(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) over 4,000 years ago God appeared to Abraham in Mesopotamia and said to him get thee out of thy country and from thy kindred and from thy father's house unto a land that I will show thee and I will make of thee a great nation Abraham obeyed the Lord and came into the promised land of Canaan where he lived along with his son Isaac and his grandson Jacob who was later renamed Israel Israel and his 12 sons went down into Egypt because of a famine in the land of Canaan and there they multiplied into a mighty nation the Egyptians felt threatened by the powerful nation of Israel living among them so they enslaved them and made their lives bitter with hard bondage after 430 years in Egypt they were led out of bondage by Moses then crossed the Red Sea and went into Arabia where they received the law of God at Mount Sinai the generation of Israelites that left Egypt with Moses were not allowed to enter the promised land because of their lack of faith in the Lord they were forced to wander in the wilderness for 40 years until a new generation rose up that trusted the Lord and entered the promised land with Joshua for about 400 years the 12 tribes of Israel were ruled by the judges according to the law of Moses when they desired to have a king like all the other nations God appointed Saul to be their king who reigned over them for 40 years followed by King David who reigned 40 years and David's son Solomon who reigned 40 years during the reign of Solomon the kingdom of Israel was at its most glorious and the first temple was built but because Solomon's heart turned away from the Lord in his old age God told him that ten of the tribes would not be ruled by his son after the death of Solomon the kingdom of Israel was divided and the northern ten tribes were ruled over by a series of wicked kings who were not descended from David and Solomon the northern kingdom retained the name of Israel and eventually had Samaria as its capital city the smaller southern kingdom became known as Judah and Jerusalem as its capital and was reigned over by the descendants of David starting in second Kings 16 the people of the southern kingdom became known as Jews after the name of the kingdom of Judah because of the wickedness of the northern kingdom of Israel they were overthrown and taken captive by these Syrians the Israelites who remained became intermingled with the heathen nations who came in and occupied the land these people would become known as the Samaritans and the ten tribes of northern Israel would never be a nation again the southern kingdom of Judah would eventually be taken captive into Babylon as a punishment for serving other gods and the temple would be destroyed but after 70 years the Jews returned to Judah rebuilt the temple at Jerusalem and continued to be ruled by kings descended from David at the time of Christ the nation of Judah had become known as Judea and was under Roman rule Jesus Christ and his disciples preached the gospel throughout Judea seeking after the lost sheep of the house of Israel after three and a half years of ministry the Jews rejected Jesus as their Messiah and convinced the Roman governor to crucify him three days later he rose again from the dead and showed himself alive to his disciples before ascending up to the right hand of the Father in heaven shortly before Jesus was crucified he prophesied that as a punishment for rejecting him Jerusalem would be burned the temple would be destroyed and the Jews would be led away captive into all nations this prophecy was fulfilled in ad 70 when future Roman Emperor Titus conquered Jerusalem for over 1800 years the Jews remained scattered throughout all nations then in 1948 the impossible happened the state of Israel was founded and the Jews once again possessed the promised land many Christians have proclaimed this to be a miracle and a blessing from God but was this really the blessing of the Lord or were darker forces at work this film has the answer you so in order to understand the founding of the modern state of Israel you have to understand the history of the Jews from ad 70 until that time and you have to understand that their religion is no longer based on the Bible whatsoever for example ever since the temple was destroyed they don't do any animal sacrifices as far as the animal sacrifices are concerned that's been discontinued finished what developed in Judaism was the system of prayers sort of became a substitute well I think that was the beginning of modernization I really believe that once that temple was destroyed Jews did not have a central location they were dispersed they literally changed the nature of Judaism and that portable form of Judaism led a transformation from priestly Judaism to rabbinic Judaism Judaism stopped being the religion of the Old Testament and began to be the religion of the rabbis and their traditions or what they call the oral Torah the Talmud is the holy book of the Jews it was the oral sayings of the rabbis it's known as the wisdom of the rabbis the Talmud is a compilation of all the great discussions that took place from the second century BC until the fifth century CE it's a kind of encyclopaedia of Jewish knowledge the best way of calling it would be the Jewish Wikipedia of the ages yes because many people participated in it right it's not written by one person several hundred scholars okay hundreds scholars hundreds according to Judaism the oral law or what would later be known as the Talmud was given to the seventy elders that came to the base of Mount Sinai but were not allowed to proceed any further the Pharisees believed that these seventy elders received a much more extensive and profound revelation than Moses which was not to be written down it was only to be passed down orally and these oral traditions took precedence over the written Torah or what we know as Genesis through Deuteronomy evidence of this is found in the Talmud itself area been 21 be my son be more careful in the observance of the words of the scribes than in the words of the Torah that's what differentiates the Orthodox from the non-orthodox the non-orthodox sees the Talmud as more man-made more man-made and developing and so on and so forth whereas you believe the Talmud is inspired by God is inspired by God yet everything that has anything to do with Scripture is considered the Word of God by a large segment of the including the Talmud yes he said you don't believe in the religion of Moses you have for your religion he told the Jews you have for your religion the traditions of the elders in Mark 7 7 Jesus said of the Pharisees how be it in vain do they worship me teaching for doctrines the commandments of men and the Talmud is the doctrines of men it's not possible for an ordinary person that's not trained to just read the Talmud and understand the oral it's very complex you need a teacher has a typical rabbi read it covered cover I don't know it depends what they studied if you read it I wouldn't say I read all 36 volumes but I've read several right you've read a lot of it obvious yes sure but I'm sure people that devote their energies to just study have done that sure the Jews have always known throughout history that if Christians knew what was in the Talmud it would make Christians very angry and so the Jews were able to conceal a lot of their most blasphemous statements about the Lord Jesus Christ because people didn't speak Hebrew here's what they say about Jesus in the Talmud there's sections in there about Jesus in fact there's an entire book that's been written by the director of Judaic Studies in Princeton University Dr. Schaefer a Jew he's written a book Jesus in the Talmud so if you want to know what Jesus has to do the Talmud get his book Jesus in the Talmud by Dr. Schaefer Peter Schaefer is head of the Judaic Studies at Princeton University in his book Jesus in the Talmud he documents and analyzes every time Jesus is mentioned in the pages of the Talmud keep in mind that the Talmud was written hundreds of years after Christ lived and so it has references about Jesus in it and they are hateful blasphemous references according to the Talmud Jesus was the product of adultery the bastard son of Mary and a Roman soldier named Pantera he spent his early life in Egypt where he learned black magic idolatry and sorcery Jesus was born to a whore Mary was a whore she had sexual relations with many men the father was a Roman centurion the Talmud further blasphemes the Lord Jesus by calling him a fool and comparing him with Old Testament villains such as Balaam Ahithophel, Doeg and Gehazi does the Talmud talk about the Jews killing Jesus vaguely but Maimonides believes that the the Jews killed him that the Jews executed him because of certain of his doctrines and so forth do you believe that the Jews killed Jesus it's possible the Jews did kill Jesus right so let's say they did all right we maybe he deserved to die according maybe he was a troublemaker let's assume we did mm-hmm so we killed somebody the Talmud actually gloats about Jesus dying young the passage reads hast thou heard how old Balaam was he replied bloody and deceitful men shall not live out half their days it follows that he was 33 or 34 years old and you say wait that passage says Balaam not Jesus but look at the footnote at the bottom of the page Balaam is frequently used in the Talmud as a type of Jesus not only that but in the Jewish encyclopedia volume 2 page 469 under Balaam it says Balaam given to Jesus in Sanhedrin 106 B and get in 57 a Peter Schafer states in his book Jesus in the Talmud that there can be no doubt that the narrative of the execution in the Talmud refers to Jesus in fact the book states there is no reason to feel ashamed because we rightfully executed a blasphemer and idolater Jesus deserved death and he got what he deserved elsewhere the book states he was a blasphemer and idolater and although the Romans probably could not care less we insisted that he get what he deserved we even convinced the Roman governor or more precisely forced him to accept that this heretic and imposter