(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) You You When we talk about wearing a mask I say to my friends, you know who may think I'm a conspiracy theorist I said your government just made it illegal to breathe the air That's scary In the summer of 2020 Bureaucrats worked in lockstep with the media to convince the public that the general use of surgical and cloth face coverings Were effective at stopping the spread of infectious diseases Face masks became a perceived requirement through fraudulent color of law mandates People started wearing face masks when outdoors on hot summer days Driving alone in their car and even during intimacy with their spouse Masking in public places became enforced through fines and police violence Our face mask truly a health measure or are they a symbol of submission? In this episode we will hear from doctors and subject matter experts Familiar with the regulatory code for workplace safety and the proper use of face coverings to understand the truth about face masks You You You And I think you know, one of the important things that we're emphasizing Right now is our insistence now on wearing masks Wearing a mask is not hard breathing through a mask is not hard You could literally kill someone because you didn't want to wear a mask. I mean how how? Cruel and irresponsible would that be I'm placing the entire state of Utah under a mask mandate You need to be wearing a mask when you're around anyone who is not from your household. It's no longer voluntary It's mandatory. No shoes. No shirt. No mask. No service all customers in retail facilities Must wear a mask in grocery stores Must wear a mask in most forward-facing businesses must wear a mask if you are indoors Must wear a mask and outside Must wear a mask There's no medical exception that applies or that allows you to insist on coming into a facility a store and the like Without a mask or insist on remaining in a store facility Without a mask we have been communicating with law enforcement agencies as well and they stand ready to assist if there's any trouble Enforcing this face covering requirement anyone who still insists on entering a store or other facility Without wearing a mask or assist on taking it off after getting inside They can be and should be removed and charged with criminal trespass But any business that refuses to go along with the new mandate could face closure finds even jail time. So we have 39 police officers that are dedicated specifically and solely to issuing a mass violations We've also been closing Businesses who closed over 30 businesses that are not following the coronavirus guidelines that we've set out for businesses social distancing Have too many people have maybe violated the curfew etc. This is much like Enforcing a seatbelt violation or someone that ran a red light. It's the new normal We have to do it police are under investigation over the handling of a confrontation with a woman caught without a mask This all happening in front of the woman's child Please say the woman was told she cannot ride the train because she was not wearing a face mask covering correctly Just abide by the public health measures that we talk about all the time the uniform wearing a mask physical distancing Washing your hands frequently. We just have to keep doing that because we know it works From when this whole thing first started back in March and April of 2020, it just blew my mind how quickly and how Readily the entire world just rolled over and put on a mask. I See the mask as a symbol of Conformity to the lie a symbol that everybody everybody agrees with the lie Otherwise, they wouldn't be wearing the mask and if everybody agrees that it must be true if it's consensus won't guess so that we've been trained to think that it if If you've got the majority or a huge majority believing something it must be true when in fact, it's usually just the opposite The mask is nothing it's a nothing burger it does nothing it's virtue signaling. It's a waste of our time and effort It's a distraction to your life. It disrupts your life But in the same time, it's a great litmus test to see what direction I can go with Masks don't control viruses. They control you. That's what this is about But this mask is a mind control game that's what it is has nothing to do with Viruses and if you truly believe that the mask is gonna save you fine. I'm happy for you. Just wear it Enjoy your life and leave me alone because after all you're saved, right? I've never worn a mask. I I will not wear a mask There's there you couldn't pay me a billion dollars to wear a mask and here's why I Know as soon as I put that mask on a little piece of me is gonna die now Not everybody can do what I do You know some people have to do it because their works telling them to do that or some people think that I have to fly On this airplane or I have to ride in this uber or I have to go to this restaurant And that's why we have the mask is because Not enough people said no Without a true health crisis the social engineers and behavioral Scientists knew that a ploy was needed to make their invisible pandemic seem like a reality Months of propaganda drove people to embrace face masks weaving them into the very fabric of society Mask became a powerful visual reminder for everyone a way for all to publicly participate in the hysteria and further condition the public for mindless obedience The medical establishment has long known that surgical and cloth masks essentially offer no protection from viruses So what is the real science of face coverings One of the first videos to be incredibly censored I brought my 12 year old son into My studio on live television, and we bought a co2 monitor And I put that co2 monitor up underneath his mask And I had him wear all the different masks that we use whether it was a surgical mask or an N95 or we even tested a shield and a bandana But what we saw was incredibly alarming so now we're in the place where he could be having headaches He could be over at three thousand seven hundred eighty six Look at this. We just passed five thousand now. We're in the toxic level right now. We could be doing this seven thousand inside this mask of the co2 seven eighty thousand parts per million and Now he's this thing's gone off the Richter scale folks It can't even register how high the co2 levels are Inside and look how many seconds that was All right, and I just yeah you want to take that off Now co2 is what OSHA monitors That's our government agency that travels around making sure that the air people breathe in their offices or in their Manufacturing plants is healthy they all have co2 monitors on the wall so that if the co2 level gets too high Like a canary in the coal mine luckily we have one of these monitors We have people rush out of the room until they fix the problem The body of science around this world shows that masks do not work and in fact tend to cut Oxygen ratio to levels I've even brought in OSHA experts on my show that said that's exactly the study We did and we know that's true. We know it denies you oxygen OSHA's stance on respiratory protection It whether it's masks whether it's surgical masks whether it's n95 or true respirators as far as a CAPR airline supply respirators PAPR Whatever it might be OSHA has what's called a respiratory protection program and this standard was written in 1979 in response to the fact that many Employees and contractors were wearing their own homemade masks or their own face coverings Because they were being exposed to paint fumes or dusts or Whatever hazard it might be in their working environment That was a nuisance to them or an irritant to their respiratory linings and so they were just wearing their own homemade Whatever right so what we found is that by allowing people to work in their own homemade respiratory protection We were actually causing a greater hazard. We were causing people to work with reduced oxygen intake Reduced carbon dioxide output and in addition We were really finding that we were stressing the cardiopulmonary systems of these employees Because when you cover the mouth and nose and you exert physical energy during your work during your tasks, whatever it might be You're really stressing the cardiopulmonary system because you change the way that you breathe you have to forcibly inhale and forcibly exhale That taxes the heart it taxes the lungs and we have given people heart attacks by allowing them to work With their mouth and nose covered with absolutely no regulation. No oversight. No medical oversight No work rest cycles things like that so OSHA actually created the respiratory protection standard to prevent people from working with their mouth and nose covered and Exerting physical energy because of the greater hazard that it creates I don't think it takes a lot of common sense to figure out that if you obstruct