(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Hello everybody, it's me, MrTol23, back with another video, and I once again apologize if there's any issues with the audio, but in this video I want to talk about the subject of Christ's second coming and how the New Testament nowhere teaches this idea that Jesus Christ would come back in the first century or very shortly after the time of the the New Testament was written, because there's people out there who will attack the Bible or mock the Bible, people who are non-believers, who say, well, how do you know that Jesus is going to come back? Because that was 2,000 years ago and he still hasn't returned. And then there's also other people who will claim to be Christians but they believe this false doctrine called Preterism, where they believe that all the events prophesied in Matthew 24, Mark 13, Luke 21, and the book of Revelation have already taken place. Now, Preterism itself is a doctrine I want to talk about in more detail in a different video, because there's so many aspects to why it's wrong, it just is completely inconsistent with what you see in the book of Revelation. Those events have clearly not happened, but that's a video for another time. Mainly I want to talk about the fact that the Bible nowhere teaches that Jesus Christ would come back extremely soon, and in fact it teaches the opposite. I'm going to show, especially from 2 Peter chapter 3, which is the main passage I want to go into today, that the Bible makes it clear that Jesus's second coming would be thousands of years after his first coming, okay? So I want to make a point before going into the actual scriptures themselves, and that is that in the Old Testament God does not deal with man at every point that he possibly could. And what I mean by that is basically there's giant gaps of time between God interacting with man and doing miracles and speaking unto his prophets, etc. It's not just constantly from creation to the time of Jesus that God is always just speaking to people and doing miracles and revealing things unto his prophets, etc. For example, from the time of creation and Adam and Eve are kicked out of the Garden of Eden to the time of the flood, it's approximately 1,600 years. Now we don't know how long exactly Adam and Eve were in the Garden of Eden, and we don't know how old Cain and Abel were when Cain killed Abel, etc. So we don't know exactly when the first few chapters of Genesis, how long or how much space of time that took, but definitely there's at least about 1,600 years between the flood and the beginning of creation. So that's a long time. 1,600 years is a long time when there's just pretty much almost nothing going on. Now we know that there were creatures during that time, like Enoch prophesied according to the book of Jude during that time, and Noah himself was a preacher of righteousness, and God had revealed to him the plan to flood the world about 120 years before he did. So there is, you know, some spiritual interaction in that time between God and man. There are prophets and the Word of God being preached during that time, but there was no great miracle or great thing of God revealed during that 1,600 years. It wasn't from the... basically it was just a big gap from the 1,600 years from the creation to the flood, when God flooded the world. Then even after that, it was like a hundred years before God confused the languages at the Tower of Abel. Then it was like another 200, 250 years before he spoke to Abraham, and then of course he showed his great power by raining fire and brimstone on Sodom and Gomorrah. But then even after that, yeah, he interacted with Isaac and with... he revealed himself to Jacob, Israel as well, but from that until the Exodus was 430 years, right? So another big gap in time. Then we fast-forward to the end of the Old Testament. The book of Malachi was approximately written about 300-400 BC, so from the time of the last prophet of the Old Testament to John the Baptist and Jesus Christ was about three or four hundred years. So again, another big gap in time. So it should not be surprising to us that it's been 2,000 years since Christ's first coming, and it's been almost 2,000 years since the New Testament was written down and God spoke through his apostles like the Apostle Paul, who penned down the New Testament. It shouldn't be that surprising because we see large gaps in time all throughout the Bible, and we have to understand that God's view of time and operation of time is not the same as ours, and this is the point that is being made in 2 Peter chapter 2... I'm sorry, this is chapter 3. It says, Knowing this first, that there shall come in the last days scoffers. So this is 2 Peter chapter 3 verse 3. Scoffers walking after their own lusts and saying, Where is the promise of his coming? For since the fathers fell asleep, all things continue as they were from the beginning of the creation. For this they willingly are ignorant of, that by the Word of God the heavens were of old, and the earth standing out of the water and in the water, whereby the world that then was, being overflowed with water, perished. But the heavens and the earth, which are now by the same word, are kept in store, reserved unto fire against the day of judgment and perdition of ungodly men. But, beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day. The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness, but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance. So