the Word of God then it would just be a big waste of time for God to even give it to us to begin with the Bible tells us that man shall not live by bread alone but by every word that proceed out of the mouth of God and so we wouldn't be able to function as Christians or have church practices or know what the Bible says about doctrine if we didn't have it in our specific language so that's why I believe the doctrine of preservation is important and it's a biblical concept more important than your food is the Bible and God certainly preserved food but you know what's more important is the Bible that he preserved for us today to consume we need to consume food daily we need to consume the spiritual food the spiritual manna on a regular basis and of course God wants to give us the organic version he doesn't want to give us the GMO he doesn't want to give us the corrupted version of the Word of God but he wants us to have the holy and the pure words God has promised that his word would always be available to me he didn't promise it would be everywhere he didn't promise it would be in every language but he promised it would always be available and I know that's controversial among some of the brethren they tried to get away from that but some of the independent Baptist half of the independent Baptist would say you know God never promised to preserve his word at you but we've got his doctrines and his ideas but is there a line in the Bible that even twisted and turned would ever say that God you know weren't pretty well you may not always have my words but you always have my documents you may not always have my words but you always have my comment where is there a verse you can even twist to that would you say that only the concepts are preserved or you think that God actually preserved the words well that's what it says here God promised to preserve his words and and and I believe he has done it that he is not the comps concept the Lord Jesus said heaven and earth shall pass away but my words will not pass away if God promised to preserve his words so I believe we have a promise from God that his word is always available to me the doctrine of preservation was made apparent historically by the diffusion of God's word throughout the ages but the concept is also apparent biblically scripture makes it clear in multiple places that God promised to preserve his word so look at where you are there in Isaiah chapter 59 verse 21 the Bible says as for me this is my covenant with them saith the Lord my spirit that is upon thee and my words which I have put in thy mouth shall not depart out of thy mouth nor out of the mouth of thy seed nor out of the mouth of thy seed seed saith the Lord from henceforth and forever so there's a promise given in the book of Isaiah saying not only are your children gonna say my words not only are your grandchildren gonna say my words but from every generation from henceforth and forever we're all gonna have the book of Isaiah he said the word that was inspired in the days of Isaiah the preaching that Isaiah did where he spoke the words of God and said thus saith the Lord the Lord made a covenant he made a promise he made an agreement he gave a guarantee that that word would continue to exist from here on out and forever Isaiah the Bible says now go and write it before them in a table and note it in a book that it may be for the time to come forever and ever Isaiah saying hey the Bible is forever every time the scripture mentions his word it mentions that using terms like forever or forever and forever or a thousand generations or heaven and earth shall pass away but my word shall not pass away well the Bible says forever oh Lord thy word is settled in heaven so we know that God's Word has obviously always existed well you can take a verse like in Proverbs where it says every word of God is pure he's a shield unto them that put their trust in him add thou not unto his words lest he reprove thee and thou be found a liar that's talking present tense and including scriptures that are much older if we're not allowed to add to God's Word then we must have it in order to even be able to add to it it would make no sense if we didn't have it and he says don't add to this when you don't even have access to it when we think about David saying in the Psalms the law of the Lord is perfect he's speaking several hundred years after the law was first given at Mount Sinai and so we have all of these verses in the present tense talking about how God's Word is pure God's Word is clean the Bible says the words the Lord are pure words as silver tried in the furnace of earth purified seven times thou shalt keep them o Lord thou shalt preserve them from this generation forever so the Bible specifically tells us that it is God's job it is his task to preserve his word just as God preserves his word for this generation and the next generation for every generation he's also gonna preserve the poor that trust in him he's gonna preserve mankind and both are gonna be reserved forever and so he gives us these great words to illustrate that God's Word is never going to cease to exist and if you read the whole chapter is the main emphasis is the Word of God against the Word of Man and God promised to preserve his words forever why would I think that God only wanted a small subset of human population have had the Word of God why would I not think that it's just as important today for us as mankind to have the Bible when there's so many more people so many more souls so much more opportunity for the Word of God to be heard and to be preached and for faith to be exercised you know God's not a respecter of persons and he didn't decide that those of our fathers those of antiquity could have the Bible and we get scraps but rather he decided you know what all generations it's God's providential hand that preserves the Word of God and he puts it in the hearts of man to carry out his work you think of salvation for example God is essentially doing the bulk of the work because he's the one who's saving the soul but he uses human instruments to carry out that work Matthew 5 says for verily I stand you to heaven and earth pass one jot or one tittle shall no wise pass from the law till all be fulfilled Jesus went so far as to say that not even a jot or tittle would pass until the entire earth had passed away one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law until all be fulfilled and so heaven and earth are still here then God's Word must still be preserved in Isaiah chapter 40 verse 8 the Bible teaches providential preservation by promising that quote the Word of our God shall stand forever the Bible also contains more evidence for this doctrine in the book of Psalms for example Psalm 33 11 says the counsel of the Lord standeth forever the thoughts of his heart to all generations Psalm 119 verse 152 says concerning thy testimonies I have known of old but thou has founded them forever Psalm 119 verse 160 thy word is true from the beginning and every one of thy righteous judgments endureth forever Psalm 100 verse 5 says for the Lord is good his mercy is everlasting and his truth endureth to all generations a reasonable person can track how scribes and other workers throughout the work of God's Providence kept his word intact I do not wash or feel ashamed saying that I believe God has and was able to give truth to each generation in some way while ease and access are better than it's ever been there's always been God's preserved word it didn't just appear in 1611 or 1844 it's always been here I'm thankful for the accurate translation I'm thankful that I have I have a Bible that I don't believe there's an error look at 1st Peter chapter 1 verse 23 being born again not a corruptible seed but of incorruptible by the Word of God which liveth and abideth forever saying that the Word of God is alive it's it's somewhere you know how could we say that the Bible is living if it doesn't even exist you know if it doesn't even exist if it's nowhere we don't have it and it doesn't really make it very alive you know it makes the Bible alive is the fact that's everywhere I mean think about it the Word of God the King James Bible is the most printed book in human history it's the most read book in human history I mean this thing is a lie folks this thing is everywhere and you know how long it's gonna be alive forever the Bible is saying that God's Word will stick around forever the grass wither earth and the flower thereof falleth away but