your breathing That it's going to have a detrimental effect For example, there was a court case in Germany where I believe it was bank employees were required to wear masks For the whole shift like eight hours a day and there was a doctor who testified with evidence From I believe EEG studies that showed actual brain damage as a result of that and and that case was successful Mask cannot only lower your oxygen intake to unhealthy amounts But they can raise your co2 intake to dangerous levels causing severe harm The ambient air around us is only point zero four percent carbon dioxide yet our exhaled breath is 100 times greater at four percent a Carbon dioxide level of four percent is at the threshold of an immediate danger to life and health according to OSHA Carbon Dioxide overdose causes rapid unconsciousness followed by death, which is why carbon dioxide is commonly used to euthanize animals Tony Fauci said the mask is useless don't wear them in the beginning of this so did our surgeon general and a Scientist from the who there's no need to wear a mask Masks won't do anything to protect you In fact, even Fauci said this you'll be touching your face more out of the irritation and that's gonna spread the disease more than anything else Let's let me be very clear And I'm sure the physicians who are up here will reflect this as well The average American does not need to go out and buy a mask Should you wear a mask if you're healthy? No Government officials say face masks are not necessary if you are healthy and don't entirely provide protection against the coronavirus Masks do not work for the general public and preventing them from getting coronavirus If you do not have any respiratory symptoms such as fever cough or runny nose You do not need to wear a medical mask like this one And if you're not sick, you shouldn't be wearing a medical mask But if you are then you should we recommend that people who are sick wear a mask We recommend that people who are around someone who's COVID positive wear a mask But do not recommend if the general public wears masks as a protective mechanism WHO recommends that the wearing of a mask by a member of the public is to prevent that individual Giving the disease to somebody else. We don't generally recommend the wearing of masks in public by otherwise well individuals Because it has not been up to now associated with any particular benefit It doesn't benefit psychologically socially and there are social norms around that and we don't criticize the wearing of masks and have not done So, but there is no specific evidence to suggest that the wearing of masks by the mass population has any particular benefit In fact, there's some evidence to suggest the the opposite in the in the in the in the misuse or wearing a mask properly You're fitting it properly or taking it off and all the other risks that are otherwise associated with that. The masks are important For someone who's infected to prevent them from infecting someone else People should not be walking around with masks You're sure of it because people are listening really no closely to this right now people should not be worried There's no reason to be walking around with a mask When you're in the middle of an outbreak Wearing a mask might make people feel a little bit better and it might even block a droplet But it's not providing the perfect protection that people think that it is and often there are unintended Consequences people keep fiddling with the mask and they keep touching their face All of this is known to be true yet. We accept watching Tony Fauci saying no mask is necessary Oh one mask for a whole year. See no drop or decline in the amount of Infections across this country and deaths now he's saying two masks one mask at least But if you want to really be sure get a tie to fit with the second man, are you a double masker? Dr. Fauci? President-elect Joe Biden does it Mitt Romney double-masked during the Capitol insurrection Tom Cruise also double-masked the new White House Press Secretary bore the same just today and doctors say they're on to something doubling up maybe one of the safest ways to stop the spread as many Americans Desperately wait for their shot at the COVID vaccine now, Virginia Tech researchers found that doubling up these cloth masks Increases the efficacy from 50 to 75 percent a three-layer mask could block up to 90 percent of the particles So if you have a physical covering with one layer you put another layer on it just makes common sense That it likely would be more effective and that's the reason why you see people either double masking or doing a version of an n95 It's like the the the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over but expecting different results, right? So if one mask didn't work, maybe two will work. Maybe if two doesn't work. Maybe we should wear three. This is ridiculous The air should not be illegal to breathe There are well-established workplace protocols for the proper use of face masks If people understood the existing safety standards for face coverings They would realize how deceptive and cruel it is for the media and medical establishment to promote unmitigated and misguided use of face masks During surgery if a surgeon or a nurse or an anesthesiologist is Wearing an n95 or even a surgical mask or an ear loop mask in that surgical suite if they touch that mask one time They have to either exit the room or a nurse aide has to help them change it out without touching it The second you touch your mask, not only are you cross contaminating that mask But you are reducing its likelihood to control a hazard The maximum amount of time that you can wear a surgical mask in a hospital setting or a surgical center is two hours That's max Right and even then they have to have work rest cycles. They have to properly down and off them by the ear loops You can't just grab because you contaminate it's called fomite transmission Your hands have bacteria on them from what you're touching in the environment around you So when you touch that face mask, you now breathe in that pathogen or that contaminant through fomite transmission So there is a lot to the PPE standard whenever we give an employee personal protective equipment There's a lot of requirements that we have to follow through with and it all has to be documented Yet what OSHA is doing right now with this mask, you know, this blanket mask mandate They're not following any of it and they're getting away with it because they've changed the name. It's not PPE anymore It's now they call it community protection or whatever, but I'm sorry You can't have your cake and eat it too. If you're requiring people to put something on to protect them or somebody else It's personal protective equipment. It falls under the PPE standard Inside addition went and tested masks by three different couples who admitted that they were pro mask They thought the masks worked when they tested these masks. They found over 60 million types of bacteria housed in these masks So how clean are the masks you wear every day especially the kind you keep Reusing to put them to the test we swab the inside and the outside and sent them off to the lab Time to reveal the results. We found lots of bacteria on all the mass Especially this multicolored one right here that you use every day. Yeah, that one has a bacteria count of Six hundred and eighty A normal count would be about ten thousand We found four types of bacteria on your masks as a whole, right? But on this one right here specific kind of bacteria can cause some nasty skin infections It can also lead to pneumonia. I Don't like that. I don't like that at all. So how about these guys Harris? We found a bacteria count of 66 million, okay 66 million that's horrible. I want to tear it off right now, Arjuna 270 million on your max When you have a facial covering on for an extended period of time There is a it creates a very moist environment which creates and breeds bacteria very quickly So when doctors nurses construction workers Whatever industry or occupation employees are required to wear masks or respirators They are told and trained on when to take them off work rest cycles are very important how to properly don and off them and how to properly clean and sanitize them because we know that this amount of bacteria building up On the inside of a mask that we keep re-breathing is going to cause things like bacterial pneumonia Perioral dermatitis is a big one that we've started seeing and that's what you know, some people jokingly refer to as maskne The blistering right the outbreaks around the face on the skin the red marks, but it's very serious. Actually. It's a form of staph It's a bacterial staph infection and it's very serious It's nothing to laugh about and it's 100% because of the extended and prolonged mask wearing in a bacterial ridden environment We've