there's a lot to break down in this passage. I want to make a few points about what Peter writes in the scripture. Number one, that it tells us that in the last days there would come scoffers. So there had to have been a time when people came saying, Where is the promise of his coming? And it says that they're ignorant of these three things, that the heavens were of old, created by the Word of God, the flood, basically, and the coming of Jesus Christ, that they are willingly ignorant of these things. Now, that didn't really start happening until a few hundred years ago, the Enlightenment period, when people started denying the Bible, and even just only recently people have started to become atheists and naturalists, and just rejecting the Bible and the Word of God. Of course, there's always been people like that, but on a mass scale we haven't seen that until just the last few hundred years. So to say that, you know, Jesus Christ could have returned in the first century, that isn't really consistent with that idea that in the last days there would be these scoffers who would mock the Bible and say, you know, Well, where is he? Obviously, time had to elapse, a lot of time had to elapse, in order for that to even make sense. But number two, it clearly tells us in verse eight that one day is with the Lord is a thousand years, and a thousand years as a day. Now, let me ask you, why would God reveal this in his Word? Why would God tell us that a thousand years with the Lord is as one day, if Christ's coming was supposed to take place within 30, 40, 50 years, 100 years of his first coming, which is what some people believe that the Bible teaches. But, I mean, you'll never see that in the Bible, but why would he say one day is a thousand years if the coming of Christ would not be at least a thousand years or more? Does that make sense? So, basically, he's revealing to us that it would be at least a thousand, several thousand possibly, years before Jesus Christ comes back. There is no teaching that says that Jesus Christ would come back within a couple decades in the New Testament. Not only that, but it tells us why this is. It says in verse 9, the Lord is not slack concerning his promise as some men count slackness, but is longsuffering to us we're not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance. So, the reason why God doesn't just come immediately after he ascended up into heaven in the first century is because he wants all men to come to repentance. He's giving mankind a time to return to God and to come to the knowledge of the truth, because he wants all people to be saved, it says in 1st Timothy chapter 2. So, he wants more people to come to the knowledge of the truth, he wants more people to get saved, he wants more nations to be reached with the gospel. That is why God doesn't just immediately pour out his wrath as soon as he went back up into heaven or shortly thereafter. So, basically, the point I'm trying to make is it clearly teaches in 2nd Peter chapter 3 that the coming of Jesus Christ would be thousands of years. It would be so long that people would start just denying the Bible, these basic facts of the Bible, of the creation and the flood, and they would basically mock the idea that Jesus is coming back, and it would be so long that he would have to say that a day is as a thousand years and a thousand years as a day. Now, if it wasn't at least a thousand years, then that would not make any sense. Why would he have to say that? So, that's why I believe that the Bible clearly teaches that at least a thousand years would pass between the first and the second coming. Now it's been 2,000 years, and I believe personally, I'm going to show this from the Bible, and you can disagree with this if you want, but I believe that sometime in this millennium Jesus Christ will return. I don't know when he's going to return because the Bible says no man knoweth the day or the hour. I don't know exactly when, but I do believe within the next thousand years he will return, and here's why. It says in Hosea chapter 6 verse 2, after two days will he revive us. The third day he will raise us up that we shall live in his sight. Now, I think that this is in comparison to 2 Peter chapter 3, that this is representative of these periods of thousand years, because it says a day is as a thousand years, right? So, basically he's saying after two days, so after two thousand years, and in the third or the third millennium after Jesus Christ ascended up into heaven would be when he will raise us up. Of course, we know that the resurrection takes place at the same time that Jesus Christ comes back. There's other symbolism of this in the Bible in several different places, and the perfect example is in Exodus chapter 19, where in Exodus chapter 19 it talks about Moses going up to Mount Sinai. It's a clear picture of the second coming of Christ, and we see the same symbolism of there being three days. It says in Exodus chapter 19 verse 10 and 19, and the Lord said unto Moses, Go unto the people and sanctify them today and tomorrow, and let them wash their clothes. Be ready against the third day, for the third day the Lord will come down in the sight of all the people upon Mount Sinai. Just like in Hosea 2 it said, In the third day will he raise us up. In this example, God says that he will come down the third day, so I believe that this is symbolic of the second