(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) In Los Angeles, a killer the police are calling the Hillside Strangler has murdered 10 young women and left their bodies on the hillsides along the highways. Today the police found another. It was a grisly scene. Day after day, the bodies of boys and young men being taken out of the home of John Wayne Gacy. 29 decomposed corpses were found under the house and surrounding grounds. Four other bodies were discovered in a river several miles away. At first Los Angeles police thought that the murder of a young woman last March was an isolated act of violence, but since then they've come to believe it was connected to a wide-ranging series of assaults by a killer who's become known as the Night Stalker. Fighting coeds at Florida State University in Tallahassee walked a class in groups today while detectives tried to track a man who slipped into a sorority house early yesterday and murdered two women. Authorities marched out of the house with boxes of severed body parts in a barrel wheeled out of that of acid. In a refrigerator left as it was found at least two heads the severed remains of victims of the alleged murderer. In Seattle today a man called the Green River Killer has finally confessed to murdering 48 women and girls. What is a psychopath? A psychopath is understood by many to be someone who was cold, calculating, manipulative and dangerous. But is this true? How much is the definition of a psychopath become warped by fiction? What is a psychopath? Psychopathy is defined as a cluster of both personality traits and socially deviant behaviors. Let me go ahead and introduce to you a man by the name of Robert D. Hare. When we talk about reprobates I'm going to be getting all of my proof from the Word of God. When we talk about psychopaths I'm gonna be getting all my proof from this book and the reason I want to do that is because I don't want you to take my word for it. I want to go to the expert in regards to psychopathy. Now let me just tell you a little bit about Robert D. Hare PhD and he doesn't you know I don't know him he doesn't know me and I don't know that he would agree with with what we believe. Dr. Robert Hare is known as the godfather of psychopathy. A forensic psychologist at the University of British Columbia he developed the psychopathy checklist used by law enforcement agencies and courts all over the world to identify those clusters of traits that only show up in psychopaths. His groundbreaking book Without Conscience pinpoints the hallmark of any psychopath. A total disregard of right and wrong. Most of the psychopaths are living right next to us and live in a reasonably normal life but creating some sort of distress psychological or environmental or financial for others around them. And psychopaths have always been with us as far back as the written record. You're gonna run into one of these individuals sometime in your life more than once and the encounter could either be exhilarating and thrilling exciting or devastating more likely the latter. The study of psychopathic behavior is relatively new. It's been Bob Hare's life work. His diagnostic checklist is based on research with hundreds of criminals in Canadian prisons. If I want to study something I go where it's likely to be. So the prevalence of psychopathy in prisons is high and access to information is readily available. While psychopaths make up 25% of violent offenders in prison most psychopaths are not criminals. It's estimated that between one and two percent of the general adult male population are psychopaths. They could be your neighbor, your boss, your friend or your spouse. Hare considers them society's most dangerous individuals. His diagnostic checklist measures 20 key personality characteristics which reveal psychopathic traits. Ego-centric, lacking remorse, guilt and empathy, deceitful, glib and shallow. Hare's checklist scores those characteristics on a scale from 0 to 40. The average score in a population might be one or two. The average score in prisons is about 20-21 and we use 30 out of 40 as a convenient threshold for defining psychopathy. Now that's very very high and that's light years away from the average person. In the general population what other person gets a score of 10? I mean this is this is well below the threshold for psychopathy but if you look at the characteristics these are probably not very nice people. Score ranges from 0 to 40 and the higher you score the more extreme your psychopathy. The checklist is valuable because it's the first internationally validated tool that could be used anywhere in the world to measure degrees of psychopathy but it can also be used then to predict what's going to happen to a prisoner when they're released from jail. The word psychopath, literally a sick or suffering mind, first emerged back in 1888. It covered a wide range of antisocial behaviors and mental and sexual deviancy. Psychiatrists are still grappling for the causes of this personality disorder. In the early 1900s, psychopathy as it was called was thought to be relatively rare. But in the aftermath of World War One thousands of soldiers needed medical help to deal with battle trauma. In spite of treatment many veterans still displayed mental problems like aggression and antisocial behavior many years after the war. But the few psychiatrists there were at the time were mystified. Psychiatrists are forced to try to understand the behavior of men who have broken down in battle and some of them present a real problem. Some of them respond to treatment, to re-education, persuasion, occupational therapy and others don't and whatever they do they don't get better. And when they dig a bit deeper into these soldiers they find that they've got poor conduct records, they've got a list of convictions for bad behavior, for fighting, for getting into trouble. It seemed they all had something in common but what was far from obvious. It was Dr. Hervey Cleckley who made the breakthrough. He was working with psychiatric patients at an army veterans hospital in Georgia. He realized that many of the soldiers had been mentally disturbed before they became soldiers. He realized it was their personalities that were severely disordered. He comes to some surprising conclusions. He thinks that at least 18% of the veterans there are psychopaths and this fuels his belief that it's a problem of much greater scale than anyone imagines. When Dr. Cleckley began working in public hospitals in the 1930s he noticed large numbers of patients who behaved just like those disturbed soldiers he'd seen before. He began to identify psychopathy by making the first ever definitive list of psychopathic personality traits. Cleckley came up with 21 traits such as superficial charm, insincerity, antisocial behavior, lack of shame, lack of empathy and no sexual morals. In 1941 Dr. Cleckley published his acclaimed book The Mask of Sanity. Soon the term psychopath was on everyone's lips because Cleckley's conclusions were shocking. These are people who appear to be normal. They have the mask of normal behavior, normal interactions. They're often attractive personalities, plausible speakers, well-dressed, accomplished but the reality is because they have no feelings they're willing to exploit and even to kill so they're dangerous but very difficult to spot. Psychopaths don't act or look crazy. They're not mentally ill. In fact they're masters at appearing normal. Their main defect, what psychologists call severe emotional detachment, is harder to diagnose than schizophrenia or bipolar disorder. They don't feel emotion but act as if they do. They know right from wrong but lack remorse and empathy. Psychopaths are pathological liars who love to con and manipulate others. Here's what you need to understand about psychopaths okay because usually when you use the term psychopaths people think a crazy man. They think somebody who's insane. They think of somebody who's foaming at the mouth or whatever and here's what you need to understand. Psychopaths are not insane. They are not crazy. Here's what he wrote in page five. Psychopathic killers however are not mad according to the accepted legal and psychiatric standards. Their acts result not from a deranged mind but from a cold calculating rationality combined with a chilling inability to treat others as thinking feeling human beings. Here's what he wrote on page 22. Psychopaths are not disoriented or out of touch with reality nor do they experience the delusions hallucinations or intense subjective distress that characterized most other mental disorders. Psychopaths are rational and aware of what they are doing and why. Their behavior is the result of choice freely exercised. What does the word reprobate mean? Because we're talking about the reprobate doctrine. Well you know the Bible serves as its own dictionary. We should always allow the Bible to define itself. Before we go to other dictionaries and other sources we should allow the Bible to define itself and the Bible tells us what the word reprobate means. Go to the book of Jeremiah in your Bible. Jeremiah 6 30. Notice what the Bible says. Reprobate silver shall men call them because the Lord hath rejected them. Now you say why does it say reprobate silver? The analogy that's being used here is that when they would purify silver and they would heat it up all of the things that were unusable that were good for nothing would surface up and they would remove that that top layer as they would purify the silver and they would say it was reprobate silver. They would say it was silver that was good for nothing. It was useless. It was only meant to be rejected and here he says when people call someone he says they're gonna call them reprobate silver. Here's what he's saying. When someone calls a man a reprobate it's because the Lord hath rejected them. I want you to notice three key elements in regards to a reprobate. Number one, you need to understand that they were exposed to and had an opportunity to receive the truth. These are not people who never had an opportunity to get saved, who never had an opportunity to hear the truth. They were at one point exposed to the truth. They were at one point they did at one point have an opportunity to receive the truth. Are you there in Romans 1? Look at verse number 18. The Bible says this, for the wrath of God, notice these words, is revealed. For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven. I want you to notice there the the idea is that heaven or nature reveals the wrath of God. For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men. Notice this phrase, who hold the truth. So notice it's not that they don't have the truth. It's not that they never were exposed to the truth. They hold the truth in unrighteousness. Notice verse 19, because that which, notice these words, may be known of God, notice is manifest in them. I want you to notice that word in. It says it's manifest in them. So what is that referring to? Because first he says that it's revealed from heaven, from the outward nature manifest the the glory of God. But then it says that it's also revealed in them, for God had showed it unto them. You say what is that a reference to? That is a reference to your conscience. Romans chapter 2, look at verse number 14. The Bible says this, for when the Gentiles, which have not the law, and notice it's talking about the Gentiles who were not given the oracles of God, they were not given the law of God, they were not given the Word of God, for when the Gentiles, which have not the law, notice what the Bible says, do by nature, I want you to remember those words, by nature the things contained in the law, these having not the law, notice, are a law unto themselves. Notice verse 15, which show the work of the law written in their hearts, their conscience also bearing witness and their