(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Hi everybody, this is Joe and Karen Rodriguez and we're back with our step-by-step Spanish soul winning tutorial. Before we jump into the second part, we're going to talk real quick about Bibles. Okay so, Joe, what do you have there? I have the Framing the World, Reina Valera Bible. Not to look like a newbie or anything, but I have it all tapped up. There's nothing wrong with it. Mine are all tapped up. I still use taps. I'm one of those individuals that also highlights the scriptures and I think also if you're new to, and I usually have like one, I'll have another page that has two, three, whatever the case may be, but if you're definitely new to the process, you definitely want to give yourself an advantage and as many tools to assist with it. So this is a great one, easy to go soul winning with because it's small and it's the New Testament and in the back of this one, it has the plan of salvation in Spanish with the verses to go to and kind of what we're doing, a step-by-step. So this is a great, if you need a Spanish Bible, especially to go soul winning, it's sorry it's going to be backwards, but FramingTheWorld.com, I'll put a link to it below. Also I have this Bible that I got at Word of Truth Baptist Church. Thank you Pastor Berzins in church. It is a dual Bible if you want to carry something like this. So it's got the English and the Spanish. As you can see, I have mine, all of them are always tabbed up and this is the 1602 version. This is like the old Spanish, older Spanish. This is the Reina Valera Gomez, right? This one is kind of... It's a little bit more modern. Yeah, this is the little, this is the one that Pastor Anderson provides FA for Word. This is heavier to carry, but if you know Spanish and you're going soul winning and you know you might do Spanish or English, instead of carrying two Bibles, you could do something like this and it does have the Old Testament in it as well. Sometimes you want to maybe, if you need to prove hell a little bit more or you need to go to some of the Isaiah verses to prove the deity of Jesus. In the Old Testament, so if you want to do that, this is a great dual. Don't do the Reina Valera 1960, right? That's the bad one, just either older or Reina Valera Gomez, but not the 1960. So just again, remember, this is just the New Testament versus that's the Old Testament and... New Testament and dual with the English. Okay, so we'll put some links in the description. Now jumping in, last week we ended off... We were doing the introduction. Yes, just to get them to say yes, you can show them. So the next step that we have to do when we're showing them is we have to get them to... Admit they're a sinner. Yes, because you can't get saved if you don't know what you're getting saved from or why, so they have to admit that they're... A sinner. Okay. Time out. We really tried to pick the most easiest phrases and words, because this is getting a little bit more meaty, so we really tried... So there are lots of different ways you could say it, lots of different phrases you could use, but we just really tried to focus on easy to say and pronounce phrases. Okay, so... The first thing we have to understand is that we're sinners, right? Primero que tenemos que entenden es que somos pecadores. Vela. Okay, so in Spanish, the formal way to say it is, lo primero que tenemos que entender es que somos pecadores. Verdad. Okay? So... You got rid of no. No? Like, yeah. Right? Like, right? Okay, so that's actually formal and informal, same thing. You're gonna say, lo primero que tenemos que entender es que somos pecadores. No? Or verdad? I guess no is easier. What would you say? Vela. I'd go with vela. Verdad? Sounds more sophisticated. Okay. Yeah, that's great. Okay. Let's turn to Romans 3.10. Joe? Okay. Okay. Right. So, you know, what that verse is saying, there is none righteous, no none. No, not one. Okay. So, what you... In English, what you're trying to say is, the word justo is talking about being perfect. I'm not perfect. Do you think you are perfect? Of course, nobody is. Okay? So, in Spanish, the formal way to say it would be, la palabra justo, está blando de alguien perfecto. Yo no soy perfecta. Or Joe would say... Yo no soy perfecto. Yo no soy perfecta, usted cre que es perfecto, or if I'm talking to a lady, perfecta, claro, nadie es. Of course, nobody is. Okay? Again, formal, la palabra justo, está blando de alguien perfecto. Yo no soy perfecta. Or Joe would say... Yo no soy perfecto. Usted cre que es perfecto, or perfecta. I know. I was a person, I'd be like, no, no, no, no, nadie es perfecto. Okay? So, informal way to say it would be, la palabra justo, está blando de alguien perfecto. Yo no soy perfecta, tú crees que eres perfecto, or perfecta, tú crees, so we're doing tú instead of usted cre. Tú crees que eres perfecto, or perfecta, and I guess we'll say claro, nadie es. Of course, nobody is. Okay. So then we want to turn to Romans- 323. 