(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) You You Oh Oh You Mormonism teaches the trillions of planets scattered throughout the cosmos are ruled by countless gods who once were human like us They say that long ago on one of these planets to an unidentified God in one of his goddess wives a Spirit child named Elohim was conceived This spirit child was later born to human parents who gave him a physical body Through obedience to Mormon teaching and death and resurrection He proved himself worthy and was elevated to godhood as his father before him Mormons believe that Elohim is their heavenly father and that he lives with his many goddess wives on a planet near a mysterious star called Kola Here the god of Mormonism and his wives through endless celestial sex produced billions of spirit children To decide their destiny the head of the Mormon gods called a great heavenly council meeting Both of Elohim's eldest sons were there Lucifer and his brother Jesus a Plan was presented to build planet Earth where the spirit children would be sent to take on mortal bodies and learn good from evil Lucifer stood and made his bid for becoming savior of this new world Warning the glory for himself. He planned to force everyone to become gods Opposing the idea the Mormon Jesus suggested giving man his freedom of choice as on other planets The vote that followed approved the proposal of the Mormon Jesus who would become savior of the planet Earth enraged Lucifer cunningly convinced one-third of the spirits destined for earth to fight with him and revolt Thus Lucifer became the devil and his followers the demons Sent to this world they would forever be denied bodies of flesh and bone Those who remain neutral in the battle were cursed to be born with black skin This is the Mormon explanation for the Negro race The spirits that fought most valiantly against Lucifer would be born into Mormon families on planet Earth These would be the lighter skinned people or white and delights them as the Book of Mormon describes them thousands of years later Elohim in human form once again journeyed to earth from the star base colon This time to have sex with the Virgin Mary in order to provide Jesus with a physical body According to the Book of Mormon after his resurrection Jesus came to the Americas to preach to the Indians who the Mormons believe are really Israelites Thus the Jesus of Mormonism established his church in the Americas as he had in Palestine By The year 421 AD the dark-skinned Indian Israelites known as Lamanites had destroyed all of the white Nephites in a number of great battles The Nephites records were supposedly written on golden plates and buried by Moroni the last living Nephite in the hill Cumorah 1400 years later a young treasure-seeker named Joseph Smith who was known for his tall tales Claimed to have uncovered these same gold plates near his home in upstate, New York He is now honored by Mormons as a prophet because he claimed to have had visions from the spirit world in which he was From the spirit world in which he was commanded to organize the Mormon Church Because all Christian creeds were an abomination It was Joseph Smith who originated most of these peculiar doctrines which millions today believed to be true By maintaining a rigid code of financial and moral requirements and through performing Secret temple rituals for themselves and the dead the Latter-day Saints hoped to prove their worthiness and thus become gods The Mormons teach that everyone must stand at the final judgment before Joseph Smith the Mormon Jesus and Elohim Those Mormons who were sealed in the eternal marriage ceremony expect to become polygamous gods in the celestial kingdom Rule over other planets and spawn new families throughout eternity The Mormons thank God for Joseph Smith who claimed that he had done more for us than any other man including Jesus Christ The Mormons believe that he died as a martyr shed his blood for us so that we too may become gods You And in Romans 16 17 we find a Principle as to why? Sermons like these are are important to preach Romans 16 17 says this now I beseech you brethren mark them which cause divisions and offenses contrary to the doctor Which you have learned and avoid them the Bible says that we are to mark them now mark means to identify mark means to you know call them out so that people know who you're talking about and Avoid them for they are for they that are such Serve not our Lord Jesus Christ, but their own Valley and by good words and fair speeches Deceive the hearts of the simple the Bible says for many Deceivers are entered in to the world and the Bible's warning us that there are many many people out there Whose goal is to deceive us and whose goal is to deceive everyone and they preach another gospel They preach a false gospel the Book of Mormon teaches another gospel, and it says that it is another Testament the thing is that Joseph Smith received it from an angel in heaven called Moroni now it's a strange thing because Galatians chapter 1 clearly tells us that if someone is coming to you with another gospel then We need to be aware of them. They need to be accursed according to the Bible It says in Galatians chapter 1 verse 6 I Marvel that ye are so soon removed from him that called you into the grace of Christ unto another gospel Which is not another but there be some that trouble you and would pervert the gospel of Christ But though we or an angel from heaven preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you Let him be accursed So if I was saying that these people need to be accursed they will bring another gospel It also says it again in verse 9 just to make sure that he's being clear He says in verse 9 as we said before so say I now again if any man preach any other gospel Unto you then that ye have received let him be accursed What do you believe that someone has to do to get to heaven? Oh? They've got to do lots of things I suppose, but the first the first step is to have faith They need to be baptized and they basically need to lead a good life And so it's pretty much like faith plus works. You know that we get into heaven Yes, yeah, it's not a you don't just get a free ticket by doing one thing It's it's all the things that you do. There are many things that we need to do like living a good life and Spending our days in the service of God There are a few key things that we believe in our church that you need to do to be able to live with God again First is to be baptized as a member of the church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints by someone holding God's authority to perform that baptism the second is to repent of your your wrongdoings The last thing and the most important thing that we think You need to do to return to God isn't to to endure to the end To keep being a good person and to keep the promises that you make to God when you're baptized And then once the resurrection occurs the Lord will then judge us based on our hearts and our actions on earth So Mormons understand that we do differentiate from mainstream Christianity in this way and that Mormons believe We are saved through the grace of Jesus Christ after all that we can do But that did not matter to Jesus his gospel is for all who will forsake their old ways and Make the changes they need to be saved in the kingdom of God Zacchaeus of Jericho and Stanley of Hawaii stand for all of us They are examples of what we pray will be experienced by all of us who decide to receive the Lord joyfully and Follow where he leads The gospel of Jesus Christ challenges us to change repent is its most frequent message and Repenting means giving up all of our practices personal family ethnic and national That are contrary to the commandments of God the purpose of the gospel is to transform common creatures into celestial citizens and That requires change There is a unique gospel culture a set of values and Expectations and practices common to all members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints This gospel way of life comes from the plan of salvation The commandments of God and the teachings of the living prophets It is given expression in the way we raise our families and live our individual lives The principles stated in the family proclamation are a beautiful expression of our gospel culture All who have belonged to these cultures of sin Must repent and change if they are to become the people of God I testify that this is what our Lord and Savior would have us do So that we may become what his gospel Intends us to be Because gospel means good news That's it ain't good news. How could good news be that you have to repent of all your sins to be saved That's not the good news The good news is that you don't have to repent of all your sins to be saved and that Jesus paid for all your sins On the cross was buried and then he rose again from the dead If you had to repent of all your sins to be saved, guess what? I would not be saved and I were you because none of us are perfect None of us can change all our life and and and do works to be saved. That's another gospel That's another testament and that is not what the Bible teaches at all For all have sinned and come short of the glory of God being justified freely by his grace through the redemption That is in Christ Jesus For if Abraham were justified by works he hath were of the glory but not before God So he's saying right there that Abraham was not justified by works if he had been justified by works He would have had something to boast about or brag about or something. We're up to glory But not before God he could have glory to his fellow man But that kind of glorying isn't gonna hold up in God's eyes Why because God is so much greater and holier than any of us We can't glory to him about our own works So it says here that if Abraham were justified by works he had were of the glory but not before God For what sayeth the scripture Abraham believed God and it was counted unto him for righteousness Now to him that worketh is the reward not reckoned of grace, but of dead but to him that worketh not But believeth on him that justifieth the ungodly his faith is counted for righteousness So that right there states that the person who does not do works but believes on Christ is Justified by his faith because his faith is counted for righteousness. They'll teach that you can't go to heaven without works That's a lie because the Bible says right here that to him that worketh not but believeth It says that he saved his faith is counted for righteousness. He's justified So this idea that says well faith is always accompanied by works Is a fraud because Romans 4 5 talks about a guy who has the faith But he doesn't have the works even as David also describe it the blessedness of the man unto whom God impudeth righteousness without works Notice he says no works. It's without works him that worketh not But thanks be to God Jesus Christ Took all of our sins upon him he who knew no sin Became sin for us that we might be made the righteousness of God in him So all of Christ's righteousness is imputed unto us and all of our sins were imputed unto Christ And he took our punishment for us as a substitute on the cross. This is the gospel This is basic and God saw their works notice that they turn from their evil way So here's