(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Hi, this is pastor Logan Robertson from pillar Baptist Church in Ipswich Australia. I'm bringing you number six of our Mormon moments and This one the the Book of Mormon the Doctrine of Covenants Tells you that you have to obey everything that the government tells you to do I'll read you this verse it says in verse number 21 of chapter 58 Let no man break the laws of the land for he that keepeth the laws of God have no need to break the laws of The land wherefore be subject to the powers that be Until he reigns who's right it is to reign and subdue all enemies under his feet So their book says you have to obey all the laws of the land if you obey the Laws of God you have no need to break the laws of the land The Bible says in Romans chapter 13 verse 1 let every soul be subject unto the higher powers So it says you have to be subject to the highest power so if God Know it tells you to you know preach the gospel door to door which the Bible commands us as Christians to do But then the government tells you that you can't do that Then who are you mean to obey God or the government you mean to obey the government? No, you mean to obey God and you're meant to obey what he says, but they say hey You have to obey the laws of the land no matter what they are So you know the Antichrist When he tells you to put a mark in your hand or in your forehead Otherwise you can't buy or sell well. You're gonna have to obey that if you're a woman But you know the Bible teaches no such thing it says that you have to obey the higher power So whoever's the highest power which is God That's who you obey not the government if the government's telling you to murder your own children Guess what you're not mean to do those you're not mean to murder your own children You're not mean to if the government tells you that you have to drink alcohol Well, you're not mean to do that But the Book of Mormon teaches that you have to obey everything that their book says or what the government says There's Mormon moment number six. Have a nice day. God bless