the word of the Lord and the Word of God is not grass that sprung up in the Bible times sprung up during the New Testament and then somewhere around the first second third fourth fifth century somewhere the lawnmower came and chopped it up and and now we need these scholars and experts and archaeologists to kind of put Humpty Dumpty back together again because it's somehow been damaged folks God's Word ain't broke so don't try to fix it we don't need to reconstruct the original text because we never stopped having God's Word in the traditional text just like the Lord Jesus Christ was crucified and he was dead for three days but you know what God preserved his physical body because the Bible says his flesh did not see corruption and if God can preserve the physical body of Jesus Christ in the grave and revive it out of the grave then just in the same manner God can preserve his word and we can see no corruption just like his body saw no corruption I believe that the Word of God we have it today and we can look at it and say you know what this has no corruption either for 270 years the King James Bible stood on its own as the standard English translation of Scripture it was once referred to simply as the authorized version or the Holy Bible as it was unmatched in terms of usage and popularity but a new philosophy emerged in the 1800s based on unused manuscripts Codex Vaticanus and Codex Sinaiticus that introduced a new method of textual criticism the reason why the King James Bible started to be challenged again after just hundreds of years of being the only mainstream version the only reason it got challenged was a whole new philosophy emerging in the 19th century a philosophy that said we've lost the text and we have to reconstruct it we must do archaeology and and we have to go back and find older manuscripts and and we need to do textual criticism all over again and figure out what the Bible says because the traditional text is corrupt what we need to do is reconstruct the what our best understanding is of the Greek New Testament we're talking about manuscript based textual criticism we're actually talking about trying to reconstruct the original text based upon earlier manuscripts than any other work of antiquity better manuscripts than any other work okay what we try to reconstruct is the text from which the surviving witnesses descend and this idea that we have to reconstruct the text is operating under the assumption that we've lost the text whereas we don't believe it's lost we believe we've always had the Bible we don't need to go dig it up somewhere do people who use a critical text do they think that they have a perfect inerrant Bible or are they gonna constantly work towards that no they don't believe they have a perfect Bible they know it and they confess it publicly they said that every Bible has mistakes that's what they say it's what they believe new versions of the Bible are constantly being published in an effort to get closer to what it's presumed as the original manuscript since critical text proponents believe that older manuscripts are more reliable they're willing to constantly update the text with any new discoveries one of these critical text proponents was a man by the name of Konstantin von Tischendorf he went on a quest to find such manuscripts that are older and he ended up finding a manuscript known as Codex Sinaiticus this is arguably one of the most significant discoveries in modern textual criticism and in fact many modern Bibles rely on the readings of Codex Sinaiticus in 1844 Konstantin von Tischendorf initially discovered portions of Codex Sinaiticus in a Catholic monastery at the foot of Mount Sinai in visiting the library of the monastery in the month of May 1844 I perceived in the middle of the Great Hall a large and white basket full of old parchments and the librarian who was a man of information told me that two heaps of papers like this molded by time had been already committed to the flames what was my surprise to find amid this heap of papers a considerable number of sheets of a copy of the Old Testament in Greek which seemed to me to be one of the most ancient that I had ever seen the authorities of the convent allowed me to possess myself of a third of these parchments or about 45 sheets all the more readily as they were destined for the fire in a subsequent visit in 1859 Tischendorf found the entire Codex Sinaiticus which would later be used by Brooke Westcott and Fenton Hort to produce the critical text in 1881 Westcott and Hort produced the Greek New Testament from which modern versions of the Bible have been translated it's known as the critical text and it's based on the Sinaiticus and Vaticanus manuscripts since then the United Bible Society along with Eberhard Nestle and Curt Alland have updated the work of Westcott and Hort as archaeologists have unearthed more Egyptian manuscripts today the Nestle Alland Greek New Testament is on its 28th edition with future revisions on the horizon in their own words Brooke Westcott and Fenton Hort said all distinctively Syrian readings must be at once rejected Fenton Hort practically lambasted the received text when he referred to it as villainous in his writings he also said quote think of the vile textus receptus leaning entirely on late manuscripts it is a blessing there are such early ones another editor of the modern critical text Curt Alland considers Greek manuscripts which are purely or predominantly Byzantine to be quote irrelevant for textual criticism these sentiments represent the new philosophy of critical text advocates they believe Egyptian manuscripts unearthed in the 19th century are more reliable than the traditional received text of Scripture we've now got a better manuscript and so they produced new versions of the Bible like the NASB the NIV etc it's anything but the King James version we have found older copies of the original writings of Scripture since the King James Version was done this more scholarship and so those blessed scholars didn't have the resources that we have today and so they didn't make all the adaptation critical text proponents believe older manuscripts are in the vast majority of cases better however this ignores the many credible reasons why older manuscripts may not necessarily be more reliable people have to bring up the argument that well older manuscripts are always better because they're just older the general reality is that the text that we can obtain from the year 200 from the papyri has a better chance of being traceable directly to the apostolic period then if all you had was the text of Byzantine manuscripts from the year 1200 the earlier is better is a generally true statement with exceptions that we know about exceptions that we can document exceptions we go oh hey look at this and the reason that we know those other exceptions is because we have earlier manuscripts to compare them scholarship is agreed on on one thing and that is the versions of the Bible that were written closer to the first century are by default more reliable and let me explain why I don't believe that older is better in this particular argument number one it was not being used it's important to consider that manuscripts actually being used will wear out in contrast Vaticanus and Sinaiticus along with other papyri fragments that have been discovered over the years were not being used throughout history and passed down from generation to generation this explains why archaeologists are still able to discover manuscripts that fall under the Alexandrian tradition even today and why they tend to be older the Greek text underlying the King James Bible has often been known as the received text or textus receptus because it's that which we received it's been passed down it's the traditional text that's been used by Christians throughout history the modern versions are based on a completely different philosophy where they've unearthed or discovered older texts that nobody was using so these are texts that had been abandoned texts that have been discarded but they dug these things up and said well these are older therefore they must be more reliable for example that the received text these are manuscripts that were actually used in read in actual churches and so people are you know pastors are preaching from them congregants are using them Christians you know are utilizing the Word of God so through wear and tear that would have to copy it again and copy it again and copy it again I've got my King