(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Hey everybody, Stephen Anderson here, co-producer of Marching to Zion. If you have not seen this movie yet, check it out. Go to MarchingtoZion.com. You can watch the whole thing on YouTube. But one of the things that I keep getting asked about this movie that exposes the fraud of the modern day nation of Israel and the fraud of the religion known as Judaism, people will often just bring up the Holocaust and say, you know, what about the Holocaust? Even though that's not really relevant to this film, because the things in this film are true no matter what one believes about the Holocaust. It's all based on the Bible. It's all based on fact. And so the Holocaust doesn't really affect any of the information in this film, but yet that's something that people bring up all the time and keep asking about. So I just wanted to make a short video to address the Holocaust, which, you know, frankly, I don't believe that the official version of the Holocaust is true whatsoever. Now, first of all, let me just start out by saying this. No, I am not a racist. I don't have a racist bone in my body. And anybody who has seen this film knows that this film is not a racist film whatsoever. And no, I am not pro-Hitler or pro-Nazi or pro-national socialist. Look, I'm not for any kind of socialism, let alone national socialism. I believe in freedom and liberty and very limited government. So no, this is not pro-Nazi or pro-Hitler or racist or anything. That has nothing to do with this issue. The issue is whether or not six million Jews died in gas chambers and were subsequently cremated, what we know as the Holocaust. That's the issue. It's an issue of whether these historical events took place or not. Now, before you just get upset and angry and emotional without hearing the facts, remember what the Bible says in Proverbs 18 13. He that answereth the matter before he heareth it, it is folly and shame unto him. Ask yourself how much you really even know about this subject. Do you even know what the word Holocaust means? I'm going to explain that a little bit later in this video. But do you even know the definition of that word? Have you really studied these facts for yourself? Or could you even articulate the official version? Or do you just believe in it because everybody's telling you that if you don't believe in it, you're a racist and you're a skinhead and a Nazi and all these things. Look, there's a reason why it's illegal in 14 countries to even question the events of the Holocaust. Because of the fact that there are a lot of things about the story that don't add up. Now again, before we get into it, let me say this. Obviously, Jews died in World War II. Obviously, there were Jews that were executed in World War II. Obviously, Hitler hated Jews. I'm not disputing that fact for one second, that Hitler and the Nazis hated Jews, or that the Jews were rounded up and put into forced labor camps, and that they were put on trains and taken to camps where they were forced to work, etc. Lots of people died in World War II. About 70 million people died in World War II on all sides. It was a horrific event. It was a bloodbath. I mean, we're talking Russians, Americans, Germans, British, some Jews. People died in this horrific event known as World War II. No one's disputing those things. The question is, were 6 million Jews gassed and then cremated? Now first of all, let's start out by talking about Auschwitz, which is the main so-called death camp or execution camp. And so we might as well start there since it's the biggest one. Now let me just start by pointing out the fact that in the late 1940s, there was a plaque located at Auschwitz for all the visitors to see, all the tourists that would come from America, from Israel, from wherever. They had this famous plaque that said, 4 million people suffered and died here at the hands of the Nazi murderers between the years 1940 and 1945. So right there it says that 4 million died. This plaque was in place until the early 90s with the fall of the Soviet Union when the plaque was replaced with another plaque that says, forever let this place be a cry of despair and a warning to humanity where the Nazis murdered about one and a half million men, women, and children, mainly Jews from various countries of Europe. So we have a change here from 4 million people in the late 40s on the plaque to about one and a half million. Then we have this plaque right here that's even later that says that 1.1 million of these people died in Auschwitz. Approximately 90% of the victims were Jews. So basically we have 4 million, then we have 1.5 million, and then now we have less than a million because if you look at 90% of 1.1 million, you have less than a million Jews that died at Auschwitz. So my question is this, how can you reduce the total at Auschwitz from 4 million to 2.5 million, but the total always stays the same? It's always 6 million, 6 million, 6 million. Well, the reason why it's always 6 million is because that number was foreordained. That number really doesn't have anything to do with historical fact or any kind of a calculation about how many people actually died. It's just a foreordained number