what the Bible says when someone turns from their evil ways, that's not a bad thing That's a good thing. But here's what I want you to understand God considers that works God saw their Works that they turn from their evil way and let me give you an example of what I just said notice and God repented you See that and God Repented of the evil that he had said that he would do unto them and he did it not because God said he was gonna destroy Nineveh But when he saw that they turned from their evil way and they repented and he saw that work that they did then God Repented and said I was gonna destroy you now. I'm not going to destroy you So there's an example of God repenting and here's what I want you said not only does repent the word repent not mean just By default that you must repent is referring to sin because we see here that God repented but God defines Turning from your evil way as works So if you say well, yeah, you got to put your faith in Jesus Christ You got to believe on the Lord Jesus Christ to be saved But you can't just keep living your life the way You know you want to and you've got to turn from certain things and you got to quit doing certain things You know or else you're not saved, you know, here's the problem with that. God would call that works That right there says that when you turn from your evil way, that's your works So if you believe that a person has to turn from their evil way and believe on Christ Here's what you're saying. They have to believe on Christ and have works and You know what? The Bible says salvation is without works For by grace are ye saved through faith and that not of yourselves it is the gift of God not of works lest any man should boast and Jonah 3 10 says turning from your sins or turning from your evil way is works So that's why this is such an important doctrine. You see the devil wants to get you to trust your works to save you All the way back to Cain and Abel He's trusting his works instead of the blood of the Lamb all the way back to the Tower of Babel They're trying to do their works to get them to heaven all throughout Galatians. He warns us It's a false gospel when you think that you're justified by works all throughout Romans He tells us we're not justified by works. I mean he warns us look trust Christ for salvation Don't trust works, but look at Matthew 7 21 It says not everyone that saith unto me Lord Lord shall enter into the kingdom of heaven But he that do with the will of my father Which is in heaven and I'm going to show you in just a moment what the will of the Father is But look what he says next many will say to me in that day Lord Lord Have we not prophesied in thy name and in thy name of cast out devils and in thy name done many wonderful works And then will I profess unto them I never knew you Depart from me that work iniquity so this right here shows That the people who are going to be damned on Judgment Day who think they're saved, but really aren't Are not people who lost their salvation. That's not possible. It's people who are trusting in what's the last word of verse 22? Works the people who are trusting in their works Jesus says to them I never knew you Not I used to know you because you can't lose it They never had it in the first place Now look if you were to stand before God right now and God were to ask you why should I let you into heaven? Would you say I've done many wonderful works? Absolutely not no Bible-believing Christian No one who understands that salvation is by grace or faith would ever say to God, but God How can you not be letting me in when I've done so many wonderful works? The only person who would say such a thing is one who thinks that their works have something to do with getting them into heaven Well, I mean look what they're listing We prophesied it. We've done preaching We've done wonderful works. We've cast out devils in your name look are these people claiming the name of Jesus Have they called Jesus Lord Are they doing a lot of wonderful works in Jesus name so why in the world are they cast out? Why are they not allowed into heaven because anyone who is trusting in their works is not Saved the Bible says it's not of works lest any man should boast boasting like what? Boasting like I've done many wonderful works No, no flesh shall glory in his presence Jesus paid it all all to him We owe sin had left the crimson stain. He washed it white as snow We have nothing to boast of our salvation is by grace through faith in the Lord Jesus Christ and the Bible is teaching us Crystal clear in this passage that if you go to hell he never knew you And if you're trusting it works, even if you're saying I believe in Jesus I'm doing in the name of Jesus, but you say well, I'm going to heaven because of my works You're not saved. I mean, that's what the Bible teaches The Lord is good a stronghold in the day of trouble and he knoweth them that trust in him now Let's look at the will of the father because a lot of people will get confused They'll see the will of the father in verse 21 and say see you have to do the works Well these people did the works But go to John chapter 6. Let's see what the will of the father is and This is the father's will which hath sent me that of all which he hath given me I should lose nothing but should raise it up again at the last day Now watch another aspect of the father's will in verse 40 And this is the will of him that sent me that everyone would see it the son and believeth on him may have Everlasting life and I will raise him up at the last day So what's the will of the father that people will see the Lord Jesus Christ? Believe on him and be raised up at the last day So the Mormons teach that there's different kingdoms in heaven and different like I guess levels of heavens After they die, is there like different levels of heaven or because what if someone doesn't do all the stuff? Well after after we die We we go to certain areas instead of just going to a heaven or a hell which feels a little black and white to Mormons Mormons actually believe that there are three different kingdoms that you can go to once the judgment has occurred The top kingdom is the celestial kingdom, which has unimaginable glory The middle kingdom is the terrestrial kingdom, which has some glory and then the bottom kingdom is the telestial kingdom which has Less glory have a look at first Corinthians chapter 15 This is where they get it from and verse number 39 all flesh is not the same flesh but there is one kind of flesh of men another flesh of beasts another of fishes and Another of birds. There are also celestial bodies and bodies terrestrial but the glory of the celestial is one and The glory of the terrestrial is another There is one glory of the Sun another glory of the moon and another glory of the stars for one star differth From another Star and glory so also is the resurrection of the dead it is sown in corruption It is raised in incorruption. It is sown in dishonor. It is raised in glory It is sown in weakness. It is raised in power. It is sown in a natural body It is raised a spiritual body. There is a natural body and there is a spiritual body And so there you have it guys, you know, there's three different kingdoms of heaven But where do they get that from, you know, because they they call it the celestial Kingdom There's a terrestrial Kingdom and there's some other Kingdom as well that they believe but there's only two mentioned here But they're not even kingdoms just talking about bodies and there's a star and the moon and the stars and they all differ one from another and It's talking about our body. We've got the flesh but when we get risen again at the rapture We're gonna obviously have a spiritual body and it's gonna differ from the body We've got right now, but it's not talking about different levels in heaven But if you really want to get to the top Kingdom Then you're gonna have to be a Mormon you're gonna have to be married in the in the temple You're gonna have to wear their strange underwear and everything else to go there to get to the top Kingdom now The only people they teach will actually go to outer darkness, which they call how well out of darkness It's sort of like the Jehovah's Witness soul sleeve. They don't really believe they're gonna burn in fire forever, but the only people going there Ex Mormons they leave the church and the Mormons they will try to teach you that Everybody pretty much goes to heaven. Okay, so you believe that even people that don't Hear about Jesus that they can still be saved. Yes They believe like the lower two kingdoms of heaven that you can make it there without Jesus Christ at all You know, you can just be a good person. You can be a Hindu a Muslim You'll make it to their those lower kingdoms without Jesus Christ when the Bible teaches that there's only one way to heaven There's only one heaven and there's a hell and to get it to heaven There's only one way Jesus said I'm the way the truth and the life No, man cometh unto the Father but by me and so there's only one way to heaven is through Jesus Christ And so Jesus taught there's a heaven is a hell. There's no middle ground. There's no purgatory like the Catholics believe There's no, you know two lower kingdoms of heaven like the Mormons believe there's heaven There's hell and if you don't accept Jesus, you're gonna be burning the pits of hell forever. That's it That's the only options one of the main things that the Mormons teach is that their Book of Mormon is another Testament of Jesus Christ and so it says on the Book of Mormon that is another Testament, right? Yeah It talks to the same things From a different from different group people Well, the funny thing is we don't need another Testament because Jesus Christ he shed his blood for the New Testament now They claim that he Joseph Smith shed his blood for the Book of Mormon Just like Jesus did for the New Testament Listen to this. This is in the their doctrine and covenants, which they believe is scripture It says in chapter number 135 in verse 1 to seal the testimony of this book He's talking about the Doctrine and Covenants and the Book of Mormon We announced the martyrdom of Joseph Smith the prophet Joseph Smith and his brother they're trying to escape and His brother was shot dead and then Joseph Smith jumped out with a window and you know They shot him while he was falling good shot And then they also shot them when they're dead and so that's how they died, right? Now jump down to verse number 28 It says so Christ was once offered to bear the sins of many and unto them that look for him shall He appear the second time without sin unto salvation and and look in Hebrews chapter 10 now in verse number 10 by the which will we are sanctified Through the offering of the body of Jesus Christ once for all Notice it says once for all maybe underline that in the Bible once for all We don't need Joseph Smith to die For any other New Testament or another testament or his Book of Mormon or the Doctrine and Covenants or the pearl of great price We don't need that it says once for all because he was the Lamb of God They shed his blood for the New Testament of Jesus Christ and their book is not another testament of Jesus Christ It's the testament of Joseph Smith who shed his blood for this corrupt book of Mormon. It's a corrupt book