seen so many increases of bacterial respiratory infections in our private practices over the last 12 months. It's not even funny We've seen so many fungal infections because people are improperly wearing masks Whenever we get fitted for our mask because I also am part owner of two surgical centers here in the greater st Louis area when we're in our surgical centers doing procedures The doctors are wearing the mask so that we don't spit into an open wound You see people have this this again this false idea that doctors wear a mask in an operating room to stop a virus from going To somewhere not at all. The human mouth is the most bacterial ridden Mouth of any mammal on the planet. It's even more bacterial ridden than a pig's mouth would be so if we spit saliva into an open wound That's gonna cause infection So it has nothing to do with viruses and again study after study after study has shown That wearing a mask has more harm than good you look at the research that was just done out of Germany There was a huge study released out of Germany and what they looked at was 25,000 students that were in school 25,000 and they found that 68% of those kids in the German study had some type of impairment I mean everything from headaches to passing out to dizziness to lack of function to no energy to not wanting to go to school Literally being learning disabled not being able to properly learn which is already an issue with school-aged kids now putting a mask on them shows that 68% of kids in schools now wearing a mask have more harm than good and again We're talking about a population that has a ninety nine point nine nine seven percent survivability rate Even without any therapeutics. There's no point in these kids wearing masks in schools. It's absolutely ludicrous Are not sanitary like we are they chew on the masks they sneeze in them they lick them they sweat in them They play with them no matter how often they're reminded not to eat them. They still do They use them to wipe their boogers after they sneeze then plaster the nasty bacteria filled petri dish mask over their face for hours. I Can't for the life of me imagine how an inhaling air through a cloth that is soaked in sweat Mucus and saliva is deemed to be healthy for a child's growing body and lungs Although he has a fresh clean mask every single day when I wash those masks This is the water that comes off of it Every week I save each mask five of them to wash All at once so you can see what you are putting on their faces. I Mean how stupid how incredibly dangerous and yet we're just all you know doing it as if it's not the thing to do in addition We're causing a lot of Peri-oral dental issues in the mouth dentists are reporting a very high level of bacterial disorders diseases Bacterial infections because of prolonged mask wearing and that doesn't even get into the bad breath Doesn't take very long wearing a mask and you have very bad breath. Well. What is that? It's bacteria But when we can't exhale properly and we can't get that out Right to be diluted in the air in the environment around us. That's a problem We're trapping it in and we're rebreathing it which causes the bacterial infections to just skyrocket From a scientific standpoint. I can tell you that prior to 2020 none of the literature supported wearing a mask Especially for non-symptomatic people there was no evidence that wearing a mask stopped the transmission of small particle airborne viruses Particularly this SARS-CoV-2 virus, which is incredibly small the size of this particular virus is approximately 0.1 micron which is roughly one one-thousandths of the average human hair You know I've seen the videos when someone sucks on a vape plan and blows out through their mask It's everywhere or even better a guy did a video recently standing the freezing cold probably Wisconsin or Minnesota and said to mass really Here's one mass steam everywhere coming out of his mouth Here's you know here's a here's a two mass three mass all the different mass steam everywhere. Here's cloth mask on the n95 Now we're gonna try to nine nine five This This is 15 and 95 against coronavirus is transport This virus Rolls and is far smaller than Moisture particles or water droplets and yet we're seeing steam come out It has been obvious to me, and I've said from the beginning these masks don't work During the h1n1 outbreak and the SARS outbreak studies were done you can look at the BMJ open studies and multiple RCT studies with meta data analysis that showed Cloth masks can filter close to zero percent when controlling health hazards Associated with airborne infectious diseases the best mask we have outside of a level four Containment suit the best mask we have which we used to call a tuberculosis mask because that's what it was really designed for our N95 medical masks and they screen particles down to 0.3 microns not all particles, but 95% of them Even they when tested don't screen these small particle viruses and when they've really done sophisticated tests like in the Environmental Services Department the University of Maryland they looked at putting people in these Hermetically sealed containers with these n95 masks and they showed that when you cough or sneeze the small virus particles the ones that are infectious Go through the mask So here we are wearing masks on our face that according to science Protect droplets as in if droplets come towards your face is going to protect the water from hitting your mouth It's going to protect the blood and stay from hitting your face or whatever it is or the sneeze or the cough But mask still allow the particles because the COVID particles are smaller Than the particles on your mask and they can still travel through say that homemade face mask or that paper face mask That you have and people are still catching COVID regardless of the fact they're wearing the mask In fact, the CDC put out a report and and on this report It showed that 85% of people who caught COVID-19 were wearing a mask 85% there is no evidence and there's definitely no peer-reviewed Double-blind controlled study that shows that wearing a mask stops the prevention or slows the progression of any respiratory Viruses multiple studies have been done on Health care settings as well as on non health care settings on for example the flu showing that there's no statistical data that proves that wearing a mask prevents Any type of viral spread if we look at the report that was just released on March 12th of 2021 by the CDC and Health and Human Services They did an exhaustive study and they looked at the counties in The states in here in the United States of America that had severe restrictions for mask wearing ordinances and or recommendations that were imposed and followed at a high percentage and what they found was is that those states and Those counties that had a high percentage use of masks They actually showed that there was a benefit of wearing a mask and they actually showed that the percentage was in their minds significantly responsible for reducing the risk of spread of SARS-CoV-2 and coronavirus and the data showed that it was 0.5% to 1% successful by the way This is an observational study which that means within the margin of error is statistically proven that there's zero and let me say this again Zero data that supports that wearing a mask stops the spread of COVID-19 or SARS-CoV-2 even the federal government now finally says that to be the case There was a recent study that came out in October of 2020 It's the Danish mask study It was published in the annals of internal medicine Which that is like one of the top two or three internal medicine journals in the world and they looked at 6,000 people 3,000 wore masks all the time 3,000 didn't wear masks ever and then they actually followed them for a period of about six months. It's a very very solid statistically significant study the end of that six-month period they analyzed the rates of coronavirus and spread and they found that During that six-month period masks were 0% effective at stopping coronavirus spread. In other words, there was no statistically significant difference in coronavirus transmission or Uptake during that period between the two groups Masks did not work at all. And that was the largest study that's been done to this time so that's a that's a that's a valid scientific study that should have been all over the news and Nobody covered it There was also another study that was released in December 2020. That was it was from China and they looked at 10 million people that were asymptomatic COVID positive that they followed to determine if they were spreaders because that's that's the whole impetus for People that are not sick wearing masks today is that well you might have coronavirus and you just don't know it You might be asymptomatic, but you might still be a super spreader because you're