James Bible that I use I read this one this is the one that's gonna get worn out you know if you grab an NIV or an ESV that I've got here just as a tool to show what's wrong with it it's in pretty good condition because I'm not reading it and so these are actually Bibles that are being used where actually whereas the older manuscripts they're preserved because no one's using them if someone uses a Bible the Bible that you use on daily reading is that gonna wear out quicker than perhaps a Bible you have on your shelf absolutely that's why that's why the older Bibles because they were put on the shelf number two reason why older is not better is the location the location and some people would make a big deal about the fact that you know the King James Bible is kind of coming from the Byzantine Empire which of course if we think about it Christianity is really getting kick-started in Antioch it's getting kick-started in that part of the world so it makes more sense that manuscripts are going to be better in the areas where Christianity is being formed and of course the letters themselves are written to the Ephesians to the Galatians to the Corinthians so it makes more sense that that origin or that source is gonna have a better text in total about 5,800 extant or existing Greek manuscripts are available today and they're divided into several text types or forms the two most significant are the Byzantine text type and the Alexandrian text type the Byzantine text type originated in Antioch Syria where the disciples of Christ were first called Christians in Acts chapter 11 verse 26 this family represents 99% of all known Greek manuscripts that largely agree with each other meanwhile the Alexandrian text type originated in Alexandria Egypt and represents a small minority of all existing manuscripts the received text of Scripture or the textus receptus the underlying Greek for the King James is based on Byzantine manuscripts conversely the Greek underlying modern Bible translations such as the NIV or ESV is based on newly discovered manuscripts from the Alexandrian tradition but even more important than the location being just geographic instead of being in Egypt or in the Vatican there in the parts where Christianity was at how about just the immediate location one's in a trash can and the other one is in the hands of Christians some critical text proponents will lie about the location of where certain manuscripts have been discovered specifically codex inaticus critical text proponent James White has often lied saying that it's not been found near or in a trash can when it most certainly has been in fact I did want to correct just oneness apprehension Sinaiticus was not found in or near a trash can that is a common myth but it's untrue all you have to do is read Constantine von Tischendorf's own first-hand account of his discovery of the manuscript a monk brought it out of the closet the cell wrapped in red cloth folks people inside and monasteries do not wrap garbage in red cloths okay James White does accurately describe in constant in Tischendorf's account of finding codex Sinaiticus that a steward handed him the parchments in a red cloth but what James White fails to state is how those same parchments were previously discovered by Constantine in a basket and if he had not those parchments would have been destined for the flames I unload the cover and discovered to my great surprise not only those very fragments which 15 years before I had taken out of the basket but also other parts of the Old Testament the New Testament complete and in addition the epistle of Barnabas and a part of the pastor of Helmas not only did Constantine find codex Sinaiticus at this time according to his account he also found other documents such as the epistle of Barnabas I knew that I held in my hand the most precious biblical treasure in existence a document whose age and importance exceeded that of all the manuscripts which I had ever examined during 20 years study of the subject I cannot now I confess recall all the emotions which I felt in that exciting moment with such a diamond in my possession though my lamp was dim and the night cold I sat down at once to transcribe the epistle of Barnabas you know James White seems to leave that out too doesn't he Tischendorf appeared to be most excited about the fraudulent epistle of Barnabas which he discovered along with the Sinaiticus manuscript he's just saying like I found the greatest document the greatest treasure that you've ever discovered the epistle of Barnabas this guy doesn't even care about the codex Sinaiticus he cares about this apocryphal book about this trash document and he gets so excited and of course this is the man that basically leads Westcott and Hort and all of the modern critical texts and all the Bibles that you have today Sinaiticus which was previously discarded has been largely used to produce the various editions of the critical text in addition to Sinaiticus even newer discoveries of abandoned and unused manuscripts have been found buried in the earth but the question is why were they buried in the first place it's worth noting that there's an established tradition amongst Jews where they discard certain manuscripts they bury them even today Torah's are buried underground either due to deterioration or a slew of scribal errors rabbi Mirov is the first to pick up a shovel one by one members of the congregation young and old join him in digging the dirt to fill the grave what did the Jews actually do you know what the Jews do they think since the Bible is living they say it's a real person so it needs to be buried so often what Jews will do is they'll take their manuscripts that have problems errors and mistakes and they'll bury them this practice still happens today yeah basically if there's one mistake even one letter is partially rubbed out or whatever and the whole Torah is no good so if it's out of place they got to go back and fix it to stop using it until it's been fixed and the Torah that cannot be fixed has to be buried now think about this if if the Jews have been doing the same things for centuries stands the reason that they may have been doing this bearing practice back at the time of Christ or even before Christ so if I find a bunch of manuscripts that have been buried who's to say that they weren't all the bad versions of the Bible they weren't all the bad Scrolls that they had made the mistakes had worn out had problems and they had buried them and then when we unearthed them they're all the trash versions they're all the versions that had the mistake and all the problems that begin with so manuscripts that Christians rejected in the and you know in the first century second century third century are now being pulled out and we're being told that we have to accept them if I find an older manuscript that's been buried in the earth that sounds way worse to me than a new manuscript that was in the hands of Christian if we believe that God preserved his word and that it's been preserved throughout the generations then we would not go seek a Bible that's been buried and and have to go rediscover the Bible because we don't believe the Bible was ever lost you have to believe that God inspired and preserved his word otherwise God just wasted his time and if you're going to take the position that no these manuscripts that have been dug up or that have been found and these are now the actual Word of God and we need to go back and fix what we've had then you're believing that the Word of God was lost and that is not compatible with God here's the third reason I don't believe that older is necessarily better is the integrity of the document when we talk about these older manuscripts they're not finding the complete Bible they're not even finding complete books of the Bible if you go and you look at these actual documents they will say oh here's here's part of the Bible and it'll be like this big and it'll have like a few letters that you can barely read on they're finding fractions and pieces and specifically when it comes to the critical text there are major portions that are missing there are we're told that as you look at these documents they're they're even scribbled on and written on ten different authors they can tell that have made changes to it and things like that so it's not like they just found a complete Bible from the first century and they're now telling us well this is actually the right one they are finding fragments and trying to use