(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) You Alright So the internet just cut out for some reason don't know it just all of a sudden stopped working It I don't even know if it's working right now still actually There's a poor connection I Would just okay, so Alright, so I'm just gonna continue where I went left off. I don't want to do a two-hour live stream again I don't want to start over so If it cuts out again then just know I Think that's enough. I think you get the point. I don't want to just keep Is it cutting out again? I? Can't tell the internet is garbage in my house there for no reason My brother's in it's working on his devices. It's not working on mine for some reason. My phone isn't working This isn't working silly Okay, there we go. So anyway, just continuing on with this if it's possible Where was I okay, so I was talking about you one So it says in 2nd Peter Chapter 2 verse 4 for if God spare not the angels that sin but cast them down into hell and Deliver them in a chains of darkness to be reserved unto judgment so again These angels that upon sinning they will they immediately are cast into hell They're immediately delivering it to change to be reserved unto judgment These guys don't get a chance for salvation like we do Nowhere in the Bible does it teach that angels have been saved or can be saved nor does it ever Compare our salvation with what has happened to angels. So it's a very strange doctrine that this guy is Insinuating and it's a good illustration of the fact that false prophets Cannot understand the Bible because they do not have the Spirit of God inside of them So I I don't know where the video count out either So if you miss the point Jude 1 says that they're reserved to judgment and everlasting chains Fact is that these angels they can't be saved once their sins are cast down into hell immediately Anyway, just moving on with the next point First Timothy 4 verse 1 which says now the Spirit speaketh expressly that in the latter times Some shall be part from the faith giving heed to seducing spirits in doctrines of devils So we can see in this passage that there are going to be people who will depart from the faith Now a lot of people would say all the only people leaving the faith were those who were never saved to begin with But you can't leave something that you were never associated with the only way to really understand this passage without twisting it is that there were some who were part of the faith who Are now departing from it number? First of all based on his interpretation this verse and the opposing view that he provides He's still wrong because you'd have to ignore first John 2 19 that talks about people who were of us But who left because they were not really of us because they were not true believers They did not continue with us because they were not all of us So yes, if this was talking about leaving the religion of Christianity and yes It is possible if somebody's not a true believer if they're just among them among the brethren But they are do not truly believe in their heart, but notice that this doesn't even teach that one can lose their salvation Because again, this is a common tactic of the eternal security deniers that they'll use verses that don't mention anything about everlasting life We're going to hell or salvation or justification or something of that sort All it says is that these people will give heed to false doctrines in the last days These people that depart from the faith are those who are departing from our faith meaning And they're giving heed meaning listening to these false doctrines now just because somebody listens to a false doctrine That doesn't mean they're not saved We see in 2nd Timothy chapter 4 verse 3 to 4 it says for the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine But after their own lust shall they keep to themselves teachers Having itching ears and they shall turn away their ears from the truth and shall be turned up to fables So this is talking about the same thing. It doesn't say that they will lose their salvation or go to hell Well, it just says that some will not endure sound doctrine but go after teachers who preach lies And of course we see that today There's a lot of Christians who prefer watered-down preaching but that doesn't mean that they lost their salvation just because they listen to these unsound Doctrines the only condition for salvation is putting your trust in Jesus Christ So if you believe right on God if you believe in the right God the right Jesus and if you have the right plan of Salvation and then you're saved You don't need to understand every single little doctrine in the scriptures to go to heaven because some Christians never read their Bibles at all So let's move on For if we sin willfully after that we have received the knowledge of the truth There remaineth no more sacrifice for sins now this passage is heavily debated with some saying Oh, it's not saying that if you sin that there will no longer be forgiveness of sins while others saying yes That is exactly what it's saying And I think if anyone just studies the context of Hebrews chapter 10 and looks at this verse within context It clearly shows that you can lose your salvation number four And I've already addressed this verse earlier in the video or rather I guess in the last video no sense it