thoughts, the meanwhile accusing or else excusing one another. You say what is that talking about? It's talking about the fact that God has put in the hearts of men, in the minds of men, a conscience that even when they do not have the laws of God, even in cultures and societies where they may have never read the Ten Commandments, they know it's wrong to kill, they know it's wrong to steal, they know God has put a conscience inside of man that basically reveals to them the fact that there is someone that they are accountable to, there are things that are right and that are wrong. It says there, having not the law are a law unto themselves, the law written in their hearts, their conscience also bearing witness. That's what Romans chapter 1 and verse 18, if you want to flip back to verse 1, when it says, who hold the truth and unrighteousness, verse 19, because that which may be known of God is manifest in them, for God has showed it unto them. So I want you to notice that these people have been exposed to the truth, they have a conscience inside of them that tells them that there is a God, and by the way, people don't by nature believe that there is no God, they have to be taught that there is no God. By nature people believe in a God, they believe they might not know about the God of the Bible, they might not know about the Lord Jesus Christ, but in them, in their heart is put the consciousness that comes from God. Here's the other characteristic of a reprobate, is that they choose to resist or the Bible says deny, reject the truth over and over again. Look at verse 21 again, Romans 1 21, because that when they knew God, they knew God, notice, they glorified him not as God. So they knew God, but they chose to glorify him not as God, neither were thankful, but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened. Look at verse 23, and changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man, and to birds and four-footed beasts, a creepy thing. So notice, they changed the glory of God into an image made like to corruptible man. Look at verse 25, who changed the truth of God into a lie. Remember, they had the truth, they hold the truth, but they changed the truth of God into a lie, and worship and serve the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed forever, amen. Look at verse 28, and even as, now what does that mean? That means in the same way that they did not like to retain God in their knowledge. So it's not that they did not have God in their knowledge, it's not that they were not aware of God, or had an opportunity to believe on God, or believe the truth, they did not like to retain God in their knowledge. I want you to notice the third element of a reprobate, even as, or in the same way, that they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind to do those things which are not convenient. You say, what's the third element? It's number three. God eventually chooses to reject them. See, they are exposed to the truth, they have an opportunity to receive the truth, they choose to reject the truth, and then eventually after doing that over and over and over again, God eventually chooses to reject them, and they become a reprobate. Verse 24, wherefore, is that word wherefore? Wherefore means for that reason, for this reason. What reason? Because they changed the glory of the incorruptible God into an image made like to corrupt old man. Wherefore, for that reason, God also, don't miss these words, gave them up. You say, God never gives up on anybody. Well, he gave them up, he gave up on these people. Wherefore, God also gave them up to uncleanness, to the lust of their own lust, to dishonor their own bodies between themselves. Notice, who changed the truth of God into a lie and worship and serve the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed forever, amen. Verse 26, for this cause. For what cause? Because they changed the truth of God into a lie for this cause, God gave them up. I don't think we should ever give up. Well, God gave up. For this cause, God gave them up unto vile affections, for even their women to change the natural use into that which is against nature. Look at verse 28, and even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind. The word reprobate, according to the Bible, means rejected. But here's what's interesting. You know, we first look at the Bible definition, right? Because the Bible is the authority. But I decided to just look up the word reprobate in the dictionary. Because, you know, today you have Christians who fight us on this doctrine. And they'll say, oh, I can't believe that you would teach that God would give up on anybody. Well, have you not read Romans 1? I can't believe that you would think that God, you know, would ever just say that people can't be saved. You know, so I looked up the definition of the word reprobate, and listen to me, I didn't look it up in some theological dictionary, okay? I didn't look it up in some commentary defining the word. I looked it up on dictionary.com, all right? Now, I don't know a lot about dictionary.com, but I don't think it's, you know, I don't think the website's ran by independent Baptists, all right? I don't think it's ran by extreme fundamentalists. And when you type in the word reprobate, it gives you two definitions. Because, you know, often you look up a word in the dictionary, you get several definitions. Here are the two definitions that come up under dictionary.com for the word reprobate. Number one, a depraved, unprincipled, or wicked person. Number two, a person rejected by God and beyond hope of salvation. Now, it's interesting, it's interesting that dictionary.com understands that the word reprobate means a person rejected by God and beyond hope of salvation, but the average independent Baptist today can't figure out what the word reprobate means. This doctrine of reprobate, people try to act like, oh, you guys just came up with that. You're out to lunch. You're just these kooky, backward, extreme fundamentalists. You know, you guys, you guys made this up. No one's ever believed that. But listen to me very carefully. Christians have believed the doctrine of reparations through history. There is no new thing under the sun. And I want to give you just one example of that. Because, you know, the independent fundamental Baptists will attack us for believing this. And they'll say, we can't believe you believe in reprobate. We can't believe that you believe that God would give up on anybody, that God would reject anybody, that anybody could cross the line and no longer be able to be saved. We can't believe that you would believe it. But let me just bring up one example. There's a man who I actually, you know, think was a good man. He's passed away now by the name of Jack Hyles. Jack Hyles pastored the largest independent Baptist Church during his lifetime. He pastored a church with over 10,000 people in it. A big ministry, successful pastor. He was a founder and chancellor of the largest independent fundamental Baptist Bible College, Hyles Anderson College. Now, I don't necessarily recommend Bible colleges, but I'm just telling you, this guy was a founder and chancellor of the most successful IFB Bible College during his lifetime, Hyles Anderson College. He was a sought out speaker all across the world. He was during his lifetime the undisputed leader of fundamentalism. I mean, you cannot get more mainstream IFB than Jack Hyles. Jack Hyles clearly taught the doctrine of reprobates. Listen to his words. Please listen to me. I'm coming to some very serious territory right now. Don't miss this. Don't miss it. Let me warn you. Please, let me warn you. There is a line drawn over which you cannot be saved. If you think that you can just wait till you die and on your deathbed you can come to Christ, you've got nothing coming. Here your life is. I'll tell you somewhere, I do not know where. There is a line, I don't know where it is, but that line is drawn and when you cross over that line from that moment forward, you will never have a chance to be saved. In Romans chapter 1 and verse 24 it says, God gave them up. Are you listening? God gave them up. Now one of these days you're going to hear the gospel for the last time and say no and God's gonna say okay I'll knock on somebody else's door and I'll not knock on your door anymore. In Romans 1 26 it says God gave them up. In Romans 1 28 it says God gave them over. In Genesis 6 3, my spirit will not always strive with man. In Ephesians 4 19, who being past feeling have given themselves over. That was Jack Hyles. That was the most sought-out preacher in the independent fundamental Baptist movement and he clearly taught that there's a line drawn and when you cross it you can no longer be saved. And he taught it out of Romans 1. And today the independent fundamental Baptist who will have pictures of this man in their foyer, who will you know name auditoriums after him and say this is their hero, they look at us and say you guys are out to lunch. You guys are extremists. It's because you didn't go to Bible college. You're uneducated. Nobody believes that. Well your hero did. Well your leader did. You say why are you reading? I'm just explaining to you this is not something that we came up with. This is not something that we made up. So even though mainstream Christianity has chosen to ignore the reprobate doctrine, God is raising a new generation of preachers who have not shunned to declare all the counsel of God including the reprobate doctrine. Ye stiff-necked and uncircumcised in heart and ears, you do always resist the Holy Ghost as your fathers did, so do ye. They're stiff-necked, they're hard-hearted, they're resisting God and that's what we're warned about here. And there's a parallel here. I've just gone through several verses and we see Antichrist and Christian. We see sons of the devil and sons of God. We see children of darkness and children of light. And that's why the sermon is called reprobate or redeemed. If you've been redeemed you can never become reprobate. You have the reject and the elect. They've been rejected of God. Hey we're elected because of our faith. People are getting mad and saying that we're haters and all this other stuff. Well yeah I do I hate filthy faggots and I hate perverts and I hate child molesters and I don't have a problem saying that. But the reason why people are so upset about it is because everybody is so brainwashed by the television and by the media and everything else that they don't even know what normal is anymore. The Bible says this, even him whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and line wonders with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish notices. Why are they going to perish? Because they received not the love of the truth that they might be saved. And notice what God does to them. Remember they rejected the right way. They rejected the truth is what the Bible is showing us. And look what the Bible says in verse 11. And for this cause God shall send them a strong delusion that they should believe a lie. Don't tell me God's not rejected these people. When it comes to the reprobate doctrine you know we believe you know as did the previous generation of Baptist preachers that a person can reach a point in their life where they've crossed a line that they can never come back from. And it's not that they committed a specific sin that was too great. That's not what we're saying in this book. They've just rejected God one too many times. They're exposed to God's word. They hear God's word. They're explained the truth. They reject God's word. They harden their own heart while they're continuing to reject the word of God. They're hurting their heart. Then God gives them up to a reprobate mind, exposed to God's word, reject God's word. They harden their own heart while continuing to reject the truth of God. God