that to really attack the Bible that we've had since the Lord Jesus Christ since the New Testament you know you look at these documents they have holes in them they have scribbles they're written over they're missing sections and they don't agree with one another yet they have one they're older it's like we're gonna ignore the use we're gonna ignore the location we're gonna ignore the integrity of the document as it's older textual critics believe that older manuscripts are more reliable therefore the application is uncertain would they change the New Testament the Old Testament the Greek the Hebrew well in an effort to find out we interviewed one of the translators for the Holman Christian Standard Bible Dr. James Almond. Dr. Almond is a experienced student of Greek and Hebrew and he had translated a portion of the Psalms he's a very nice man he's a dedicated Christian and we asked him if he would be willing to update the Hebrew if we found older discoveries or even specifically with the Dead Sea Scrolls if you would be willing to update the Masoretic text and he made it very clear that he would be willing to update the text if you were reading in Hebrews chapter 1 you have the line let all the angels of God praise him and your your Bible may have a cross-reference to Deuteronomy 32 you won't find it in your Bible it's not in the Masoretic text but it is in the Qumran scroll of Deuteronomy so we're able to restore some things that that the New Testament treated as Old Testament quotations but we can't identify them so so we're able to correct that. So if we found more ancient evidence would that be added in in your opinion? Yeah. Dr. Almond's willingness to change the text illustrates how critical text proponents do not believe we have preserved Bible and in fact with new discoveries they would potentially change any verse in the Bible. But based on your method if there were a discovery of ancient documents that most scholars agreed what what makes this the earliest reading you would be willing to change your position on any text within the New Testament based on evidence that might be uncovered is that correct? Yes. Those who believe in the modern versions a new archaeological discovery could completely revolutionize their view of God's work to the point where they would completely change their Bible. There's no question that the critical text defers both philosophically and substantively from the received text. They're based on different manuscripts and consequently they disagree with each other thousands of times. In 1876 the Dean of Chichester College, John Burgin, a native Greek speaker and in his time a world-renowned expert on Greek Bible manuscripts, was able to examine both the Vatican and the Sinaitic text to compare them both to the received text. These were his findings. In the Gospels alone Vaticanus is found to omit at least 2877 words. To add 536, to substitute 935, to transpose 2098, to modify 1132, in all 7578 changes. The corresponding figures for Sinaiticus were 3455 words omitted, 839 added, 1114 substituted, 2299 transposed, 1265 modified, and in all 8,972 changes. Either somebody's taken a lot out or somebody's putting a lot in and both of those processes are forbidden to us in Scripture. We're not to subtract a word or to add a word. It's not like there's just, oh well here it uses one word and here it's using another word and those words mean the same thing. There are major issues between these two, these different Bibles to the point where they both can't be right. Now here's the question, which one's right? Because they can't both be the Bible folks. Since modern Bibles are based on a completely different underlying text than that of the King James and its predecessors, it necessarily follows that modern Bibles say something different. If you compare a King James Bible to an NIV, you're gonna notice that whole verses are removed from the Bible and I'm saying like they're just completely gone. There's 16 whole verses just taken out of the Bible. Like Matthew 17 verse 21, gone. Matthew 18 11, gone. Matthew 23 verse 14, gone. Mark 7 verse 16, gone. Mark 9 verse 44, gone. Mark 9 46, gone. Mark 11 26, gone. Mark 15 28, gone. Luke 17 36, gone. Luke 23 17, gone. John 5 4, gone. Acts 8 37, gone. Acts 15 34, gone. Acts 24 7, gone. Acts 28 29, gone. Romans 16 24, gone. And I'm not saying like parts of it, I'm saying the whole thing just ripped out. The new international version, otherwise known as the NIV, removes 16 entire verses including familiar passages such as Mark chapter 9 verse 44 which says, where their worm dieth not and the fire is not quenched. And in verse 46, where their worm dieth not and the fire is not quenched. Who would want to say that hell is not a place of eternal punishment? Maybe the people going to hell? Maybe people that don't want to scare you about hell because then you might actually believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and get saved? You know what the Bible teaches that people should be afraid of God and afraid of hell and you know what strikes terror in people's heart is hearing where the fire is never going to be quenched. Not just gone. Here's some other verses that are just completely gone. For the Son of Man has come to save that which was lost. Why would you want to take that verse out? Frankly speaking, if you get an NIV today and you go to Mark chapter 16, you kind of get to verse 8. Usually they'll put a buffer between verse 8 and verse 9 that'll say, oh some manuscripts don't contain this latter portion of Mark. And they'll basically just put this dividing line where they just separate from the two. The two most reliable early manuscripts do not have Mark 16 9 through 20. So it's like you're reading in the Bible and then just as you're just reading in the text it'll just randomly just say that. Just have a big break and then just be like, oh hint hint the most reliable man. What makes them reliable? Oh are we talking about Sinaiticus which was found in a trash can? Is that the reliable Bible? The one that was found that was destined for the fire? There's a verse in Mark chapter 16 that I quote all the time and frankly speaking I think it's one of the most important verses. Look what it says in verse 15. And he said unto them, go ye into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature. You know that's the only time the Bible says verbatim that we're supposed to go and preach to every creature. Am I really supposed to think it's any coincidence that the devil wanted to take that verse out of the Bible and want to destroy that verse? And you know what there's a lot of people that say oh we're not supposed to go out evangelize we make disciples. Let me tell you something more important than making disciples is going out and preaching the gospel and to every creature. And you know I know why the devil wants to take that verse out of the Bible because of how powerful it is for us to go out and preach the gospel to every creature. What's sad about the critical text position is how they put so much doubt on the Word of God even to their own loved ones. And when we talked with Dr. James Allman he expressed to us that even his own wife was incredulous the fact that Mark 16 wasn't really the scripture. Mark 16 my wife even after all the years she sat under my teaching said do you mean to tell me that part of the Bible is not the Bible? Why would you trust someone to translate the New Testament for you who rejects the story of the woman taken in adultery? Who rejects the ending of Mark 16? Who believes in a gospel of Mark that ends with them being scared and not telling anybody? It doesn't even make sense and I've preached about how if you take out 9 through 20 the ending doesn't make sense and it becomes a lie is what it becomes. And so that ending at verse 8 is absurd but just keep in mind that even though they printed verses 9 through 20 they told you in the column that they don't believe in it. So not only are they removing whole verses 16 times not only are they removing verses through footnotes to combine to over 40 verses not only are they taking out whole phrases where you're gonna get into hundreds then they take verses that are still there and twist them to say something completely different. Proverbs chapter 16 look at verse 10 a divine sentence is in the lips of the king his mouth transgresseth not in judgment. Here's what it says in the New King James divination is on the lips of the king. It's where in the Bible