(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Hi, this is Pastor Logan Robertson from Pillar Baptist Church in Ipswich Australia. I'm bringing you Mormon moment number seven This one's about confessing your sins, you know, who should we confess them to? Well according to Joseph Smith and their doctrine covenants Actually, I'll read you the verse first it says in verse number 12 of chapter 59 But remember that on this the Lord's Day thou shalt offer thine oblations and thy sacraments unto the Most High Confessing thy sins unto thy brethren and before the Lord So they say you have to confess your sins unto your brethren and before God. The Bible teaches We confess our sins to God and God alone We don't have to confess our sins unto some priest or unto Joseph Smith or anyone in the Mormon Church or anyone for that matter only unto God And I'll read you a verse from the Bible in a minute But I know a guy a friend that used to be a Mormon and when he became a Mormon he had to go and confess his Sins unto their bishop at their local church and he had to go before he was baptized He had to confess all his sins and you know name every single one of them and when he did them and everything Into great detail that is where now I don't want to know my church members what they've been doing You know yesterday or the day before I don't I don't want to know about it, but They obviously do they obviously got sick minds and they want to hear you know about everybody's sins And so I'll read you from James chapter 5 and verse number 16 it says confess your faults One to another and pray for one another that you may be healed the effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man Availeth much the Bible says that we've meant to confess our sins unto God Yes, but here it says confess your faults one to another now That'd be like saying it say it's a I don't read my Bible much and I weaned up to someone I said hey Nick brother Can you just pray for me that you know I could be strengthened in my Bible reading because you know I've been failing lately And I haven't been doing enough Bible reading That's what a fault would be and so you're asking a brother to pray for you to help you to strengthen you in that area Of your life, but you're not confessing all your sins unto your brother. That's just weird And that's what the Book of Mormon teaches that you're meant to do It's not found in the Bible, but that was Mormon moment number seven. Have a nice day. God bless