gives them up and they become what we would call a reprobate. And then they become people that have no feelings towards what is truly right and truly wrong. There are wicked people out there. And you know for most normal people especially for those that are saved it is a very foreign concept to even understand that there are people in this world that literally ponder and think and intend to cause harm to other people and to do bad things to people. But they exist. Just because you may not be able to even comprehend how could that even possibly happen? Who in their right mind? Well, they're not in their right mind, but regardless of that, there are people that are out to destroy. And Apostle Paul here is really trying to stress. He's like, look, I'm even now I'm weeping just trying to explain that you would please get this through and understand. I've told you often that there are enemies of the cross of Christ. So we see what happened to them. The same thing happened to Pharaoh. They harden their heart. So God harden their hearts and they blast from the Holy Spirit. They rejected him over and over again and God finally got a belly of their mess and he rejected them. They became a reprobate. That's what the reprobate means. It means rejected. John twelve says they could not believe because God had blinded their eyes and hardened their heart. Same thing he did to Pharaoh. They held truth and unrighteousness and refused to get saved. We see the progression or rather we should say the decline right of someone who has rejected Christ. They've rejected the gospel and the Bible says that they've been given over to a reprobate mind. Now this is a doctrine that really is rejected even amongst Christians right. They don't want to come to this conclusion, this biblical conclusion that it can get to a point where it's too late for a person okay. A person can get to a point where it's too late. They've rejected the gospel so much that they could no longer be saved and that's Bible okay and the Bible calls that a reprobate. To whom is the mist their darkest reserve forever. These people that are clouds without water right and so dog and swine when you call someone a dog and you call them a swine. You are saying that they are without hope. You're saying these people are are reprobate. The Bible says that there are people that are rejected by God and their mind and conscious is defiled and I don't for the life of me understand why independent Baptist can pick up this book and see verse after verse after verse in the book of John where it says they cannot believe. I mean what don't you understand about that? You either become a Calvinist or you believe that there are people that are rejected. There's no alternative. The Bible says there are people that are children of the devil ever learning and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth. Pay attention to that statement ever learning and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth. Now as Janice and Jamborees withstood Moses, so do these also resist the truth, men of corrupt minds reprobate concerning the faith. There's your reprobate mind, right? They're men of corrupt minds. What's their mind like? Their mind is reprobate concerning the faith. Okay, so what does a reprobate mind look like according to this verse? It's someone who's ever learning but never able to come to the knowledge of the truth. What does it mean to not be able to come to the... It means you can't. You cannot come to the knowledge of the truth. Why? Because you've been rejected. So what is a reprobate? It's someone who's been exposed to the truth. They've had an opportunity to have the truth. They chose to deny, reject, resist, turn away from the truth and God eventually rejects them, gives them over to a reprobate mind. You might ask, well why are you preaching a sermon called Psychopath Reprobates? And here's what I want to talk about. I want to talk about the connection between a reprobate and a psychopath. Because as I was studying psychopaths, here's what I basically came to the conclusion. Wow, these people are just talking about what the Bible calls a reprobate. You know, the scientists say there's people out there, we call them psychopaths. Well, the Bible talks about these same people are called reprobates. Now you say, well what connects? What makes you think that these psychopaths or reprobates are one and the same? Well, when you talk to the experts about psychopathy, what's often emphasized is their mind. Any lack of conscience. I mean, prove it to you. Well, number one, the book written by the expert is called Without Conscience, The Disturbing World of Psychopaths Among Us. I mean, the number one characteristic of psychopaths is that they have a conscience here with a hot iron. At the University of Wisconsin, Dr. Mike Koenigs uses an MRI scanner to compare the brains of normal subjects with those of psychopaths in prison. So there's a specific circuit very deep in the brain that is responsive to essentially anything that we find innately pleasurable. So things like money, drugs, sex, chocolate. When you look at a psychopathic brain's response to reward, what we find is that the more psychopathic the individual is, the stronger that this area for the brain lights up to reward, called the amygdala, primary sort of fear center of the brain. In another circuit of the brain that we know to be responsible for empathy, for the regulation of emotion, for motivating pro-social behavior, for regulating our moral judgments, we also see some degraded connections in that circuit of the brain. There is reduced connectivity between these two areas of the brain, the amygdala and the prefrontal cortex. The primitive emotions of fear and pleasure-seeking weren't being moderated by the brain's executive power center. You have brains that seem to be hypersensitive reward, brains that seem to be undersensitive to the suffering of others. This is the picture of psychopathy, right? So this is the brain of someone who is very dangerous. When the Bible speaks about reprobate, it emphasizes the mind of a reprobate. Are you there in Romans 1? Look at verse 28. And as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate. Notice it doesn't say soul, it doesn't say body, it says he gave them over to a reprobate mind to do those things which are not convenient. When the Bible emphasizes the idea of a reprobate, it emphasizes the fact that their mind is a reprobate mind. Their mind has been rejected. You see that throughout the passages on reprobates. And I'm going to show you what happens in the brain of a psychopath. A psychopath's brain, and Dr. Oz, you can ring right in here with me at any point, you were talking about it on your show today, their prefrontal cortex is thinner, it's under-functioning, it doesn't work as well. The reality is we don't know why that's thinner, but no question about it, the part of our brain that's associated with being human tends to thin out, and it has huge ramifications. I don't know if Drew, if this caught your attention, but in so many of the primary reports of these psychopathic killers, they seem emotionless. They're very calm in the face of all this. It's premeditated, they thought it through, but there's no sense of remorse. Who out there can think, and I don't care what's going on in your life, you could ever defend killing one child, much less 20 of them, without having a sensor. These are not normal folks. This shows the wide regions of the brain that are not functioning normally, the prefrontal cortex, anterior cingulate, some of the more deeper visceral functions even are out. And Dr. Oz, I think you showed a picture of this on your program today as well, did you not? I did, and it's stunning actually when you realize how these are important structural differences, and I didn't have a chance to read this kind note sent by groups representing autism and Asperger's, but I love, since you're an expert in the area, to highlight the fact that these are not necessarily the same problem. In fact, they're very different. Folks who have Asperger's and autism, they actually have empathy. They don't want to hurt people. They feel badly when things don't go right. They just don't have the social skill. Let me put another scan up here. I want to show, just give the audience a sense of how complicated are various emotions and what parts of the brain, the brain rather, involved in it. This is hatred. This is the red areas, the hot, very highly functioning areas. These are the areas of the brain associated with moral judgment. I'll remind you again, the prefrontal cortex, anterior cingulate, these visceral areas very important as well, and finally, the area that is involved with empathy is something late developing and very relatively sort of specific areas of the brain associated with that, and again, these areas that light up hot, and it tends to right lateralize the right part of our brain. The part that's connected to our body is the part that tends to be most able to attune to other people and the state that those other people are in. The reason those scans you saw are so important is that folks at home are wondering how we're going to help figure out when people like Adam Lanzer are going to be able to hurt others. This may be the future. It will probably be through brain scans. We'll be able to help families who, of course, they'll be grieving when they find this out, learn that their kids are never going to have the empathy no matter what kind of great parenting they're offered, and when we figure out why that happens, or maybe there are things we can intervene upon with those proclivities, with those predispositions. Go to 2 Timothy chapter 3. Let's look at verse 8. Notice what the Bible says, Now as Jannes and Jambres withstood Moses, so do these. Also, resist the truth. Notice what it says, men of corrupt minds, reprobate concerning the faith. So when we talk about reprobates in the Bible, what did he say? He says they have a reprobate mind. What did he say? He says they are men of corrupt minds, reprobate concerning the faith. Go to 1 Timothy chapter number 4. Now in 1 Timothy chapter 4, he's talking about false prophets. Remember we saw that in the passages on reprobates already, false prophets, false teachers. Notice what he says about reprobates, these false prophet reprobates in 1 Timothy 4-1. Now the Spirit speaketh expressly that in the latter times, remember 2 Timothy 3 it said in the last days, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits and doctrines of devils. And by the way, whenever you see doctrines of devils, children of the devil, children of Beelzebub, children of Belial, those are all reprobates, all right? And even when you see the psychopath serial killers, a lot of them are Satan worshipers. Notice what he says, 1 Timothy 4-1. Now the Spirit speaketh expressly that in the latter times, some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits and doctrines of devils, speaking lies and hypocrisy, having their conscience seared with a hot iron. Okay, so when we talk about reprobates in the Bible, what do we see? We see that they've been given over to a reprobate mind. We see that they are men of corrupt minds. We see that their conscience is seared with a hot iron. Of all the violent offenders in our prisons, about one quarter are psychopaths. Many of their crimes are well known and abhorred. It's already known that the brains of psychopaths are built differently. Sections associated with behavior and emotion are actually smaller than those of the general population. It may explain the personality of the psychopath. They're callous, unemotional, they're interpersonally manipulative and they use aggression in a slightly different way, what we call instrumental aggression. So a cold premeditated planned use of aggression to get what they want. Dr Nigel Blackwood