divination is condemned as a satanic practice of witchcraft the modern versions are adding Satanism into the Bible falsely accusing the king and ultimately King of Kings the Lord Jesus Christ. Proverbs 18 verse 8 the words of a tail bear are as wounds and they go down into the innermost parts of the belly. The New King James the words of a tail bear are like tasty trifles. The New American Standard Bible the NASB the words of a whisperer are like dainty morsels. What is the NIV say the words of a gossip are like choice morsels. Who's gonna sit here and argue that gossip is a good thing. Verse 24 the King James says a man that hath friends must show himself friendly and there is a friend that sticketh closer than a brother. NIV in this verse one who has unreliable friends soon comes to ruin. Here's what the North American Standard Bible or the NASB says a man of too many friends comes to ruin. The King James Bible is telling you to be friendly to have lots of friends. The NASB is telling you don't have a lot of friends. Look at 1st Corinthians chapter 9 verse 27 but I keep under my body and bring it into subjection lest that by any means when I have preached to others I myself should be a castaway. Listen what it says in the NIV. No I strike a blow to my body and make it my slave. You know it doesn't contain these weird strange readings is the Texas Receptus Bibles and what I want to illustrate for you today is how would you read the Bible in the Tyndale then you read the Bible in the bishops and then you read the Bible in the King James you're going to notice it's the same same same and then you get to the NIV different then you get the NLT different so it's like hey every Bible has the same verse same verse same verse gone same verse same verse same verse completely different why because the modern versions are not the same Bible Mark chapter 10 look at verse 24 and the disciples were astonished at his words but Jesus answer it again and say then of them children how hard is it for them that trust in riches to enter into the kingdom of God listen to what it says in the NIV children how hard it is to enter the kingdom of God wait a minute the King James says for those that trust in riches this one's just saying it's hard to get into heaven well it might be hard to get into heaven if you're reading an NIV but it's not a greeting the King James the NASB children how hard it is to enter the kingdom of God now just to illustrate for you how this is so different let me read for you mark 10 verse 24 in the Tyndale New Testament how hard is it for them that trust in riches to enter into the kingdom of God let me read in the bishops how hard is it for them that trust in riches to enter into the kingdom of God so we see in the Tyndale for those that trust in riches we see in the bishops for those who trust in riches we see in the King James for those that trust in witches modern versions gone they just completely remove that why because it's the same same same different showing this isn't a translation work coming on top of the King James it's a completely different source it's changing the Bible and it's making it more difficult now in John chapter 7 we have a story about the Lord Jesus Christ and his integrity and character is questioned by the modern versions but look what it says John chapter 7 verse number 8 go you up under this feast I go not up yet under this feast for my time is not yet full come so Jesus Christ is saying hey I'm not gonna go up yet meaning I'm not going up with you right now but that doesn't mean he's not gonna go up later listen to us as an IV you go to the festival I am NOT going up to this festival then IV just says he's not going now wait a minute two verses later even in an IV it's gonna say he went up what would that make you if you say I'm not going to this party and then you went that would make you a liar let me read for you the Tyndale go you up under this feast I will not go up yet under this feast for my time is not yet full come bishops go you up under this feast I will not go up yet under this feast for my time is not yet full come so Tyndale it's yet Bishop it's yet King James it's yet modern versions I'm not going so they just create a lie in the text why didn't they have the word yet there because they're corrupting the text because they're trying to make Jesus Christ a liar 1st John 5 7 completely removed in modern versions for there are three that testify let me read for you 1st John 5 7 you can turn there if you want in the Tyndale says this for there are three which bear record in heaven the Father the Word and the Holy Ghost and these three are one the bishops for there are three which bear record in heaven the Father the Word and the Holy Ghost and these three are one modern versions there are three that testify it's just gone folks it's not the same Bible it's not the same book first Timothy chapter 3 verse 16 and without controversy great is the mystery of godliness God was manifest in the flesh justified in the spirit scene of angels preached unto Gentiles believed on the world received up into glory here's what it says in the ESV he was manifest in the flesh well who's he why did they take it out why does it not say God anymore what does it say in the Tyndale God was showed in the flesh what does it say in the bishops God was showed in the flesh what does it say in the King James God was manifest in the flesh why are they taking that verse out why are they changing God with he because they want to strip away the deity of Jesus Christ first Corinthians chapter 1 verse 18 the King James Bible says for the preaching of the crosses of them that perish foolishness but in us which are saved it is the power of God new King James this is what it says but to us who are being saved in IV but to us who are being saved in a SB but to us who are being saved so in the modern versions it doesn't say you are saved it says you're being saved you know what it says in the Tyndale but in the US which are saved it is the power of God you want to know what it says in the bishops but in us which are saved is the power of God how come it's saying the exact same thing and then all of a sudden is completely different they want to strip away the deity of Jesus Christ they want to strip away all the power all the wisdom they want to make the Bible sound foolish not only that they also want to take away the hate out of the Bible Revelation chapter 2 verse 15 so hast thou also them that hold the doctrine of the Nicolaitans which thing I hate here's what the ESV says so also you have some who hold the teachings of the Nicolaitans oops they forgot something which thing I hate now let me read for you in the Tyndale even so hast thou them that maintain the doctrine of the Nicolaitans which thing I hate here's the bishops even so hast thou them that maintain the doctrine of the Nicolaitans which thing I hate so we have the Tyndale the bishops and the King James all saying the same thing and then we have the modern versions just taking all phrases out again 1526 Tyndale right here and if it wasn't for that text being formed a little different you wouldn't have much trouble reading that and it matches the King James about 85 percent of the time which for a starter translation by one man who's fleeing persecution was an incredible job one again the difference between a Tyndale and a King James most of the variations are gonna be word order sentence structure as opposed to taking phrases out that's correct it is based on the same text it has the same words the versions that came before the King James pretty much said the same thing as the King James whereas these modern versions are saying something dramatically different I mean the difference between the bishops Bible and the King James Bible is very small whereas the difference between the King James Bible and the NIV is a giant leap those are not even comparable it's apples to oranges NIV will remove whole phrases from the Bible in Luke 4 for the Bible says that man should not live by bread alone but by every word of God NIV gone it just takes out every word of God you know why I know the NIV is not every word of God it removes the phrase every word of God the modern versions of the Bible have clearly changed the text from the King James Bible not in an effort to refine the text but rather they've constantly updated to say something completely different therefore our church is King James only because we believe that the King James Bible is the