323. All right. Por cuanto todos pecaron y están testudido de la gloria de Dios. Okay. All I've seen it come short of the glory of God. So this is what we want to say. Explain what sin is, in case they don't know. A sin is when we break God's laws. Have you ever sinned? Un pecado es cuando quiebras. No. Un pecado es cuando quiebra una ley de Dios. Usted alguna vez. So that's formal. Informal would be, un pecado es cuando quiebras una ley de Dios. Tú alguna vez aspecado. So you'll see the S's, you know, with the, and the tú, and the aspecado. Okay. So then, hopefully they say yes. They admit that they've sinned. If not, then we have a problem. That's only happened to me one time, and I couldn't convince her that she sinned. No, this never happened to me. Now we're going to turn to Romans 6 23, and it sounds a little something like this. Por que la paga del pecado es muerte. Okay. So we're just focusing on that first part of the verse, which is the wages of sin is death. Okay. So we're just talking about now the consequences of sin. Okay. So that's when I would say, we all die, right? There is a physical death, but the Bible also talks about a second death. Now the formal and informal way to say this same thing is I would say todos morimos. Okay. That's die. That's kind of the hardest word in this presentation. Morimos. Todos morimos. Verdad, hay una muerte es piscica, pero también la bibliá habla de una segunda muerte. Okay. I kind of go with more talking about wages, you know, like we make how we do wages. You know, this is hard to do. Okay. All right. I'm trying to do easy. Okay. So we're talking about the second death. So I would say, okay, if we're talking about the second death, I would go very similar. I would say, okay, la bibliá dice que hay un muerte del cuelpo y hay un segundo muerte del spirite. And then I might go into something, go into the second death and go into revelation and talk about what happens to your soul. Okay. So let's do that. Now that we talked about the second death, let's show them that in the Bible. So let's go to Apocalipsis Vente Catorce, Revelation 2014. Y la muerte y el infién no fuero las ados en el lago de fuego esta es la muerte segunda. Okay. So you guys all know what Revelation 2014, you can look at it in your Bible. So it's talking about the lake of fire and who's not found written in the book of life is cast in there. So this is when I would say, what do you think this place is? You know, this lake of fire. What do you think this place is? Cause they have to believe in a literal hell, right? Okay. So I would say formal, que cre que es este lugar. Or informal, que crees, with an S, que crees que es este lugar. Normally they say they get it. They know that that's hell and you don't have to go too far into that. They don't believe in hell. Then obviously it's going to be a little bit harder. You're going to have to prove it with other verses from the Bible. If you're interested in more about that, we can comment below other verses and other things that you could say, but normally Spanish people, they, they believe in hell. Okay. Right. You would say so. Yeah. Oh yeah. They've cause they they're, they're huge Catholics and Pentecostals and their community big into that. But majority have heard about Jesus Christ, hell and in God and heaven and God, majority of them. Okay. So then the next thing I would ask is who is not written in the book of life? The Bible tells us right here as I'm turning to revelation 21 eight. So to say that, okay, you could turn to revelation 21 eight. So again, I would say who is not written in the book of life? The Bible tells us right here. So the way you say that formal and informal is the same. You would say, quien no esta escrito en el libro, la biblia nos dicen aqui. Okay. So you would say, quien no esta escrito en el libro, la biblia nos dicen aqui. This is a tough one. Y'all just as the list of people who are not going to heaven. So I want to emphasize the all liars part, right, y todos los mentirosos, you know, you want to emphasize the liars part, right, y todos los mentirosos, you know, let that one really hit them all liars. So this is when I would say any sin is enough to condemn us to hell. Even one lie. I have lied. Have you ever told the lie? Honestly, we do even worse things, right? But do you think God wants us to go to hell? Of course not. Okay. I don't have a long phrase to memorize, but we're going to put it all in the Google drive for you. So I'm going to say, any sin is enough to condemn us to hell. Even one lie. I have lied. Have you ever told the lie? Okay. So formal. What do you normally people say to that? Okay, so then I just kind of like to say, honestly, we do even worse things, right? But do you think God wants us to go to hell? And then they're always like saying, no, and then you say, no, of course not. Okay. So in formal, you would say, si, y la verdad es que hacemos cosas peores verdad, pero usted cre que vios quiere que va a llamos al infierno. And you say, claro que no. Okay. So informal, you would say, pero tú crees que vios quiere que va a llamos al infierno, no, claro que no. Okay. That's the informal way. So that's where we will stop for today. So we've got them to the point where they've admitted that they're a sinner and that the punishment for sin is hell, and we all deserve to go to hell, but that God doesn't want us to go to hell. And then that's when we will go into the next part. Okay. So stay tuned for that. Joe, any final thoughts? Oh yeah. Just when you're holding your Bible to them, just remember, a lot of times what you do when you're going English so many, you may kind of, you know, like really show them the verse and have them read it with you. That assist me a lot when I'm going to do it in Spanish. So I just wanted to just share that. Yeah. And that's it. I can't really think of anything else for right now. If you have any questions or suggestions how to do this series moving forward, leave them in the comments below with, and again, in the description is the link to the Google doc with everything typed out for you and links to this Bible. And I'll see if I can find the dual one that I have. And that's about it. Okay. Thanks everybody for joining us. Bye. Take care everybody. Bye.