needed to be executed and we are proud of it Schafer said in an article that appeared in Publishers Weekly concerning his new book I certainly don't want to harm Jewish Christian dialogue but dialogue requires honesty and I'm trying to be honest there are Masonic Jews today who want to take the Talmud and make it Christian how can you take a damnable book and make it Christian all of these lies about Jesus are right there the church fathers blame the Jews for the death of Jesus and that is Paul's doing it was Paul's doing in the epistle to the Thessalonians chapter 2 verse 14 and 15 for ye brethren became followers of the churches of God which in Judea are in Christ Jesus for ye also have suffered like things of your own countrymen even as they have of the Jews who both killed the Lord Jesus now what does that say this has poisoned the mind of generations of Christians unfortunately did you know that so first that's okay to this day 26% of all Americans believe that Jews were responsible in the death of Jesus when Mel Gibson came out with his the temptation of Christ always anti-semite what a horrible person he says the Jews you know kill Jesus well that's what the Bible says the film the passion of the Christ when it was shown it went from 26% to 36% because people are so gullible it portrays the Jews as evil people okay which is nonsense the Jews call this the myth that the Jews killed Jesus let me explain some to you the fact that the Jews killed Jesus is not a myth it's Bible Christians believed it and they still do today they still do today it was ingrained in their mind they blamed all the Jews even though most of the Jews were not there look at Acts chapter 3 verse 13 it says the God of Abraham and of Isaac and of Jacob the God of our fathers hath glorified his son Jesus whom ye delivered up and denied in the presence of Pilate when he was determined to let him go so here he's preaching to thousands of Jews and he says and now brethren I want that through ignorance ye did it as did also your rulers wait a minute I thought it was just the rulers no he said you did it as also did your rulers that means it wasn't just the rulers it was the people also because if we read the scriptural account the people are crying out a mass throng of thousands and thousands of the Jews are crying out crucify him and he says shall I crucify your king we have no king but Caesar I am free from the blood of this just person said the Roman pilot his blood be on us and on our children that's what they said it states in there that Jesus corrupted Judaism and as punishment for his crimes he is now in hell burning and fiery excrement and he shall so be forever and ever they hate Jesus Christ they hate the name so I think it's because they are children of the devil not children of God and therefore the devil look at the hatred he has for Christ so what do you think his children gonna have the average you believes that the Old Testament is a wonderful book of myths and stories that have good meaning but you can understand the Old Testament only by studying the Talmud and the Kabbalah did you stop believing in the Torah starting in Genesis chapter 1 I believe creation was a design that's unending evolution is part of the process and the beginning to me you know there are people who talk about the Big Bang Theory I have no quarrel with them so you don't take the beginning of Genesis with the Garden of Eden and the serpent you don't take that literally then no I to me those are parables so when you look at the key teachings of the books of Moses Genesis through Deuteronomy the Jews don't really believe any of these circumcision I know is a big part of it's it's a big part of Judaism I think am I right it is if an adult comes to me for a conversion and is not circumcised then it's a very simple matter there's you take the pin and just prick the so that a drop of blood comes out and that's enough that's that's more symbolic right just to represent the willingness to be able to be part of that covenant so they don't remove the full foreskin no okay they just do just a more of a symbolic exactly well in the Torah you know Abraham was 99 when he was circumcised and his son Ishmael was 13 right but nowadays they don't they don't now we as New Testament Christians don't practice circumcision but the Jews remember are saying that they still follow that old Mosaic law so if they were actually following it they would have to actually remove the foreskin and circumcise that adult convert that's what the Torah teaches I've heard it said so many times that oh the Jews they just believe the Old Testament they believe everything we do just without Jesus and that is a lie they don't believe God they don't believe Jesus Christ they don't believe the Old Testament they don't believe the New Testament they don't believe any of it and how is it determined which is good in which is bad and that's called civilization people get together and determine you shouldn't steal so civilization says that's bad okay that's how you measure good if you come from society where stealing is good that's how that civilization determines good from bad if you don't steal you're bad if you do steal you're part of us there an absolute right and wrong we're just stealing is always wrong because God said so there's no absolute in my opinion says in John 5 46 and 47 for if you had believed Moses you would have believed me for he wrote of me but if you believe not his writings how shall ye believe my words Jesus Christ is telling the Jews of his day that they did not believe Moses their whole claim was that they believe Moses and they don't believe him but he explains here that if you don't believe in him then you don't believe in Moses we practice differently we believe differently and maybe our approach is different but the destination is the same we're trying to reach God I mean that's the whole objective so you believe that all religions are going to the same destination just taking different routes exactly and different ways to get there and different understandings of how they get there that that doesn't make one better than the other there is no one path to God there is no one understanding of God to understand God we have to understand each other we have to stand ourselves there is no such thing as a salvation that transforms it you do what is right and you save yourself at every moment that is not in heaven if when someone starts telling me that his soul is in heaven what do they know about the soul the spiritual souls of people in heaven this is for children you have to tell them this way how come grandfather didn't come home today oh he's in heaven what about hell is is hell something that that is part of Judaism or no at being like a place of fiery punishment I have been in hell what we call hell is the valley of Hinnom tophat also right there is a place right outside of Jerusalem that is called the valley of the sons of Hinnom it was a place where pagans used to offer human sacrifices and by extrapolation somehow if they imagine that there was a place like that in the universe somewhere where wicked people would be going so you you don't believe that the Old Testament teaches any kind of a literal hell no okay all right a lot of people will tell you the Bible says if you don't do something you'll have a bad life or you'll go to the netherworld hell yeah right well we don't subscribe to hell anyway but you know that kind of my feeling is different if the Jews don't believe in the creation story of Genesis 1 they don't believe the story of Adam and Eve literally they don't believe in Noah they don't believe in the Tower of Babel they scoff at these stories they don't believe in circumcising adults they don't believe in the animal sacrifice what part of the Torah do they believe in this is supposedly their most exalted book yet when you look at all the particulars of what the Torah teaches they don't believe any of it today you have a lot of evangelical Christians in America that are very pro Israel very Christians are just really zealous in their support of Israel now has it always been that way throughout history is that a newer phenomenon no it hasn't been that way through history traditionally Christianity was essentially anti-semitic the phenomenon of the Christian Zionists is relatively recent they maintain that the Jews are God's chosen people and will always be God's chosen people they use the term the apple of God's eye and that's a more recent phenomenon yeah I say a few hundred years as far as I know that does not go all the way back right replacement theology has played a very important role in Christianity what is replacement theology replacement theology is the root and branch of Christian anti-semitism it's like a virus in the church basically is saying that the church now has superseded Israel and this theology that discards the place of the Jewish people and replaces it with the church the new and true spiritual Israel is very dangerous because I believe it's the primary root of anti-semitism many theologians all through the centuries have preached replacement theology. Can you name some that preach that? I have here everything about John Chrysostom and that he is the chief anti-semite of the church the synagogue is worse than a whorehouse it is the den of scoundrels and the repair of wild beasts the temple of demons devoted to idolatrous cults the refuge of debauches and the cavern of devils it is a criminal assembly of Jews a place of meeting for the assassins of Christ a den of thieves a dwelling of iniquity the refuge of devils a gulf and an abyss of perdition I would say the same things about their souls they have demonized the Jews this is still present in the mind of many throughout history Christians have not looked at the Jews as God's chosen people they looked at him as a people that rejected Christ and were therefore rejected by God for example the last book written by Martin Luther before he died was called the Jews and their lies and in this book he gives all kinds of scriptural arguments for why the Jews are not God's chosen people and he