inspired preserved words of God if someone rejects the King James Bible they're not just rejecting the King James Bible but they're rejecting the bishops they're rejecting the Tyndale they're rejecting all the preceding English translations they're rejecting the Greek and they're rejecting the Hebrew that gave us the King James Bible unfortunately some King James only advocates will claim that the King James Bible is superior to the underlying Greek or superior to the underlying Hebrew they're known as ruckmanites these people do not believe that God providentially preserved the scripture through translation but rather God had to re-inspire the translators which is known as double inspiration the new philosophy behind the modern translations of the Bible is not the only method to undermine the preservation of Scripture another new philosophy exists within fundamentalism that conflicts with preservation ruckmanism and if you were to modernize you know I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me if you were to change that to I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me which the modern Bibles do I'm gonna reject that because you've changed the words of God ruckmanites would argue that the underlying text of the King James must literally align with the English words word for word in order to be perfect I make this statement oftentimes get labeled a ruckmanite I would say this my King James Bible corrects your TR the King James Bible did not come from that Greek text you're using if you're using one from the Trinitarian Bible Society that Greek text came from the King James Bible boy if that isn't ruckmanism your King James Bible is correct in the Greek text whoo somebody here's gonna be the one of the most blasphemous things that people will have a hard time swallowing the King James Bible guess what it is superior to what it is superior to the Texas Receptus it's superior to the Greek no and people say what are you talking about because if your TR is different than the King James then you've got the wrong TR there is of course not a single edition of the Texas Receptus or the Masoretic text that meets this criteria it is impossible to translate a large body of text without using synonyms for words or idioms that don't carry over to a different language it logically follows that since no one has access to a Greek or Hebrew text that literally translates to the King James without the use of synonymous language according to ruckmanites God did not preserve his word just as critical text advocates claim the autographic Greek and Hebrew has been lost evidently ruckmanites have come to the same conclusion these proponents go so far as to claim that changing speak if the speaks is a corruption of the text and that using synonyms is somehow perverting scripture yet their claims ultimately deny the doctrine of preservation when it comes to a translation work some people would say that they believe the King James goes beyond just simple preservation but rather God gave the translators another layer of inspiration sometimes referred to as you mentioned double inspiration no I don't believe in double inspiration would you suggest that even the King James is better than the underlying Greek and Hebrew or is it the same in your opinion on the same my opinion yes when you have people just giving these bizarre statements if you change speaketh to speaks you've corrupted God's Word I mean that's lunacy when people get this idea that to have a Bible in a different language and it has to not only have the exact same words in the exact same order well that's not possible cuz sometimes you're not even gonna have a word that matches that word in a different language so it's it's silly to take it to that extreme obviously when you have a translation in a different language they need to say the same thing but you can't have a word-for-word translation and sometimes even with the King James itself but when it's compared to text receptors in some places you're not going to have a word-for-word translation because it's not possible you know there's certain words in Greek that are not translated word-for-word in the King James because maybe there might not be a word for it or for example maybe the King James uses a particular idiom in English that it's not necessarily found in Greek but it communicates exactly what the Greek is saying the ruckmanites will will hear someone to say that they'll think you're attacking the Word of God but it's it's it says the same thing but sometimes it's just not possible to do the word-for-word translation from one language to another King James only ism is the position that makes sense but not when you listen to these bozos who are saying the King James is superior to the Greek in Hebrew you can't even change a spelling you can't even change a comma or a parenthesis it's like that that it's so bizarre in light of the fact that it's an English translation from the original Greek it's hard to believe that anybody actually thinks that way we talk about changes to the text we're not talking about word order or spelling or synonyms we're talking about is altering the meaning or the doctrine of the text when God talked about preserving his words that's what he meant and the modern version should be rejected because they're changing the meaning they're changing the doctrine of the text and they're not preserving God's words the Bible says this now the serpent at Satan was more subtle than any beast of the field was the Lord God had made and he said unto the woman I want you to know is the very first time we see Satan in the Bible in fact the first words that come out of his mouth in the entire Bible knows what he says he says yea hath God said he shall not eat of every tree of the garden now God has told them you're not allowed to eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil and the first words that come out of Satan's mouth he is questioning the obviously we are at war spiritually and the devil is called our adversary and so if the devil can disarm his adversary he's gonna do it and we know what the weapon is it's the sword of the Spirit which is the Word of God and we should be able to look at the way that Satan attacks Christians the way that Satan attacks believers the way that Satan tries to attack God and we should be able to learn from it well if you do that then the first lesson in the Garden of Eden is that Satan's gonna cast out upon the Word of God question the Word of God and change the Word of God in order to lead people astray that's exactly what he did with Eve and that's what we are seeing today there's a litany of Bible options out there and they don't say the same things they say a lot of different things and they can't all be right and you need to you know you need to at least wake up to the fact that not everything that calls itself a Bible is a Bible if you accept the modern Bible versions as God's Word then there is no attack on the Word of God but of course the modern Bible versions are the attack on the Word of God because when you compare them to the King James Bible and to the Texas Receptus they're completely different obviously they're teaching heresy they're teaching different things but it's it's interesting to me that here you have you have Paul telling you hey people are corrupting the Word of God you have the Garden of Eden you know you have all throughout the Bible you have it's clear that Satan is attacking the Word of God the modern Bible versions are certainly different than a King James Bible which can easily be demonstrated when compared which show the consequential changes they're making to doctrine Micah 5 to prophecy about the Lord Jesus Christ it says in the last part of this verse whose goings forth have been from of old from everlasting and of course we're talking about the Lord Jesus Christ and he was not a creative being he's from everlasting in the NIV it says whose origins are from of old from ancient times so the NIV says he has an origin and he's just from an old time no no he's not from an old time he's from everlasting why would they attack that Jesus Christ is coming from everlasting because you know what they want to take away the deity of Jesus Christ Matthew 7 verse 14 the King James Bible says because straight is the gate and narrow is the way which leadeth unto life and few there be that find it according the Bible it's a narrow way because there's only one way is through the Lord Jesus Christ listen to the new