It's not the gospel of Jesus Christ It does not contain the gospel it claims to say this is the the gospel the everlasting gospel of Jesus yet it changes the gospel it changes into a workplace salvation and You The Book of Mormon teaches that there's thousands of gods yay Trillions of gods and that you could become your own God on your own planet now the Bible never teaches that at all They say is that there's one God and that's it So so Heavenly Father used to be a man like a sinful man like us. Yes and Like Heavenly Father used to be like the same as us before on a previous planet. All right. Yeah, so that Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ two separate beings and people That were made in their image. So at some point we do believe that they existed And Listen this Orson Pratt the gods who dwell in the heaven have been redeemed from the grave in a world Which existed before the foundation of this earth were laid they and the heavenly body. They now inhabit were once in a fallen state This is basically teaching that God used to be a sinful guy who became a god He's another world on another planet and they were exalted also from fallen men to celestial Gods plural to inhabit their heaven forever and ever We were begotten by our Father in heaven the but I mean, I can't even read this garbage nonsense in the same article becoming like God Becoming like God they said this and again, this is from their own website LDS org Here's what they said human nature was at its core divine God was once as one of us Lorenzo snow the church's fifth president coined a well-known couplet He said this as man now is God once was as God now is man may be All human beings are children of loving heavenly parents and possess seeds of divinity within them Joseph Smith said this God himself was once as we are now and is an exalted man and since Enthroned in yonder heavens. That is the great secret Joseph Smith also said this he said we have imagined and suppose that God was God from all eternity I will refute that idea and take away the veil so that you may see and you know what Joseph Smith God was God from All eternity the Bible says that he is the beginning in the end the Bible. He is the I am he is the self-existing one He has always existed. He has no beginning He has no end but the Mormons Church teaches No you know what God was once a man that got exalted to godhood and One day you and I can even be exalted to godhood. That is heresy. That is a lie You're become a god right in the in the next life. It depends how you how you Keep the commandment And so do you believe that you can become a god and the next you know, I have your own Like gospel that you can preach to another, you know planet later on in the future. I said Yeah, we will so we we can become as gods. We God has promised us that that will we if we adhere to his commandments and if we're obedient that we can become like he is as gods and Princes and princesses and kings and queens and his kingdom if we do all the things that he's asked us to do in the scriptures So then there would be thousands of dogs Yeah, sure and would be creating our own worlds and doing many marvelous things on the other side And Isaiah chapter 14 Satan says that he will be like the Most High He will be like God and the Mormons think that they will become a god Well that following Satan in his footsteps just like he tried to make Eve Believe that she could become a god in Genesis chapter number three because this doctrine of men One day being exalted to the place of God comes from none other than Satan himself In Genesis chapter 3 and verse 1. I'll just give you one example of this We could go to other passages and look at it But I'll just give you one example Genesis chapter 3 and verse 1 says this now the serpent who's the serpent? It's Satan. I was very clear about that He's the serpent the great dragon the Bible says now the serpent was more subtle than any beast of the field Which the Lord God had made and he said unto the woman yay hath God said He shall not eat of every tree of the garden and the woman said unto the serpent We may eat of the fruit of the tree of the garden But of the fruit of the tree which is in the midst of the garden God had said you shall not eat of it Neither shall you touch it lest you die and the serpent said unto the woman he shall not surely die Notice verse 5 For God doth know This is Satan speaking That in the day ye eat thereof then your eyes shall be opened and ye shall be as God's Knowing good and evil see all the way from the Garden of Eden Satan was teaching that hey, you could be like God You could be a God He was telling Eve if you eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil You know ye shall be as God's and and that that doctrine is the same Doctrine that the latter-day saints is why you know, we call them the latter-day Satanists teach Why because it's a satanic doctrine that teaches that man can become like God You know, I I envisioned when I read this story I envisioned that the serpent showed up You know with a short sleeve white shirt and a little a little sign on on his chest that says, you know elder serpent and He says hey ye shall be as God's Because that's what they're telling you. That's what the Mormon Church is teaching today They are teaching that you can become like God look at Isaiah 14 12 How art thou fallen from heaven Oh Lucifer now, who's Lucifer? He's talking about safe Our Phone from heaven Oh Lucifer son of the morning How art thou cut down to the ground which did weaken the nations for thou is said and I'm hard I will ascended to heaven. I will exalt my throne above the stars of God I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation in the sides of the north I will ascend above the heights of the clouds I will be like the most high yet thou shalt be brought down to hell to the sides of the pit Hear me now. He did not say that he wanted to replace God That's what you're probably here priests He wanted to replace God. Is that what it says in the passage? No, he said I will also Sit in the side. He's every time to also in Jesus He said in verse 13, I don't know it's all my throne above the sides of north I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation in the sides He said I will send above the heights that I would be like the most high He didn't say I'm gonna replace the most hot but he said I'll be a god, too I'll be like him. I Will also be in the position that he is now in But what's the result verse 15? God is telling Lucifer yet. Thou shalt be brought down to hell And when the Mormons talk about Jesus, they're not talking about the Jesus of the Bible Oh, no The Jesus of the Bible has been given a name that is above any other name that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow of things in heaven and things on earth and things other the earth and that Every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord to the glory of God the Father you see the Jesus of the Bible is the Savior of the world the only begotten of the Father God in the flesh the Bible says God was manifest in the flesh the Bible says in Hebrews 1 8 but unto the son He saith thy throne. Oh, God is forever and ever a scepter of righteousness is the scepter of thy kingdom So Jesus is not God Look if you would at Mark chapter 10 verse number 17 the Bible reads And when one was gone forth into the way there came one running and kneeled to him and asked him good master What shall I do that? I may inherit eternal life and Jesus said unto him why callest thou me good There is none good, but one that is God. Let me ask you something Is it possible for Jesus to be just a good teacher if he's not God? No Way why because there's only one that's good and that's God Either Jesus here is either saying in verse 17 and 18 he's either saying one of two things Jesus is either saying I'm not good and I'm not God or he is saying I am good and I'm God. I mean, that's the only house Can you interpret that he says why are you calling me good? There's none good, but one and that's God If Jesus Christ is not God then he's not good And what kind of a blasphemous thing would it be to say Jesus isn't good. He's the Good Shepherd He's good. In fact, he was perfect. In fact, he was God You see the Jesus of the Bible is God incarnate God in the flesh The Jesus of Mormonism is a God Not the God not the one true only God but a God of many Yeah, infinite We do believe that there are many gods and there are many higher higher beings Here's what Brigham Young said. This is a verbatim quote how many gods there are. He said, I don't know but there was never a time when there were not gods and Worlds and when men were not passing through the same ordeals that we are passing through So did you add gods and worlds and I don't know how many there are Listen to this. This is another Mormon apostle that came later on Orson Pratt Here's what he said if we should take a million of worlds like this and number their particles We should find that there are more gods than there are particles of matter in those worlds Whoa, man, that's a lot of gods I Mean even a Hindu would probably this is this would floor them I mean if we take a million worlds and count up all the particles I mean is he talking subatomic or are we just talking molecules or what are we talking Orson help us out here? He's saying that there are literally like a bazillion gods I mean he's saying like a number like 10 to the whatever power. I mean you have to you have to use scientific notation To count how many gods the Mormons believe in the Bible says in isaiah 43 10 year my witnesses say it the Lord and My servant whom I have chosen that you may know and believe me and understand that I am he Before me there was no god formed Neither shall there be after me. I Even I am the Lord and beside me. There is no Savior. Do you see that? He said there was no God before me. There will never be any God after me I am he there's none else and beside me. There is no Savior Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ is not a different Savior. He's God manifest in the flesh and So the Bible is real clear again and again that there's only one God and just in case you were confused God even says let me just break this down to you before me There was no other God and after me, there's never gonna be another God It's just a bunch of garbage it's like oh there's all these other planets and other galaxies and other gods Oh, it's like this is not Christianity my friend Quit saying it. Oh, this is another he believes in Jesus He don't even believe that there's one God He's not even a monotheistic You Did you know that the Book of Mormon is a racist book and it teaches the more dark your skin is That the more sinful you were in your previous life, yeah, we didn't even have a previous life But that's what they believe they teach that the more dark skin the more sinful you are Most religions believe in some sort of life after death, but Mormons also teach that before we were born We all had previous lives where we lived as spirits on a heavenly world with their father a glorified man named Elohim Jehovah Who'd be born on earth as Jesus laid out his plan designed to bring the Father glory on Contrast Lucifer's plan was crafted to bring himself glory a war broke out in