cut out but No, it does not clearly teach that you can lose your salvation Isn't it just convenient that the context that he mentions he never quotes. He doesn't put on the screen. He You know, he doesn't ever speak of it or what it says So I've already addressed this earlier in the video But just to summarize if you read verses 1018 it's talking about the Old Testament animal sacrifices It says in verse 18 that we're remission of sins is there is no more offering for sin That's because Jesus Christ made one sacrifice for sins forever according to Hebrews 10 We don't need the the blood of bulls and goats and a lambs because Jesus Christ already died for our sins And he ever liveth to make intercession for us. So when it says the remaineth no sacrifice of sins It's not saying that because we sin Jesus Christ atonement isn't effective for us It's just saying that there's no more animal sacrifices So we can't simply just go to the temple offer up a burnt offering and just move on with her lies without facing punishment The works of the flesh are manifest which are these adultery fornication uncleanness lusciousness idolatry Witchcraft hatred variance emulations wrath strife seditions heresies envious murderies drunkenness Revelings and such like over which I tell you before as I've also told you in time past That they which do such things shall not inherit the kingdom of God It doesn't get too much simpler than that Paul lists all these sins and then says right after them I've told you guys this before if you do these things you will not inherit the kingdom of God and keep in mind He's talking to believers he's telling these believers if they do these things they won't enter into heaven Again, I've discussed discussed the scripture already as well that these are the works of the flesh and flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God So this is nothing to do with the salvation of our soul Since we are born of God and he that is born of God does not commit sin And he that is born of God is the one who is going to inherit the kingdom Jesus said except the man be born again He cannot see the kingdom of God or except the man be born of water into the spirit He cannot enter to the kingdom of God Now not only that but he again adds into the text by saying that we won't enter into heaven That's not what it says. It says that we won't inherit the kingdom of God Inheritance is not the same thing as entrance Inheritance is receiving something that's passed down to you entrance is just going in The kingdom of God is the kingdom of heaven the kingdom of God is not even established until after Christ comes back When we die in our spirit goes to be present with the Lord in heaven. That's not the kingdom of heaven We're entering into heaven, but we are not inheriting the kingdom of heaven But again, I give a more detailed explanation of this passage earlier if you go to part two, which was cut out but I'm not gonna rant about it again. So again, I'm just gonna move on and the next one is something which I Already talked about again. So I'm just gonna go a short explanation for that one again It says when a righteous man turn up away from his righteousness and committeth iniquity and Dyeth in them for his iniquity that he hath done shall he die? Again, when the wicked man turneth away from his wickedness that he hath committed and doeth that which is lawful and right He shall save his soul alive so we see really clearly here that if you were righteous and you turn away from your righteousness and commit iniquity or commit sin and You die in those sins For that sin that you have done you will die. You will be punished for that sin You're not gonna end up in heaven And likewise as the verses after it if you are wicked and you turn from your sins and obey God You will be saved you will save your soul Again, the Bible says in Romans 4 8 that the Lord will not impute sin unto us if we are justified If we believe on him that justifies the ungodly but my flesh sins It's not I that do it but sin that dwells in me, but it's not my flesh. It's going to heaven. Anyway we're talking about spiritual salvation and Already discussed in more detail on what Ezekiel 18 is speaking of early in the video So once again, I'm not going to go deeply into that I again recommend that you watch the previous video in the previous video before that So the next verse is something that we have not talked about yet number two Matthew 10 verses 32 through 33 which says Whosoever therefore confess me before men and while I confess also before my father which is in heaven But whosoever shall deny me before men and will I also deny before my father which is in heaven Jesus gives us a very simple language here if you confess him before men He'll confess you before his father if you deny him. He will deny you So if you deny Jesus, he will deny you before his father in heaven and you will not be allowed to enter Again, look he's adding into what the text says He says that you will not be allowed to enter but that's not what the verse says he's just adding that in it does not say that he will deny entrance into the heaven and Then to heaven or the kingdom of heaven because we've already looked at the context of Matthew 10 That is Jesus's instruction to the Apostles to go into the world and preach the gospel And which he warns them that