also exposes a lot of the blasphemous teachings of the Talmud his very last sermon he preached about the Jews and he said the Jews hate our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and through their perfidious behavior and he says that they they create all kind of stratagems and ruses to deceive us and he got so angry at him he actually said we should go and burn all the copies of their Talmud but he was in infuriated about the Talmud of course today the Jews consider him a great anti-semite st. Augustine was no better he was also anti-semitic that's right okay he was very demeaning all this is pure hatred it doesn't matter whether you're listening to John Chrysostom st. Augustine Peter the venerable Martin Luther John Calvin you name the Church Father you name the Protestant leader throughout history they're all saying the same thing about the Jews that they're the synagogue of Satan that it's a false religion this doctrine that the Jews are still God's chosen people is a new doctrine you know back before the late 1800s everybody recognized what we're talking about now but something began to change first with Dr. Cyrus Schofield. C.I. Schofield was a divorced man he had trouble with alcohol he was a lawyer turned preacher he left his first wife Leontyne Sierra in 1883 that's the year after he wrote his first book rightly dividing the word of truth so in 1882 he writes his first book rightly dividing the word of truth 1883 he leaves his first wife marries another lady and then becomes a pastor in Texas very famous very popular Schofield's dispensational pre-millennial Bible was edited with financial assistance from prominent businessmen some of which had questionable religious ties and he had Jewish retainers who made him a member of a club called the Lotus Club a sort of a secret society and suddenly he had plenty of money this corrupt lawyer who had abandoned his wife and was found guilty of numerous offenses as a corrupt attorney but Schofield was given money and the Oxford group out of England published his Bible why would they take a crooked lawyer and make him the editor of a Bible and then suddenly they had millions of dollars to promote it with that amount of money then the Bible took off and it it basically sealed the deal for the Jews the Schofield reference Bible is a very pro-israel very Zionist and this book more than any other book changed the thinking of an entire generation of young preacher boys another belief that Christians have today that is an incorrect belief that it's not founded in Scripture is the belief that we should bless Israel you know they they go back to the what they refer to as the Abrahamic covenant they go back to Genesis chapter 12 and they say oh we gotta bless Israel if we want God blessing we have to bless them Genesis 12 verses 1 through 3 is the key scripture where God calls and blesses Abraham it reads now the Lord had said unto Abram get thee out of thy country and from thy kindred and from thy father's house unto a land that I will show thee and I will make of thee a great nation and I will bless thee and make thy name great and thou shalt be a blessing and I will bless them that bless thee and curse him that curses thee and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed now according to this scripture God is making a covenant with Abraham and he tells Abraham I will bless thee the word thee is singular he's speaking to Abraham well in Scofield's notes on Genesis 12 he applies this blessing unto the future nation of Israel that is not what the scripture teaches and many evangelical Christians today do not get their doctrine on Israel from anything that's written in the New Testament they're getting it from the notes of the Scofield reference Bible when you're reading these promises made to Abraham in the Old Testament you have to realize what the Bible teaches in Galatians 3 16 when it says now to Abraham and his seed where the promise is made now we stop right there you know all the Christians of today or Zionists or whoever they could say see it was to Abraham and his seed but the verse goes on it says he says not and two seeds with an S at the end making it plural he says he says not and two seeds as of many but as at one and to thy seed which is Christ so according to the Bible the promises made to Abraham were made unto Abraham and unto Christ and the Bible says in verse 29 and if he be Christ's then are you Abraham seed and heirs according to the promise according to the Bible we as Christians whether we be Jew or Gentile are the heirs of the promises made to Abraham those today who are in the Middle East in the nation of Israel they're not in Christ 99% of them do not believe in the Lord Jesus Christ therefore they are not the seed of Abraham therefore Genesis 12 1 through 3 does not apply unto them you know that people will say well we've got to support Israel if we want God's blessing on ourselves if we want God's blessing on our church if we want God's blessing on our nation we must support a physical Israel well if you just count back the last 66 67 years of American history do you find the blessing of God on our country did we have legalized abortion back in the 1940s no it's come since then what was our debt in the 1940s versus today what were we like then compared to what we are now you can't convince me that the blessings of God have fallen on this country because of a quote-unquote promise to support a physical group of people somehow correlates to blessings from God not only that but if you look at the history of the Jews over the last 2,000 years have they been blessed by God no they've been persecuted and hated in every country that they've ever been in this book right here has a list of all of the countries that the Jews have been thrown out of over the last 1,000 years and when you look at this huge list you have to ask yourself why have they been so hated and persecuted everywhere that they've lived and the answer is because of their blasphemy toward Christianity and because of their predatory lending practices in the late 1800s persecution of the Jews in Russia and elsewhere intensified and many Jews began to believe that their only hope for a prosperous future would be to possess a state of their own this belief became known as Zionism the Jewish state was a realization of the great project of Theodor Herzl Theodor Herzl he was the founder of Zionism but he came to the idea that the cause of anti-semitism is because the Jews do not have a state of their own and he wrote a little booklet the state of the Jews he said there is only one way of protecting the Jewish people in the future for the Jews to leave Europe and to settle in their homeland the land of Israel and that book became like the Bible of Zionism Zionism was the formation of the hope for the rebirth it started with World War one the Balfour Declaration the Balfour Declaration was significant it wasn't just a letter to a friend I mean right no I understand there's a major doctor in terms of expressing British policy so the Balfour Declaration was a letter from Lord Balfour to Lord Rothschild in World War one Turkey was an ally of Germany who was the losing side so the Turkish Ottoman Empire was dismantled and so because the Turkish Empire was dismantled after World War one the British Lord Balfour wrote a declaration yes saying that it should be a homeland for the Jews yes that was the beginning of the larger immigration tens of thousands of Jews from Eastern Europe mainly went to settle in Israel the Balfour Declaration was a letter written to Lord Rothschild so in order to understand the Balfour Declaration we have to know who Rothschild was Money is power! Money is the only weapon that the Jew has to defend himself with! Meyer Amschel Bauer born in Frankfurt Germany in 1744 was a money lender and a goldsmith on Jew Street whose shop had a sign out front with a red hexagram on it eventually he would change his name to Rothschild which is German for red sign Rothschild soon learned that loaning money to governments and Kings was more profitable than loaning money to private individuals not only were the loans bigger but they were secured by the nation's taxes Meyer Rothschild had five sons whom he trained in the skills of money creation and sent out to the major capitals of Europe to open branches of the family banking business you are five brothers I want you each to start a banking business in a different country one to go and open a house in Paris one in Vienna one in London choose the most important centers so that when money is to be sent from here to London it is saying you won't have to risk life and gold and here in Frankfurt we'll just send a letter to Nathan in London saying hey so-and-so and that will be offset my loans from London to Frankfurt understand in your day there will be many wars in your a nation that have money to transport will come to the Rothschilds because it will be safe now five banking houses may cover Europe but you will be one family Rothschilds will work always together when Meyer Amschel Rothschild died in 1812 he left a will instructing his sons and how the house of Rothschild would be operated all key positions in the house of Rothschild were to be held by members of the family the family was to intermarry with their own first and second cousins thus preserving the vast fortune Rothschild's heirs were strictly forbidden to ever disclose the amount of their wealth the whole family was driven by an insatiable lust for the accumulation of wealth and power they secretly financed both sides in various European Wars dominated European banking and by the mid-1800s had become the richest family in the world Rothschild helped found Israel and Rothschild has always been the backer of Israel whatever Rothschild wants he gets it is believed that he is the richest man in the world and I have little doubt of that although the Balfour Declaration was given to Lord Rothschild in 1917 it would not be until 1947 that the plan for a Jewish state would be implemented it would take the horrors of World War two to get public opinion behind