heaven to decide the best path to Godhood Some fought valiantly for Jehovah some sided with Lucifer others remained partially neutral Eventually Jehovah's plan won the day Lucifer became the devil and was banished to earth along with his followers who would become his demons Satan The spirits who did not fight valiantly for Jesus were still allowed to participate in his plan to become human But as punishment they were to be born to a cursed line of descendants The curse began on earth when Cain the son of Adam killed his brother Abel After the murder, according to the historical claims of Mormonism, Cain was cursed with the black skin as punishment, a curse that would be passed down to all of his descendants. Joseph Fielding Smith stated Because of Cain's wickedness he became the father of an inferior race The mark which was placed on Cain and which his posterity inherited was the black skin Second prophet of the Mormon Church Brigham Young had similar unsavory things to say regarding these supposed descendants of Cain Some classes of the human family are black, uncouth, uncumbly, disagreeable, and low in their habits Young also taught that it's wild and seemingly deprived of nearly all the blessings of the intelligence that is generally bestowed upon mankind The first man who committed the odious crime of killing one of his brethren would be cursed The Lord put a mark upon Cain which is the flat nose and black skin Not only was it taught that dark skin was a curse, Young also taught that slavery was included as part of that curse At least one woman we know of was meant to be forever bound to eternal servitude in the afterlife This was the African American Mormon woman Jane Elizabeth Manning James In 1894 she took part in a special ceremony prepared for her which was meant to guarantee her spot as servant of the Mormon founder Joseph Smith for all of eternity Shall I tell you the law of God in regards to the African race? If the white man who belongs to the chosen seed mixes his blood with the seed of Cain, the penalty under the law of God is death on the spot This will always be so Mormon prophet George Albert Smith said Intermarriage of the Negro and white races, a concept which is heretofore been most repugnant to most normal-minded people There is a growing tendency toward the breaking down of race barriers in the matter of intermarriage between whites and blacks But it does not have the sanction of the church and is contrary to church doctrine We must not intermarry with the Negro Why? If I were to marry a Negro woman and have children by her, my children would be cursed If there's one drop of Negro blood in my children, they receive the curse Cain was cursed with a dark skin He became the father of the Negroes and the spirits who are not worthy to receive the priesthood are brought through his lineage Negroes in this life are denied the priesthood Under no circumstances can they hold this authority from the Almighty The gospel message of salvation is not carried affirmatively to them Negroes are not equal with other races where the receipt of certain spiritual blessings are concerned Second LDS president Brigham Young expounded upon the Book of Mormon teaching in this 1859 statement referring to Native Americans You may inquire of the intelligent of the world Whether they can tell why the aborigines of this country are dark, loathsome, ignorant, and sunken into the depths of degradation When the Lord has a people, he makes covenants with them and gives them to them promises Then if they transgress his law and break his covenants, he will put a mark upon them, as in the case of the Lamanites So what is it teaching? It's teaching racism It's teaching that it's better to be a white person The Bible never teaches that It never teaches that it's better to be white or it's better to be black or better to be Asian or anything It doesn't matter what race we're from, the Bible teaches But the Book of Mormon teaches racism Because I was just reading this verse in Jacob 3a that says O my brethren, I fear unless you shall repent of your sins that their skins will be whiter than yours When you shall be brought with them before the throne of God I just found that that was quite racist You know, saying that unless you repent of your sins that their skins are going to be whiter That's the word of God It's not the word of man, it's not the word by man, that's the word of God I was just reading it and it says in 2 Nephi 5 verse 21 And he had caused the cursing to come upon them, yea, even a sore cursing, because of their iniquity For behold, they had hardened their hearts against him, that they had become like unto flint Wherefore, as they were white and exceed in fear and delight soon That they might not be enticing unto my people The Lord God did cause a skin of blackness to come upon them So it's teaching that, you know, in your past life If the brown of your skin is, the more sinful you were sort of in the past life At one stage the Lamanites, which were the baddies if you want to put it that way They were given a curse and a mark And the mark was the color of the skin Because the Book of Mormon is a racist book that teaches that the whiter you are the more godly you are And it even talks about in the Book of Mormon people when they started getting right with God they kept getting whiter And then other people when they sinned against God they got darker and darker I mean that is what is taught in the Book of Mormon folks And as people these days as they keep commandments In my lifetime I have seen American Indians who have become Mormons if you like And lived the commandments and their skin over their lifetime has actually lightened Without going from black to white in one day or red to white Yeah but gradually just get whiter and whiter Not because they haven't been outside either I suppose In the book of 3rd Nephi and the book of Moron it says in verse number 14 And it came to pass that those Lamanites who had united with the Nephites were numbered among the Nephites And their curse was taken from them and their skin became white like unto the Nephites And their young men and their daughters became exceeding fair and they were numbered among the Nephites And were called Nephites and thus ended the 13th year So it says that these people that they got right and it says their skin became white like unto the Nephites And their curse disappeared There is a curse that came upon people and they were white but God put a curse upon them And their skin became blackless So what is that talking about? Laman had other ideas and he was against God and didn't believe in him And so he took his family and went off into another part of the land that they had been promised And so from that point on thus began the war between the ongoing war between the Lamanites and the Nephites Even after Laman and Nephite died their families and their prosperity kept fighting And so God put a cursing upon the Lamanites because of their wickedness It was a mark to spot the difference between the righteous and the wicked But at that time that you were just reading from the Lamanites were a wicked people And that's why God cursed them And I guess the curse and the mark that they were given was a blackness And that's what we believe, that's where we believe the Native American Indians originated So that mark of Cain or the blackness of skin, would that not be teaching racism then? Darker skinned people were more sinful than white people? At the time, I mean I don't think racism even existed back then I just think it was a pure wickedness versus righteousness But yeah definitely there was a difference in skin colour And there was an association with the darkness of skin being evil And the lightness of skin being pure I mean anyone can take that how they would like it If you haven't read the Book of Mormon or if you're kind of just taking it at a glimpse It would appear that way, definitely, racism Because I know Brigham Young, I read a quote from him And he said, because I know black people were not allowed to become a priest until the 1970s And Brigham Young actually said that darker skinned people cannot mingle with the church Now I've got it written down, do you want to say it? No, I believe it I don't know, it seems like there's a lot of, does that offend you? Yeah, no, not at all Yeah, I definitely acknowledge that And honestly, when I found that out when I was a teenager When I came to understand it more, black people weren't allowed to participate in some church things And then priesthood activity Up until not even that long ago, I questioned why And it was a question that not just something that I asked out loud to my church leaders or to my parents It was something that I had to ask God about And so we don't claim, I don't think anyone in this church, even the prophet himself, claims to know why God Didn't allow black people to participate in some church activities and have the priesthood And I opened it up and it said that if you rebel against God, your skin's going to get darker And that if you're living for God, you're going to be white And that white people are better, I mean that's what the Mormonism teaches And they still believe that book to this day And it's funny, a lot of the people that we're door-knocking around here They're Mormons, and what color skin do they have? They're not white, because most of them are islanders Most of them are maybe from New Zealand and the Maldives And they are not white, they are brown skinned people And their own book that they read is telling them that they are more sinful than white people Because of the color of their skin That's not what the Bible teaches The Bible teaches that we all come from one blood It doesn't matter what color skin we have And you know what I think about the Super Book of Mormon? You know what I think? This book should just be ripped in half You know when you throw that thing away, it's a piece of junk That's what the Book of Mormon is, it's worthless, it should be in the trash Just like the Catholic Bible, just like the Quran, just like all the other Bibles The Book of Mormon is not the true word of God, it should be in the trash with the rest of them There's only one Bible and it's called the King James Bible We are all of one blood, we are all his children through faith which is in Christ Jesus We don't believe that there should be a different church for different nationality And the Mormon Church said whites only, for a long time He said God is not a respecter of persons And you will be cut down and uprooted if you do not believe in the Lord Jesus Christ And anyone red, yellow, black and white who believes on Christ is one of his chosen people You are the chosen one, you are the holy nation You are the peculiar people if you believe on Christ He's the God of all flesh, he's the God of all the earth And the Bible says when we get to heaven in Revelation 7 There will be people there of every nation, every tribe, every language, every kindred and every tongue will be represented in heaven It's not an elite group for a certain family It's open to everybody, who so ever will let them take the water of life freely But you know, listen to me very carefully Any belief system that has its roots in racism needs to be rejected, period So here I am outside the