King James which some would suggest oh well the new King James that's coming from the same family but it actually changes the King James Bible here this is what it says because narrow is the gate and difficult is the way which leads to life now wait a minute there's a difference between they're only being one way and it being difficult the new King James wants to suggest that salvation is difficult whereas the King James says there's only one way heretics like John MacArthur will take this verse and his commentary he has his own new King James Bible commentary he'll say yeah salvation is difficult because it takes a life of works and dedication and turning from sin why because he loves to teach works based salvation and he loves to use the new King James to do it why would I want to use a Bible that teaches work salvation how could you say that these are the same they're saying completely different things they're twisting scripture they're perverting salvation by faith they're perverting the God that we believe in it is not the same Bible what we're seeing with a lot of these modern versions is that they're removing things they're changing doctrines they're saying something completely different they're misconstruing salvation is you knock on the doors of people who use these modern versions who go to these modern type churches they can't give you a clear answer about salvation are you 100% sure that if you died today you're saved I hope so I believe so what are you placing your faith in well you know I keep God's Commandments you got to walk with God got to have a relationship with him got to love the Lord all these obscure ambiguous answers or sometimes you run into people who go to these churches they use the modern versions and they're just complete they've been there for 20 plus years and they still don't know if they're saved or not and so you know that's the fruit of these modern versions you say why isn't that these lame churches are just not preaching hard they're not being authoritative they're not well look I wouldn't be either if I was just guessing at it if I if I wasn't even sure if this was the Bible I'd be like well you know I don't know let me give you a verse and kind of fill my sermon with a bunch of stories and jokes and poems because I'm not even sure if this is legit I've never seen a church that uses an NIV and is just super solid on salvation when you compare American churches specifically do you notice a difference between a church that's not using King James Bible versus churches that use a King James Bible in America oh absolutely yes more liberal if Satan is going to attack the Word of God one would think he would focus on Bible translations with the most fruit the fruit of the preserved line of Scripture especially the King James is apparent from sound preaching to changed lives the King James Bible has powerful fruit what has God been blessing in our lifetime what has God been blessing in recent history it's been the preaching of the King James Bible you know throughout the 20th century if you look at the great soul winning movements if you look at the great preaching that was done it was all done out of a King James Bible when you look at the righteous remnant that is preaching hard that is standing against the sodomites and the feminists and all the weird stuff that's going on it's always somebody with a King James the churches that are standing strong are the churches that are preaching out of King James Bible I got saved from a King James Bible you got saved from a King James Bible I got saved because a King James Bible believer man led me to Christ and then all my support my ministry come from King James Bible believers millions of people out there got saved from the power of God's Word and directly it was through a King James Bible that they encountered God's Word and so that's the fruit and we see the fruit of these Bibles whereas show me the great soul winning movement coming from James White I would make the argument that the greatest churches the soul winning churches the ones who are preaching hard against sin that you know the churches that I would bother attending or are all using the King James Bible you see how do you know that God's Word is found in the King James well I don't know maybe because it's been used by more preachers more soul winners more missionaries than any other Bible in the history of mankind how about that isn't the tree known by its fruit the devil has sown a lot of confusion around what is the Bible and ultimately one must place their faith and what they believe is the scripture would you rather choose a Bible that God has handed down to us fits the doctrine of preservation has a clear lineage one that's been used by many different Christians throughout generations one that has sound doctrine or a Bible that is ever-changing found in obscure locations no clear lineage always being updated sown a lot of confusion all kinds of liberalism and heresy being taught from that Bible the choice is obvious the King James Bible is the only Bible that fits the doctrine of preservation the King James Bible is not predicated on corrupted manuscripts it's not based on a philosophy that says God's Word was buried for centuries it's built on a manuscript tradition that was actually used by Christians and passed down to the next generation it is the culmination of a providentially guided refining process that produced the most red Bible of all time and the most influential work of scholarship in the history of the world it is the standard it is the perfect Word of God it is the inspired Word of God it is simply put the preserved Bible this is the Bible the King James Bible and the underlying Greek text that brought us the King James Bible is the Bible that has been used since the first century we're talking about the New Testament it's the one that's been used by what I was used by early Christians and has been used every generation since then till till today I believe the King James Bible is the pure Word of God it doesn't need to be changed the original inspiration is not lost when it's translated unless it was translated inaccurately but if you translate the exact same words of God they're still just as inspired what you have now is the preserved inspiration of God's Word the weeds of the field the ESV the NIV the Living Bible the message the New Living Translation the Revised Standard Version these things are like grass and they're just being eaten up by the lawnmower of time and they keep changing and they keep dying and then they get resurrected and they get gnarlier and gnarlier and they get worse and worse you know what Jesus said we needed not only did we need the Word of God but that we needed every Word of God you know what I'm holding in my hand right now in this King James Bible I've got every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God and don't ever be shy about being King James only don't ever be like well you know yeah yeah I mean we're King James you know you know what the attitude should be of course for King James of course with King James what don't you believe that God preserved his word in every generation thou shalt preserve them from this generation forever it's God's responsibility to preserve him and you know what he takes that responsibility very serious and you know we have a great Bible translation here from the original text from the Hebrew and the Greek and the Aramaic and it's perfect it's it's we should be able to trust this because God said that he would preserve it this is the Word of God it's perfect it's preserved it's inspired and thank God we have it in our English language what a blessing and we only use this because we believe that this is without an error this is inerrant as a pastor I sit in that office and I look across the table at people with real issues and real burdens and real problems and they need real solutions and I can't just sit there and say well here's what I think you should do here's what might work here's what God might want you to do I mean I'm not really sure because I'm not even sure if this is legit look you and I I can't raise my kids on maybe I need to raise my kids on yes this is the Bible this is the word it's inerrant it's invaluable I can trust the Bible and you look at the modern textual critics today like James White they don't have a Bible they're gonna point you to they don't say use this specific translation they simply say trust me as your guru and I'll tell you what the