because of the fact that the Jews love numbers. And that's what the Kabbalah is all about. It's the mystery of numbers and the gematrea. And think about all the things that they always fixate on that have to do with the number 6. They have a 6-pointed star, 6 million dead in the Holocaust, the Six Days War. And how many supposed death camps were there? Well, of course, there were 6. You know, if you look through the list of Auschwitz, Treblinka, Kulmhof, Sobibor, Majdanek, and Belzec. So that number is foreordained. You can even find 10 newspaper articles from before Hitler was even elected where they're talking about 6 million Jews are going to be killed, 6 million Jews, 6 million Jews. So that number is like a magic number to them, that 6 million figure. It's not really based on real history and science. It's just a number that was foreordained. So yeah, you can change the total at Auschwitz from 4 million to 1.5 million or down below a million. But hey, it's 6 million total and shut up and believe it because we said so. Now, let's talk about the number of people that were killed at Auschwitz. Let's just say, okay, 1 million, because that's what they're saying these days, that it was 1 million. Okay, well, let's see if it's even humanly possible for them to have killed and cremated 1 million people at Auschwitz with the facilities that they had. Is it even humanly possible? Well, let's do the math. Now, if you look at the official version of events here where they claim that they did have the capability to kill that many people, they did have the infrastructure. Here's what they say. They say that at its peak, Auschwitz had 52 cremation ovens, okay, and that they have documentation that those ovens were able to cremate 4,756 bodies per day because they have to have these huge numbers per day in order to reach that 1 million figure in the amount of time that they say it happened. So they claim that these 52 ovens were able to cremate 4,756 bodies per day. Well, let's do a little math. That means that they were cremating more than 91 people per day in a single oven, in each oven. Now, here's the problem with that. That's about four people per hour. That means that they're claiming, according to the official version, that they were able to cremate four people in a cremation oven per hour, basically 15 minutes per body. Cremate a body in an oven, 15 minutes. Well, look, that just simply is not humanly possible. And don't take my word for any of this. Don't get mad at me and call me names. Look up this information on your own. Just Google it. How long does it take to cremate someone? And it's going to tell you that it takes two to two and a half hours. Call up a local mortuary in your town. You know, instead of just getting angry and just plugging your ears and not wanting to hear any of this, why don't you actually do the research if you care about this issue? You know, if you don't care, then you don't care. But I mean, if you're interested in this, why don't you call your local mortuary and say, I'm interested in cremation. How long does it take to cremate a body? And they're going to tell you somewhere between one and three hours. And usually they're going to tell you two to two and a half hours. And these are with computer-controlled, 1800 degrees Fahrenheit, 21st century technology ovens. But we're supposed to believe that an oven back in the 1940s was cremating people at a rate of one every 15 minutes. Now, the other thing that's so ridiculous about that is that this equipment obviously can't just run 24-7. Obviously, the thing has to be cleaned out. It has to be maintained. It's going to break down. It's going to need maintenance. And any type of equipment like this, you can't just run it 24-7. It has to rest. It has to be maintained and worked on and so forth. So to sit there and say, oh yeah, 24 hours a day, seven days a week, every 15 minutes, somebody's being cremated in these ovens. You know, the only person who could believe that is someone who just knows nothing about cremation. And if you don't believe me, then ask any mortuary in your town. Now, you say, well, you know, why did they have 52 ovens then? You know, if they weren't, you know, just mass exterminating and cremating a million people. Well, the reason why they had 52 ovens is because they're cremating people that died. For example, elderly people, sick people, people that are killed for whatever reason. It's World War II. People were being killed. Some people were murdered. People are dying for a variety of reasons. Let me ask you this question. Why are there over 100 cremation ovens in Phoenix, Arizona? I mean, is there a Holocaust going on in Phoenix right now? Because there are more than twice as many cremation ovens in Phoenix as there were at Auschwitz. Well, the answer is that people are dying in Phoenix of other causes and so those bodies have to be disposed of and many of them are cremated. Now, let's talk about these crematoriums at Auschwitz. First of all, if we talk about Crematorium II, for example, which had 15 of these cremation ovens, where somebody can just clearly look at them and see that only one body at a time can fit in these ovens, okay? They have a supposed gas chamber