Freemason Temple in Brisbane Freemasonry and Mormonism have a lot in common They're both secret societies, they both worship the same God, Lucifer They have a lot of symbolism, that's the same like this compass outside this temple Joseph Smith was a Freemason And he had started a lodge in the early 1800's in Illinois His father was a Freemason and also his brother I was reading that Joseph Smith was a Freemason I know he personally was involved as a Freemason And I don't know particularly what their beliefs are In the evening I received the first degree in Freemasonry at the Nauvoo Lodge Assembled by my general business office I was with the Masonic Lodge and rose to the sublime degree Did you say, well what's the big deal about that? Well, let's start out by just looking at the 33 degrees of Freemasonry So in Freemasonry, their little club for grown up little boys They give themselves all these titles and they reach these different degrees or different levels of Freemasonry There are 33 in total Degree number one, entered apprentice Degree number two, fellow craft Degree number three, master mason Degree number four, master traveler Degree number five, perfect master Degree number six, master of the brazen serpent 19th degree If you get into Freemasonry, when you get to the 19th degree you will become Grand Pontiff You know what Pontiff means? Priest Grand Priest Grand Pontiff, listen to what this degree teaches This degree proclaims the spiritual unity of all who believe in God And cherish the hope of immortality No matter what religious leader they follow Or what creed they profess It's concerned primarily with the perennial conflict between light and darkness Good and evil, God and Savior Did you hear that? The spiritual unity of all who believe in God No matter what religious leader they follow Meaning that you can follow Buddha You can follow Jesus You can follow Muhammad As long as you just believe in God Let me tell you something There is none other name under heaven given among men whereby we must be saved Than the name of the Lord Jesus Christ Jesus said I am the way, the truth, and the light No man cometh unto the Father but by me And the Bible says Whosoever denieth the Son Meaning Jesus, the Son of God, the same hath not the Father But he that acknowledgeth the Son hath the Father also If you're worshipping a God And you're not believing on the Lord Jesus Christ It's a false God Because no man cometh unto the Father but by Jesus And if you deny Jesus You don't have the Father You have another Father You have another false God And so this teaching is an ecumenical new world order One world government One world religion Let's all join together The spiritual unity of all religions It's wicked The Bible says come out from among them And be ye separate saith the Lord And touch not the unclean thing And I'll receive you And you'll be my sons and daughters Sayeth the Lord Twentieth degree Master ad vitam Twenty-fourth degree Brother of the forest Brother of the forest This degree teaches us That a mutual belief in a supreme power Should bind all men together In a worldwide brotherhood Now listen to me I don't believe in a supreme power I believe in Jesus Not a supreme power The supreme power Jesus said all power is given unto me in heaven and in earth And there's none other name under heaven Given among men whereby we must be saved It's the name of Jesus that brings salvation And without that name You're not even in the ballpark But he said the universal brotherhood Of all men know the Bible teaches That our brothers and sisters are those who believe in Christ Because the Bible says That you're all the children of God By faith in Christ Jesus The Bible says But as many as received him To them gave you power to become the sons of God Even to them that believe on his name If you don't believe in the name of Jesus You're not a child of God You become a child of God by believing in Jesus And so we are not brothers and sisters With all human beings who just believe in a supreme being That's false Because you know who considers himself a supreme power Is the devil He's called the prince of the power of the air And he considers himself to be the god of this world 25th degree master of achievement 30th degree grand inspector It's like inspector gadget or what 31st degree knight aspirant 32nd degree sublime prince of the royal secret 33rd degree sovereign grand inspector general Freemasonry is a secret society Where they worship Lucifer The same god as Mormonism Because they're like a secret society And they worship who they call god Which is Lucifer You know in the Bible Lucifer That's who they worship I'm pure and virtuous and wholesome and innocent How can you say anything bad about me? Sir you need to be born again I am born again Now did you just say that you're Lucifer? I am Lucifer Okay define Lucifer for me Pure virtuous wholesome innocent individual That's out there Lucifer is? Yeah Say that again Lucifer is a pure holy Virtuous Virtuous Now see the Lucifer that god created That's the same one Oh man this is great I'm going to put this on the internet Oh god bless you brother Because that's exactly what the Shriners and Masons teach Is that Lucifer Lucifer is light Okay get out of here See this is what a Mason Confesses Is that Lucifer is light How many of you knew that the Mormons were started By Joseph Smith a Freemason His father was a Freemason His brother Hyrum was a Freemason It was in their family He created a huge lodge They had all this influence And the rise of the Mormon Church And the rise of Masonry in that area It went hand in hand Attended the dedication of the Masonic Temple Which was attended by about five people Which was attended by about five hundred fifty members Of the Masonic fraternity From various parts of the world The procession was formed at Henry Miller's house And was accompanied by the Nauvoo Brass Band to the hall The dedicatory ceremonies Were performed by the worshipful master Hyrum Smith Elder Erastus Snow Delivered an able Masonic address Dr. Goldforth and I also addressed the assembly All the visiting Masons Were furnished a dinner at the Masonic Hall At the expense of the Nauvoo Lodge The building is admitted To be the most substantial And best finished Masonic lodge In the western states Elder Amasa M. Lehman Preached in the Masonic Hall The seventies from the first To the eighth quorums Met in their hall Elder Zira Pulsipher preached Elder George A. Smith Preached to the high priests Three persons were ordained high priests He, Hyrum Smith and J.C. Bennett Being high Masons Went into the house to perform some ceremonies Which the others were not entitled to witness You know they also have The Mormons actually have a series of handshakes To get into heaven If you don't know what I'm talking about You can watch the entire ritual I met two guys when I was working in Utah That were in Mormonism And they had a lapel camera And a camera on their watch And a belt camera And they went through the whole process And they exposed it And these videos are freely available on the internet Showing how it's all Masonry It's the same symbols, the same terminology The same secret words to get into the inner veil And then you get in there and you just sit around And this is what they teach How do you get to heaven? You have to know a secret handshake There are people that literally believe that That's what they're trusting in They chuckle at you when you come to the door With the gospel of Jesus Christ Because they think I know the handshakes and you don't But they don't know God And on that day They will regret it On that day it will be sorry for them Because they will go to hell They will burn forever Because they've rejected the gospel of Jesus Christ A 19th century book Claims to reveal the secret handshakes The grip of the entered apprentice Is made by pressing the thumb against the top Of the first knuckle joint of the fellow craft Is taken as an ordinary handshake And the mason presses the top of his thumb Against the space between the first and second hand Mason firmly grasps the right hand of the fellow mason The thumbs of both hands are interlaced This grip is also called the strong grip Or the lion's paw The lord then gives the first token of the Aaronic priesthood And asks What is that? The first token of the Aaronic priesthood Has it a name? It has Will you keep it to me? I will through the veil The person then gives through the veil The name of this token Which is the new name received in temple today The lord then gives the first token of the Melchizedek priesthood Or a sign of the nail And asks What is that? The first token of the Melchizedek priesthood Or a sign of the nail Has it a name? It has Will you give it to me? I will through the veil The person then gives the name of this token Which is the son Meaning the son of God The lord then gives the second token of the Melchizedek priesthood The patriarchal grip Or a sure sign of the nail And asks What is that? The second token of the Melchizedek priesthood The patriarchal grip Or a sure sign of the nail Has it a name? It has Will you give it to me? I cannot I have not yet received it For this purpose I shall come To converse with the lord through the veil You shall receive it through the veil It is received as left arms are placed upon right shoulders through the veil The lord then gives the name of this token And asks What is that? The second token of the Melchizedek priesthood The patriarchal grip Or a sure sign of the nail Has it a name? It has Will you give it to me? I will through the veil The person then repeats back to the lord the name of this token As it is received Whereupon the lord said That he is a crude The person is again brought to this point And the worker gives three White Marshall brother O'Reilly It gives me enormous pleasure To invest you with this color of jewelry As a deputy grand master of the White Marshall I think most works for a grand maleficar He served this grand lodge extremely well in the last couple of years To my knowledge, he might have a close connection And I know that I can take over Thank you The sisters will unveil their faces And the brothers and sisters in the circle Will return their seat O'Reilly, hear the words of my mouth O'Reilly, hear the words of my mouth O'Reilly, hear the words of my mouth And by the way, this is from LDS Living So this is written by a Mormon They're actually proud of this It's called Mormons and Masons Five fascinating connections by Jamie Armstrong It says this Why did Joseph Smith become a Freemason? Because Joseph Smith was a Freemason What is the relationship between the Masonic lodge rites and the LDS temple ordinances? Here are five fascinating facts about the Mormons and Masons And like I said, I'm not going to read all of them Let me read a few The first five Latter-day prophets were Freemasons So Joseph Smith, Brigham Young, John Taylor Wilfur Woodruff, and Lorenzo Snow The first five main leaders, main prophets of the Latter-day Saints were all Masons And all were members of the Masonic fraternity Here's another thing that connects them Mormonism and Masonry use several of the same symbols like the All-Seeing Eye, the hand clasp Holiness to the Lord, and bees Thirdly, there are similarities between the Masonic and the