and his U.S. Canadian team tested how the behavior and emotion parts of the brain respond to a simple reward punishment game. Volunteers included psychopathic violent offenders, non-psychopathic violent offenders and a control group. All white British men who were tested while in an MRI machine. They had to choose one of two images on a screen. The right picture resulted in reward points. The wrong choice results in point loss. Then right and wrong are switched. Everyone figures it out but in those brief moments of losing points, punishment, the scans show the psychopathic brain behaves unusually, processes punishment differently from violent offenders and people with no history of crime. They're not simply insensitive to punishment, there's a very different organization of their reinforcement learning system that shapes their behavior. The new research adds to growing evidence that psychopathy is not just a behavioral problem but a complex neurological mystery. Vik Adhopia, CBC News, Toronto. Titus chapter number one. Notice how Titus brings all of this together. Unto the pure all things are pure but unto them that are defiled and unbelieving is nothing pure but even their mind and conscience is defiled. Notice the connection there between their mind and their conscience being defiled. They profess that they know God but in works they deny Him, being abominable and disobedient and unto every good work reprobate. So notice how the Bible continues to emphasize having their mind and conscience defiled, having their conscience seared with a hot iron, men of corrupt minds, men of a reprobate mind. There is a growing consensus among the experts that psychopathy is a specific biological condition, the result of a malfunction in the brain. Bob Hare's psychopathy checklist is the accepted benchmark for identifying psychopaths. It could also be the key that unlocks the cause of the condition. A lot of people say that this construct of psychopathy is nothing more than a myth and people have said that it's a moral judgment masqueraded in a science. Well if we define people according to this cluster of characteristics do they have brain images for a particular task that are different from those of other individuals and the answer is definitely yes. Hare has been using brain scanning techniques to determine whether the mental processes of the psychopath are different from those of the non-psychopath. If they are it could be revealed in brain images. Some of the brain imaging research that my group and other groups in several parts of the world are now conducting indicates that it appears that the psychopath has difficulty in actually processing, understanding and using emotional material. Now this because they are biologically put together differently or they are wired differently right from birth or are the brain differences that we observe the result of using different strategies to perform the task that we use we just don't know that yet. In one experiment a psychopath's response to emotive words is tested and the brain activity it produces is compared to that of a non-psychopath. The difference is significant. The white areas denote parts of the brain that are actively processing an emotional response to the words. In the brain of the non-psychopath there is considerable activity. In the psychopath's brain there is far less. It seems that there is less emotional involvement. Hare's research into the workings of psychopath's brains is encouraging. It's clear that there are striking differences in areas that are associated with processing emotions. We're interested in what parts of the brain are activated when you're looking at something neutral in connotation an ordinary picture of a person or an object or looking at something has intense emotional connotation something that's very negative very very disturbing to most people and our prediction of course is that the psychopaths will not show the same activation of the same brain regions that we would observe in normal people. When you talk about reprobate in the bible what's often emphasized is their mind their lack of conscience. Well when you talk to the experts about psychopathy what's often emphasized is their mind any lack of conscience. So let's talk about this the types of psychopaths or the categories of reprobates and the categories of psychopaths. Now the expert puts psychopaths into two categories. He has first of all what I'm going to refer to as the violent criminal. That's your serial killer rapist child molester and then you have what he calls a white caller psychopath or a corporate psychopath. David Cook is a forensic psychologist at the Douglas Inch Centre in Glasgow. He's made a close study of psychopaths in prison. They tend to be very versatile in their criminality so they don't tend to engage in one particular type of crime they'll engage in a whole variety so they may engage in violent crime conning and manipulative crime they may engage in sex crime property crime and so forth so they they cover the whole range of criminal behavior. When we think of psychopaths we think we think of the violent criminals. You know we think of men like John Wayne Gacy the the Plains Illinois contractor and junior chamber of commerce man of the year who entertained children as Pogo the clown. He had his picture taken with President Carter's wife Rosa Lynn and murdered 32 young men in the 1970s bearing most of the bodies in the crawl space under his house and by the way John Wayne Gacy was a homosexual who raped teen girls and you know what you're going to find in is a common theme through these serial killers is that they're all a bunch of homos they're all a bunch of sodomites you know how about Kenneth Bianchi one of the hillside stranglers who raped tortured and murdered dozens of women in the Los Angeles area in the 1970s and turned in his cousin and accomplice Angelo Buono. How about Richard Ramirez a satan worshiping serial killer known as the Night Stalker who proudly described himself as evil was convicted in 1987 of 13 murders and 31 felonies including robbery burglary rape sodomy oral copulation and attempted murder. How about Jeffrey Dahmer the Milwaukee monster who pleaded guilty to torturing killing and mutilating 15 men and boys and was sentenced to 15 consecutive life terms and by the way he was an open homosexual he was a necrophiliac and he found his victims at gay bars. How about Ted Bundy the all-American serial killer who was responsible for the murders of several dozen young women in the mid-1970s claimed that he had read too much pornography and that a malignant entity had taken over his consciousness and by the way he was a rapist a necrophiliac and his last victim was a 12 year old girl he's a pedophile. For many years it's been thought that the psychopath leads a terrible life that they're not successful the downward spiral was often mentioned in textbooks now we know it's quite different for many psychopaths and maybe it's because they have greater access to education every psychopath that I've met has had a college degree and a couple have had PhDs so there's greater education there's the ability to look corporate to look like a business person as opposed to what one thinks of as a serial killer and somebody with a psychopath can put on the costume talk the language and have the certificate on the wall and easily convince somebody who owns an organization or is hiring for an organization that they are the ideal employee over the years we've coined the term corporate psychopath to describe this particular individual they share the same personality disorder but we want to make them somewhat distinct so that people don't confuse the serial killer with the corporate psychopath the psychopaths are put into two categories the violent criminals and the corporate or white collar psychopath now here's what's interesting about that because we're connecting the terms right psychopaths and reprobates reprobates are put into two categories in the bible as well did you know that let's look at it the first category is a violent reprobate a violent rapist killer you say well where does the bible say that go to judges chapter number 19 look at verse 22 now as they were making their hearts merry behold the men of the city certain sons of belial okay who is what is belial or bail or beelzebub that's satan remember they said to jesus the pharisee said that by by beelzebub he cast without devils and he said to them you're accusing me of having satan all right the sons of belial are sons of satan remember we saw in first timothy four seducing spirits and doctrines of devils the men of the city certain sons of belial beset the house roundabout and beat at the door and spake to the master of the house the old man saying bring the man that came into thine house that we may know him all right now when it says that we may know him this is not a neighborhood welcoming committee when it says that we may know him okay the word know there it's the same word uh that genesis 4-1 says you don't have to turn there when it says and adam knew his wife and she conceived then bear came and said i've got a man from the lord okay when the bible talks about knowing someone in that sense talk about a physical relationship with them okay adam knew his wife and she conceived these sons of belial you know they come out they beat at the door they speak to the man the house the old man saying bring forth the man that came into thine house that we may know him verse 23 and the man the master of the house went out unto them and said unto them nay my brethren nay i pray you do not so wickedly saying that this man is coming to mine house do not this folly behold here is my daughter a maiden and his concubine them i will bring out now and humble ye them and do with them what seemeth good unto you but unto this man do not so vile a thing but the man would not hearken to him so the man took his concubine and brought her forth unto them don't miss this and they knew her and abused her all the night until the morning when the day began to spring like a bunch of cockroaches they let her go then came the woman in the dawning of the day and fell down at the door of the man's house where her lord was till it was light and her lord rose up in the morning and opened the doors of the house and went out to go his way and behold the woman his concubine was fallen down at the door of the house and her hand were upon the threshold and he said unto her up and let us be going but none answered she was dead then the man took her upon an ass and a man rose up and got him unto his place and i want you to understand this these were a bunch of sodomites homosexuals who surrounded the house they said we want to know the man and they said no here take the concubine and today you got these filthy homosexuals oh well we just don't have a desire for women you know we're just these quirky little you know we're just happy go lucky and we don't want to be around you know in the bible do you know that every sodomite went both ways they'll rape anybody they'll molest anybody they'll be predators for anybody they these men they came to rape him but when they got the woman they just raped her too and they abused her all night and she died that's what a reprobate is it's funny because that's what a psychopath is critics and commentators in the past have said that to study one percent of the general population seems to be a waste of time why not spend our time studying criminals in general they're far more criminals than our psychopath and even when we get them into prison say well we're only talking about 15 or 20 percent of the prison population is it worth really paying attention to them it sure is and the reason is there may only be a small number of psychopaths in the population but the damage they inflict on society is very widespread and in fact i would