creating a Jewish state in the land of Palestine in 1947 the United Nations declared that there would be two states in Palestine there would be a Jewish state and a Palestinian state the United States delegation supports the basic principles of the unanimous recommendations by the United Nations which provides for petition and immigration later Russia supported the United States on the partition recommendation while Arab states threatened reprisals as the Holy Land's future hangs in the balance but Israel became the first state and they've never allowed Palestine to become a state so they've made sure that the the United Nations provision has never been put on May 14th 1948 David Ben-Gurion the executive head of the Zionist organization declared the establishment of the Jewish state in the land of Israel in May of 1948 a new Jewish state Israel was born in a bath of blood Jewish troops routed Arab forces from the city of Haifa in the first of a series of battles that were to reverberate through the years the new government headed by David Ben-Gurion is installed in Tel Aviv thus for the first time since the Roman Legion destroyed Jerusalem in the year 70 AD the Jewish people have a nation of their own today a lot of Christians think that like God brought the nation of Israel back you know and and God did this wonderful work but really was it really the will of God to bring these people back into Israel or was it the will of the United Nations the Bible tells us very clearly in Hebrews chapter 4 that when they first came to the Promised Land with Moses they could not enter in because of unbelief then 40 years later their children who believed the Lord were allowed to enter the Promised Land then later they worshipped other gods and what did God do he removed them from the Promised Land they went to Babylon for 70 years then after they repented and turned away from their false gods they were brought back to the Promised Land then when they rejected Jesus Christ they were removed from the Promised Land again and then in 1947 they all believed on the Lord Jesus Christ and God brought them back to the Promised Land is that what happened no did they believe in Christ I mean look Christian out there ask yourself that question was there a revival going on in Israel were people accepting Jesus as their Messiah the answer is no so therefore that was not God bringing back Israel because they believed in him he said he was scatter them if they didn't keep his word and he did he said it bring them back when they turned unto him they have not turned unto him and so if it's not the Lord who brought them back then who did bring them back it was the spirit of Antichrist that brought them back to the Promised Land it was the United Nations who brought them back to the Promised Land thus history was made as the Jewish state of Israel was born conceived in strife and weaned and violence Israel has flourished to become a constructive voice in world affairs where a flag became a symbol of hope in a troubled world the Star of David where does that symbol come from it's never written explicitly in the Bible itself is it in the Talmud is there a passage in the Bible about that or no no okay so you're not really sure exactly where that comes from no you got me is it nobody knows huh I don't know I'm not yeah cuz I know it's called the Star of David yeah does that have anything to do with David no I don't think so there must be somewhere I'm I do not remember exactly what the association was okay I believe that what they call the Star of David is actually the Star of Rimfan because when you study the Bible you'll see that when they worshipped other gods the Bible talks about them carrying the banner of the star of their god Rimfan you rejected the God of the Bible you took up for yourself the star that's the sixth one the star of your god called Rimfan or Qiyon all these were names for Moloch the great Baal the great fire god who was the devil Elzaba that's right Beelzebub and they were shocked about this now who is a star god if they only read their old the Old Testament they would know this and Amos God says you have taken up the star and you've made me furious by doing that and you have actually sacrificed your own children to the star god through the fires they sacrificed their own children the Jews did to the star god when they worshipped a false god they had the star of Rimfan as an icon and as a symbol we never see a star of David in Scripture but the star of the false god Rimfan and so we know today that they are not worshipping the true God because the Bible says he that denieth the son the same hath not the father but he that acknowledged that the son hath the father also if the Jews do not believe on the son the Bible says they don't have the father so who do they have somebody else a false god therefore they're not worshipping the same God that we worship some people will say oh they worship God the father they just don't acknowledge Jesus but the Bible teaches that it's impossible to worship the father if you don't acknowledge the son you get back to the Masonic fraternity of Freemasonry yeah their great symbol is G you'll look at the the star on the compass which is a stylized star of David in fact they have the entire store of David in many Masonic temples why is that masonry is a study of Judaism and of the Kabbalah the Jewish Tribune newspaper on October 28 1927 stated Freemasonry is based on Judaism eliminate the teachings of Judaism from the Masonic ritual and what is left Albert Pike said in his book morals and dogma that the Kabbalah is the very basis without the Kabbalah we would not have the 33 rituals of the Masonic Lodge but the God they worship the great architect is Moloch the star God if anyone tells me that the Jews were not placed under a great curse by Jesus himself it's there in John 837 it's interesting because Jesus said this he said I know that ye are Abraham's seed so he's acknowledging the fact that they are physical descendants of Abraham he said I know that you are Abraham seed but you seek to kill me because my word have no place in you I speak that which I've seen with my father and you do that what you have seen with your father the answer to send unto him Abraham is our father Jesus saith unto them if you were Abraham's children he would do the works of Abraham so it's interesting because in verse 37 he acknowledged that they're Abraham's seed he acknowledged that they're physical descendants of Abraham but then in verse 39 he's questioning he's saying you know if you Abraham's children he would do the works of Abraham and he's basically saying you're not the children of Abraham because like we already talked about later in the passage he says you're of your father the devil so it's interesting that Jesus himself said that you can be a physical descendant of Abraham and be of the seed of Abraham and he doesn't consider you a child of Abraham there is another passage it's in the Gospel of John okay John chapter 8 verse 44 where he says that the Jews are the sons of the devil that's what he was preaching Wow Jesus himself taught ye are of your father the devil and the lust of your father ye will do he was a murderer from the beginning and abode not in the truth because there is no truth in him when he speaketh a lie he speaketh of his own for he is a liar and the father of it so according to the Lord Jesus Christ he said ye are of your father the devil so Jesus believed that they weren't following Abraham they weren't following Moses they weren't following the prophets they weren't following God he says they're following their father the devil you know in Revelation 2 and 3 there's interesting verses which talk about them which say they are Jews and are not but are the synagogue of Satan it's not hard to figure out who the synagogue of Satan is when you realize that there's only one religion in this world that uses synagogues Judaism it's not hard to figure out who they are when the Bible tells us that they say they're Jews and they're not not everyone in this world goes around saying I'm a Jew people who practice Judaism say that they're Jews you say well Pastor Anderson they say they are Jews but they really are no because Romans 2 28 says for he is not a Jew which is one outwardly neither is that circumcision which is outward in the flesh but he is a Jew which is one inwardly and circumcision is that of the heart in the spirit and not in the letter whose praise is not of men but of God the Bible says we are the circumcision which worship God in the spirit and rejoice in Christ Jesus and have no confidence in the flesh so in God's eyes they're not Jews they're the synagogue of Satan the Bible says in Revelation 3 9 behold I will make them of the synagogue of Satan which say they are Jews and are not but do lie behold I will make them to come and worship before thy feet and to know that I have loved thee now why would God have to make the synagogue of Satan to know that God loved the church at Philadelphia because the Jews think that God loves only them they don't think that God loves the Gentiles in Philadelphia and that's why God said I'm gonna make the synagogue of Satan to know that I've loved you God loves the children of the world red and yellow black and white they're precious in his sight in first John 2 22 the Bible gives the definition of what an Antichrist is who is a liar but he that deny that Jesus is the Christ he is Antichrist that deny at the father and the son now in order to believe that Jesus is not the Christ you have to believe that there is a Christ and that it's not Jesus John 4 tells us that the word Messiah means Christ the woman at the well she said I know that Messiah's comet which is called Christ so we know that the definition of the word Christ is Messiah so in 1st John 2 22 when it says who is a liar but he that denied that Jesus is the Christ what it's saying is who is a liar but he that denied that Jesus is the Messiah so you know what group of people believes that there is a Messiah but does not believe that Jesus was that Messiah again those are the Jews let me