Greek really says you know what that is the same as the Catholic Church who wanted to take the Bible out of the hands of the people and say let me tell you what the Latin says that's why this is such an important doctrine we need to get people on a King James Bible and believe it that it is the Bible before we can start getting anywhere in this country you want to change America get everybody to get a King James Bible their hands again get everybody to believe that this book is God's Word that this is the preserved Bible because if you don't believe this is the preserved Bible you don't even have a Bible you say why do you guys preach the Bible so much why do you have so much Bible because we believe this thing because we believe that this will actually bring salvation we believe that this will bring the abundant life that God promised we believe that this will save your marriage it'll help your children it'll help your finances it'll help your health it'll help you in every relationship of life because it's true I mean don't you believe when Jesus said heaven and earth shall pass away but my words shall not pass away of course we don't believe in a Bible that was dug up in an archaeological dig 1800 years after Jesus 1900 years after Jesus that's not God's Word if you walk out of here you're like I don't know I didn't get it it's because you're not paying attention it's because you're not interested in the things of God and look if there's one thing that we should be interested is the Word of God realize the treasure that you have realize the power of that book and I hope you'll go home and read it every day because you'll realize wow God has given me his perfect word I've got 31,000 some odd verses 1189 chapters straight from the mouth of God straight from the mouth of God unfiltered this is what God said this is what God wants you to hear have you read it read it and anyone with any kind of honesty and integrity in their heart would realize these are major differences I can't just accept these alterations to the text I need to be faithful to God's Word I need to change my mind and I need to get a preserved Bible the King James Bible you what would you say if someone decided that Shakespeare's plays Charles Dickens novels of the music of Beethoven could be rewritten and improved sadly the tinkering and general horsing around with the sacred text will no doubt continue as pious drudges try to get it right it will not dawn on them that it has already been gotten right you you thank you for watching our film on the preserved Bible the most important question you could ever be asked is if you were to die today are you a hundred percent sure that you go to heaven the Bible gives a clear answer that you can know 100% sure the Bible tells us that we've all sinned and come short of the glory of God the Bible also teaches there's a punishment for our sin in Romans 6 23 the Bible says for the wages of sin is death that death is not just physical but it's also spiritual and it means that when people die they could go to one of two places heaven or hell the Bible tells us that we actually all deserve to go to hell the Bible says that all liars shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone everyone can admit that they told at least one lie and in fact we've sinned in many different ways if we look at all of the scripture therefore it's important to realize we need the Savior and the Bible tells us that God loves us and wants us to be saved the Bible tells us in Romans 5 8 but God commended his love toward us and that while we were yet sinners Christ died for us God sacrificially sent his son Jesus Christ to this earth to take the penalty and punishment that we deserve the Bible tells us that Jesus Christ is the Son of God and that he came down from heaven was born of a virgin and became a man Jesus Christ was God manifest in the flesh and while he lived on this earth he did many miracles proving he was the Son of God however the Jews did not believe that Jesus Christ was the Son of God and they ultimately delivered him to the Romans to be crucified the Bible says when Jesus Christ was crucified he bare our sins in his own body on the tree and the Bible makes it very clear that Jesus Christ was the propitiation for our sins he paid for all sin past present and future when Jesus Christ was dead they put his body in a tomb but his soul descended down into hell but it was not left in hell neither did his body see corruption the Bible tells us that his soul returned to his body and he rose from the dead he walked out of the tomb and the Bible describes this as the gospel the death burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ therefore the question is what must I do to be saved well in Acts chapter 16 there's a man that asked that question he asked Paul and Silas sirs what must I do to be saved and they said believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved the Bible makes it clear the only thing necessary for salvation is to believe in the Lord Jesus Christ now what that means is ultimately that you're putting all of your trust that Jesus Christ's death burial and resurrection paid for all of your sins many people today are unfortunately trusting and their good works they're trusting the fact that they go to church that they've turned over a new leaf that they live a good life but the Bible makes it abundantly clear that you must take the trust that you have in yourself and your religion and your church attendance and the change life that you have and put all of your faith in what Jesus Christ already did for you that is what true salvation is simply acknowledging Jesus is real for believing in faith plus your good works will not result in salvation you must change your mind and put a hundred percent faith in Christ the Bible tells us in John 3 16 for God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have everlasting life the moment one trust Christ they become a child of God and they're given eternal life the Bible says but as many as received him to them gave you power to become the sons of God even of them that believe on his name salvation is a moment in time just like birth and once you become someone's child you're forever their child once you become God's son you're forever his son the moment someone trusts Christ and puts a hundred percent of their faith in Jesus Christ death, burial, and resurrection they are forever his son and no matter how good or bad a son they are they will never go to hell because they've been saved from all of their sins whereas many people still believe in the fact that they must be a good person go to church and follow all of God's commandments to be saved they're ultimately not trusting and Christ sacrificed they're trusting in themselves the Bible tells us in Ephesians 2 8 9 for by grace are you saved through faith and that not of yourselves it is the gift of God not of works lest any man should boast if we're trusting in ourselves we're not saved we must one time humbly accept Christ's free gift and put all of our faith in Jesus Christ that is the moment of salvation the Bible says for the wages of sin is death but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord if you see clearly how the Bible tells us that salvation is a free gift that is just by faith in Jesus Christ the Bible tells us how to believe in him in Romans 10 9 and 10 the Bible says that if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus and shall believe in thine heart that God hath raised them from the dead thou shalt be saved if you actually changed your mind today and you want to put a hundred percent faith in Jesus Christ not in your good works not in your good efforts let me help you word a simple prayer and tell Christ that you're trusting in him alone and accept this free gift pray this prayer wherever you're at your heavenly father I know that I'm a sinner and I deserve to go to hell but I believe that you sent your son Jesus Christ to die on the cross for all my sins who is buried and rose again please save me and give me eternal life I'm only trusting in Jesus Christ not myself in Jesus name I pray amen if you meant that prayer in your heart and you put a hundred percent of your faith in Jesus Christ the Bible says you can know that you're saved if you got saved today or even if you've already been saved you need to get plugged into a Bible believing church which uses the King James Bible the preserved Bible and you need to read it every single day