estimate that the 15 or 20 percent that i'm talking about are responsible for at least half of the violent crime in our society so we've got to understand this particular disorder and here in judges 19 we learn about these reprobates who want to rape a man ended up raping a woman ended up killing her that's your violent psychopath you got a violent psychopath ted bundy jeffrey dalmer richard ramirez a bunch of homosexual rapists and what do you have you got judges 19 you got genesis 19 now let me say this we talked about the violent ones but then there are the white collar or corporate psychopath but here's what you need to understand the serial killing rapist psychopaths are actually a rare minority within the psychopath community most psychopaths aren't killers yet they are still extremely dangerous in fact the ones that kill and get put in prison they are the failures because a lot of them realize that they're going to go to prison for the rest of their lives they're going to get executed so they choose to go ahead and be predators you know in a way that's going to keep them from getting caught it's not that the corporate psychopath wouldn't do what ted bundy does it's just that they choose not to because they know that's going to give them consequences that they're not willing to live with you know among people normal people they found that for every hundred people in normal society there's a psychopath among them there might be a psychopath among us right now you know and uh but here's what but but here's what they found they found as they began to study professionals that are extremely successful ceos of companies you know religious successful leaders and political leaders that attain high levels in politics they found that the number of psychopaths in those places went up to 25 one out of four politicians is a psychopath is that really that hard to believe one out of four religious leaders you know prominent leaders are psychopaths which is why the bible talks about false teachers false prophets you know some of them are killers and some of them are rapists but a lot of them choose to con and lie and deceive and to hurt people by staying within the lines of what will get them put in prison but yet they do it in business or through religion or through politics it's okay i got it in fact the corporate world seems to be a natural habitat for psychopaths one study of 203 executives across several companies found a much higher incidence of psychopathy than in the general population its author was dr paul babiak and what we find surprisingly was that there was a rate of 3.9 in that population of individuals that had scored high enough on the psychopathy checklist that they had hit the the mark for being a assessed as a psychopath babiak along with bob hare co-authored snakes in suits when psychopaths go to work the first major study of psychopaths in the boardroom their findings caught the media's attention as people sought to understand how the financial crisis happened those that we found were rated high in psychopathy were rated very high in communication skills charisma visioning but they were also rated extremely low on performance productivity factors despite that despite having that evidence showing that these were not good performers the individuals who were psychopaths had very good careers and there was no threat of them losing their jobs in fact that they were still on succession plans to move up while researching his controversial book dutton carried out a uk study to find out which occupations attract psychopaths when we looked at the top 10 it was very very interesting indeed okay sure ceo for number one we had lawyers at number two we had uh media especially tv uh and radio at number three we also had surgeons the list includes hero populations such as law enforcement rescue services the military and special forces but it's in the cut and thrust of the business world an arena where traditionally ruthlessness verges on a virtue that it's becoming increasingly worrying paul babiak a personnel consultant has had his own daunting experiences with psychopaths in suits i was brought into an organization to work on a team building project there had been some conflict amongst people in some particular team and as i interviewed them half of them identified one person as the source of the conflict but the other half of the group thought this person walked on water was absolute dream and and even future leader of the company as i interviewed him i found that i personally liked him very much however over time he began to do things that were very bizarre he would accidentally bump into a vice president and then once he realized who it was of course he really knew who it was he would start praising this individual and fawning after him and ingratiating himself with the vice president others would see him with the vp and think that he had some sort of influence which he really didn't have then he would take this perception in their mind and pretend that he did have secret information about what was going on in the organization as he did this with different people they were more willing to share information with him that they had because they thought that he was in the know he discovered that one of the vice presidents was having an affair with one of the individuals in the office he became very good friends with this individual the young lady and began to give her not only positive information about himself because he was very gracious and charming but he also spread negative rumors about his boss the person who he really wanted to replace him i called bob hare he sent me a copy of the psychopathy checklist i was shocked by the results this person came out with a 30 out of 40 i called bob back and he said to me that yes in fact i had been dealing with a psychopath he referred to this person as a sub-criminal psychopath i now refer to them as industrial psychopaths are you there matthew 13 look at verse 10 matthew chapter 13 and verse 10 the pharisees were a bunch of reprobates notice what the bible says and the disciples came and said unto him the disciples are talking to jesus why speak as thou unto them in parables remember all those parables you love to read and study there's a reason why jesus gave all those why speak as thou unto them in parables now some of it was to teach and to give us pictures you know uh stories but there's the main reason was this when they asked him why speak as thou unto them in parables verse 11 he answered and said unto them because it is given unto you talking to the disciples is it is given unto you to know the mysteries of the kingdom but to them it is not given he says they will never come to the truth they will never it's not given to them verse 12 for whosoever hath to him shall be given and he shall have more abundance but whosoever hath not from him shall be taken away even that he has so notice it's not that they didn't have the opportunity they had the opportunity but it was taken away verse 13 therefore for this reason i speak to them in parables because they seeing see not he said it's not that they don't see they can see they have eyes they see but they see not and hearing it's not that they can't hear and hearing they hear not neither do they understand and in them is fulfilled the prophecy of isaias which say by hearing you shall hear and shall not understand and seeing you shall see and shall not perceive for this people's heart is wax gross and their ears are duller hearing don't miss this and their eyes they have closed it's not that it's not that they couldn't see they chose to close their eyes they chose to not hear they could hear they could see they could believe they chose not to and then god says okay i'm going to take away your opportunity to see to believe to hear you want to know why i speak in parables that they can't understand because i don't want them to understand i can't believe that you would teach that jesus would want you know everybody should be allowed to come in to hear the preaching on the word of god well jesus didn't think so he said there are some people i don't want them to hear it well i'm just going to go ahead and reach out to them anyway okay because you're better than jesus i'm just going to go ahead and give the gospel to them anyway because i think they might say okay you're a better soul than jesus because jesus said these people are so far gone i'm even going to speak in parables because i don't even want them to understand the sermons when i preach them but you're better than jesus you're better than god well i'm not going to give up on anybody well god gave up on them are you better than god you better than jesus well i'm just going to give the gospel to them anyway because i think you know what you you are proud and arrogant to think that you are better than god to think when jesus says hey i speak to them because i don't want them to understand notice verse 15 for this people's heart is waxed gross and their ears are duller hearing and their eyes have closed lest at any time they should see with their eyes and hear with their ears and should understand with their hearts and should be converted he said i don't want notice he's saying i don't want them to be converted this is jesus and should be converted and i should heal them look verse 16 but blessed are your eyes for they see and your ears for they hear go to matthew 15 look at verse 13 but he answered and said every plant which my heavenly father hath not planted shall be rooted up doesn't that sound like jude 1 12 clocked up by the roots louis 14 go reach out to them and see if you can get them saved no let them alone they be blind leaders of the blind and if the blind lead the blind both shall fall into the ditch it doesn't sound like jesus was trying to get these guys safe it sounds like from such turn away have nothing to do with these people as soon as you identify them as psychopaths and reprobate get away from them matthew 23 verse 15 warn to you scribes and Pharisees hypocrites this is jesus speaking to them for ye compass a sea and land to make one proselyte and when he is made notice ye make him twofold more the child of hell than yourselves what were they sons of belial now here's what's interesting about the reprobate Pharisee right the white collar psychopaths okay did the Pharisees commit murder like the reprobates we saw in judges 19 here's the answer to that question yes they committed murder you know who they murdered the lord jesus christ but how did they do it they didn't go out themselves to kill jesus what they did was they manipulated people and society to do their dirty work for them see in the same way that there are two types of psychopaths the ted bunnies that go out in the middle of the night find you know break into people's houses and violently kill them and rape them and we see reprobates that do that judges 19 genesis 19 but we also see psychopaths who play within the rules as far as not getting put in prison but they use their power and they use their manipulation and deceit to get their dirty work done we also see that with reprobates some of them are violent reprobates and some of them are white collar reprobates and look the white collar reprobates would would would kill and molest and rape as well they just might do it differently they just might use manipulation and their power i want to deal with one more thing when we're talking about the classification of psychopath reprobates i want to deal with this subject what about psychopath reprobate children psychopath reprobate children you say can children be psychopaths can children be reprobate martin smedley works with seriously disturbed children at a leading london hospital he's certain there are signs of psychopathy in some of them who are very young but current medical practice forbids him to diagnose it you can't