(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Hello everybody, it's MrTalt23 back with another video, and the purpose of this video, if you couldn't tell from the title, is to just say some controversial things which might get some people offended. And by this I mean doctrines and opinions which come from the Bible that the world might see as strange and the world might get angry at or offended over. And that's not to say that everybody who is a believer will agree with me either, you know, we're not all going to agree on everything, there's going to be some differences in our interpretations of some scriptures, that's fine. But it's just that in this age of political correctness there's really just an urge to be politically incorrect, to say things in used terms which the world gets triggered at. You know, the Bible says we ought to obey God rather than men. Because in reality these things are the truth and I don't care if the world or people who aren't believers disagree with it because this is God's word and this is from God's word. Now this is not meant to be a deep doctrinal explanation either. Each of these things I might give a verse or two just to support it or just give a reason. Because the goal is not to convince people beyond any reasonable doubt that this is what it is. It's just to see, I guess, who would get offended and what the reaction would be to this video, I guess that's one of the purposes of this. To fight also against the nonsensical hate speech policy that YouTube has developed recently. To say things that might be considered hate speech by some. But you know, does it really matter? No. We can say what we want and we have the authority of the Bible to preach these things. Now let's just go through a list of these some things. I have a list of 23 things, you know, fitting with Mr. Tall 23. So these are things, ideas, concepts, doctrines, point of views, or whatever you want to call them. Which might cause some controversy both with the world and with Christians out there who aren't heavily grounded in scripture who don't really know the Bible that well. So here is a list of things. So number one, sodomites should be put to death. Leviticus 20-13. Number two, sodomites are reprobates meaning that they've already been rejected by God because they themselves hate God and they reject God. And that's taught in Romans chapter 1. Number three, all homos are pedophiles and they're filled with all unrighteousness as it says in Romans 1 28-31. Number four, there are only two genders and that's taught in Genesis 2 with the creation of man and woman. Number five, abortion is murder and a fetus is a human being. Luke 1 41, Psalm 139, 13-16, Jeremiah 1 5, and Isaiah 49 verse 1. All of those show that life begins at conception. Number six, those who practice abortion should be put to death using an eye for eye form of punishment. Meaning that they should be torn apart limb from limb and they should have their organs sucked out. Or they could just be stoned at least by civil authorities. That's taught in Leviticus 24 19-21 which talks about an eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth, hand for a hand, a burn for a burn, etc. Number seven, woman's roles is the role of child bearing, child raising, and being a homemaker. That's taught in 1 Corinthians 7 verse 1-4, 1 Timothy 2 verse 9-15, and Titus 2 verse 3-5. Women should not really be anything else, they should work in the home. Number eight, women are to be subjected to their husbands and husbands have the duty to take care of their wife. 1 Corinthians 11 3-15, Ephesians 5 22-25, Colossians 3 18-19, and 1 Peter 3 1-7. Number nine, women should not wear pants, they are a man's garment. Likewise, men should not wear dresses and skirts. If they do, that makes them an abomination. And that's taught in Deuteronomy 22 5, it is a specific commandment from God. And we know that this is talking specifically about pants because pants are made for men. And they're used in the Bible, mentioned five times, under the name of Hosen and Britches, always talking about a man, never in reference to a woman. And even up until a few decades ago, women never wore pants in any society, that's a new thing. You know, women walking around with jeans, that's relatively new, that's only been around for a couple generations. But they weren't made for them. Number ten, parents should homeschool their children not subjected to the lies and indoctrination of the state. And it teaches that in Proverbs 22 6 and Deuteronomy 11 19, where again it is an actual commandment for parents to teach their children. And to raise their children. Number eleven, alcohol is wicked and we should do everything to avoid it. Proverbs 23 30-33. Number twelve, all animals are subject under the authority of humans and they do not have the same rights as us. Genesis 1 28. Number thirteen, not everybody is born equal, and by that I mean mechanically equal. Morally and spiritually equal, yes. But in terms of our role in society, it's false to say that people from all identities and all backgrounds and nations are inherently equal. Now in Exodus 17 16 and Deuteronomy 23 3-8, it teaches that the Edomites, the Egyptians, the Ammonites, and the Moabites are not allowed to enter temples and assemblies. And Numbers chapter 18 verse 22-23 forbids the Levites from having inheritances, so not everybody has the same rights. So here are some examples from the Bible. And then there's also the fact that people have different skills, they have different shortcomings and physical abilities and disabilities when they're born. So not everybody is mechanically equal, not everybody gets the same chance to do the same things and be able to have the same roles in society as everybody else. No, that's not true. Number fourteen, democracy is a failed anti-biblical pagan system. Now the ancient government set up in the Torah sets up a kritarkic republic. Kritarkic is a, a kritarchy is something which is ruled by judges. The Bible teaches, you can see this all throughout the Torah, that representatives of the people in the form of judges are those who make judgment, but they're also ruling itself based on a constitution which would be the law of Moses. The people just don't get to vote the laws themselves. Number fifteen, all religions are different and all the world's religions are in opposition to and are separate from Christianity. Christianity teaches a triune god and it teaches salvation by faith alone, while most