just see if I can characterize this right then basically that the Jewish belief on Jesus is I mean you obviously doesn't don't believe he was the Messiah but you just kind of think he was just kind of just another in a long stream of false messiahs if yes if he even claimed to be any claim if the claim was made if the claim was made that he's a Messiah Jesus never said I am the Messiah the Jewish people would would have been interested in the Messiah right they're waiting for Messiah they want Messiah yeah so if he had any of the real characteristics of a Messiah they would have been interested in him they would have checked and so on and so forth but he had 12 disciples that's not a lot I mean you know you're talking about the nation of the Jews with all the scholars right they weren't one over ten they didn't believe in him not at all the Christians invented the idea of a failed Messiah even though he failed he stilled the Messiah we reject that if if you fail then you're not the Messiah they're still looking for another Messiah to come and we know that that other Messiah that's coming is the Antichrist what does a Jewish Messiah look like a very powerful King that will establish peace and goodwill on earth you have to be able to establish peace world peace world peace he says when the real Messiah makes his appearance in such a dramatic fashion that it can't be denied then everybody will acknowledge that he's the real Messiah and that worldwide worldwide even the non-jews because of because they were all looking for the Messiah so when the Messiah comes you're saying the whole world's gonna believe on yeah the entire world because his purpose will be to bring the entire world to the proper observance all the nations will stream towards Jerusalem to learn from him okay it will initiate a period of world peace the Messiah will be a tremendous charismatic figure with great great knowledge and communication skills he'll also be a great warrior he will be the defender of the Jews and he will defeat all their enemies in a permanent kind of a way if you listen to how the Jews describe their Messiah they paint a perfect picture of what the Bible describes as the Antichrist he's gonna conquer the entire world he's gonna bring peace through war he's going to be believed on by all religions of the world he's gonna bring world peace he's going to unite us all so many Christians are precious and they don't know what they're doing yeah you know I I was at a prophecy conference in Florida and a lady came up to me she was wearing the Star of David and I asked her why she was wearing that she's oh well this is so important that we show our support for Israel as how do you show your support for Israel well she's I give money every month to the Temple Mount Foundation well that's just this Jewish group and I said don't you know that second Thessalonians chapter 2 says the Antichrist will go into that temple and declare himself God and above every other God she says well I just think I'm helping to fulfill Bible prophecy as you are you're helping the Antichrist to come I would want to do that when a man comes and he fights the wars of Israel defeats the enemies build the temple peace on earth the leader that did that we will all kneel before the king do you know what I mean whoever that is so your vision of that you say it's a second coming okay we say it's a first coming look the Jews are ready to accept the Antichrist as their Messiah and yet Christians are being taught that in the end times all of the Jews are gonna believe on Jesus Christ well it doesn't take a genius to figure out what the devil's doing here when the Jews accept the Antichrist as their Messiah then all of the apostate Christians are gonna point to that and say look this is the second coming of Jesus Christ look all the Jews believe on him what is the devil's goal with the Antichrist to get people to believe that he is the second coming of Jesus Christ and like all other false doctrine it's based on taking one scripture completely out of context they'll take the end of Romans 11 completely ignore the beginning of Romans 11 and they'll just go straight to the end they'll go to verse 26 and so all Israel shall be saved and say see right there in the end times everybody in Israel is gonna get saved they're gonna believe in Jesus but they're forgetting that the Bible just finished telling us in Romans 9 that they're not all Israel which are of Israel the physical descendants are not the true Israel he said he is not a Jew which is one outwardly he's a Jew which is one inwardly it's those of us that believe in Jesus Christ that are Israel so how could you look at an unsaved person and say that they are Israel when the Bible says all Israel shall be saved that tells me that anybody who's not saved is not Israel and it's the Antichrist not Jesus Christ it's the Antichrist who is going to unite Jews with false Christians with every other religion of the world in order for the Jewish Antichrist to unite all religions of the world the devil must convince mainstream Christianity to see the Jews as fellow believers in spite of their rejection and blasphemy of Jesus Christ tele evangelists such as John Hagee ignore the clear teachings of the New Testament and apply the promises made to Abraham in Genesis 12 verses 1 through 3 to modern-day Christ rejecting Israel anyone who holds a biblical view that the Jews are no longer God's chosen people is labeled by the media as an anti-semite Israel's fight is our fight we are one we are united we will not be discouraged we will not be defeated we will not be intimidated we will not sit down we will not be silent we are the worst nightmare of the anti-semites of the world the victory it's going to be ours then I will not stand with you thank you and God bless you know we stand with the people of Israel I am asking you to join with me and every Christian and every Jew and every freedom-loving American to demand that this president and Congress do whatever is necessary to eradicate the evil of Isis and radical Islam from the face of the earth it is time to act now and I will bless them that bless you and curse him that curses you you don't want to be an enemy and you shall all families of the earth be blessed yes amen you're either for or against her you're one of the two the man the church the nation that blesses the state of Israel the Jewish people will be blessed beyond measure blessing Israel doesn't just mean so well I bless you yeah you have to stand with them in the route of need mm-hmm of course the Bible says in 2nd John 9 through 11 that whosoever transgresses and abideth not in the doctrine of Christ hath not God he that abideth in the doctrine of Christ he hath both the Father and the Son if there come any unto you and bring not this doctrine receive him not into your house neither bid him God speed for he that biddeth him God speed is partaker of his evil deeds and what are you doing when you bid someone God speed you're blessing them so today's evangelical Christianity is saying that we must bless Israel if we want God to bless us yet second John teaches that if we bless those who deny the Son of God we are a partaker of their evil deeds evangelicals of course are a great segment of American Christianity the Southern Baptists the Pentecostals the Assembly of God all of these are very fervent groups and they've basically been very pro-israel pro-zionist many of them have actually closed the door to conversion by saying oh well you don't need Jesus you're a Jew in the Houston Chronicle John Hagee was quoted as saying I'm not trying to convert the Jewish people to the Christian faith there is nothing in the night to honor Israel that does that in fact trying to convert Jews is a waste of time he said the Jewish person who has roots in Judaism is not going to convert to Christianity everyone else whether Buddhist or Baha'i needs to believe in Jesus he says but not Jews Jews already have a covenant with God that has never been replaced with Christianity and really that's the most anti-semitic thing you could possibly say don't evangelize the Jews because that's gonna send the Jews to hell the Bible says he that believeth on the Sun hath everlasting life but he that believeth not the Sun shall not see life but the wrath of God abideth on it yet John Hagee teaches that the Jews are already good to go we don't need to evangelize the Jews well John Hagee is totally wrong the Bible tells us that we are to win the lost and we are to preach the gospel to every creature now I mentioned earlier about CI Schofield being divorced and remarried isn't it interesting that John Hagee is the same story divorce his wife remarried another lady and leads a large Pentecostal church and emphasizes Israel to the point of idolatry from the 18,000 people who belong to his church in San Antonio Texas to the 99 million homes he says tune into his weekly radio and television broadcast John Hagee has built an empire sharing the gospel of Israel with evangelicals around the world and as the leader of kufa his power extends from the pulpit to politics John Hagee is a blasphemous false teacher who teaches that Jesus Christ did not come to this earth to be the Messiah in defense of Israel will shape Christian theology its script would prove that the Jewish people as a whole did not reject Jesus as Messiah it will also prove that Jesus did not come to earth to be the Messiah it will prove that there was a Calvary conspiracy between Rome the high priest inherited to execute Jesus as an insurrection is too dangerous to live since Jesus refused by word indeed to claim to be the Messiah how can the Jews be blamed for rejecting what was never offered read it and the shocking expose in defense of Israel this latest book by Pastor John Hagee is destined to generate lively discussions among Christians the world over John Hagee is not an of an independent Baptist nor a King James Bible believer and so a lot of guys that watched this documentary will say well that's not our guys all right well how about Sam Gipp who just about a year ago preached in a church