call a child a psychopath you can't call a child somebody with a personality disorder one is still of the view that children can change that actually change can take place over time and that a personality disorder is something which you have as an adult and not as a child i think there are also sort of ethical considerations for taking a small child and saying well this person's a psychopath it has a certain sense of inevitability about it of incurableness about it and one doesn't want to look at children in that way i think one needs to intervene as early as possible if there's any suspicion that this child is likely to develop a personality disorder is likely to become psychopathic or is showing signs of psychopathy one needs to be able to identify what those signs are and intervene now no psychologist will label a child a psychopath that's because it's still potential at that stage what they say instead is that they score highly on callous unemotional traits professor mark dadds has helped develop powerful training programs to help kids with conduct disorders ten percent of whom score high on callous unemotional traits all children make mistakes they have times when they're aggressive and they lie and they manipulate it's just part of human nature but the thing about the children with these callous traits at extremes is that it's done deliberately deliberately hurting the younger baby in the family or doing cruel acts to pets and then when the parents try to talk to them about why that's wrong it's kind of staring at someone you realize doesn't care and that moment when an adult sees a child who seems not to really be connected to the pain of another person is a scary moment even so professor dad's team was confident their powerful training program could change these kids we were kind of touring the country going we can treat kids even with callous unemotional traits and when we looked at the data we were kind of a bit horrified the treatment didn't really work which begged the question why not back here in london is a scientist who may just have the answer in a world past dr esi viding has been imaging the brains of children with callous unemotional traits so here we are focusing on a brain area called amygdala the amygdala is the part of the brain that processes fear and negative emotions we showed children pictures of other people in emotionally distressing situations typically developing children have a strong amygdala response to other people's distress children who have high levels of callous and emotional traits show no discernible amygdala response to other people in distressing situations so when i'm watching a film if the character cries i'll often cry i guess that's my amygdala resonating with these kids or the psychopaths nothing be bothered nothing nothing no wonder they're different yes you say wow they're psychopath children go to genesis 19 and there came two angels to sodom at even and lot sat in the gate of sodom and lot seeing them rose up to meet them and he bowed himself with his face toward the ground and he said behold now my lords turn in i pray you into your servant's house and tarry all night and wash your feet and you shall arise up early and go on your ways and they said nay but we will abide in the streets all night and he pressed upon them greatly and they turned in unto him and entered into his house and he made them a feast and did bake unleavened bread and they did eat but before they laid out the men of the city even the men of sodom compass that means they surrounded the house round right just like judges 19 but notice notice what it says verse 4 but before they lay down the men of the city even the men of sodom compass the house round notice what it says both old and young all the people from every corner and they called unto lot and said unto him where are the men which came in unto thee this night bring them out unto us that we may know them again talking about that physical relationship verse 6 and lot went out at the door unto them and shut the door after him and said i pray you brother do not so wickedly but here's what i want you to understand and of course that's similar to the story we just read but here's what i want you to understand the bible tells us that in simon gomorrah all the people from every corner both old and young every male is that adults and young people go to second peter chapter number two second peter chapter 2 and verse 14 notice what the bible says having eyes full of adultery that cannot cease from sin beguiling unstable souls that's probably a reference to children that they are predators of children that they are looking for unstable souls in a heart they have exercised with covetous practices don't miss this cursing children some of these reprobates have been cursed from their childhood psychopath reprobate children go to go to deuteronomy 21 now here's what's interesting about deuteronomy 21 deuteronomy 21 is one of the most ridiculed passages in the bible people who want to attack the word of god who want to attack christianity will often bring up deuteronomy chapter number 21 as a passage to mock out and to say that's the god you serve but deuteronomy 21 and i will say this in the passage there's no reference to a reprobate but deuteronomy 21 makes a lot of sense when it's put in the context of psychopath children reprobate children cursed children let's read it deuteronomy 21 18 if a man have a stubborn and rebellious son which will not obey the voice of his father or the voice of his mother and that when they have chastened him will not hearken unto them then shall his father and his mother lay hold on him and bring him out unto the elders of the city and unto the gate of his place and they shall say unto the elders of the city this our son is stubborn and rebellious and he will not obey our voice he is a glutton and a drunkard you know jeffrey dahmer's parents identified that jeffrey dahmer as a teenager was a drunkard with a lot of problems it might have they might have saved a lot of lives they might have saved a lot of broken uh uh mother's hearts if they would have just you know if they could have uh done deuteronomy 21 he said well what are they supposed to do look at verse 21 and all the men of this city shall stone him with stones that he died so shall thou put evil away from among you and all israel shall hear and fear and people say okay i can't believe you serve that god if your child is not obeying you you're going to take them out and stone them and stone listen to me when a mom and dad if a mom and dad would be willing to do that to their child you've got to reprobate kid on your hands you say oh you know you believe in that's the god that you believe in you know when you put in the context of reprobate it makes a whole lot of sense because obviously parents aren't going to be just using this on a whim they i would imagine that they were probably using this as a threat all the time right you clean your room we're going to deuteronomy 21 you but you know how are there any real stories in the bible where we see where parents actually you know did this we don't see that it probably didn't happen very often but you know what there are some people that probably should have done and could have done what is the consequence what lies at the end for a reprobate is that they are without hope according to the bible they are without hope what do the psychiatrists say about psychopaths what do they say can be done for a psychopath i'm of the opinion that applying the usual psychiatric and psychological techniques only makes a psychopath a better psychopath they learn how to fool others the treatment for psychopath is to find them and if they've committed a crime to convict them this person's eyes might go like that criminal psychologists have long tried to understand why psychopaths are beyond reform they don't benefit from rehabilitation the way other violent defenders can romans 124 wherefore god also gave them up romans 126 for this cause god gave them up romans 128 and even as they did not like to retain god in their knowledge god gave them over to a reprobate mind so well what do you do with someone like this you put them in an institution you try to reform them if you use psychiatry and psychology no you know the bible says the only thing that's left for them romans 132 who knowing the judgment of god that they which commit such things are worthy of death not only do the same but have pleasure in them that do them you know god gets to the end of romans one the quintessential passage on reprobates he's talking about reparations and he gets to the end he says there's only one thing to really do with these people and a responsible society would do it and i'm not saying that we should go out and do this i'm saying a society a government would do this if they actually wanted to protect their people they are worthy of death that's the only way you fix a reprobate with the growing hysteria ramirez knew it was time to get out of town he ditched the stolen car and took a greyhound bus to arizona but he left town without knowing a crucial clue had been left behind the night of the crime a teenager outside fixing his bike had seen him and he saw this guy drive by that looked just like this composite sketch of the night stalker and the kid got the license plate number the police suddenly had the license plate number of the car the guy was in they found the abandoned car in orange county while processing it they discovered a clue on the rear view mirror and apparently what happened was a very very hot night he took off his gloves at a point in time and he adjusted the mirror and he left one print finally california's new fingerprinting system had now come online when the fingerprint was processed it matched the prints of a petty thief who had stolen a car in 1984 and spent six months in jail the cloak of darkness in which he had hit himself was now torn off the night stalker finally had a name richard ramirez his face was plastered on tv screens and newspapers police units were on alert all over the city the biggest manhunt in los angeles history was in full swing so we felt once the name went out the photograph went out that richard would try to escape from los angeles through the greyhound bus depot everyone was on the lookout for ramirez but the police were wrong again as they meticulously staked out each bus depot exit hoping to snatch him as he left ramirez arrived we didn't know that richard was somewhere in arizona near phoenix trying to visit a brother and he was coming back into town when he got off the bus ramirez saw the detectives but he remained calm and he walked right past walked out of the terminal he went into a grocery store to buy coffee at the same point a woman in the back of the store recognized him and she turned as white as a ghost and she pointed and she said el matador el matador which means the killer and he panicked he literally panicked he tried to get on a bus people on the bus recognized him they started pointing at him it's him it's him he got off the bus ramirez began running for his life he tried to steal a car but people began shouting and running after him someone called the police and 40 police cars and seven helicopters converged on the scene he kept running the crowd at his heels but soon found himself at the end of his rope and he was pulling this woman out of the car she started screaming her husband came running from the backyard he picked up a pipe and he ran over to crack him over the head with a pipe and richard took off and started running down the street everyone's yelling now el matador el matador and in no time there's like a crowd of 100 people chasing him down the block they caught him somebody said get my gun get my gun they knew who he was and they got him to the ground and they were stomping and beating him and the police