that holds 2,000 people. This is the official version, folks. They have a gas chamber that holds 2,000 people. They claim that it would take 20, 30 minutes to gas 2,000 people and then they would take these bodies to the ovens to be cremated. Now, the ovens are located upstairs from the gas chamber. So, we're supposed to believe that 2,000 people are gassed, takes 20 minutes, and then they drag these people to the ovens by hand, take them up an elevator that can only handle 600 pounds at a time. So, they're just putting a few bodies on, going up, down, up, down, up, down. They're dragging 2,000 bodies up to these 15 ovens. Well, think about it. How long is it going to take to cremate 2,000 bodies in 15 ovens? Well, if you were to go with the insane number that you can do, you know, one person per hour, which is ridiculous because obviously the equipment can't run 24-7, you know, most people are going to tell you it takes about two hours per person, but even if you were to just go with just the very, very generous, you know, number of saying, hey, they can do one per hour, it would still take a week, non-stop, 24-7, to cremate those 2,000. So, why would you make a gas chamber that holds 2,000 people, gas 2,000 people at once, and really spend the next two or three weeks cremating those bodies? And, of course, at that rate, you're never going to get to, you know, the one million figure that they're claiming that they get to. But the way that they get to it is that they lie, and the supposed eyewitnesses, of which there are very few, the eyewitnesses will say, oh, yeah, we threw three or four bodies into the oven at one time, and it was done in 20 minutes. No, that's not reality, folks, because if you cremate two bodies, it takes twice as long. It's not like you just, oh, it's just a set time. No, the more pounds of, you know, excuse me for being morbid, but the more pounds of flesh you put into that oven, the longer it's going to take. And if you cremate two people in that oven, it's going to take twice as long. But forget that. Anyone can just look at the photographs and see that there is no way that you could fit more than one person at a time in these ovens. They clearly could only fit one person. And yet the witnesses are claiming, oh, yeah, we put three or four in at a time, and it was done in 20 minutes. But the reason that they make these outrageous claims is because that's the only way they can get to the numbers that they're claiming were cremated at that time. It just doesn't work, folks. Now, the story at other camps is even crazier than the story at Auschwitz. You know, I already demonstrated to you mathematically that the official version doesn't make any sense at Auschwitz and there's no way that they could have cremated that many people that fast. It just doesn't work. But the story at other camps is even weirder. You know, the second largest supposed death camp was called Treblinka. And over there, they claimed that over 700,000 people were gassed, then buried in mass graves. But then, of course, those mass graves don't exist. So they have to explain where all the bodies went. So they claim that, oh, those mass graves were then dug up by hand. 700,000 dead bodies were supposedly dug up by hand. And then cremated in giant, you know, outdoor fires and on giant outdoor barbecues. These people are cremated. Of course, it's impossible to cremate anyone or anything on a barbecue grill. But that's the story that a lot of people are telling. And why in the world would I be expected to believe that they buried 700,000 bodies and then dug them all up by hand and then cremated them all and that's why all the evidence is gone. So this is really a fantastic story. It's really a fabulous story. But it doesn't really have basis in reality when you stop and look at the details. But I think most people have just not looked at the details. Now, at this point, I want to talk about what the word Holocaust means. Because actually, my journey on discovering the truth about the Holocaust or at least questioning it. Because it's impossible for me, you know, in 2015 America to tell you exactly what happened over there on the other side of the world 70 years ago. But I'm just telling you that I don't believe the story because the story doesn't add up. So I'm questioning it. Why should I believe the story if it doesn't add up? But it's impossible for me to know exactly what happened over there. I don't claim to know. I'm just questioning the official story because the numbers don't add up and the facts don't add up. And I can see a big motive for them to lie about this. But my journey on this started back when I was reading my Spanish Bible, believe it or not. I was reading La Santa Biblia. And Noah got off the ark in Genesis chapter 9. It talked about him offering un olocasto unto the Lord. You know, he's offering a Holocaust unto the Lord. And I was reading my Spanish Bible and I was thinking to myself, what in the world, you know, Noah's offering a Holocaust when he gets off the ark? So, you know, I looked up that word, olocasto in Spanish, Holocaust. And it turns out that that word means the whole burnt offering. Now this goes back to the Old Testament when they would offer