coming of Jesus Christ. It says in verse 12, And thou shalt set bounds unto the people round about, saying, Take heed to yourselves that ye go not up into the mount, or touch the border of it. Whosoever touches the mount shall surely be put to death. There shall not in hand touch it, but he shall surely be stoned or shot through. Whether it be beast or man, it shall not live. When the trumpet soundeth long, they shall come up to the mount. And Moses went down from the mount unto the people and sanctified the people, and they washed their clothes. And he said unto the people, Be ready against the third day. Come not at your wives. And it came to pass on the third day in the morning, that there were thunders and lightnings, and a thick cloud upon them upon the mount, and the voice of the trumpet exceeding loud, so that all people that were in the camp trembled. And I believe that this is also representative of the fact that when Jesus Christ descends, there's going to be a trumpet, and refers to that in several places in the New Testament about the trump of God, right? It says in verse 17, And Moses brought forth the people out of the camp to meet with God, and they stood at the nether part of the mount. And Mount Sinai was altogether on a smoke, because the Lord descended upon it in fire, and the smoke thereof ascended as the smoke of a furnace. And the whole mount quaked greatly, and when the voice of the trumpet sounded long, waxed louder and louder, Moses spake, and God answered him by a voice. So I think this is a very clear symbolic representation of the second coming of Jesus Christ. You have the trumpet sounding, you have God descending from heaven, you have a talk about this great earthquake, fire, and smoke, and the Bible says that concerning the day of the Lord, it says, I will show wonders in the heavens and the earth, blood and fire and pillars of smoke, and the sun shall be turned to darkness, the moon into blood, before the great and terrible day of the Lord come. And then of course we know in Revelation 6 as well, when it talks about the opening of the sixth seal, it talks about there being a great earthquake in them, and all the the mountains and the isles fleeing away because of this this earthquake, right? So we have the earth quaking, we have this trumpet sounding, we have God descending, and it says that this happens on the third day, right? So it's interesting that we see the same terminology in Hosea chapter 6, and there's several other examples of this in the Bible and the Old Testament as well, but the point I'm trying to make is that I think it's fairly clear that sometime in the third millennium, after these two days in the third day or the third thousand, you know, two to three thousand years after Jesus Christ, would be when he returns. Now again, I don't know when that is, it could be within the next ten years, it could be in the next hundred years, it could be in the next five hundred years, but I do not believe it's gonna be any longer than a thousand years from now. So it also tells us, the Bible tells us, that there were certain things that happened before the coming of Jesus Christ and all the events of the book of Revelation, and we're seeing these things come into fruition, like I said only recently, and one of those things of course includes what I already talked about, the scoffers in the last days, but another thing is the gospel reaching all nations. Now I believe that there have been times in the past when people have gone to nations all over the world and preached the gospel, but I do not believe every single continent has been reached in one generation or at one time ever before in the past. It says in Matthew chapter 24 verse 14, and this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations and then shall the end come. So the Bible tells us the end comes when the gospel of the kingdom will be witness to all nations in all the end of the world. Now like I said only recently have, has mankind inhabited the entire world, you know, all continents and islands etc., and had the ability to interact with each other. Obviously we know for some time like the Native Americans were cut off from the old world and things like that, so only recently in the last few hundred years, five hundred years or so, has the new world had contact to the old world etc., and so basically this is something that could have only really been fulfilled very recently, you know, in the last several hundred years, and I think that this is getting fulfilled today, that there's many soul winners who are preaching the gospel and going from nation to nation, and I don't know exactly when it's going to be preached in all nations, but it seems like it could be very soon, like within the next hundred years or so, if the current fiery zealous soul winning movement that is happening right now especially amongst independent fundamental Baptist continues. Now another thing is that the book of Revelation clearly teaches that when the Antichrist comes there's going to be a one-world government and a one-world religion, and again that's something that has not started to come into fruition until very recently, okay, with the United Nations was only formed after World War II in 1945 or 1946, I forget which, but the United Nations and this globalism and everything has been again a recent development within the last century or so. Same thing with the one-world religion of all these ecumenical