came and the police saved him second timothy chapter three verse five should we reach out to these people should we go on and try to get them saved having a form of godliness well why i gave the gospel as homosexual and he got saved having a form of godliness but denying the power thereof so what do we do with them from such turn away that's why we're not going to bring them in we're not going to bring well we should bring in the homosexuals and we should minister to them and we should love no from such turn away that's what the bible says leave them alone that's what jesus said we don't minister to them there's no hope for them they're worthy of death from such turn away you say what do you do what do you do with a with a reprobate what's there to do there's no hope there's nothing to do second peter chapter 2 verse 12 but these as natural brute beasts notice how the bible calls them animals they're not human anymore but these as natural brute beasts as stupid animals made to be taken and destroyed speak evil of things that they understand not and shall utterly perish in their own corruption you say what what should you what do you do with a roughly you know they're made to be taken and destroyed that's really all you can do again we don't do that that's not our job that's what society should do that's what government should do that's what god says he says they're worthy of death those who tend to believe in the goodness of humanity say well the problem with the psychopath is that he or she was not properly treated as a child and and actually never learned to be empathetic toward you know towards other people and really never learned to become attached or bonded with somebody else a caregiver and that's the problem and we can resolve it in adulthood simply by giving them a hug maybe a musical instrument and a puppy dog and they're all going to be okay give them lots of love and understanding with a psychopath i would argue that emotion is like being colorblind for them and nothing we can do is actually going to instill a sense of empathy this is really a waste of time i think that biologically or neurobiologically the mechanisms that should impart affect or emotion to one's cognitions and thoughts and attitudes are not working properly in psychopaths now okay when you look at a reprobate at the consequence the conclusion the end of it they god says there's no oh put him to death worthy of death from such certain way well what do the psychiatrists say about psychopaths what do they say can be done for a psychopath on page 194 he says this many writers on the subject have commented that the shortest chapter in any book on psychopathy should be the one on treatment a one sentence conclusion such as no effective treatment has been found or nothing works is the common wrap-up to scholarly reviews of the literature see the psychiatrists get to the end of the psychopath teaching and you know what they say there's no hope the bible gets to the end of the reprobate teaching you know what it says there's no hope you ask the psychiatrist what makes somebody a psychopath no conscience you ask the bible what makes somebody a reprobate no conscience you see well what's the point of the sermon what's the point of something here's the point of the sermon and i want you to understand this i'm sick and tired of christians looking down their nose at me and preachers like me and say well i can't believe that you would preach that there are people who are predators who have no conscience who we should not reach out to who we cannot reform is that you are so uneducated i can't believe that you would teach that there are reverberates but you know what's interesting is that in our culture there are some very well-educated well-respected men and women called psychiatrists i don't necessarily believe in what they do but if you talk to our culture as a whole they would say these are well-educated you know people that help our society and you know all these psychiatrists have came to the realization that there is a class a group of people in our society that we live with that are predators that are ruthless that have no conscience that'll stab you in the back and not give it a second thought they they came up with the same conclusion the bible calls them reprobate they call them psychopaths isn't it interesting that god already told us about it turns out you didn't have to go to harvard turns out you didn't need the psychiatry you know degree turns out you didn't need all those degrees you're gonna just run the bible because god all right the bible calls them reprobates the world calls them psychopaths you say what are they they're psychopathic because look the only way to protect yourself from them is to learn the things that these people do because you're not always going to run into the 10 bumbies you know but you you come across these people in your life and by the way let me say this they're not all sodomites i don't believe every uh every reprobate to sodomite now i do believe every sodomite to reprobate but i don't believe that every i don't think the pharisees were sodomites you know they might have been like the catholic priest from town molesters you know but what i'm saying is what makes you a reprobate is not that you're a sodomite what makes you reprobate is that you've been given over to a reprobate mind that you lack a conscience now let me end with this thought there is one difference between us and the psychiatrist we say they're without a conscience they say they're without a conscience we say they have no hope they say they have no hope they say there is no answer the difference is we do have an answer because the word of god gives you the answer to everything you say what's the answer to the psychopath reprobate dilemma what's the answer to the psychopath reprobate epidemic well here's what i think i wonder i wonder what would have happened if someone if some soul winner was out on the streets of milwaukee and maybe a young boy named jeff would walk by them on his bike playing basketball at the park and they would have went to that young boy and said hey let me tell you about jesus god loves you jesus died on the cross for your sins and you can be saved i wonder what would have happened if somebody would have reached out to a young boy named jeff before he was known as the milwaukee monster jeffrey dalmer when he was abandoned by his mother who had her own mental problems when he as a young teenager was literally living by himself because his father had moved out due to a divorce when he was broken and hurt because these people were not always evil they were children at one point that had the opportunity i just wonder what would have happened if somebody would have reached out to a boy named jeff and said god loves you and god wants to save you and you don't have to go down that road i wonder how many people's lives could have been saved somehow some church that i care enough to maybe reach that now or reach that long and bring them into church and teach them how to raise their kids and teach them what to do i wonder what would have happened i wonder what would have happened if there would have been some church some soul winner might have maybe knocked on the door of a teenage boy named teddy before he was known as the notorious all-american killer ted bundy a young boy who as a as a young teen was struggling with the realization when he came to the realization that the people he thought were his parents were not his parents and the girl who he thought was his sister was actually his mother and he's been lied to his own life and he didn't learn how to deal with that he got angry and bitter towards women as a result of being lied to i wonder what would have happened if somebody would have reached out to a nine-year-old teddy to a 10 year old 10 to a 12 or a 13 year old ted and said hey you know what man will fail you and man will lie to you but god loves you and god can save you and you can be free i wonder if he would have got saved how many lives could have been spared i wonder if someone would have reached out to a young boy in los angeles named richard who was being molested by his school teacher who was being exposed to filth and pornography by his reprobate uncle i wonder what would have happened if somebody some soul winner would have reached out to that catholic home and got that mom saved and got that dad saved and got them in church and got richard in church and taught them that we don't have to live like animals and god loves you and and these people that have molested you and done you wrong deserve to die i wonder what would have happened if somebody would have ministered to him maybe he wouldn't have grown up to be the night stalker who killed many women men children see the thing is we have the answer it's always the same it's the gospel it's soul it's reaching people with the gospel of jesus christ because here's what the psychiatrists say we don't know what causes it we don't know where it comes from we don't know what makes them a psychopath but we do know they reject god they get angry at god they get mad at god and you know what we can reach them before they cross that line we can get them safe we can show them that there are people that love them that want to protect them that want to preach the gospel to them that care about them you say what's the hope what's the hope for the psychopath reprobate us to reach them before they are a psycho so you hi this is pastor roger himenez from verity baptist church in sacramento california i'd like to take a few minutes and speak to you about how you can know for sure that you are on your way to heaven first john 5 13 says this these things have i written unto you that believe on the name of the son of god that you may know that you have eternal life and that you may believe on the name of the son of god this verse explains to us that we may know that we have eternal life and i'd like to talk to you about how you can know for sure that you are on your way to heaven first you must admit that you are a sinner romans 310 says as it is written there is none righteous no not one the word righteous is referring to someone who's without wrong you and i might say someone who's perfect and here the bible says there is none righteous or we could say there is none perfect no not one romans 323 says this for all have sinned and come short of the glory of god the bible defines the word sin as the transgression of the law when we break god's law we've sinned so for example god says i shouldn't lie if i tell a lie that's a sin god says i shouldn't steal if i steal something that's a sin and this verse says for all have sinned that word all includes everyone that means that i'm a sinner that means that you're a sinner secondly we must realize the penalty of our sin romans 6 23 says for the wages of sin is death but the gift of god is eternal life through jesus christ our lord the bible says that there are wages for our sin the word wages means payment it's something you earn when i go to work what i earn is money but when i sin what i earn is death now this verse is not simply referring to a physical death because in revelation chapter 20 verses 14 and 15 the bible says this and death and hell were cast into the lake of fire this is the second death and whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire you may be wondering what is the second death well notice what it says they were cast into the lake of fire this is the second death see when someone dies physically that's just the first death or the initial death but when that individual then gets thrown into hell the bible calls that the second death and in romans 6 23 when it said for the wages of sin is death it's not just referring to a physical death but it's also referring to the second death see we need to understand that our sin has condemned us