(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Hello, this is Pastor Steven Anderson from Faithful Word Baptist Church in Tempe, Arizona, and today I want to talk about the word Shekinah, or sometimes you'll hear it Shekhina, different ways to pronounce it. Now I grew up in Baptist churches, and throughout my time growing up, I've heard preachers refer to the Shekinah glory of God. Over and over again. I mean, multiple preachers I've heard talk about the Shekinah glory. Now I just assumed that they were going back to the Hebrew, because often preachers will try to look smart by throwing in some Hebrew words. So I assumed, well, that must be the Hebrew word for glory, because they talk about the Shekinah glory. But once I did some research, how did I realize that that word Shekinah or Shekhina is never found in the Bible one time. It's never found in the Hebrew. It's just never been used in the Bible before the time of Christ. But after the Jews rejected the Lord Jesus Christ and had their apostate rabbinical Judaism religion that's based on the Babylonian Talmud and not on the Bible, that's where they came up with this concept of Shekinah. And if you go to a Jewish website and look up what they teach about Shekinah, they teach that this is a feminine name for God and that it represents the female aspect of God. And what they teach in Judaism is that God is both male and female. And I asked a Jewish rabbi, I said, you know, where in the Bible does it teach that God is both male and female? Because all throughout the Bible it says he, him, his, he, but they say, no, no, no, God is both male and female. And so when we talk about God, sometimes we call him by his name Shekinah. And the Jews say that when they call him by Shekinah, they'll use the word she about God when they call God Shekinah, okay, because this is the female side of God. Well, that's just not biblical. There's no female side of God. But this is all part of the New Age mysticism that Judaism combines, the Kabbalah and these other aspects. You know, New Age mysticism will often talk about a female deity, a mother goddess type of a deity. And that's what the Jews have with this word Shekinah. God forbid that any Christian pastor or Baptist pastor would ever use the word Shekinah. It's a blasphemous word about a female God. It has nothing to do with the Bible. Now, I asked a rabbi, you know, where this is coming from and they said, well, the reason we believe God is both male and female is because he created, you know, man and woman in his own image and so therefore he's both. But that's not what the Bible teaches because listen to 1 Corinthians chapter number 11 where God talks about this exact subject. He says in verse 7, for a man indeed ought not to cover his head for as much as he is the image and glory of God, but the woman is the glory of the man. So the Bible clearly states in 1 Corinthians 11, 7 that man is made in the image of God and that woman is not in the image of God. Okay, man is in God's image which is why he should not cover his head as opposed to the woman who should cover her head, meaning have long hair as a covering. Also, if you go back to Genesis chapter 1, the Bible says, so God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him, male and female created he them. Now this is nothing negative about women or disparaging women or saying that women are of lesser value. That's not what this is about at all. But being in the image of God means that we look like God. And so men are made in the image of God because God is masculine in his appearance and in his character. And so this teaching that God is both a he and a she, I mean I'm sure it's going to be very popular in our modern perverted transvestite weirdo society, but let me tell you something, it's not biblical. And a lot of the modern Bibles today are making the Bible gender neutral. The new NIV is going more gender neutral, the 2011 edition. And then you hear Christian Bible teachers coming out and talking about the Shekinah and the Shekinah. No, these are satanic blasphemous terms and they should never be named from the pulpit of a Baptist church except to rebuke them.