(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Hey everybody, Pastor Steven Anderson here from Faithful Word Baptist Church in Tempe, Arizona with another Trinity moment proving that the Trinity is biblical and that oneness or modalism is a lie. Today I want to talk about Colossians 2-9. For in him dwelleth all the fullness of the Godhead bodily. Now this is a proof text that the oneness crowd will use to teach their false doctrine and their interpretation of this is based on wrongly understanding what the word Godhead means and I think a lot of people have a misunderstanding about what this word Godhead means. For in him dwelleth all the fullness of the Godhead bodily. Here's simply what it means. Godhood. That is just an archaic form of the word Godhood. Now if you study the ending hood on words you'll understand that it comes from a previous ending in Middle English in the 1400 and 1500s. Head. The way I first found this was I was reading a book written in the 1800s and it used the word maidenhead and that word maidenhead is even in modern dictionaries and it means maidenhood. It means the state of being a virgin or virginity. So when I saw that word maidenhead and I realized that it was just an older form of the word maidenhood then it got me thinking and then I realized oh Godhead is the old form of Godhood. That's why even if you look up the word Godhead in the dictionary it'll list as one of the definitions Godhood because it's just an archaic form of that word. Not only that but if you look this up in other languages you know I love foreign languages so I read the Bible in a lot of other languages you know if you look it up in Spanish basically all the three verses where it says Godhead in the King James Bible it'll say in Spanish divinidad or divinity. One place that says deity. That's in the traditional Spanish Reina Valera Bible. Also if you look it up in German in the Martin Luther Bible Gotheit which is like Godness or Godhood or the state of being God and there are a lot of words in English that have that hood ending like fatherhood motherhood. What does that mean? Childhood. Parenthood. It means the state of being a father. Brotherhood. Neighborhood. I mean we have a lot of words that have that ending and that's all this is is just an older form of that word so when it says Godhead it's talking about the state of being God Godness or Godhood or divinity or deity. Other languages you could look it up Greek for example Theotitos is what it says. Theotes in Romans. Theotitos in Colossians. So if you know other foreign languages you could look it up in other traditional Bibles in those languages and you'll see this is simply what the word means. Not only that but if we go to the context of the Bible itself we'll see that that's what the word means because for example in Romans chapter 1 verse 20 it says for the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen being understood by the things that are made even his eternal power and Godhead so that they are without excuse. So notice the things of the created world show us his power and his Godhood. They show us his deity his divinity his Godness his Godhood. That makes perfect sense. Now the wrong definition that most people have of this word Godhead they think that it means basically the Trinity as in the Father the Son and the Holy Ghost like that that word Godhead is referring to all three Father Son and Holy Ghost in one so what these oneness people are trying to twist Colossians into saying is that in him dwelleth all the fullness of the Godhead bodily they're trying to say oh well he's like the Father Son and the Holy Ghost bodily he's all three Father Son Holy Ghost bodily Godhead bodily but that's just a complete misunderstanding of what the word Godhead means because if we were to apply that definition to Romans you know let's compare scripture with scripture here even his eternal power and Godhead if you take the definition that I'm teaching here which is supported by you know all the evidence all other foreign languages looking it up in the dictionary going to the history and the etymology of the English word Godhead and seeing that it's an old form of Godhood if you take that definition this verse makes sense his eternal power and Godhood that makes sense okay but if we took the other definition even his eternal power and Father Son and Holy Ghost all collectively Trinity that wouldn't make any sense would it because how could you say his Father Son and Holy Ghost or his Trinity that wouldn't make sense but his divinity makes sense his deity makes sense his Godhood actually makes sense in Romans chapter 1 verse 20 so when the Bible says in Colossians chapter 2 in him dwelleth all the fullness of the Godhead bodily what that verse is teaching is simply that he is fully God every aspect of divinity or deity dwells in Jesus Christ he's not partially God he is 100% God in him dwelleth all the fullness of the Godhead bodily okay but what it's not saying is that he is the Father Son and Holy Ghost bodily you know that he is the Father bodily because remember oneness is teaching that Jesus is God the Father that God the Father came and died on the cross for us okay that's what oneness is teaching but what the Trinity teaches is that God is made up of three persons the Father the Son and the Holy Ghost and that the Father sent the Son to be the Savior of the world but in the Son in Jesus Christ dwells all the fullness of the Godhead bodily meaning that he is fully divine he's fully God which is exactly what the traditional view of the Trinity teaches that Jesus is fully God and that he's co-equal with the Father in the sense that they are both equally God we can call Jesus Christ God he is God almighty he is not a lesser God an inferior God no all the fullness of the Godhead what does the Godhead mean the Godhead means everything that it means to be God okay when we say motherhood what do we mean everything that goes into being a mother when we say fatherhood everything that goes into being a father you know if we said manhood that's another good example manhood means the state of being a man or everything that goes into being a man the qualities of being a man well when the Bible says in him dwells all the fullness of the Godhead bodily it's saying everything it means to be God all the qualities and attributes that God has he has all of them all the fullness of the Godhead not part of what it means to be God or part of Godhood or divinity or deity but all of it resides in Jesus Christ because he is fully God that's the correct interpretation of Colossians 2 9 based on a correct understanding of the word Godhead it's not head like this part of my body here that's what a lot of people are misunderstanding you know then you'd expect to look this up in other languages and see you know Spanish something with cabeza right head or cough in German or whatever but that's not what we see okay because it's not head as in this thing on the top of my body here it's head as in a suffix that later morphed into hood but in the 1600s was still around as head which is a carryover from Middle English