(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Hello, this is Pastor Steven Anderson from Faithful Word Baptist Church in Tempe, Arizona. Today I want to talk about Acts 26, verse 11. This is where the apostle Paul is talking about when he excelled in the Jews' religion, as he put it, and he was very zealous of persecuting Christians. This is before Paul had gotten saved. So the apostle Paul is talking about how he really worked hard to persecute Christians back when he was in the Jews' religion. And one of the things it says that he did was that he compelled them to blaspheme. He forced them to blaspheme. Now, why is this significant? Because in Revelation chapter 1, verse 12, it says, He compelled them to blaspheme. He forced them to blaspheme. Now, why is this significant? Because in Revelation chapter 2, verse 9, when it talks about the synagogue of Satan, he said, Obviously, those who say they are Jews and are not are today's so-called Jews, Judaism. They claim to be Jews, but God does not recognize them spiritually as Jews, even though outwardly they're Jews. You know, Romans 2, 28 and 29 explains that. But a lot of people will say, no, no, no. It's those who believe in replacement theology. They're the synagogue of Satan because they're saying that they're Jews and they're not. But here's the difference. We're not blaspheming Christ. He said, Now, if we're going to figure out who the synagogue of Satan is, it has to be somebody who's blaspheming because he knows they're blaspheming. Well, this is something that is part and parcel of Judaism. Blaspheming Jesus Christ, blaspheming the Lord. We see the Apostle Paul saying it there in Acts 26, 11, that he forced people to blaspheme Jesus Christ as part of his activities in the Jews' religion. We know that the Talmud is a very blasphemous book. Now, I want to mention to you another book right now. And this book is called Jesus in the Talmud by Dr. Peter Shaffer. And if you don't think that Judaism is blasphemous toward Jesus Christ, that the Talmud is blasphemous, you should check out this book, Jesus in the Talmud by Peter Shaffer. Now, Peter Shaffer is not a wild-eyed conspiracy theorist. From reading the book, it's clear that he's not a Bible-believing Christian, nor is he a Jew. He is just an academic. He's actually the head of Judaic studies at Princeton University. Now, Princeton University is not a den of conspiracy theory. It's an institution that most people would have great respect for as being a scholarly place of learning. And so this head of Judaic studies at Princeton University, who has examined all the documents in their original languages and done all the research throughout the Talmud, he wrote this book called Jesus in the Talmud, and he documents and explains every mention of Jesus Christ in the Talmud. Oh, things like the fact that Jesus Christ, the bastard son of a Roman soldier named Pantera, that his mother Mary is a whore, that he practiced sorcery and black magic that he learned when he was down in Egypt. Things like the fact that Jesus is spending all eternity boiling in hot excrement and all kinds of other wicked, blasphemous things about the Lord Jesus Christ. So the shoe fits, frankly, with Judaism. And if you talk to rabbis today, they'll tell you that the Talmud is the word of God and that it is authoritative, that it is inspired by God. And the Talmud is saying these awful, horrific things about Jesus. Again, this isn't just hearsay. It's all documented in the book Jesus in the Talmud by Peter Schaeffer, head of Judaic studies at Princeton University. So it's clear from the Bible and from the Talmud that the Jews today are those who blaspheme Christ in their synagogues. Judaism is a blasphemous religion.