leaders of the the Pope coming together with all the Muslim imams and the Dalai Lama and all these religious leaders all over the world and trying to unite for world peace and for coming together for a good cause of fighting climate change or whatever you know they're agreeing on or I don't really pay attention to what they say but you know they're all coming together for a one-world religion that's only something that's been happening very recently. Another thing that the Bible tells us will happen in the end times is that the Antichrist would sit in the temple of God and declare himself to be God, okay, now the temple in Jerusalem was destroyed in 70 AD, okay, and there still isn't a temple there however only very recently have there been those who claim to be Jews now I don't think that they're actually ethnic Jews but those who follow the religion of Judaism come into the land of Israel and only recently have they started to have plans to take over the Temple Mount and you know get rid of all the Muslim presence there and rebuild the temple there's something called the Temple Mount I think it's called the Temple Mount Institute where their whole goal is to build a new temple right and that's what the Jews want they want to start sacrificing animals again and build their own temple now that they returned into the land but again that's only been within the last century or so another thing is that we see things that are only possible with modern technology in the book of Revelation like no man being able to buy or sell without the mark of the beast now in a world where we just use coins or you know paper currency then that would not really be a thing but we are increasingly going towards a cashless society where everything is digital now in a world where there is no physical cash and everything is digital everything is online then that would indeed be possible for no man to buy or sell without the mark of the beast again that's something that could only have taken place in recent times and also another example of that is the Bible says that all the world will see the two witnesses their dead bodies lying in the streets of Jerusalem for three days and three nights again that hasn't been possible until very recently when you know now there's live streaming on the internet now there's there's videos etc it would have been possible impossible 300 years ago for the entire world to have seen that without the technology that we have today so these are the sort of things that show us that Christ's second coming could not have happened 500 a thousand years ago because the books the events of the book of Revelation the technology we see in the book of Revelation the everything that we see in Bible prophecy has only been starting to be fulfilled or going towards that direction in the last couple centuries and the Bible clearly teaches that it would be at least a few thousand years because like I said otherwise why would he even bring that up in second Peter 3 and like I said I believe that it's going to be sometime in the third millennium after Jesus Christ now as to why the New Testament constantly refers to the the time of the New Testament as the latter days or the last days because this is an issue for some people that they see for example in Hebrews chapter 1 where it says a half in his last days spoken us unto us by his son right and they say well if these are the last days when when Paul was writing the book of Hebrews then why has it been 2,000 years well again human history is only about 6,000 years old according to the Bible a little bit more than that about 6,200 or so so in the whole timeline of human history we are in the latter third of human history okay the period from Adam to Jesus Christ was over 4,000 years versus it's only been about 2,000 years since Jesus so we're still in the latter days we're still in the last days okay we're still in the the latter not even just the latter half like I said the latter third of human history so it doesn't really contradict that idea that it's the last days to say that it's going to be thousands of years so I do believe that Jesus Christ will come back soon like I said I don't know how soon but within the next millennium and I believe that the Bible teaches that there's prophecies about that it happened after two days will he revive us the third day will he rise us up he never said that he was going to raise him up and come back you know within the next hundred years after the New Testament was written I don't believe that the Bible teaches that at all so basically the purpose of this video is to give reassurance for you believers who might have scoffers attack the Bible and and say well where is the promise that is coming etc and also to answer the false doctrine of preterism and answer the the foolishness of these scoffers themselves who say well why do you believe the Bible when the Bible says Jesus is gonna come back and it's been 2,000 years you know you're still waiting all these prophecies all these predictions and well they're coming into fruition like I said all the things in the book of Revelation would have been impossible 500 years ago based on the technology and the geopolitical world that exists at that time but it's very likely nowadays that much more likely than ever before that there's going to be a one-world government and one world religion and a cashless society etc so thank you buddy for watching God bless you and goodbye