sacrifices unto the Lord, animal sacrifices. And in Leviticus, it talks about them, you know, butchering the animals and sacrificing them. But it also talks about the whole burnt offering. This is where they would just take the whole animal and put it on the altar and burn the whole thing. And that was called the whole burnt offering. That's what Holocaust means. Holocaust is a Greek word, in fact, that means the whole burnt offering. Now that's referring to the fact that supposedly the goal was to kill all the Jews and to cremate them all. That's the whole burnt offering. So my point is this. If there was no mass cremation of millions and millions of Jews, then can you really call it the Holocaust anymore? Now again, we're not saying that Jews didn't die in World War II and that Jews were not even murdered in World War II. Lots of people were murdered in World War II. There were all kinds of casualties on both sides. And the thing about it is that just because people were rounded up and put in forced labor camps, that does not mean that they were systematically exterminated and cremated to the tune of six million. You know, keep in mind the United States rounded up Japanese people and put them in a concentration camp, okay? But honestly, these camps, Auschwitz, Treblinka, and others, were probably forced labor camps, not death camps or execution camps. You see, the Germans wanted the Jews working to fuel their war machine. I mean, they had drafted every man that was able-bodied into their military, especially toward the end. I mean, they're drafting 16-year-olds. They're drafting 45-year-olds because they're just trying to get as many soldiers out there on the field. And they needed people working to make the bullets, the tanks, the equipment to keep the war machine going. And so they were using the Jews for forced labor in these camps. Actually, that makes a lot more sense when you look at the facts. And for example, people will point out the fact that they were giving them the tattoos. Why would you put a tattoo on somebody that you're about to cremate? You know, why would you issue them an ID card? Why would you shave their head in order to prevent lice from spreading? If you're just going to burn these people all up anyway. If you're just going to gas them and cremate them. You know, what about this? This is the camp currency from Auschwitz. This is basically the money that they would give to the Jews that were at Auschwitz so that they could buy stuff in the little commissary or whatever. You know, they'd work and then they'd earn this camp currency. And, you know, there it is right there. Here's an actual bill and here's a coin from the camp at Auschwitz as well. So these were labor camps in order to get the war machine going. Now, let me go back to 1933 when Hitler first took power and help you to understand that the goal of the Nazis, the goal of Adolf Hitler, his stated goal was that he wanted the Jews out of Germany. It's no question that he hated Jews, that he was anti-Jew. Nobody's doubting that. He wanted the Jews out of Europe. And so he basically had a lot of programs to try to get the Jews. Now, he persecuted the Jews also because he wants to make their life miserable because he wants them to leave. And, you know, I'm not saying that that's right, but he basically made their lives miserable and he also tried to offer them incentives to emigrate somewhere else. His goal is to get them out of Germany. Now, who else had that same goal of getting the Jews to leave Germany? Well, that would be the Zionists because the goal of the Zionists was to get the Jews to go to Palestine and to form the nation of Israel. But guess what? A lot of the Jews in Europe had no interest in going to Palestine because they're comfortable in Europe. It's sort of like all the seven, eight million Jews that are in the United States today. Why aren't they going back to their homeland in Israel? Well, because of the fact that they're comfortable and wealthy and happy in America, why would they want to go to Israel? Well, a lot of the Jews in Europe were pretty happy to be in Europe. They didn't want to go back to Israel. So, therefore, the Zionists wanted them to move. Who else wanted them to move? The Nazis want them to leave. That's why from 1933 to 1938, believe it or not, the Zionists and the Nazis were working together. I mean, this is just openly known. In fact, here's a coin that was made to commemorate the partnership between the Zionists and the Nazis. It has the so-called Star of David on one side and then it has the swastika on the other side because of the fact that they both have the same goal. The Zionists want the Jews in Palestine and the Germans want the Jews, you know, to go anywhere except Germany and that includes Palestine. They had a plan for a while of trying to ship all the Jews off to Madagascar. They talked about shipping them to Palestine. They talked about shipping them to Eastern Europe. They just wanted them gone, okay? And so, that's what their goal was. Now, the reason that that changed in 1938 is that once World War II was on the horizon, it didn't make sense anymore for the Germans to just ship the Jews out of Germany and try to get rid of them