other religions are either polytheists or they only believe in one person or a pantheistic god, and they believe salvation is by doing good things. The Bible also says that there is none other name given among, or none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved, referring to the name of Jesus Christ. So it's false to say that multiple religions can be correct. The Bible proclaims all throughout it that it is the only source of authority, the only source of truth. You cannot say it's true and then something else is true. Number sixteen, Islam is a religion of violence and not a religion of peace. And the objection to this might be, well, it's not all Muslims. Well, there is a disproportionate amount of Islamic people who commit Islamic terrorist attacks. Literally tens of thousands of people have died or have been wounded in just the last few decades from Islamic terrorist attacks. But then there's also what the Quran says. The Quran surah 4 verse 101 says, And when you Muslims travel in the land, there is no sin on you. If you shorten your salat prayer, if you fear that the disbelievers may attack you, verily the disbelievers are ever unto you, open enemies. And then there's also surah 8 verse 12, Strike off their heads and strike from them every fingertip. And there's also chapter 2 verse 244, 476, 929, and 9111, and many other verses within the Quran which are very violent, which tell Muslims to be violent to others. So yes, Islam is a religion of violence. Number seventeen, Catholic Rome is Mystery Babylon the Great, the mother of harlots and abominations of the earth. Or at least, Rome is Mystery Babylon, and the Catholic Church is one of those harlots which Rome is the mother of. For that you can just see my recent video on Revelation 17, and I don't really need to go into that anywhere else. Number eighteen, The Jews killed Jesus Christ, and the Judeas are enemies of God. Matthew chapters 27 verse 24 to 25, that's when they said, Let his blood be upon us. Acts chapter 2 verse 22 to 23, and first Thessalonians 2, 14 to 16. So it's false to say that the Jews are not responsible and it's just the Romans, which some people actually believe. Number nineteen, Speaking of that, Israel is not a legitimate state, but neither is Palestine. Guess what, there's more than just the option of, well you can just have to pick one of these sites. No, the land belongs to God, who we will give to his people, the Christians, in the future. And we can see that in Matthew chapter 3 verse 8 to 10, Romans 9 to 25, Romans 11, 16 to 21, Matthew 21, 4 to 3, and also the prophecies in Revelation and the prophecies throughout the Old Testament, which promised to give it to Israel. But of course these other verses in the New Testament show that the New Testament believers in Christ are become the children of Abraham. They're the ones who inherit the promise of God to Abraham. Number twenty, Meat is meant to be eaten, and those who command vegetarianism are teaching doctrines of devils. And we see that in Genesis 9, 3, and also 1 Timothy 4, 1 to 3. Number twenty-one, speaking of devils, many of those with mental illnesses such as schizophrenia themselves are possessed by devils. And for that you just need to compare the stories of the devils in the Bible to show how, to see how people with certain diseases act today. Just compare that with, compare the Bible with what happens today. For example, Matthew 8, 28 to 33 is one example of a story about demons. And also I suggest watching the documentary called Demon Possessed, which was made by Steadfast Baptist Church, which you can find on YouTube. That's a very good documentary proving this. Number twenty-two, if you don't have work, or if you don't work, don't expect to be paid. Charities should only be given to those in unfortunate circumstances, not lazy derelicts who refuse to work. 2 Thessalonians 3, 10 to 11. And finally, number twenty-three, every single televangelist out there, every single Pentecostal preacher or prosperity gospel teacher, are false prophets who are full of greed, who are only looking for money. And Titus 1, 11 is a scripture which talks about that. But then there's also the fact that you can tell that they don't even teach right doctrine. For example, Benny Hinn is one of the famous ones. He believes that the Trinity is, or that God is a nine-person existence. While the Bible teaches that there's only three persons, he believes that there are nine persons, and he's said that before. Most of them teach that if you send your money to the ministry, then you'll be blessed. That's found nowhere in the Bible, and of course there's also Matthew 19, 24, where Jesus says it's easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God. So, there are twenty-three things. Some people might find that controversial, some people might not. But that's what the Bible says, and it's supported from biblical doctrine. So, I don't know, I hope you guys enjoy this video, the people who are subscribed to me, and who have watched my videos, because I put out videos kind of explaining some of these things before. So, if you've seen some of my videos in the past, the fact that I believe some of these things shouldn't be surprising. But, I'm pretty sure that most traditional Christians out there will agree with me on at least the majority of these. So, if you have any questions, feel free to ask. Let's hope this video doesn't get taken down either by YouTube, who has this new hate speech policy, and they might label this as hate speech, so we'll see. Because, you know, I don't remember their policy exactly, but there are some things in there which might, you know, about the Sodomites, number one, two, and three. About how not everybody's equal, number thirteen. About women's roles in seven, eight, and nine. Things like that. Oh, Islam is number sixteen. So, yeah, I'm pretty sure I'm gonna get some backlash for this. But, you know what, who cares? That's the point of this video. I'm just, it's kinda, it's kinda, I kinda hope that it doesn't get taken down, but at the same time, I'm trying to see if it does. So, that's kinda the thing. It's kinda like a test, but at the same time, these things aren't just things that I'm just saying, just be saying them. These are, this is the truth. This is, these are doctrines from the Bible. And some of these I've already made videos on, some of them I'm gonna make videos about in the future, and so on. So, thank everybody for watching, and goodbye.