getting people sick when you don't have any symptoms Well China and China is the top of the world when it comes to track and trace I mean they trace they track trace everybody. They've got ocular scanning. They know where everybody is at every time I mean they they trace and track people pretty well in China What they found is that all these these several hundred people that were asymptomatic coronavirus positive that there was zero asymptomatic spread in other words if someone did not have symptoms of coronavirus if they weren't coughing and You know hacking and a fever and all the different symptoms of coronavirus if they were asymptomatic Even if they were COVID positive there was never asymptomatic spread So there goes the whole impetus for people wearing masks that are healthy because that's what we're told Wear a mask because you might be sick and you might spread it even though you don't have symptoms Malarkey, that's pure poppycock. It's hogwash. It's a lie The China study showed there is no asymptomatic spread of coronavirus. So there goes the two main reasons for well for wearing masks We are often asked why we're not wearing masks people Think that there should be masks worn at all times. It may be what you are recommended in your country But in terms of WHO's guidance as long as you can stay one meter apart Which we took care that we are one year or more apart, then you don't need to wear a mask, especially as well We're in a space that has good ventilation from the data. We have it still seems to be rare that an Asymptomatic person actually transmits onward to a secondary individual But the one thing historically people need to realize that even if there is some asymptomatic Transmission in all the history of respiratory borne viruses of any type asymptomatic Transmission has never been the driver of outbreaks The driver of outbreaks is always a symptomatic person even if there's a rare asymptomatic person that might transmit an Epidemic is not driven by asymptomatic carriers Could you imagine a year ago Walking into a bank with your face covered Could you imagine even going into the grocery store? Do you think they would let you in? Do you think they would be following you in the aisles to make sure that you weren't going to be shoplifting? Could you imagine going up to a gas station and going inside the little mini-mart to pay for your gas? With a bandana on how far do you think that would get you? Could you imagine as a teacher showing up to school with it with a shield that looks like a space? alien Those things are offensive to us because it interferes with normal human interaction When you're talking about the the amount of influence that the the government has Has applied to the society using COVID we don't even look at the most simple Insanity that goes on in front of us We don't even balk at the idea that the government wants the establishment where you eat supper To put a mask on you to walk from the door To your table seat you within three feet of another table and you can take your mask off because you know COVID is not going to get you as long as you're eating and at your table But you know it could jump on you between the door and the table Anybody who just arrived who hadn't been bathed in this education system we have and bathed in this this Unspeaking loyalty and in response to government controls if you just walked up and looked at it the insanity would be palpable The stupidity that we do every day that we put ourselves through every day because it makes us feel good Because it's it's for the collective. You know that the government says we should do this and and we should well They said that wearing it basically a sock over my face is gonna protect me well. No it won't well the government says so Well there's studies out there that say not well, I've never seen it well if you did see it would it change your mind no They just do it because it makes them feel good and when you own a big portion of society to do things based on their Feelings you own them Everything we have just covered about the use of face masks for virus protection and the inherent health problems is not a secret It is not a conspiracy theory or conjecture It is all very well understood and documented science in the medical community Masks do more harm than good, and they know it let that sink in for a minute What does it say about doctors in the medical establishment in general when physicians can't actually follow the science themselves, but instead follow mandates? What about the Hippocratic Oath of do no harm? The Biggest issue with face masks is the impact they have on our children Kids worldwide are being forced to wear masks for extended periods at daycares and schools on the bus Even during outdoor recess and sports activities despite the evidence that masks are ineffective and children are not at risk We must understand both the physical and psychological Damage that masking has on our kids and put an end to the barbaric practice of masking children When I started hearing the schools start talking about putting children in masks in order to be able to go back to school I thought it was a joke I thought who in their right mind would put a mask on a child would cover a child's mouth and nose all day long I I couldn't believe it. I actually thought no parent would ever do that Well, let's fast forward now. They're all doing this Everybody all these children are walking around in masks So I started standing up and speaking very loudly against this saying whoa, whoa, whoa Whoa, this is not okay from a health perspective from a medical perspective from a scientific perspective This is not only not okay. This is egregiously wrong and it's incredibly dangerous Mask on children is quite the slippery slope. Look at your children. They're confused. They come home lethargic They're frustrated you may see variances in their mood It's because when you are wearing a mask it makes you tired It makes you tired because masks have the ability to Lower your oxygen content by up to 20% I say up to because again You cannot make claims on every single mask because there are so many different types but children in masks is Absolutely dangerous it's dangerous also because children rely on proper oxygen content for their brain development and If you are impeding oxygen on a daily basis for our youth you are disrupting The development of the front part of the brain the rear brain and you can look into studies by dr. Larry Pilevski who's done talks on this That talk about repetitive oxygen deprivation can impede that brain development and every one of us knows That young children are not affected by this virus. They're not and that's a blessing but as the adults What have we done with that blessing? We've shoved it to the side and we've said we don't care You're still gonna wear a mask on your face every day five and six year olds You still can't play together on the playground like normal children seven and eight year olds. We don't care We're still going to force you to carry a burden. That was never yours to carry shame on us And I know what I'm gonna be met with But miss Taylor the CDC we did not vote for people at the CDC We did elect leaders who do create policy we elected the five of you We chose you to make difficult decisions for our children We chose you to make decisions that would be in our children's best interest and forcing five Six seven eight and nine year old little children to cover their noses and their mouths where they breathe For seven hours a day every day for the last nine months for a virus that you know doesn't affect them That is not in their best interest and this has to stop defend our children I really believe that If we get rid of the masks the rest of this house of cards fall down and if we want to save our children We need to do that You My conclusion after looking at this for a long time and listening to the arguments for these masks I've determined that if you believe if you're a medical doctor or a scientist that spouting using these masks You're either being played or you're being paid You The problem with children is that children don't necessarily say anything They just suffer in silence and any medical professional will tell you that kids don't say much. They don't complain about it They just crash and what's happening is the body is adjusting to the signs and symptoms of oxygen deprivation But that doesn't mean the damage is not still occurring So this is a huge problem because what we are creating in our children is a very unhealthy population When kids are not getting enough oxygen, they're not learning at the correct level. They're not absorbing the information They're not able to process properly. Our bodies are incredibly sensitive to oxygen saturation levels So kids are are being put at great risk for neurological disorders and diseases