that there will be Persecution and there will be troubles if they if they live godly and do what was commanded So you're talking about discipleship and the giving of rewards This is an allusion to the judgment seat of Christ where rewards are bestowed upon faithful believers who continuously confess Christ It says in 2nd Timothy chapter 2 it illustrates something very similar in verse 11 to verse 13 it says it is a faithful saying for if we be dead with him We shall also live with him if we suffer suffer. We shall also reign with him if we deny him He will deny us if we believe not yet. He abideth faithful He could not deny himself if you look particularly at verse 12 the contrast between those who are willing to Suffer for Christ and those who deny him those who suffer for him will reign with him those who deny him will be denied I was saying that they will lose their salvation or that they won't enter the kingdom No, it's saying that they will be denied rewards in heaven particularly the privilege of reigning with Christ Take the parable of the pounds for example to further illustrate this concept in Luke chapter 19 verse 12 to 27 it says a certain noble man went into a far country to receive for himself a kingdom and to return and he called his 10 servants and delivered them 10 pounds and Sent them to them occupy until I come But as citizens hated him and sent a message after him saying we will not have this man to reign over us And it came to pass that when he was returned having received the kingdom Then he commanded these servants to be called unto him to whom he had given the money That he might know how much every man had gained by trading then came the first saying Lord thy pound hath gained 10 pounds And he said unto him well that good servant because thou has been faithful and very little have thou authority over ten cities But the second came saying Lord thy pound hath given your gained five pounds and he said likewise to him we thou also over five cities and Another came saying Lord behold here is thy pound which I've laid up in a napkin Or I've kept laid up in a napkin for I feared thee because thou art Austere man thou take us up that thou layest not down to reap us that thou is not So he sayeth unto him out of thine own mouth Will I judge thee that wicked servant thou knewest that I was an austere man? Taking up that I lay not down and reaping that I did not so Wherefore then gave us not that money into the bank that at my coming I might have required mine own with usury and He said unto them that stood by take from him the pound and give it to him to have ten pounds and they said unto him Lord he hath ten pounds for I saying to you that unto everyone which hath shall be given and from him that hath not even that he hath shall be taken away from him and Those mine enemies which would not that I should reign over them bring hither and slay them before me From this passage we see that there are servants which are obedient and faithful And they're the ones who are given the authority to rule over cities as 2nd Timothy 2 puts it to reign with him However, there is a servant who does not produce anything With what he is given doesn't mean that he's lost of salvation No, he just lost his reward. His reward is given instead to the others. It's taken away from him but that the only one in this passage who ends up being slain in this parable are the Enemies who never submitted themselves to Christ in the first place the citizens of the kingdom the Jews So the servant he's still a servant of Christ. He cannot lose the salvation. He just lost his reward If you look at Matthew 10, it's again about facing persecution for the cause of Christ just like in 2nd Timothy It says if we suffer with him The condition for rewards is to suffer for the cause of Christ and faithfully abide in works again God is not a communist. He provides Rewards for those who work for him, but heaven is not a reward It says in Romans 4 for to him that worketh is a reward not reckoned of grace, but of debt If God gives us the inheritance the kingdom and rewards based on debt and not by grace But the Bible says for my grace are you saved so inheritance authority in the kingdom of heaven? That is a reward that is debt that is for those at work But entrance into the kingdom of God entrance into heaven being saved. That's by grace. That is a gift It's not something that you earn by your works So, let's see what the last verse is that call the Michael brings up and then we'll finish off this video After such a long time of trying to struggle with making these videos because this is part three, I guess I Put part two three in the title. I think I'm gonna keep that there Finally number one on the top ten list of verses that show you you can lose your salvation Matthew 6 14 through 15 It says for if you forgive men their trespasses your Heavenly Father will also forgive you But if you forgive not men their trespasses neither will your father forgive your trespasses This is literally the simplest understanding you could show like it's five-year-old or a ten-year-old this passage and ask them How would you understand this passage and they would tell you if you fail to forgive others? God will not forgive you failing to do this results in Jesus no longer forgiving your sins Just from not forgiving others because at the end