or just pressure them to leave because they wanted that labor force. So, that's when they started rounding them up and putting them in these forced labor camps and making them, you know, fuel the war machine, okay? Look, I don't believe in putting people in forced labor camps. That's not the point. I'm not condoning that. I'm not condoning the Third Reich or National Socialism. No, I'm saying that the official version of the gas chambers and the death camps and the cremation ovens just doesn't add up. It doesn't make any sense. There's no explanation of where all the fuel would come from. The infrastructure is not there. It just, there's so much evidence. I just challenge you to look into it. If you look into it, you're going to see that there's a mountain of evidence on why this never could have taken place. Now, people will raise certain objections like, you know, what about all those giant piles of human hair? What about all the piles of shoes? That's the smoking gun. That's the proof. Well, not really because you don't have to kill someone to get their hair and you don't have to kill someone to get their shoes. You know, when these people were put into these forced labor camps, one of the first things they would do is shave their heads because obviously if a bunch of Jews are being put on a cattle car, it's unsanitary. There's going to be all kinds of lice and disease and everything. So obviously, a lot of people died just from the conditions of being put in these camps or being on cattle cars or whatever. But once they get to the camp, the first thing that they would do is shave their heads, make them shower and give them new clothes because of the fact that they're trying to sanitize this situation. You know, think about it. If you were to go to prison right now, what's the first thing they're going to do to you when you go to prison or jail? They're going to have you take a shower and they're going to give you fresh clothes because they take your street clothes and they put them away somewhere else. If you join the military, they're going to shave your head and give you new clothes to wear, okay? So that's what's going on with the hair and the shoes. That doesn't really prove anything. Other people will say, what about all those pictures of those emaciated corpses going into mass graves? Well, first of all, you'll never see a picture of six million of them. The pictures, if you do the counting, it's going to be a lot less than that. But not only that, but those emaciated corpses that they show you, that doesn't prove the Holocaust because the story of the Holocaust is that the Jews were just rounded up and brought straight to a death camp and straight to their death. Well, then why would they look skinny and emaciated? It takes months to get that skinny and emaciated. You know, you don't get that way overnight. That proves that people were starving to death. If you look at emaciated images, that's people that were starving. But you can find pictures of that of Americans in World War II, Germans in World War II, Jews in World War II. Why? Because in war, a lot of times the supply lines are being cut off and a lot of people are starving to death. So you're going to have pictures of emaciated people. That doesn't prove that this story about the Holocaust, per se, and the six million is true. You say, what about all the thousands and thousands of eyewitnesses? What about that? Well, here's the thing about that. Are there thousands and thousands of Holocaust survivors? Yeah, but all it means to be a Holocaust survivor is just that you lived there at the time that this was going on. And a lot of these people can witness to the fact of being rounded up because it happened. A lot of these people can witness to the fact of, you know, being sent to a labor camp because it really happened. A lot of people will tell you about going to Auschwitz and playing on the soccer team and acting in musicals and plays and spending the camp currency at the commissary and things like that. But are there thousands and thousands of witnesses that will testify to seeing gas chambers and people being cremated? No, it's actually very few witnesses that can testify to that. And you say, well, what about those witnesses? Well, they're lying. It's that simple. If somebody tells me that they put three to four people in an oven and they were done in 20 to 30 minutes, totally cremated, then I just say that that person's lying because that's not humanly possible. Why would it surprise you that they would lie when the Bible says, who is a liar but he that denyeth that Jesus is the Christ? He is anti-Christ that denyeth the Father and the Son. Whosoever denyeth the Son, the same hath not the Father. But he that acknowledges the Son hath the Father also. Why would it surprise you that the people who deny the Christ, they deny that Jesus is the Messiah, would lie to you about something else? Doesn't the Bible say who is a liar but he that denyeth that Jesus is the Messiah? He's anti-Christ? Well, then why would it surprise you that people would lie about this? In fact, there are many proven liars amongst these Holocaust survivors. There was the guy who was on the Oprah Winfrey show with his wife