When the body does not have enough oxygen the immune system is not functioning optimally and properly This is a well-known medical fact. So we are creating an entire generation of young children who are immunocompromised They're not developing the social cues and social skills that they need to function in the world around them as adults And we are going to be creating a very unhealthy young generation We're going to start seeing neurological diseases and disorders and cancers which can only thrive in those environments of low oxygen and oxygen deficiency Very young so I'm very concerned and this is why I started standing up This is why I got involved as an activist in the first place because I was so concerned about our children Children are the biggest victim of these mask mandates the bacteria that is housed inside of masks is bad But when we look to our children if anyone has children, you know, they're very dirty I've talked to a lot of teachers that during recess when they are allowed to take off the masks They see their masks sitting on their table and they are coated with fluids Blood and for lack of a better term boogers You were going to see and we have seen an increased risk of illnesses That actually resemble COVID symptoms, but they're not COVID They're respiratory illnesses like bacterial pneumonia and even fungal infections So in the attempt to try to protect people from this respiratory illness We are causing other respiratory illnesses we've had schools that have outbreaks of strep throat we've had people that have had unexplained illnesses that actually mimic fungal infections and People are negligent. Some doctors are negligent and diagnosing what the root causes here It's prolonged mask wearing and not changing out this mask as you should I had a student come to me. He came to the nurse's office and said he couldn't breathe He was wearing a Bandana type of mask that was tied around his neck and another nurse was with me at the time and we said, okay Let's take it off and we'll give you a surgical mask and he said I can't take this mask off I've been wearing it for two weeks When he said that to us we were like in shock How could this be this kid's sleeping and showering in this mask for two weeks? We tried to take it off and we couldn't so we actually had to cut it off and throw it away that's just one story of Lots of stories of kids wearing them incorrectly and so I decided to make a stand I let my supervisor know about my concerns and they weren't appreciated You said there's an enormous increase of complaints of headaches stomach aches All related to the masks kids are saying they have shortness of breath You also point out that one kid came up threw up in the mask said i'm not sick. It's from the mask So when you try to explain that you've been in rn for 13 years What are the non-medical professionals at the school tell you? Um, they just bluntly told me we are going to be following the mandates put in place by governor murphy And that includes wearing masks and I let them know that as a nurse I don't feel comfortable enforcing something that I can see and know that is harming somebody Um, you know, I had a kid come down to me. She was wearing a mask. She was crying She had vomited in class. I was taking care of another student So I said sit down when I got to her I pulled her mask off. It was full of vomit Her mask was full of vomit. She walked down to me with it on just heartbreaking This is you know first graders that come in and are having this severe anxiety that you know Kindergartners are not able to understand what their friends are saying or doing because they can't see their facial expressions And you know this aaron as a nurse they're under no danger. It's almost zero percent danger from this virus Um, there's a really good video I recommend people watch if they want to see what this is doing to our children It's by dr. France rupert and he talks about the psychological effects of this covid Event he replays a video that was a study done in america. It was called the still face experiment babies this young are extremely responsive To the emotions and the reactivity And the social interaction that they get from the world around them. This is something that we started studying Oh 30 40 years ago In this still face experiment what the mother did was she sits down and she's playing with her baby who's about a year of age? And she gives a greeting to the baby the baby gives a greeting back to her This baby starts pointing at different places in the world and the mother is trying to engage her and play with her they're working to coordinate Their emotions and their intentions what they want to do in the world and that's really what the baby is used to and then we Ask the mother To not respond to the baby So The baby very quickly picks up on this and then she uses all of her abilities To try and get the mother back She smiles at the mother She points because she's used to the mother looking where she points The baby puts both hands up in front of her and says what's happening here She makes that screechy sound at the mother like come on. Why aren't we doing this? Even in this two minutes when they don't get the normal reaction They react with negative emotions. They turn away. They feel the stress of it They actually may lose control of their posture because of the stress that they're experiencing Oh And the other really sad thing in the video It showed a a little three-year-old boy in the video and this is nobody's in the room with him There are a bunch of toys there and it shows him literally socially distancing from the toys That's what we're giving our children. It's a dystopian world and they're being damaged Babies need to read faces When mom's holding a baby nursing or feeding them a bottle baby's looking up at mom, right? They're communicating by facial expression that baby is learning mom that baby is learning to communicate and learning expression Feeling emotions. This is how our children learn emotional intelligence Empathy, this is how they learn anger happiness by the expression So by covering everybody's faces number one these young kids are not learning empathy They're not learning to read other people. They're not going to become very socially aware And this is you know, very disturbing uh way to live and the effect on the children is much more significant because They're developing social skills and language skills and communication skills At critical times we're preventing them from getting the right sensory information by seeing people's faces And then we're also sending a message to stay away from and be afraid of other people because the mask symbolizes that the person carries disease The word virus itself comes from the latin word meaning poison So we're essentially teaching our children that people Release poison from their face and you need to stay away and they're dangerous And of course when you're learning how to form social relationships If the context is that other people are dangerous and will get you sick. You're going to have barriers You're not going to get close to people and then later on in your life. Your relationships are going to be very different because It's our human nature to be close to each other So these are really serious concerns not only for the current situation, but for the future in the next generation Hi, i'm a teacher from fairfax county public schools, um, i'm going to give a medical exam I'm, sorry, you have a medical exemption for I do Okay, you've been cleared by staff. Can someone yes, I have can I have my full minute, please? You may thank you. I'm waiting for staff to give me a thumbs up that the medical exemption was granted So You know, it's actually embarrassing that you have to ask me that question in front of hundreds of people here That's discrimination against hippa It is I can't ask you if you're gay. I can't ask you if you have herpes. You can't ask me about my medical exemption I can't ask you if you're pregnant. You can't ask me that question. Would you like your I would love my minute. Yes. Thank you Students do not follow mask enforcement their masks are below the nose under the chin and many of us teachers do not say anything Because we are not wardens in a prison. I will never scold or punish a student for wanting to breathe freely This is not a mask. It's a muzzle It's obedience training We know that children are not vectors for covid and that masks are at best ineffective and at worst dangerous If most teachers are protected by the vaccine What are you worried about? unmask our children You say you consulted with health experts which health experts exactly because there are health experts on both ends of this argument Yet you only listen to one side the side that feeds your narrative It is very easy to make decisions when you're in an echo chamber and don't have