in Idaho and said and I and I can almost quote it word for word you know what I never call Jesus I never call him my Messiah you know what I never called Jesus Christ I never call him my Messiah you know why I say oh he's a Messiah eat your Messiah unless you're Jew he's not sure he's not your Messiah are you from Gentile stock all right we were never promised a Messiah I'm sorry but Sam Gipp is wrong and he might be popular even among independent Baptists but that's wrong whether it's Sam Gipp or Peter Ruckman or whoever it is the Word of God is the Word of God and we don't allow whether it's Scofield or John Hagee or our favorite preacher our favorite professor or teacher to influence what the word actually says Jesus Christ is the Messiah he is my Messiah he's everyone's Messiah Hagee goes on to say in the Houston Chronicle article many Christian theologians are anti-semitic because they say the covenant with the Jews is gone that the Jews have been replaced by Christianity and that Israel does not deserve American military and financial support not only do Christian Zionists like Hagee teach that Christians must support Israel they also demand that the US government support Israel militarily and financially and because evangelical Christians make up a large part of the voting populace politicians dutifully make the trip to Israel to pray to the Jewish God at the Wailing Wall there's a lot of socially conservative evangelical Republican voters who care a lot about this issue and if they can see Ted Cruz coming out on Fox News and saying you know I am 100% behind Israel when they see that happening a lot of conservative voters are gonna say hey this Cruz guy is better than I thought in fact they just had the Christians United for Israel event which is which is an organization of evangelical Christians that are that are that are very very pro-israel this is an image I think we have this of Rand Paul praying with them this is the there there is yeah he's praying with the QV folks let me say this those who hate Israel hate America and those who hate Jews hate Christians so opposition to Israel is opposition to God and I don't care what they believe and where they're at on the spiritual timeline because it's not my problem I have his back and it doesn't matter what he does or where he's at but as long as he calls upon the name of of Yahweh the God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob that's my brother there's going to be I think a turn towards a more biblical Christianity a more a more Jewish Christianity and the the lines between us there was like oh those are Christians those are Jews are gonna be like oh those are sort of like our those are our brothers Israel is grateful for the support of America's people and of America's presidents from Harry Truman to Barack Obama in fact I am proud to say that no US administration has done more in support of Israel security than ours none don't let anybody else tell you otherwise it is a fact we recognize Israel's right to defend itself and that it is right for America to stand with you therefore it is time for America to embrace the words of Senator Joseph Lieberman and consider a military preemptive strike against Iran to prevent a nuclear holocaust in Israel and a nuclear attack in America in 2nd Chronicles 19 a godly king by the name of Jehoshaphat was going to help Israel militarily here's what God told him in verse 2 and Jehu the son of Hanani the seer went out to meet him and said to the king Jehoshaphat shouldest thou help the ungodly and love them that hate the Lord therefore is wrath upon thee from before the Lord so we're told today that if we support the nation of Israel we're gonna be blessed by God because of Genesis 12 when in reality the Bible teaches that if we help an ungodly and wicked nation like Israel we'll have God's wrath upon us why should we as Bible believing Christians support the nation of Israel when the nation of Israel won't even allow a Christian to immigrate to their country if you want to immigrate to Israel you have to renounce the name of Jesus Christ so for someone to become an Orthodox Jew or have the right of return they have to renounce Christianity they do they do you can't be a Jew and a Christian it's one or the other so with regard to the modern state of Israel it requires the renunciation of one's former religious affiliation mm-hmm it requires a number of rituals that are designed to cleanse one of their prior religious affiliation someone who's not a Jew doesn't just automatically have an invitation to immigrate to Israel not as a citizen not as a citizen correct so in order to be able to immigrate to Israel they would have to renounce Christianity in order to to become a citizen a citizen and they'd have to be converted by an Orthodox rabbi I personally know men who have gone over to Israel believing that Israel is the promised land and that the Jews are God's chosen people and they go there with that in their heart and they go there to witness to them and tell them about Christ but it is illegal in Israel to pass out tracts the cops will come and harass them and even being under the threat of arrest or deportation the Bible is true when it tells us that they are the enemies of the gospel in Romans 11 28 as concerning the gospel they are enemies for your sakes but as touching the election they are beloved for the Father's sakes it says it right there in the Word of God they are the enemy of the gospel in June of 2014 during gay Pride Month the United States Embassy flew the American flag and underneath the American flag they hoisted the gay pride flag and for the last few years now Tel Aviv has been voted the number one gay city in the world amongst the gay community themselves they have voted Tel Aviv as the number one place in the world not San Francisco not New York but Tel Aviv we were established for the establishment of Israel our markings are all over take out a dollar out of your pocket look at the great seal you'll notice in between the wingspan of the eagle you will see the Star of David made out of 13 stars now why is the Star of David there around that star is the Shekinah glory cloudburst symbolizing the Shekinah glory that was over the tabernacle George Washington said I want that to be on the dollar so that people will recognize the contribution that the Jewish people have made to the United States of America not only are today's Christians being taught to be pro-Jewish and pro-israel the strange doctrines of the Talmud and the Kabbalah are also creeping into churches and being taught as Christian doctrine for example many pastors will use the term Shekinah as if it was something from the Hebrew Old Testament when in reality the word is never found in the Bible one time so the Shekinah refers to the divine presence and it's a feminine word by the way it's not masculine for example if Moses the Leonid come out and said I have an idea God is a woman that might not have gone over so well but now he was saying that the ancient Rabbi Shimon was teaching us about Shekinah the feminine half of God and her romance with her divine partner the Holy One blessed be he so there is a belief that God could be both male and female the Shekinah is the indwelling presence of God in the universe it's what emanates from the being of God but for Jews Shekinah and God are one and the same and it is almost forbidden to separate them okay God simply manifests himself or herself in the form of the inspiration of the Shekinah Shekinah is something that's part of the Talmud something that's part of Judaism not Christianity and yet how many Baptist preachers have used that phrase Shekinah glory in church and it's not even scriptural friends we need to grasp this that the Shekinah glory is in us this presence that we talked about this presence that came in this upper room to the disciples this Shekinah glory it's in us as believers the Bible is clear from Genesis to Revelation that God is a he not a she and to teach that God is both a he and a she you've got a different God the Christian Bible teaches that man was made in the image of God and in 1st Corinthians chapter 11 the Bible says that a man ought not to cover his head for as much as he is the image and glory of God but the woman is the glory of the man so according to 1st Corinthians 11 man is not to cover his head because man is in the image of God as opposed to woman that's why even in Genesis 127 it says so God created man in his own image in the image of God created he him male and female created he them they were created male and female but he was created in the image of God what does it mean to be in the image of God to look like God because when Jesus walked on this earth he was a man and God the Father is masculine and so this is a blasphemous teaching of New Age mysticism of worshipping you know Mother Earth and the female spirit and the goddess and the Kabbalah in the New Age that's where all this stuff is coming from this is the shape of the letter shin Hebrew alphabet shin very interesting letter in the language it's the first letter in the word Shaddai the first letter in the word Shalom first letter in the word Shekhinah which is the name of a feminine aspect of God live long and prosper image of Sirach father of all we now hold true it's great people don't realize they're blessing each other with us when Christians learn the information presented thus far in this film many are still hung up on the idea that the Jews are physically descended from Abraham Isaac and Jacob and that the rest of us are all Gentiles but is it really that simple the only way a person could really prove that they're a Jew would be with the genealogy in fact most of today's so called Jews they don't know what tribe they're from do people know amongst the Jewish community hey I'm of converts or hey I'm actually of the tribe of Judah or the tribe of Benjamin or the tribe as far as the tribe is concerned we don't know I don't know what tribe I belong to the only ones who do know I mentioned the Cohen the one night they know because that's transferred from father to son