temple ordinances Because the Masons, they have these special handshakes that they do in secret temple rituals Well, you know what? The Mormons have the exact same thing They have secret handshakes They have secret special underwear they wear that they're never supposed to take off You know, or whatever They've got all sorts of weird And it's actually, you know, Mormonism it seems like it's just, you know is highly connected and a spinoff of the Freemasons, which are Satan worshipping Satan worshipping secret society Let me just explain something to you You know, just real quickly The Bible says men love darkness rather than light because their deeds are evil Anything that's a secret society, just mark it down It's evil The secret of Masonry is to keep a secret I mean, why do you have secrets? The Bible says that Jesus is the light and we're meant to light the world We're not meant to hide in darkness and, you know, try to hide what we believe or hide what we do in the temples or anything like that But you guys do Just like the Freemasons They also hide everything they believe and they are a secret society just like your guys' church at the end of the day It's exactly the same because that's what Joseph Smith taught and Brigham Young and then you guys do the same thing as the Freemasons as the Freemasons You can't see that there's any correlation between the two You know, I would encourage you to actually why don't you look up these articles why don't you look up what your Mormon Church actually teaches and you'll find that everything I said is what they believe and it's not what the Bible teaches and you need to make a decision and decide are you going to go with Joseph Smith or are you going to go with the Lord Jesus Christ Joseph Smith, the Virgin Mary So, so far we've seen some pretty crazy things that the Mormons believe but we don't have time to show you all the things such as baptism for the dead the secret temple underwear that they wear Joseph Smith being a witch the golden plates that don't even exist and not being able to drink hot drinks and the four different accounts of Smith's first vision they don't even line up and there's just so many other things as well and it's not Christianity at all it's a satanic cult and we're just going to end with some more Mormon madness Obviously the early Mormons practiced polygamy now you guys, you don't do that now do you? No Yeah, because obviously Joseph Smith had multiple wives Oh he did, yes But so obviously it would be okay if the government didn't condemn it right? No, if the government didn't condemn it I mean we still couldn't practice it it would have to be approved it would have to come from the top of the church down and historically when it was practiced in the early, at this distance so in the early 1800s you had to, as far as I remember, you had to have there's a few things, you had to have the financial ability to support the extra persons and families you had to have the approval of the head of the church and you had to have permission of the first wife so that would rule out most of them For the elderly, my wife, it may seem the same one day well, as long as I'm the head one, I don't care someone can do the cleaning, you can do the washing and I'll go to the movies But the mainstream Mormon church does not represent all of those who call themselves Mormon There are many so-called Mormon fundamentalists who also consider Joseph Smith their founding prophet and they hold fast to his teachings which include the requirement of polygamy to enter the celestial kingdom The mainstream LDS church, however, has abandoned the practice of polygamy though it still teaches that plural marriage is a principle that will be practiced in heaven Mainstream Mormons do not consider the fundamentalists to be true Mormons because of their polygamous lifestyle Likewise, the fundamentalist Mormons consider the mainstream LDS church to be illegitimate precisely because it abandoned the practice of plural marriage a practice which had been established as an eternal principle and a requirement for all who would become gods in the celestial kingdom Joseph Smith married his first wife, Emma, in 1827 in upstate New York In the first years of their marriage, he published the Book of Mormon, founded the Mormon church and declared himself to be a prophet of God By 1843, the Mormon church was based in Nauvoo, Illinois Around this time, and much to the dismay of his wife, Emma Joseph wrote down a revelation that he claimed was from God which stated that polygamy was necessary to enter eternal life and to become gods Three early LDS leaders, each of whom were polygamists Among them, these men had more than 100 wives In fact, the top 15 leaders of the Mormon church at that time were polygamists Many of their sermons and declarations are recorded in a set of volumes known as the Journal of Discourses Included in their sermons are statements that affirm Joseph Smith's teaching about the absolute necessity of polygamy The only men who become gods, even sons of God are those who enter into polygamy Now if any of you will deny the plurality of wives and continue to do so, I promise that you will be damned Brigham Young And Brigham Young was notorious for this When they got to Salt Lake, they would go to the men and say It's your right, it's your duty, you need to live it They'd pressure the man to live polygamy It was rampant in Salt Lake This doctrine of plural marriage is one of the most important doctrines ever revealed to man in any age of the world Without it, we never could be exalted to associate with and become gods Apostle Joseph F. Smith The principle of plurality of wives never will be done away with You might as well deny Mormonism and turn away from it as to oppose the plurality of wives Apostle Heber C. Kimball It was called the new and everlasting covenant And what does everlasting mean? That it should be lived forever God the Father had the plurality of wives Apostle Orson Pratt It was openly taught that God and Jesus both were polygamous Not just married, but polygamous When increasing pressure from the federal government resulted in many arrests and threats to dismantle the Mormon Church's holdings the Church finally conceded and in 1890 declared that they would cease the practice of polygamy in a statement known as the Manifesto In as much as laws have been enacted by Congress forbidding plural marriage I hereby declare my intention to submit to those laws Wilford Woodruff And that's why the fundamentalist Mormon people broke away from the mainstream church so that they could continue living the law that they believed was given by God The fundamentalist groups, they felt like when the church in 1890 gave up plural marriage that they were giving up the very basic foundation of their church and they were wrong So they had to spin off from that group to keep that going The LDS Church's abandonment of polygamy is what gave rise to Mormon fundamentalism which continues to thrive today Yet section 132 still remains a part of both fundamentalist and mainstream LDS scriptures which means that once again there is a disparity between the mainstream Mormon Church's written doctrine and their actual practice This puts modern day Mormons in an awkward position On one hand, they're taught to revere their early polygamist leaders Yet on the other, they're deeply offended by the polygamy of today's Mormon fundamentalists Joseph Smith was a polygamist The early leaders of the church were polygamists The first seven LDS prophets were polygamists All of them were breaking the law Many were in hiding and some were even arrested All for their practice of polygamy Most of the church leaders today are descended from pioneer Mormons that all practice polygamy But that's embarrassing for the church I think they fear it will hurt their missionary endeavors And the church today wants it both ways They want to have Joseph Smith a prophet of God but they want the ability to reject any of his doctrines that don't fit comfortably in today's world It seems like an odd position to me Either he was what he claimed to be or he isn't I don't see a middle ground here Gordon Hinckley even had an interview where he condemned polygamy When I hear statements like that, first of all I just have to wonder where they're coming from Just like they brainwashed their membership, they're brainwashing the world because polygamy started with them Joseph Smith, their prophet, said if you don't live polygamy, you do not get exalted in heaven The Mormons need to own up to it Polygamy is alive and well in the United States today because of Joseph Smith It was doctrinally driven that if any man was to reach godhood, he had to practice polygamy The church today denying polygamy puts them in this funny position of denying what is really their doctrine But it's hid from the convert The founder of Mormonism claimed polygamy as a doctrine of God If in fact it is not a doctrine, then Joseph Smith is not a prophet of God And my father, he got most of his wives by bribing other men with his daughters I was one of the ones that refused to fall into that and I chose my own husband And married and had a very loving relationship for 15 years Until I lost them through this blood atonement process Blood atonement teaches that there are some sins that God cannot forgive by the works of Calvary And therefore the sinner must have his own blood spilled This blasphemous doctrine not only diminishes the power and the purpose of Christ's blood But glorifies the atoning power of the blood of the Mormon sinner While steadfastly observed by Mormon fundamentalists This anti-Christian principle originated with Joseph Smith and was furthered by later Mormon prophets This troublesome doctrine of blood atonement blemishes the wholesome public image required by Mormonism's leaders Today the brethren in Salt Lake City still grapple over the predicament they find themselves in When having to both affirm and deny blood atonement For example, the late Mormon apostle Bruce R. McConkie in his book Mormon Doctrine Denied that the church ever practiced or taught blood atonement Yet on the same page stated that because the blood of Christ is not sufficient to forgive certain sins The Mormon God requires man to have his own blood spilled On the 27th of June we were carrying on our life as usual And happened to be the 144th anniversary of the martyrdom of Joseph Smith My half brothers came into our office and murdered my husband At the same time there were three other consecutive deaths going on My brother-in-law Duane and his eight-year-old daughter Jenny was with him and they also killed her Our names were on the list to be atoned for My father believed that we were traitors to God's cause And that our blood must be shed to atone for the sin of turning against light and knowledge as he supposed Blood atonement is if you have charity enough for someone to save them The shedding of their blood is the only way that they can atone for certain sins People really thought they were doing a favor in my great-grandfather's day To shed the blood, save their soul, and it's still taking place today My great-grandfather John D. Lee was one of the Mormon men who were called avenging angels Or destroying angels It was their duty, their obligation to cut