of the day the sinners will end up in hell But those who are righteous who pay God who turn from their sins, they will be saved Well after we're saved and our sins have been forgiven and our souls have been regenerated we have everlasting life That's a one-time thing The Bible says whosoever liveth and believeth in me Should not perish but have everlasting or whosoever believeth in him shall not perish but everlasting life and then in John 1126 it says whosoever liveth and believeth in me shall never die Again, everlasting life means everlasting life life. That does not end Romans 4 verse 6 to 7 makes it clear that those who have faith without works Have their iniquities forgiven and their sins covered. It's already been done. Their sins have already been forgiven. They are washed They are sanctified. They are justified in the name of the Lord Jesus as it says in 1st Corinthians 6 But once you're saved that's not the end of the Christian life It's the beginning if we are to have fellowship with God in a relationship with God We need to forgive others Colin Michael doesn't even believe that a Christian will fall into sin without losing their salvation So what's the point of God forgiving us of our trespasses if our trespasses cause us to not even be of God anymore? If we're not supposed to sin anyway in order to keep our salvation as he claims then what is the point of this verse? Because once you're saved Meaning you are born again The flesh can still fall into sin and if you forgive others you confess your sins God will forgive you of your trespasses because again as Hebrews 12 tells us that the Lord Chastens us and scourges us because we're his sons He delivers punishment upon us in our earthly lives if we fall into sin But nowhere does it indicate that we will lose our salvation Now just looking at the preceding verses to the verses that he read from verse 9 to verse 13. We see the Lord's Prayer He said said after this manner therefore pray he our father which art in heaven How will be thy name thy kingdom come thy will be done as it is in heaven Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our deaths as we forgive our debtor and lead us not into temptation But deliver us from evil for thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen Jesus gives us an example of how we are to pray and Included in his prayer is a forgiveness of our debts this is thus why in the very next verse Jesus starts with the word for which means because He's continuing the thought of forgiving our debtors So the point is that how we as Christians are supposed to pray in fact more than anything this refutes the idea that you can lose your salvation upon sinning and that we can never sin because Jesus insists on the fact that we pray for God's forgiveness again why do we need to pray for God's forgiveness if somebody who is a Christian never sins anyway, or Because the Bible says God hair is not sinners So this is about when we already have been saved and we are seeking fellowship with God It doesn't say that God will unforgive our sins He's speaking to people have already had their sins forgiven because the Bible says God hair thought sinners if you are still considered a sinner If you have not been justified God will not hear you unless somebody believes in this justified God doesn't listen to your prayers So you would have to have your sins forgiven first in order to even pray to God to ask for the forgiveness of your debts Talking about those things that you do upon this earth not our inward sins which cause spiritual death so He's wrong. That verse does not teach that we can lose our salvation either so in conclusion to this video One Michael is a false teacher. He corrupts what the Bible says. He does not understand what the Bible says about salvation the gospel That makes sense because the Bible says the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God He obviously does not have the spirit inside of him. He is not saved because he is trusting in his own works He's trusting his own righteousness in the law to save him. So it's no wonder That he doesn't understand this because he doesn't have the Spirit of God in him. He's a lying false prophet I wouldn't even be surprised if he's a reprobate to be honest because he He obviously has heard at some point the true gospel But he rejects that and those who follow him are being deceived So if you ever come across this video and you're a follower of Colin Michael Just go with what the Bible says he twists all these verses He says this this proves this and this this but he doesn't he like ignores half the words in the verse often and it doesn't Compare it with other verses etc So the Bible teaches that we are saved by grace through faith and not of works not by our own righteousness But by Christ's righteousness, which is put on to us if we trust in him as our Savior and we're given eternal life of that point So this is the end of the Colin Michael refutation video I First one was like two and a half hours. Then it is an hour and like 45 minutes I think the the next part was and then this video 20 minutes But this video there's this part right here where I'm talking this should have been part of part two The internet didn't just stop working for no reason. So well, that's it for this video. Thank you buddy for watching God bless you and goodbye