father to son okay because there are still certain things that the Cohen slash priest certain blessings that he says and so on and so forth so they've kept their lineage they know myself I have no idea what tribe my ancestors okay and you say probably most Jews don't know what tribe nobody yeah it's just that wasn't preserved it's not really important today it's not important at all no okay if it really made a difference who is descended from Israel and who is not then why would God tell us to avoid genealogies the Bible says in Titus 3 9 that we are to avoid genealogies the New Testament is very clear it doesn't matter where your physical ancestors came from in Christ there is neither Jew nor Gentile the Bible says clearly there is no difference between the Jew and the Greek so why do we think today that there's a difference between the Jew and the Greek and we think that somehow if someone is descended from Abraham Isaac and Jacob that they somehow are just automatically God's chosen people whether or not they believe on Jesus Christ and they may be circumcised in the flesh but the Bible says it's the circumcision of the heart and the spirit that makes you a Jew in God's eyes in 1st Timothy chapter 1 it says in verse 4 neither give heed to fables and endless genealogies I want you to keep that phrase in your mind endless genealogies which minister questions rather than godly edifying which is in faith so do now in Titus he just said avoid genealogies but here he says to avoid endless genealogies now I'm gonna show you why genealogies are endless they truly are endless this is what a family tree looks like now at the bottom of this family tree we just have one person which is you now you descend from two people don't you your mother and your father so if we go back one generation you come from two people as a direct descendant right but if we go back another generation you don't just have two grandparents you have four grandparents and it keeps doubling doesn't it because you have two parents four grandparents eight great grandparents 16 great great grandparents and you have 32 great great great grandparents that means if I were gonna do a family tree that went back five generations I would have to have a piece of paper wide enough to where at the top of that paper I'd be able to have 32 people's names wouldn't I because that's how many ancestors I'm gonna have directly in that fifth generation now if I went to the sixth generation my paper is gonna have to be twice as wide because now I'm gonna have 64 slots to put in names right well what happens though is that as we go back further this number gets really big now in order to understand how this chart works we have to understand how long a generation is how long is the average generation well they say 20 to 25 years okay now a generation has nothing to do with lifespan for example my mother was 30 years old when she gave birth to me and women generally give birth between the ages of 20 and 40 so let's just take 30 as an average 30 is a nice round number and 30 is a very conservative number for this calculation so a generation is 30 years meaning somebody has a child when they're 30 and then they have a child when they're 30 they have a child when they're 30 nothing to do with lifespan so that means that if we go back 10 generations then that's 300 years right so let's just round off and say that if we went back in our family tree about 10 generations we're gonna be about the year 1700 now because our family tree is getting wider if we wanted to do a complete family tree showing all of our ancestors back to the tenth generation we would have to have a piece of paper that was wide enough to have a thousand and twenty four slots because ten generations ago there would be a thousand and twenty four people that we would directly descend from now here's what I noticed when I did my family tree though when I went back ten generations you know what I started noticing these are no longer unique people because there had been some intermarriage in that 300 years that had unknowingly taken place let's go back 20 generations so now we're back around the year 1400 well if I wanted to have a complete family tree I would have to have a piece of paper that could fit 1,048,576 names that's a pretty big piece of paper so in the year 1400 if I'm gonna trace all of my ancestors I mean I'm gonna tell you who all of my ancestors from the 1400s are I would have to show you a family tree that just at the top would have a million some people just in the top row let alone everything else coming downward right if I were to go back 30 generations now I'm only in the year 1100 I'm not even close to the time of Christ yet am I no if I went back to the year 1100 30 generations I would have 1 billion seventy three million seven hundred and forty one thousand eight hundred and twenty four ancestors in that generation now listen they're not all unique when I did my genealogy I found this relative that she was my tenth great-grandmother on this side and my eleventh great-grandmother over here because people marry their fifth and sixth cousin without knowing it obviously you know what I mean so there's a lot of repeating going on right you know what that shows that a lot of people are descending from the same people cannot help but intermarry it's impossible not to because of these numbers now but look the real number that we want to go back to is not 1100 AD let's go back to 70 AD because 70 AD is when all the Jews were scattered now when you say scattered all over the world do you mean that in the most literal sense I mean all nations yes in the most literal sense if we were to go back to 70 AD and we were to have a family tree that shows all of our ancestors in 70 AD and how they're connected that top line would have eighteen quintillion four hundred and forty six quadrillion seven hundred and forty four trillion names from 70 AD now who thinks that there were 18 quintillion four hundred forty six quadrillion 744 trillion people living at the time of Christ or shortly thereafter no in fact the approximate population at that time was 200 million of that 200 million let's just call seven or eight million Jews you say I don't like that number well that number is not going to matter in a minute okay so let's just call it seven seven eight million okay so if there are 200 million people on the earth at the time of the temple being destroyed and about seven or eight million of them are Jews that means if I have an ancestor from that era there's a 1 in 27 chance that they were of Israel so think about this what if I were buying a lottery ticket and the odds of that lottery ticket coming up a winner are 1 in 27 because that's the winning ticket that says you're Jewish you're of the chosen people you are of Israel you are an Israelite indeed I've got a 1 in 27 chance you say well Pastor Anderson if you have a 1 in 27 chance you're probably not going to win that lottery because you got 26 chances of losing okay but what if I buy 18 quintillion lottery tickets you think I'm gonna win let me ask this how many times do I have to hit it to be descended from Abraham how many times do I have to hit it to be descended from Israel you say well you know I'm black I'm of Africa you know how can I be connected with Abraham well stop and think about it think about Israel's children you know what one of Israel's children Joseph guess where his wife was from Egypt Joseph's wife was of Egypt where's Egypt Africa Moses his wife was Ethiopian his second wife was Ethiopian so we already see even in Bible days intermingling with Africa intermingling with the sons of Ham I mean if you think about it the tribes of Ephraim and Manasseh were half of Ham and half of Israel because Israel's son Joseph married an Egyptian woman who's of Ham so all of the Ephraimites and Manassehites are descended of Ham and not only that but all throughout history you've had all kinds of merchants and missionaries and conquerors even you know you think of the Mongolian Empire that went all over the world and that conquered China that conquered Japan that conquered Korea all the ships that sailed and went here and there and everywhere you only have to have one ancestor out of your millions and millions of ancestors you only have to have one that descends from Israel and you are a direct descendant of Israel today you sit there and say oh I'm just purely a white person oh I'm just purely Asian I'm just purely African no you're not no one is people have been marrying it in or marrying for thousands of years so you can't have any pure population you know what the Bible was right when it said we're all of one blood even populations that we think that has got to be a hundred percent they're not hundred percent there is no hundred percent you can sit there and have your endless genealogy it won't even be accurate because you know what you can't tell from a genealogy somebody who committed adultery and lied to their husband and said oh yeah this is your son and he's not you know people do their genealogy and they kind of just take everything as gospel when in reality there could be as you euphemistically call them non paternity events there's a non paternity index which has been estimated at point zero five percent per generation so if you go back 20 generations you're likely to have a non paternity event that's the soft way of saying it and if you consider that a generation is 20 to 25 years that means in 500 years you're due in that line to to have a non paternity of every 500 years in in one line so on one line so really if somebody traces their genealogy they couldn't really say hey I know for a fact I know the whole story because I'm looking at this genealogy because the DNA test is gonna reveal more well DNA doesn't lie and all people lie DNA doesn't lie right so people could say hey I'm Jewish I'm not Jewish but the DNA right a DNA doesn't have an agenda people have an agenda people have reasons to lie and also they might just not know the truth you know which is possible so it's not even that they're lying it's just they're mistake they're