where supposedly she threw him an apple over the fence every day in the concentration camp and that kept him alive. And then years later, they were reunited and got married. Turns out the whole story was made up. He admitted that the whole thing was a fraud and they asked him, well, did you lie? And he said, well, I didn't lie because the story was true for me. So that's how these people justify lying. Well, it was true to me. It was proven that he lived hundreds of miles away from the story, was even supposed to have taken place. He was never even in a concentration camp. And there are all kinds of other wild-eyed stories from these Holocaust survivors, quote-unquote, that have been proven to be lies and frauds. They didn't live anywhere near those places. They were nowhere near the places that supposedly these events took place. But they go on tour and they make a bunch of money and they get famous writing their books and telling their stories. Frankly, they're lying if they tell these stories that don't mathematically even add up. So there aren't thousands of eyewitnesses to the things that we're talking about here. There are a handful of paid liars that we'll witness to some of these things that just frankly don't make any sense. Now, what's the real Holocaust? Remember, Holocaust means whole burnt offering. You want to know what the real Holocaust is? The real burnt offering is going to be when all of these Jews that don't believe in Jesus Christ go to hell for eternity. That's the oven that they ought to be worried about. And you know, it's amazing how we talk so much about the Holocaust and oh, and by the way, anybody who questions the Holocaust is accused of hating Jews. Let me just say right now, I don't hate Jews at all. I want them to be saved. In fact, I've gone out soul-winding, door-knocking, and given the gospel to many Jews. And I can think of specific examples where I've pleaded with Jews to be saved. Where I've given the whole gospel, start to finish, from the New Testament to a Jew and begged them to be saved and genuinely loved and cared for their soul. I don't hate Jews at all. That's just a railing accusation. But we live in a day of false accusers. The Bible said that in the last days that men would be false accusers. And so, they'll accuse you, oh, you hate Jews. But you know who really hates Jews? The one who tells them that they don't need Jesus. The one who tells them you're God's chosen people. You're special in God's sight. You're the apple of his eye. When in reality, the Bible says that God's wrath is upon them for not believing in Jesus. You want to know what the real Holocaust is? Every single Jew who does not believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, who follows this religion of Judaism, all of them are going to burn in hell. That's the oven, my friend. The Bible says there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth. Jesus said that many will come from the east and west and will sit down with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob in the kingdom of heaven. And he said, but the children of the kingdom, talking about the kingdom of Israel, the physical kingdom, he says, but the children of the kingdom shall be cast out into outer darkness. There shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth. He said there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth when you see Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob in the kingdom of heaven, but you yourselves thrust out. That's what the Bible says. It says that they shall be cast into a furnace of fire. There shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth. So if you really love Jews, instead of talking about this myth of six million people cremated at an impossible rate in an impossibly small number of ovens, why don't you worry about the real oven, which is the oven that God made, hell, and warn these Jews before they go to the burnt offering, before they go to hell for not believing in the Lord Jesus Christ. If we love them, let's give them the gospel. Let's tell them the truth, and let's warn them about the satanic religion that they're wrapped up in, Judaism. Now, again, let me just say that this film, Marching to Zion, proves from the Bible that Judaism is the synagogue of Satan, that it is a satanic, wicked religion, and that basically Jews need Jesus to be saved. That's the gospel for them, the good news that if they believe on Jesus Christ, they shall be saved. They don't have to go to the oven. They don't have to go to the furnace of fire. And so check out Marching to Zion. It's filled with math. It's filled with facts from history. It's filled with, most importantly, Bible scriptures that prove that the nation of Israel is a fraud. You say, well, what's the motive to lie about the Holocaust, Pastor Anderson? Well, here's the motive, because without the Holocaust, there would be no nation of Israel. That nation of Israel over in the Middle East exists because of the Holocaust. That was the justification for going in and stealing land from the Arabs who lived there, and going in there and killing a bunch of Palestinians, and kicking them out, and putting them in a giant concentration camp known