the throats Shed the blood of people who were apostate Mormons who were guilty of speaking against them The authorities Jesus shed his blood as an infinite sacrifice But there are some sins that the blood of Jesus cannot atone for And therefore it requires the shedding of that man's blood to atone For adultery, for apostasy, for marriage to a negro, for not receiving the gospel, for lying For any of the other offenses, they'd have to have their own blood shed to have forgiveness of sin To put it simply, my father's beliefs stem directly from Mormonism Not one thing is different than what the early Mormon doctrine is The original doctrine that Joseph Smith and Brigham Young taught is exactly what I believe I'm now at present baptizing people and I have five apostles now And we're out teaching and preaching the gospel Trying to get the Mormons into the original doctrine that Brigham and Joseph had it set on And I refuse to give it up I've been cast out of the Mormon Church because of it That's the reason why today people are still killing each other Shedding their blood so they can have forgiveness of sin And it comes directly from Joseph Smith and from Brigham Young There's been 27 murders since 1972 My uncle, my sister, my brother Arthur My brother committed suicide which is a direct consequence of all of this I would just like you to know that if anything happens to me ever or to my children I will personally, I believe the Mormon Church in general will be responsible Because the very doctrine of blood atonement stems from Mormonism There is not a man or woman who violates the covenants made with their God That will not be required to pay the debt The blood of Christ will never wipe that out Your own blood must atone for it Now take a person in this congregation who has knowledge with regard to being saved in the kingdom of our God and our Father And being exalted, one who knows and understands the principles of external life And sees the beauty and excellency of the eternities before him Compared with the vain and foolish things of the world And suppose that he is overtaken in a gross fault That he has committed a sin that he knows will deprive him of that exaltation which he desires And that he cannot attain to it without the shedding of his blood And also knows that by having his blood shed he will atone for that sin And be saved and exalted with the Gods Suppose you found your brother in bed with your wife and put a javelin through both of them You would be justified and they would atone for their sins and be received into the kingdom of God I would at once do so in such a case and under such circumstances I have no wife whom I love so well that I would not put a javelin through her heart And I would do it with clean hands This is our loving neighbor as ourselves If he needs help, help him And if he wants salvation and it is necessary to spill his blood on the earth in order that he may be saved Spill it Any of you who understand the principles of eternity If you have sinned a sin requiring the shedding of blood Except the sin unto death Would not be satisfied nor rest until your blood should be spilled That you might gain that salvation you desire That is the way to love mankind President Brigham Young We may talk of men being redeemed by the efficacy of his blood But the truth is that that blood has no efficacy to wash away our sins That must depend on our own action Elder Amasa M. Lyman But even earlier than that I had, President Hinckley had given us this challenge in 2005 To read the Book of Mormon by the end of the year And so I took that challenge and got through it in my regular Book of Mormon And so I decided to read it again in this little brown 1830 And it is available like a desert book or something And I think it's around And that's really where the differences started happening And so then these changes in the Book of Mormon that surfaced as I started reading through the 1830 Kind of illustrate even more that maybe this was the kind of thinking that Joseph Smith had back in the 1829-1830 timeframe And I think we have a few of these for the audience as well The first one is in 1 Nephi chapter 11 verse 1825 It says, Behold the virgin which thou seest is the mother of God After the manner of the flesh Today that same scripture reads That behold the virgin is the mother of the son of God Instead of mother of God And there's a huge difference, doctrinal difference in that Yeah, I'd say that's a huge doctrinal difference But it's repeated a couple of more times In 1 Nephi chapter 11 21 It says, Behold the lamb of God, even the eternal father Today it's been changed to read, Yea, even the son of the eternal father In 1 Nephi 11 32 it says, And I looked and beheld the lamb of God that he was taken by the people Yea, the everlasting God was judged of the world And now it says, Yea, the son of the everlasting God was judged of the world And then the last one here is in 1 Nephi 13 40 It says, These last records shall make known to all kindreds, tongues and people that the lamb of God is the eternal father And the savior of the world And today it reads, These last records shall make known to all kindreds and tongues and people that the lamb of God is the son of the eternal father and the savior of the world Now I realize this isn't quite true Christianity as you're saying Because it's, is that somewhat called modalism or something True, but it certainly isn't Mormonism It isn't Mormonism and so the doctrine was changed And the Book of Mormon was changed to I guess make it more agreeable to what current Mormon doctrine is Do you have any idea who made the changes and when they were made? Joseph Smith changed them probably about between 1835 and 1838 It was in 1838 that we have the Pearl of Great Price version of his first vision Where he said he saw God the father and Jesus Christ in 1838 So I think the consensus is, and I probably should have checked that more carefully Exactly when he made the changes, but it was somewhere between that later 1830 time frame So while you were reading the Book of Mormon according to what Mr. Hinckley suggested that you do These stuck out, jumped out of the page at you while you were doing the reading I had just read the regular Book of Mormon and so to read that Jesus was the everlasting father did stand out And it was in 1 Nephi, so you get through 1 Nephi you read that quite a bit Everybody starts the Book of Mormon over and over again He's not talking about the biblical version of the Trinity but it certainly isn't the Mormon doctrine of three gods in the Godhead And see the interesting thing is Doris you'd have to understand being an LDS person for all my life, all these many years I actually wasn't looking to challenge my testimony of the gospel or the Mormon church I had no idea that I was moving eventually to a Christian look at things So my whole concept, this was just mind boggling for me I didn't realize that it wasn't Mormon and it maybe wasn't true Christianity either It was what they now call modalism or some other kind of a concept of God The only thing I knew is that I had been raised and taught that the Book of Mormon was the word of God, word for word That it was trustworthy and that he had translated it by the power of God And that he couldn't move from one word to the next word or phrase until it was right And then he could move on, that's what I'd always been taught So to read these conflicts and these problems just turned my life upside down I was having a hard time dealing with them And the thing is again back to the logical look at it, it's not open to interpretation I mean the Book of Mormon got changed It did I became more and more convinced that Joseph Smith was not telling the truth About 1820 the Book of Mormon got changed so that it made things more clear I just couldn't trust it anymore And the whole issue with the Book of Mormon is that it is supposed to be the most perfect book that had ever been given to man And that you would get closer to God than any other book on the planet if you would read it And yet it's filled with thousands of changes Some of them are just punctuation and grammar but still, doesn't God have good grammar? Well I always thought it was, utlm.org has identified like 3900 changes in the Book of Mormon And a lot of them as you say are punctuation And I was always willing to give the printer's problems or anything else that kind of benefit You know the benefit of the doubt is, are, was, were, which and who and those kinds of grammatical And that probably makes up most of the 3900 But there were some serious doctrinal changes that occurred So therefore their founding prophet Joseph Smith, he wrote this fraudulent document called the Book of Abraham Okay Now this fraudulent document the Book of Abraham is found in modern day Mormon scriptures Because they have a scripture called the Pearl of Great Price, who's ever heard of that? So in this modern Mormon scripture the Pearl of Great Price there's a chapter or a section called the Book of Abraham Now this is where the Book of Abraham came from This guy was traveling through America selling ancient Egyptian artifacts He's just kind of a junk dealer or a guy who's just trying to rip people off and sell people old stuff And tell them that it's this really cool stuff or whatever So he sells Joseph Smith just some random parchment or whatever it was, papyrus, I don't remember the details of it But it was some kind of a document with just some random hieroglyphics on it Now this is before hieroglyphics had been deciphered This is before the discovery of the Rosetta Stone which allowed Egyptologists to be able to decipher hieroglyphics So he gets this hieroglyphic document and he just makes up what it says So he says, oh I'm going to translate this So he translates this random document and says it's the Book of Abraham Well it turns out that the Rosetta Stones discovered, they end up deciphering it And it was just some random Egyptian dude's last will and testament where he's just giving stuff to his kids And it had nothing to do with Abraham whatsoever And this is why people are leaving the Mormon church by the droves every day Because anybody with an internet connection can figure out that Mormonism is a fraud in about 5 or 10 minutes That's why they have to tell their people don't go on the internet But anyway, you know, they basically are leaving by the droves because you can just look at the Book of Abraham You can look at the facsimile of what Joseph Smith supposedly translated You can decipher it, it's got nothing to do with Abraham, it's a fraud And there's so many things like that The sad thing is though that they're not leaving the Mormon church and becoming Bible believing Christians They're mainly becoming agnostics and atheists So getting them saved is a real challenge Getting them to leave the Mormon church isn't as hard Because they just need to see a few of these basic pieces of evidence My family has been raised in the Mormon church Not all of the family members have stayed in the church There's no force to keep members in the church We believe that people have their own agency to choose And so it's up to people to make their own choose And you don't get those children that make different decisions to you You don't criticise them over it That's