much opposition Did you ever think of consulting the parents? No, of course, sir. Your time is up. I let you wrap it up I had not had three minutes Sir Your time is up I hate mass. I hate social distancing. I hate distant learning I hate constantly being told what to do I hate teachers say when this is the new normal and I hate being treated like a little germ No one can touch the school is trying to take away my right to tell people what I think and feel and I cannot say Anything but what their point of view is They have taken our freedoms. I can't even pick out where I play at recess and now they pick out who I play with and these Ridiculous zone things make no sense and I simply ask why they say oh just for safety reasons They blame everything in the name of safety. I miss seeing people's face. I miss The way things used to be i'm scared. They'll never go back to normal breathing freely doesn't seem like something We should have to ask any other people for permission for Barely, anybody likes masks in schools their children are suffocating You don't know what it feels like and just it's not in a sense Wearing a mask makes it difficult to breathe during school and I miss important things that my teacher says I just want to say I think it's really sad how kids in the classroom don't even know what their teachers look like Can you imagine going through an entire school year not even knowing what your teachers and classmates look like Have you ever tried breathing through a straw try it and you'll see what it feels like for me breathing with asthma Can you imagine adding a mask on top of that the straw and what that would feel like I have And I pass out from lack of oxygen yesterday We spent the morning at the er So my son had extreme breathing distress And he had to have breathing treatments and steroids. So this mass is not keeping him safe It's making him sick who's going to pay for that hospital trip. Are you? Parents the longer that you wait and you don't hold your child's schools accountable gives these guys more time to dictate What's best for your child's physical mental and emotional health? Don't be afraid to speak out for your kids because they are voiceless and they and they rely on you Lie on you When our children ask for breathing breaks at school, they are denied access to fresh air and disciplined accordingly They are yelled at they are shamed. They are told they're not going to be promoted to the next grade level They get office referrals. They get lunch detention and even in-school suspension for even lowering it below their nose Let me repeat that for you our children at school Ask for breathing breaks and they are denied and then they get in trouble We are gaslighting our children to think that it is normal and healthy to cover up their healthy beautiful god-given faces for hours at a time Think of the children learning the basics of phonics and literacy who can't even see their teacher enunciate specifically my daughter Think of the children who already suffer from anxiety ADHD autism learning disabilities who are possibly speech impaired and other children who are struggling with a mask Think of the kids who are feeling increasingly suicidal Have newfound eating disorders who are regressing emotionally and socially think of the child who comes from a broken home Seeking love compassion and friendship only to be completely isolated Even at school not given an opportunity to see a single smile all day long do better It's safe to say that covid has not only killed many but it is also killing childhood And each of you are now continuing to rob our children with evidence lacking guidelines that have no practicality In the classroom or in a learning environment do better. We did not elect the cdc. We did not elect. Dr Fauci we elected every single one of you sitting there Are we going to pretend that this doesn't matter because the experts told us so Nothing that has happened has been for the sake of our children Do better because if not, we will do better There are four of you school board members who are up for a reelection next year And I assure you we will do better when your seats are up We will do better by taking our children out of your schools We will do better by protecting our children from any further baseless abuse at your hands do better unmask our children. We are watching you What you are doing to our kids is abuse What you are doing to our kids is psychological warfare that will haunt them Not just for this last year not for this year, but for the rest of their lives So The masks are affecting our children mentally My longtime friend of 30 years her 14 year old son lakivius Was a bright young man who had always done very well in school and had lots of friends When school started back in september, he tried in person and could not breathe through the masks He was getting dizzy nauseous and very severe headaches. So he had no choice but to go virtual Lakivius felt cut off from the rest of the world which he stated in his suicide note He stated he was hopeless that we would never return to normal His mother found him when she came home from her shift He'd hung himself in her closet Look pardon me Lakivius was 14 years old with his whole life ahead of him Masks need to be optional period Many are worried the isolation that has come with the pandemic is having a big impact on mental health the next health crisis Triggered by covet 19 may actually be a wave of suicides Suicide rates are at the highest since world war ii like 41 days ago My my young 12 year old boy about three days before his 13th birthday Took his life Tell me exactly what happened Count with me sir, one two, three four keep doing them sir. Okay, one two, three four one three four one My eight-year-old daughter came down the stairs and said hated hung himself And I ran upstairs I tried I want nobody ever feels to see what I saw to feel this pain One of the things about schools that I think puts it in perspective is More children have died from suicide than from covet We're seeing sadly far greater suicides now than we are deaths from covet We're seeing far greater deaths from drug overdose That are above excess that we had as background than we are seeing deaths from covet so this is why I came coming back for the overall social being of the individuals In september one report found that more than half of the kids surveyed had thoughts of suicide or self-harm In fact 11 to 17 year olds have been more likely than any other age group To experience symptoms of anxiety and depression during the pandemic The second leading cause of death in the united states for 10 to 14 year olds is suicide The second leading cause of death of 15 to 24 year olds is suicide 25 to 34 year olds is suicide When dylan buckner's parents woke up on january 7th little did they know that it would be the last day They would see their promising 18 year old star athlete and straight a student joe took her own life In her own home last week. Her mother says she struggled during the coronavirus pandemic and having to stay home Kennedy nida was just 16 years old when she took her life this year Spencer smith took his own life because of the isolation he felt learning from home This weekend more tragedy as two students from oakdale high took their lives on september 21st London, sophia bronze died by suicide He's loved by so many that it's hard to believe he was this This depressed and he did this spencer smith left a note for his parents writing about feeling locked in the house And growing apart from his friends Then he took his own life. Do you think the pandemic? Played a role in this absolutely the isolation On march 19th just a day before they planned to leave for vacation their world instead changed forever Kennedy took her own life I don't want another family to have to experience this hurt and this loss that we have We've uh, we lost another one in my small town We lost four in the town adjacent to four teens one kid hung himself from the goalposts of the football stadium Um, and so there's there's probably a total of six around my town my west point buddy Um, unfortunately, um passed away through through that through a self-harm method, uh, just just last week This this is this is a tragedy Um and and the stigma around suicide. I know I know it can be taboo I know people don't want to talk about it because they don't know what to say But i've been screaming from as loud as I can is that conversations matter we have to talk about it What we've done in the past hasn't worked. It's time to try something different and I implore every american every parent out there if you're working if you're working on your patio outside Grab your son your daughter. Take them to home depot. Take your kid on a walk Conversations matter and we're in a heightened state of anxiety. It has to be asked. What is more dangerous