passing on mistaken information one out of 15 Americans is adopted or has a parent that was adopted mm-hmm you know that's that's a pretty high number too yeah I mean who can tell you all the people in your in your lineage that were adopted oh yeah my ancestors 300 years ago were adopted you're not gonna remember that so there are adoptions there's infidelity there's traveling there's conquest there's merchants there are missionaries different people have different things they wanted to hide right and so they only tell you what they want you to hear it doesn't matter where you're from folks God said you know why God said to avoid this because it hurts your mind to even think about this I mean it I mean these numbers bend the mind he's just like just avoid it you know just avoid endless you know you know what they minister questions I mean does does this make you feel really sure about your nationality now no it raises a lot of questions so what do you think about somebody going down to the DNA lab getting their DNA tested and and it comes back and says oh you know you have these Jewish ancestors I mean I have no quarrel with them would you accept that it's it absolutely okay because it's so possible because they were so scattered right yeah I would never argue with it the director of this film Paul Wittenberger and I are just a couple of white guys we've never been told that we're Jewish or have any Jewish ancestors but we're gonna go down and get our DNA tested and just find out if we do we match your DNA profile against over 400 population groups worldwide and we present you with a top 50 and for ancestral DNA we don't have to get thumbprints I mean it's not a legal document right so that's all we need is a swab in the name so these will go out tonight mm-hmm we should get results back in about three or four weeks a few weeks later Paul and I got our results back and just like they said we were a mixture of a whole bunch of different nationalities we had everything from Arab to Brazilian Native American and there were a lot of things on there that were a big surprise and sure enough when we looked at our deep ancestry which goes back further than the top 50 we both had markers for Jewish DNA so I figured I'd get my grandma's DNA tested see if Jewish made it into her top 50 we tested my grandma she's 94 years old uh-huh and we wanted to swab her you know while she's still with us oh yes that's very important yeah so we we got it all right grandma's results are in let's check them out all right let's see her top 50 first of all number one Ashkenazi Jew number one no way so that explains why it was in my deep ancestry because it's her number one of her 50 nationalities and her number one result was Hungarian Ashkenazi Jews so so her number one result was Ashkenazi Jewish Wow well with DNA consultants I mean you know we've done this for many many years I haven't seen that very often to let you know and every report like I'm saying is unique people were like oh it's probably very general no everybody's very unique I don't know when I've seen number one Ashkenazi so that is really no I mean maybe three or five times that is very rare so if grandma's DNA had number one Ashkenazi is there any doubt that she's an Ashkenazi Jew no and if she's my grandmother when that what does that make me if you're Jewish so I'm Jewish you don't have to accept the religion right but I mean ethnically speaking ethnically you are you know whether you know whether you want to do with it so you so a lot pronounced you Jewish is that really what it all boils down to I mean good night that's DNA are you kidding me well what about Jesus what about faith in Christ how in the world can God's people be determined by DNA look it doesn't matter what our genealogy says it doesn't matter what our DNA results are none of that is even important the only thing that really matters is that we are a child of God through faith in Jesus Christ and I found so much proof that Israel there is not the Israel that God's talking about but we who have believed in God who have the faith of Abraham we are the children of God we're the seed of Abraham it says in Romans 9 verse 7 neither because they are the seed of Abraham are they all children but in Isaac shall thy seed be called that is they which are the children of the flesh these are not the children of God but the children of the promise are counted for the seed so the Bible says that the children of the flesh the physical children of Abraham Isaac and Jacob these are it specifically spells out and says they are not the children of God in fact in Galatians 3 it explains that we're the children of Abraham it says no ye therefore that they which are of faith the same are the children of Abraham it's amazing to me though how Christians overlook Galatians 3 now I'm almost 70 years old I'm an old man but I've never ever ever heard a sermon on Galatians 3 verse 29 there is neither Jew nor Greek there is neither bond nor free there is neither male nor female for you're all one in Christ Jesus and if ye be Christ's then are ye Abraham seed and heirs according to the promise both of those are fantastic who is the heir to the promise whoever has Jesus Ephesians chapter 2 verse 11 reads wherefore remember that ye being in time past Gentiles in the flesh who are called uncircumcision by that which is called the circumcision in the flesh made by hands that at that time you were without Christ being aliens from the Commonwealth of Israel and strangers from the covenants of promise having no hope and without God in the world but now in Christ Jesus ye who sometimes were far off are made nigh by the blood of Christ verse 19 now therefore ye are no more strangers and foreigners but fellow citizens with the Saints and of the household of God according to this scripture we are fellow citizens of Israel because back in verse number 12 he said when you were without Christ you were aliens of Israel you were strangers and foreigners to Israel but in verse 19 he says now you are fellow citizens with the Saints so who is the true Israel is it some guy over in the Middle East who doesn't even believe in Jesus and is worshiping Shekinah or is it the true believer of the Lord Jesus Christ who's been grafted in and brought nigh unto Israel it's very simple Jesus said in Matthew 21 verse 43 therefore I say unto you the kingdom of God shall be taken from you and given to a nation bringing forth the fruits thereof Wow they didn't bear fruits they refused Jesus they refused redemption they refused to recognize the deliverer of Zion the very Christ Jesus and Jesus said because of that the kingdom is taken from you and given to another nation what is that nation is it Syria is in America is it England is it Germany no no no a spiritual nation but ye are a chosen generation a royal priesthood an holy nation a peculiar people that ye should show forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvelous light which in time past were not a people but are now the people of God which had not obtained mercy but now have obtained mercy the Bible is not a book about God blessing one nation that's why God told Abraham in these shall all nations of the earth be blessed and that blessing is through Abraham's seed the Lord Jesus Christ you know the Bible says in in Hebrews chapter 11 that Abraham wasn't looking for a physical land he looked for a city which hath foundations whose builder and maker is God we as Christians are looking for a New Jerusalem we're looking for a heavenly city as Hebrews 11 the faith chapter points out but now they desire a better country that is in heavenly wherefore God is not ashamed to be called their God for he hath prepared for them a city God has prepared a city for us a city that we can't find physically on this earth because it's a heavenly city it's something that God has prepared for those that have faith in him when we're looking for Zion and when we're looking for Jerusalem we're not looking for the one which now is we're not looking for the one that we can touch we're not looking for the one that spiritually is Sodom and spiritually Egypt when we're looking for the one that is heavenly the one that is to come the Bible says in Hebrews 12 22 but ye are come unto Mount Zion and into the city of the living God the heavenly Jerusalem and to an innumerable company of angels so according to the New Testament Zion is the heavenly Jerusalem not the physical Jerusalem that now is but the heavenly Jerusalem will descend down from heaven that is our capital city that is our Zion and so I'm Israel those people over there are not Israel that's why Paul said they're not all Israel that are of Israel may be of Israel genealogically speaking but you're not Israel as God counts as what his original intent was eight people that are a praise and a glory to him we as Christians are the chosen people of God we are the true Israel and we are marching design well you know that the name of this video is marching design we know that as a great title of a gospel song too it means marching with Jesus at the very head of the formation you know we sing songs like we're marching to Zion I love that song I just love it I mean we're marching to Zion beautiful beautiful Zion we're marching upward to Zion the beautiful city of God it's the city of God sits on the sides of the north that's God's home and one day he's gonna bring it down to earth it's gonna be on the earth we're gonna inherit the earth because we are God's people we have believed in Christ are God's people we are Israel we're princes with God and we're gonna reign with him forever I would love to see the Quran thrown away destroyed put in a bonfire not because I hate the Muslims no I would love for them to become Christians I would love to see the the Talmud and all it's 36 or 38 volumes but what a bonfire we could have with that as a Christian I say let these books exist let the Quran exist let the Talmud exist because if people read those and then they read the New Testament you must come to the conclusion that Jesus Christ is Lord you you you you you you you you you you