up to them to make their own call on it Hey this is Pastor Logan Robertson from Pillar Baptist Church in Australia I'd just like to thank you for watching this documentary about the Mormons And how what they believe does not line up with the word of God The Book of Mormon teaches a lot of strange doctrines It teaches that you have to do good works to get to heaven Now if you had to do good works to get to heaven None of us would be saved because none of us are good enough Because in Romans chapter 3 verse 23 the Bible reads For all have sinned and come short of the glory of God So it says that everyone in the world is a sinner You've sinned, you've sinned, the whole world has sinned And the Bible says in Romans chapter 6 verse 23 For the wages of sin is death And so just like when we work a job we get paid wages and we get paid money Well the payment or the wage for our sin according to the Bible is death And everyone deserves to die because of their sins the Bible says And once we die there's a second death The Bible talks about it in Revelation It says that there's a second death It's like a spiritual death that we die We die a physical death then a spiritual death In Revelation chapter 21 verse number 8 It says But the fearful and the unbelieving and the abominable And murderers and whoremongers and sorcerers and idolaters And all liars shall have their part in the lake which burneth for fire and brimstone Which is the second death And so the second death is where we get placed after we die If we have committed sin And a list of sins that we've committed will send us to hell It says that the liars are going to hell It says murderers are going to hell And it says the fearful are going to hell So it doesn't matter what we've done whether we've murdered or we've lied We're going to go to hell because of our sins We have to pay for our sins Now that sounds like bad news and it is Because everyone's going to go to hell because of their sin The word gospel in the bible simply means the good news And the good news is found in Romans chapter 5 verse 8 The bible reads But God commendeth his love toward us And that while we were yet sinners Christ died for us And so the good news is that we don't have to pay for our sins in hell We can go to heaven and it says the way to get to heaven is by Jesus Christ Because you have to understand that 2000 years ago Jesus Christ himself came from heaven He became flesh And he lived a sinless life that we cannot do Because I can't live a sinless life, neither can you And Jesus Christ lived that sinless life that we can't do Because he was 100% man but he was 100% God as well We believe in the trinity The bible says in 1 John chapter 5 verse 7 That there's three that bear record in heaven The Father, the Word and the Holy Ghost And these three are one So there's one God but it's made up of three persons The Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost We have to believe that there's one God Not thousands of gods like the Mormons believe And so Jesus Christ, God in the flesh He lived a sinless life, he did a lot of miracles He raised people from the dead And at the end of his life The bible says that he was rejected by the people that he came to save It says he came unto his own But his own received him not And once they arrest him They spat upon him They bed him up They whipped him 39 times on his back They put that crown of thorns and crushed that upon his hand And they mocked the King of Kings They mocked the Lord of Lords They put on royal garments upon him And they were mocking him And they made him carry his own cross to Calvary And once he was nailed on the cross It was like all the sins I've done were placed upon Jesus All the sins you have done were placed upon Jesus Like he had done them The bible says that his body was buried in the tomb And his soul descended to hell for three days and three nights Jesus said in Matthew chapter number 12 As Jonas was three days and three nights in the whale's belly So shall the Son of Man be three days And three nights in the heart of the earth But after three days and three nights He rose again from the dead Over and seeing, conquering death Proving that he was God in the flesh And he left our sins in hell So that we do not have to pay for them And he died for everyone in the world The bible says that he is a propitiation for our sins But not for our sins only But also for the sins of the whole world So it doesn't matter what color you are God doesn't care whether you come from China Or Africa Or America Or England Or Russia South America or Australia It doesn't matter where you're from God loves you It doesn't matter what color skin you've got Because the bible says we all come from one blood We've all got red blood And he died for you He died for me He died for the whole world But there's one thing that you have to do to be saved It says in the book of Acts chapter 16 verse number 30 Sirs, what must I do to be saved? Which is a great question What must I do? And they said in verse number 31 And they said believe on the Lord Jesus Christ And thou shalt be saved in thy house Thy house just means that if your household believes on Jesus That they'll be saved as well But notice it says how to be saved Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ It doesn't say believe and go to the Mormon church It doesn't say believe and go to the temple It doesn't say believe and put on strange underwear Or repent of your sins Or be baptized Or be baptized for the dead Or do good works It says believe on the Lord Jesus Christ The most famous verse in the Bible John chapter 3 verse 16 So once you believe on Christ You get everlasting life according to the Bible Now the word believe It's like our word faith And we find that in Ephesians chapter 2 verse 8 and 9 It says It's the gift of God Not of works lest any man should boast So the Bible compares faith with believe Because they mean the same thing Another word that we would use would be the word trust Because if I was going to jump out of an airplane I had a parachute on I believe that parachute is going to open But after I jump out what am I doing? I'm trusting that parachute for me That I don't physically die when I hit the ground That's what we're doing with Jesus We're putting our faith on him We're trusting in him That he paid for our sins on the cross Was buried and then he rose again from the dead What we're doing is we're relying on him Not relying on ourselves What we're doing is we're depending on him Not depending on ourselves to get to heaven And our good works or our way of life Or anything like that It's just by trusting in Jesus that we're saved And the Bible actually says In Romans chapter 6 verse 23 It says God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord So once we're saved The Bible says that we get everlasting life The moment we believe We get born again We have everlasting life Now everlasting means it lasts forever It will never end Now if Jesus took that off you for any reason Then it was never everlasting But we know it says in Titus chapter 1 verse 2 In hope of eternal life Which God that cannot lie Promised before the world begun So Jesus promised us everlasting life And it says that God that cannot lie So God's not going to lie to you in John chapter 3 verse 16 When he says you get everlasting life That's what he means It's everlasting He can never take it off you It says in Romans chapter 6 that it was a gift from God God is the one that paid for that gift Just like when I was a kid And I got birthday presents, Christmas presents From my parents They paid for them They worked for that money And brought me a gift Same thing with the gift of eternal life God went out and he came to earth As a man He lived a sinless life He died on the cross And he shed his blood For the gift of everlasting life Once you receive that You can never lose it The Bible says that you become a son of God Now it doesn't say that you become a God Like the Mormons teach But it says you become a son of God Or you become a child or a daughter of God And just like I've got five children No matter what they do They'll always be my children Even if they grew up and said something very bad Or they did bad things They're still my children Just the same with us and God Once we're his child We're always his child I would never put my son in a bonfire To discipline him Same with God He's not going to put us in hell Which is a big bonfire To punish us The Bible says that he will punish us on this earth But he's never going to send us to hell Because we've got everlasting life No matter what we do We are saved And everlasting means forever And so I'm praying that you believed what I just told you From the Bible Don't believe it just because I said it Believe it because it's from the word of God And if you truly believe that If you believe you've sinned before If you believe that Jesus died on the cross for your sins You believe he was buried and that he rose again And you believe that he gives you everlasting life And is the only one God And Jesus died on the cross for your sins Was buried and rose again You can be saved today Just by simply trusting that If you believe that We're just going to word a quick prayer And you can just repeat after me Because the Bible says in Romans chapter 10 That whosoever shall call upon The name of the Lord shall be saved And so we just have to ask for that gift Now if you don't believe that Don't pray Because it doesn't Just asking for a gift if you don't believe it That doesn't mean that you will receive it You have to trust in Jesus Put all your faith on him And then ask for that gift If you truly believe it We'll just say a quick prayer right now Dear Jesus I know I've sinned But I'm trusting you I believe you died And rose again Please save me now And take me to heaven when I die I'm only trusting you Jesus Amen So thank you for watching And have a good day So that's a secret right? It's not secret It's sacred Oh sacred yeah Oh ok it's totally different right If you join the church And get baptized After one year become an elder When you're allowed to go in there Temple recommend Was Joseph Smith a Freemason? Was he? I don't know I'm asking you You know what? I don't think so But was he? I couldn't care less I don't know That Black people are more sinful Did you know that? No that's what it says in the second need time It says that Doc! Woah sorry mate You don't want him to know that? You don't want them to know that the Book of Mormon teaches racism. The thing is you guys always just lie about everything. But why do you guys hide everything? Have a good weekend. So you won't answer nothing. I mean we film people that have said everything already anyway. It's Mormons here. We've been trying to get interviews. They just don't want to talk to us. They keep lying to us. So we're just going to rock in because the sign at the start said, Visitors Welcome. Do you believe that you can become a god, Ryan? Can you become a god or not? Well, we're all trying to progress towards that, aren't we? We're becoming more like a heavenly father. How do you become a god? By doing the best that we can. Do you believe that you can become a god? The church of the later day Satans. We believe in Satan. We believe in Satan. I mean, he's our brother.