(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Hello everybody, it's Ministol23 back with another video. In this video I want to talk about the importance of the Bible and its use for all doctrines of our faith and all practices which we as Christians do. Now the reason why I'm making this video is because there are a lot of Christians out there who unfortunately don't place their emphasis on the Bible and what is written within, but instead they decide to trust their own personal experiences or tradition or at least try to impose these things on what the Bible says. Now those who are true disciples listen to the words of God, as it says in John 8.47, and understand that the Bible is our final authority. Without it there would be no Christianity, there would be no faith in Christ, there would be no churches, no faith in God, no baptism, etc. The Bible is where we get all of these things from. Now because I've made several videos on this subject in the past, I don't want to go through the whole topic of the Word of God again, but I do want to emphasize certain verses and talk about how we should apply them to our lives. And the first of them is 2 Timothy chapter 3 verse 16 to 17 which says, All Scripture is given by inspiration of God and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for destruction and righteousness, that the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works. This passage makes it clear that we are to base our doctrine on Scripture alone, but before I talk more about 2 Timothy 3.16, I want to read another passage as well, and that's 2 Peter chapter 1 verse 20 to 21. Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the Scripture is of any private interpretation, for the prophecy came not at all time by the will of man, but holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost. So the Scriptures exist because the prophets, the scribes, the apostles, and others who participate in writing the Bible were moved by the Holy Ghost, they were inspired by God, so that the words which we read in the Bible today are the very words of God. This is what God has proclaimed to be profitable for doctrine. That which we believe and that which we do should be based on this, the Bible alone. Anything which is contrary to what the Bible says, to what the Scripture says, should not be in the life of a Christian. Now just to be clear, I'm not talking about things which the Bible doesn't talk about. Okay, obviously the Bible doesn't cover every subject ever known. The Bible doesn't tell us about World War II, but that doesn't mean that it didn't happen. The Bible doesn't command us to use a computer, which I'm using right now, but that doesn't mean that we can't use it. That doesn't mean it's a sin to do it. No, I'm not saying that, but everything we believe and do should not go against what the Scripture says. There is no requirement to do anything which God has not commanded, regardless of what tradition says. Everything which we do should be done in light of the Scripture. The Bible says repeatedly, thus saith the Lord, and tells us the very words of Jesus Christ that He spoke upon this earth as He walked upon this earth during His ministry. Since we follow the Father, since we follow the Son and the Holy Ghost, and we worship all three of them as the God of the Bible, we ought to know what His will is in this world, what He wants us to do, what He doesn't want us to do as well. We don't have our own private interpretation. We don't have this by our own, I guess, ideas and our own concept. We don't need some new revelation. We get all of our doctrine. We go back to what the Bible says, to what is written in the written Word of God, which would be the Scriptures, the 66 books of the Old Testament and the New Testament. It's translated into English as the King James Bible. So everything that you hear within the Bible is the truth. Everything you find in the Bible is the foundation for Christianity. It has the same authority as Christ itself, who according to John chapter 1, is the Word of God made flesh. When you throw out your Scriptures, when you make traditions and ideas higher than what the clear statements in the Bible say, you're making yourself an enemy of God. You are contrary to God's Word, because this is His will inside of the Bible. Now, I don't have my Bible on me right now, but if I did, I'd probably point to it or something. Like, this is the Word of God. It's sitting over there somewhere. Going back to 2 Timothy chapter 3, it says, it tells us that all Scripture is profitable for doctrine. Now, doctrine is our clear beliefs. That which we hold to be absolutely true is based on Scripture, according to 2 Timothy 3, or at least it should be. Now, it also says that all Scripture is profitable for reproof. That means that we have the authority to rebuke men using the words contained within the Bible to expose people of their lies, of their sins, and to compare what they're doing with the unmovable Rock of God's Word. Now, it says also in 2 Timothy 3 that it's profitable for correction. Again, we have the ability to use the Bible to show people their wrongdoing. And then it says that the Scripture is profitable for instruction in righteousness, that the man of God may be thoroughly furnished unto all good works. That means that the Bible is sufficient to teach men of how they should live their lives and to show people what is sin and what is righteousness and the will of God. If you want to know how to work for God, if you want to know what to do to obey God, just look in the Bible. You can't get it from the Church. You can't get it from tradition, from your own personal experiences. It's only from Scripture. Now, the purpose of this, according to verse 17, is to furnish us unto all good works. Now, good works for God can only be done according to what the Bible says. When we use the powerful Word of God that is contained, words of God which is contained within the Scripture, which in the Bible, the Spirit convicts the saved Christian and teaches them how to carry out God's will. So we know what to do based on the instruction that's given in God's Word. For example, the command in Mark chapter 16 from Jesus to go unto all the world and preach the Gospel to every creature. Instruction about soul winning teaches us how to evangelize people, how to win people to Christ, how to teach the lost and bring them the Gospels. Now, for the fundamentalist Christians like me out there, this is a basic doctrine, but unfortunately we live in a world and in a time where there's a lot of believers who do not emphasize the Bible enough. They sometimes don't even realize it when they are committing this action of degrading what the Word of God says and lifting up their own concepts and ideas above it. If you're saved, you should hear the words of God and you should be moved by the Spirit when you do hear the words of God. So just believe what the Bible says, stop being stubborn and go pick up your Bible and study it because there's a lot of things in there which are very clear and yet there's a lot of false doctrine out there. The false doctrine usually arises from people, again, not putting their emphasis on the Bible and not reading what it says. If you just pick it up and read it and study it, if you're saved and you have the Holy Ghost living inside of you, you're not going to come to these false doctrines and you'll understand that the major heresies out there are lies. But unfortunately people are falling for it because of the fact that they don't have this biblical foundation. So we as Christians should have a biblical foundation. We should base all of our beliefs, our actions, our ability to rebuke people, to preach and all that on what the Bible says. So that's what I have to say for today, thank you buddy for watching. And that's why I use the Bible in every video, at least about something that has something to do with Christianity. I quote from the Bible and I use the Bible because I'm not going to make a claim about what the Bible says or what Christians ought to do or ought to teach if that claim is not based on a clear verse or scripture from the Bible. So thank you everybody for watching and goodbye.