as Gaza or the West Bank. So we can see the motive to lie about it, because the whole justification for going in and creating the modern-day nation of Israel, which is completely satanic, and it was something that Rothschild was behind, and the United Nations, and the world government, etc., all proven in this film, Marching to Zion, the motive's clear to lie about it. You say, well, Pastor Anderson, what's your motive in exposing the lie? Well, first of all, I think that we should always stand for the truth, no matter where it leads us. And the truth fears no investigation. Why is it illegal to even question this in 14 countries? Because if it were true, the more you investigated it, the more true it would appear. But it's not true. That's why they don't want you to investigate it, because they don't want you to find out the truth. But you say, Pastor Anderson, what's the point? Who cares? Why expose this lie? Why even talk about it? Well, first of all, because people are constantly bringing it up to me and saying, you know, how dare you attack the religion of Judaism? You know, you're wrong because the Holocaust. You know, they just play that Holocaust card whenever you bring up biblical facts or historical facts. So that's one reason why I'm bringing it up, because it's constantly thrown in my face, and I just want to, you know, set the record straight here. But not only that, this lie of the Holocaust, it does a lot of damage to a lot of people. And let me explain to you why. Because Jewish children are brainwashed with this thing, and they're taught, you know, this is what the Christians, even though Christianity obviously had nothing to do with it in the Third Reich, but that's what they'll say. You know, Christianity has done this to you, and they teach their children that Christians have murdered their ancestors, and they've always hated and killed you, and it culminated in the Holocaust. And so they basically demonize Christians to these Jewish children. They take them on school trips to Auschwitz, and show them all these camps, and basically indoctrinate them in the Holocaust. But not only that, but, you know, the nation of Israel that's been formed over there, which is, you know, illegitimate, and this Zionism that Christians have been sucked into because they don't know what the Bible says, you know, has caused basically the Arabs to hate the United States. And, you know, the Arabs have their own problems. Believe me, I understand that. And Islam is a wicked religion, too. It's just as satanic as Judaism is. You know, Christianity is the true religion. The Bible is the true word of God. But, you know what? It's caused a lot of just hatred for Christianity amongst both Jews and Arabs. Jews and Muslims. You know, 14 million Jews and 1.6 billion Muslims are affected by this Holocaust hoax, and basically it affects how they view Christianity. Now, let me just wrap this up by just recommending a book to you that's just a good beginner book. You know, I've got some other books here that are more technical, scholarly-type books that back everything up and give all their sources and everything. But honestly, if you just want an introduction to this subject, if you just want something that's just easy to read and that just kind of cuts to the chase and gives you a little more detail than I was able to give in this short video, this book called The Holocaust Hoax Exposed by Victor Thorne is just a great beginner book. It's really easy to read. It's not boring. It's very accessible to the layman where you could just pick up this book and in just a couple hours, you could get the gist of what's going on here. And, you know, I'll be real surprised if you read this book and walk away saying, hey, I still think that 6 million people died in the Holocaust. Hey, I still think that they had a plan to exterminate all the Jews in gas chambers and that they cremated millions upon millions of people at Auschwitz and Treblinka and all these other places. You know, I mean, I don't know, maybe you can read this book and still believe that. I don't know, maybe there's some great piece of evidence that you can give to me to prove me wrong. You know, I'm just interested in the truth here. I don't have an agenda here. I'm interested in the truth. I mean, if the Holocaust is real, okay. You know, I spent my whole life believing in it. That's what we're told. But I'm starting to realize that a lot of the things I've been told my whole life are actually lies. And that's why we have to do our own research if we really want to know the truth about the world we live in. So I challenge you to do your own research. Don't just take my word for it. Google it. How long does it take to cremate someone? Well, that's Google. Okay, call your local mortuary. Do the research. But honestly, if you're looking for the basics, I think this book is a great place to start. Don't get mad at me. Don't kill the messenger. You know, the truth is hate to those who hate the truth. And I love the truth. I don't hate the Jews whatsoever. I want them to be saved by believing in Christ. I don't hate Muslims. I want them to be saved. But you know what? The truth is the truth, and I'm going to stand for the truth.