at the moment? Is it is it the coronavirus or is it This mental health deterioration that's been going going on now If you or someone you know is having suicidal thoughts help is out there the national suicide prevention lifeline call center Is open 24 7 and that number is 1-800-273-8255 You're going to be touching A new hampshire grandmother was arrested after refusing to wear a mask at a school committee meeting. So then I get it I get it. You're gonna have to drag me out What? This is outrageous A mom dragged out of the volusia county school board meeting for not wearing a mask so my daughter is not going to go to the school district and also i'm going to Encourage other parents and i'll do whatever I have to do to help them pull their kids out of the school district We all believe in what you do This is an embarrassment Parents pull your children out of this district. That's the only way you're going to save them until this board is removed My child my choice I want an option Tensions were running high at the pinellas county school board meeting today resulting in an arrest The pinellas county school district says someone refused to wear a mask and that set off a series of clashes with the board And even school police if you do not put your mask on we cannot proceed with this meeting And you will be asked to leave by security This room is not complying with these health guidelines this creates a health concern for this meeting. So Um, i'm going to suspend the rules and i'm going to make a motion to continue this entire meeting to another day I Leave you with these questions to ponder If masks work, why do we social distance? If social distancing works, why do we wear the masks if both work? Why the lockdowns and if all of that works? Why the vaccine I think you know the answers but no doubt you'll ignore the truth because that's what you're told to do Final thoughts do your job open the schools drop the mask and leave the parenting to us. Thank you It's dehumanizing By design We're not intended to only see people's eyes When you can't see a person's facial expression You really don't form a connection with them, right? We thrive on seeing other people's smiles and seeing other people's emotional reactions and happiness and sadness It really is an effort to dehumanize uh the individual It also encourages people to behave Aggressively and hatefully and violently toward their fellow man when people's faces are hidden Uh, they feel bolder in doing evil Uh, and and you know, I think we really see this in riots, right? Riots and and mob activity becomes much easier when people feel like they can cover their face and they can remain anonymous Because it's a psychological thing. And again, there's been studies done on this even going back many decades And and what the studies have found is consistently Mask wearing promotes aggressive violent behavior and there was one study I can't remember the name of who did it, but they looked at different tribes And what they found was the ones that painted their face or covered their face were more barbarous were more violent Were more vicious than the tribes that didn't do that where where people's faces were visible So there's a lot of psychological components at work here. I think importantly it really is a symbol of submission and so for me to see Such a huge percentage of the american people succumbing to this mask idiocy. Um, it's tragic. It makes you want to cry I really believe that masks are a psychological attack on the freedom of america the acceptance of the population has made slaves of people in their hearts in their minds the goal is Total control over the lives of people and the only way you can do that Is by fear Well fear is an acronym and it stands for false evidence appearing real And right now what's happening is they are using fear As a marketing tool, I mean what you're really experiencing is a rollout of a brand new product That's what you're experiencing and any of you that are in the marketing world can absolutely look back and say oh that makes total sense What they're doing is they're putting a piece of of product out and they're seeing how people Respond to that and then they change their messaging Um and advertising according to how people respond And i'm going to quote edmund burke here. I mean, this is in the 1700s and he said this about fear quote No passion so effectively robs the mind of all its powers of acting and reasoning So when you scare people enough their capacity for reason and their capacity to act in their own best interest is severely, you know severely curtailed And there was a quote from hl mankin the whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed and thus Clamorous to be led to safety by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins all of them imaginary The push for face coverings and their general acceptance worldwide is proof that this is not about science It's about compliance It's about creating an atmosphere of nonsensical blind obedience to authority The social engineers are using fear to condition a new generation of citizens that are so dehumanized They will comply with future orders that nobody in their right mind would follow If the government can force you to cover your mouth and nose Inhibiting your very breath for life. You no longer own your own body the government does You are no longer free The government is your master and you are a slave wearing the mark of your master across your face The establishment will push face mask again in future health scares perhaps every cold and flu season They may try to make face masks mandatory for certain types of travel or activities and many people will volunteer to mask Is this the kind of world we want to live in and pass on to our children? Where nonsensical behaviors and garments are held up as virtuous and conformity to the group is required All is not lost and I know right now people are feeling very discouraged Overwhelmed I get the calls from people who are suicidal. I've had those calls at one o'clock in the morning I get the calls from people who are in a wheelchair. They can't wear a face mask because they've got an oxygen cannula And they've been wheeled into a snow bank by a hospital system that refuses to treat them and is denying them medical care They're sitting there waiting for their bus to come pick them out and they're sitting in a snow bank egregious illegal completely discriminatory But it's happening to people all across this country and I get those phone calls from people who are crying And they they just feel this sense of despair of hopelessness And so I I really want to just leave people with the sentiment and the understanding that all is not lost There's still hope as long as there is breath in us. There is hope We know if we have a biblical worldview what the last chapter is, right? We know who wins this war And I would just encourage people as long as we can still get together and we can fight we need to So if we stand up and we organize which is what we are doing we can end this and we can take it back So start small just go to your local grocery store and don't put on a mask And I know that might be scary for some people so start small Just don't put your mask on just walk in and smile and keep on walking If you're going to get your groceries, you know where you're going don't stop and have a conversation with someone about a mask Just tell them no, thank you. I'm sorry, but I don't wear one because of health reasons and keep going Right. It's not a lie I don't wear one for health reasons because I know how unhealthy it is But i've never been tackled and those little victories will make you feel so big it will make you feel so good I get those emails too because I teach people how to go about your business how to live your life Without submitting to tyranny and without submitting to these mandates and I get people call me and send me messages all the time Oh my gosh, it worked. I feel so good um I hit a lady in costco the other day my son and I were there and And she came up to us and she said or sorry not costco. They're horrible sam's club. I was in sam's club And she came up to me and she said How are you not wearing a mask? How are you able to get away with it? And I just looked at her and I said because I don't need to ask permission I don't have to wear one. And so I just don't and she just looked at me for a couple of minutes She ripped her mask off and she walked away and she said thank you I feel so free and we giggled because we saw her all the way through every time You know, we were going to another aisle there. She was smiling from ear to ear just she felt so free It had just never dawned on her to refuse to obey that she had the choice to refuse to comply And so just start small and those little victories will make you feel really great And then you just keep