to hell revelation 21 8 actually gives us a list of who's going to hell the bible says this but the fearful and unbelieving and the abominable and murderers and whoremongers and sorcerers and idolaters and that's a pretty bad list most people would say a murderer is a pretty bad sin but at the end of that list he says this and all liars shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone which is the second death and here's what you need to understand we've all lied the bible says let god be true but every man a liar and the point that god's trying to make when he adds that sin at the end of the list that we've all committed is that there is none righteous is that we are all sinners and our sin has condemned us to hell and you may be able to say and i may be able to say well i've never killed anyone but i've at least told a lie before and that's enough to send us to hell james 2 10 kind of puts it all together it says for whosoever shall keep the whole law and yet offend in one point he is guilty of all thirdly you must accept that salvation is a free gift roman 6 23 said for the wages of sin is death we understand what that means now right the payment of sin is death not just a physical death but the second death being cast into the lake of fire the second part of that verse says this but the gift of god is eternal life through jesus christ our lord and the bible says that god has a gift he wants to give us and that gift is eternal life and it's through jesus christ ephesians chapter 2 and verse 8 says for by grace are you saved through faith and that not of yourselves it is the gift of god verse 9 goes on to say not of works lest any man should boast now let me use an illustration to explain this concept let's say today was your birthday and i was going to give you a gift let's say i was going to give you this bible and i said here you go happy birthday what would you have to do for this bible to become yours well all you have to do is accept it now if i said well you know this bible cost me ten dollars i'm going to give you this free birthday gift but you need to give me ten dollars is that a gift the answer is no because as soon as you give me money for it now you're paying for it's no different than you going to the store and buying it yourself what if i said all right i'm gonna give you this free birthday gift you don't have to give me any money for it all you have to do is wash my car is that a gift the answer is no because as soon as you're washing my car now you're working for it now you're earning it see a gift by definition is free you can't pay for it and you can't earn it that's why the bible says not of works lest any man should boast salvation is not something we earn by the way that we live our lives or by being religious some people think yes but you have to repent of your sins to be saved they think that you have to turn away from your sins in order to go to heaven but here's what you need to understand in jonah chapter 3 and verse 10 the first part of the verse says this and god saw their works that they turned from their evil way here we see an example of people who turn from their evil way and god referred to that as works so see if you believe that you have to repent of your sins or turn away from your sins to be saved you are actually adding works to salvation and salvation is a free gift that is not of works in matthew 21 in verse 32 jesus said this for john came unto you in the way of righteousness and ye believe them not but the publicans and the harlots believed him and ye when he had seen it repented not afterwards that you might believe him see the bible teaches that repentance is a change of mind and here we see jesus saying you did not believe and if you would have repented you would have believed see repentance in regards to salvation is simply going from unbelief to belief or from believing in the wrong thing trusting in your works or in your religion to save you and from and turning from that to trusting on the lord jesus christ alone fourthly you must believe that jesus christ paid for your sins romans 5 8 says this but god commendeth his love toward us in that while we were yet sinners christ died for us you need to understand about the lord jesus christ that he was not just a man he was not just a prophet he was not just a good teacher matthew 1 23 says this behold a virgin shall be with child and shall bring forth a son and they shall call his name emmanuel which being interpreted is god with us one of the names of jesus was emmanuel which means god with us now why would you name a child god with us well because he was god with us he was not just a man he was god in the flesh john 1 1 says in the beginning was the word and the word was with god and the word was god john 1 14 says and the word was made flesh and dwelt among us and we beheld his glory the glory as of the only begotten of the father full of grace and truth first timothy 3 16 the first part of the verse says this and without controversy great is the mystery of godliness god was manifest in the flesh see the bible tells us that god was manifest in the flesh it tells us the word was made flesh it tells us the word was god these are all references to jesus and the fact that he was god in the flesh because he was god he was also without sin the bible says in second corinthians 5 21 for he hath made him to be sin for us who knew no sin that we might be made the righteousness of god in him the bible says about jesus that he knew no sin and what you need to understand is that the gospel is this that jesus came to this earth he was born of a virgin he was god in the flesh he lived a sinless life he never sinned and he died on the cross not to pay for his own sins because he had no sins he died to pay for our sins the bible says that he was buried and he rose from the grave three days later as a payment for our sin the bible tells us that were those three days and three nights his body was buried but his soul went down to hell acts 231 says this he's seeing this before spake of the resurrection of christ that his soul was not left in hell neither his flesh did see corruption john 316 the most famous verse in the bible says for god so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have everlasting life see the gospel is that jesus through his death burial and resurrection paid for our sins and not that we pay for our sins by living a good life or being religious there's a fifth thing you need to understand about salvation and that is that salvation cannot be lost if you look at the last part of john 316 it says but have everlasting life john 315 the verse right before says that whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have eternal life all throughout the bible we're told that god wants to give us everlasting life which is life that will last forever or eternal life life that will never end now let's say god said i'm going to give you everlasting life starting right now eternal life starting today life that will last forever it's never going to end when would that life end would it end five years from now no would it add a thousand years from now no it's never going to end now what if god said i'm going to give you everlasting life and let's say hypothetically that five years from now you walk in a bank and you rob the bank and you kill somebody do you think god would take away your everlasting life well he can't take it away because if he takes it away five years from now then it didn't last forever and that would make god a liar titus 1 2 says this in hope of eternal life which god that cannot lie promised before the world began see the bible says that our hope for eternal life is that god cannot lie when god makes a promise he keeps it and if he says i'm going to give you everlasting life then it will be everlasting now don't misunderstand what we're saying we're not saying that because you're saved you can run around robbing banks and killing people of course we understand that on this earth there are consequences for our sin we understand that on this earth we reap what we sow and on this earth god does chastise us and disciplines us for our sins but what you need to understand that once god saves you once he gives you everlasting life he'll never take it away the beautiful thing about salvation is that when god forgives you of your sins he forgives you of all your sins your past sins your present sins and your future sins lastly you must call upon jesus christ to save you if i said i was going to give you a gift and i went out and i bought this bible i wrap it up i put a bow on it i put a tag on here and i write your name and i said here you go happy birthday and let's say you said to me thanks but no thanks and you rejected my gift did this bible ever become yours no why not because you did not accept it now was it paid for it's paid for because i bought it was it meant for you has your name on it but it never became yours because you did not accept it the gift of god is the exact same way jesus christ already paid for on the cross and he offers it to all of us freely but we get a choice whether we'd like to accept it or reject it now if you could accept the gift of god would you do it well the bible tells us how you can do that in romans chapter 10 and verse 9 it says this that if thou shall confess with thy mouth the lord jesus the word confess means to admit what are you admitting well you're admitting that you're a sinner and you're admitting that you deserve to die and go to hell but you're calling upon christ to save you romans 10 13 says for whosoever shall call upon the name of the lord shall be saved and you need to understand that it's not just saying words that saves you romans 10 9 says that if thou shall confess with thy mouth the lord jesus but it goes on to say this and shall believe that's the faith in thine heart what are you believing that god hath raised him from the dead you're believing that jesus christ died on the cross was buried and rose from the grave as a payment for my sin not that i pay for my sins by living a good life or doing good things or turning for my sin but that his sacrifice was enough to purchase my salvation the bible says this that if thou shall confess with thy mouth the lord jesus and shall believe in thine heart that god is racing from the dead it says that thou shall be saved it doesn't say you might be saved it doesn't say you hopefully will be saved god says i will save you if you confess with your mouth and believe in your heart i don't know if you noticed but everything i showed you came straight out of the bible if you believe what i've showed you from the word of god today if you're willing to admit that you're a sinner if you realize that your sin has condemned you to hell if you accept the fact that salvation is a free gift which means you don't earn it you don't work for it if you believe that jesus christ who was god in the flesh died was buried and resurrected as a payment for your sin if you understand that salvation cannot be lost because it is the gift of eternal life and it'll last forever no matter what you do if you believe all of that then i would like to help you form a prayer i want you to understand this is not a magical prayer the prayer in and of itself does not save you but god tells us that when you confess with your mouth and if you believe in your heart he will save you so if you believe all that just repeat after me jesus i know that i'm a sinner and i deserve to go to hell please forgive me of all my sin and please give me eternal life i'm not trusting in myself i'm only trusting in you amen if you believed in your heart and you called upon christ to save you i'd like to congratulate you because according to the bible you are safe and you never have to worry about where you will spend eternity thank you very much for listening to this video god bless