sharing the information standing up as you're able to in your own world In your own circle and that kind of courage is contagious When I say that all of this is the great litmus test for how much they can control the masses This is the litmus test because people people will tell you in public and every one of us have heard this one It's just a mask It's just a mask Just do it for your neighbor It's just a mask Well, okay What if it's just an armband? What if it's just a tattoo? What if it's just a chip? What if it's just a shot? The where they go where we go from here who can know? What our children and grandchildren are going to have to accept who won't even know they're having to accept it They're going to think it's perfectly normal because you know, it's all new normal Well, the new normal is global governance and controlling And individual liberty is going away. I've heard more people than I care to in my lifetime in offices of government Say things to the effect of we're just going to have to give up a little sovereignty to get this done Nope Nope, you don't have to give up any sovereignty at all You don't have to give it up And many people have said oh, come on peggy. It's just it's just for a few minutes You're making such a big deal out of this. It doesn't just do it. It's no big deal. I'm never going to do it I've made sacrifices very minimal sacrifices not on the level that many people have done where they've you know, had to leave their job or They've been denied medical care. What have you but I really applaud and admire people who are going to go to the mat I call it marching it all the way to heaven and I will i'm going to march it all the way to heaven I am never going to stop There is no law that can ever be valid or legitimate that requires anyone to restrict their breath We are born with the right to life life requires oxygen Restricting someone's oxygen is taking away their life That's why even the governors the mayors even the health officers They all have stated that there are exemptions that these are just guidelines And they're kicking the can down the road To have the stores and the businesses Be the enforcers they are strong arming these businesses. The businesses are actually becoming sort of the new government I call it the united states of costco because they're now making these laws Via their store policies that are requiring the masks likely it will require the vaccinations and um people said to me also Peggy why are you making such? A deal out of the masks. This was months ago And I said look you're not in california. I don't think you have any idea how bad it is here, but it's not about the masks It's about your freedom when you get these collectivist ideas that That is so broadly accepted now How how close are we to the we're global citizen and you've heard that already? We're just a global citizen you're global you're a citizen on this, you know humanity is one race This is where we're going this mask it's nothing I I I am literally terrified of the direction we go after these masks What they're going to force people to do to prove that they are You know wanting the rest of the world to succeed or do what's right? Um, I fear for my children and my grandchildren So we've been working really hard to educate people And to just encourage people listen. Nobody can make you wear a face mask. Nobody can make you do anything Stand up and refuse to obey. Now. Is that going to change your lifestyle? Yep It's changed mine a little bit. There are some stores. I can't go to because they're mask nazis Well, guess what? They're never going to get my business again Because I know those stores that I can go to who do respect my rights and who are not going to hassle me and harass me And I just walk in like I own the joint if they ask me if I need a mask I say no Thank you, and I just keep walking we all have the ability to refuse to obey and you know It's our civic duty to refuse to obey and go along with tyranny because if we comply what are we doing? We're enabling it. We're furthering it. We're giving it a voice and we're giving it power if we refuse to obey If we refuse to obey and we stop complying we take the power back and who has the power We the people right? So it's up to us. We can end this real fast. Like I said one word non-compliance It is time to see the mask for what it is a dirty rag a face diaper a symbol of bondage a publicity stunt of behavioral science And a denial of your health Having free access to breathe the air should not be up for debate the health well-being and sanity of our children depend on it We must lead by example courage is contagious Refuse the mask stop living in fear and be a human again Please join us in the next episode as we look into the science and deception surrounding the so-called miracle vaccines So So So So So So So The things we've talked about in this video are very important there's no doubt about it, but the truth is what's so much more important than anything that we've talked about in these videos is your eternal soul One of these days we're all going to stand before god hebrews 9 27 says and as it is appointed unto men Wants to die But after this the judgment, what have you done? to prepare yourself for that judgment day Are you prepared to stand before a holy god? When you do stand before a holy god Do you want to talk about your works? Because we see in the bible That salvation it doesn't come through any works of righteousness Which we've done the bible says we're saved by grace through faith and that not of yourselves It is a gift of god not of works Lest any man should boast I know when I stand before god the last thing I want to talk about Is what i've done? Because according to the word of god i'm sinful and i've come short of god's glory our only chance Of surviving judgment Is if we don't have to talk about our works and the bible tells us that our salvation it's through the works of jesus christ and those who Have put their faith in jesus christ. They have what the bible calls imputed righteousness It says in second corinthians 5 18 And all things are of god who hath reconciled us to himself by jesus christ And hath given to us the ministry of reconciliation To wit that god was in christ reconciling the world unto himself Not imputing their trespasses unto them And committed unto us the word of reconciliation Now, how is god able to do that not credit us for sins? That we have done a holy god can't just sweep sin under the rug and let it go unanswered When the bible tells us the wages of sin Is death so How can god not? impute our trespasses to us well, that's because He imputed our trespasses to jesus christ The bible says that he who knew no sin Became sin for us that we might be made the righteousness of god in him That's why jesus came to this earth and went to the cross So he could take our place And that's exactly what he did when he died that horrible that cruel death God was imputing our trespasses to him all those things That we've done that we should be held accountable for the things that we should have to die and go to hell for jesus christ Did that for us? That's already been done By him and so the bible tells us that those who are of faith we can now receive that imputed righteousness It says in romans four five but to him that worketh not But believeth on him that justifieth The ungodly that's me The bible says his faith is counted for righteousness Even as david also describeth the blessedness of the man under whom god impudeth righteousness Without works so not only are our sins not imputed or credited to us But the righteousness of christ Is credited to us? So when I stand before god on judgment day, i'm actually going to stand there As clean and as innocent as jesus christ I'm going to be judged according to what he did and not according to what I did and All I had to do to receive that standing Is to just believe what god has told us about his son how he Came to this earth and he died in our place and he was buried he rose again I've put my faith and trust in that instead of my works and my religious performance And according to the bible when I stand before god one of these days I will stand there as righteous As jesus christ folks. That's a miracle but that's also Our only hope because in this flesh you better believe i've messed everything up. I have contributed to the sin That is in the world And if you're out there listening to this video and you've been trusting in your goodness and your religious performance to get you to heaven You need to repent of that and you need to 100 Put all your faith and trust and what jesus christ has already done for you. And if you'll do that You will receive that righteousness That can only come through faith in jesus christ. So thank you so much for watching this video I hope it was a help and a blessing to you. God bless You