(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Hi everybody! Hi everybody, this is Joe and Karen Rodriguez. We're all the way out here in Phoenix, Arizona and we want to take some time to create a tutorial video on how to go soul weighing in Spanish. A step-by-step tutorial in bite-sized pieces and this is there is no um This is just the way we do it the way we learned at our church You know we do go to Faith Forward Baptist Church. This is kind of what we learned from people and Works really well for us So we just want to do a step-by-step tutorial video now our Spanish's are different Mine's is more like the Mexican Southwest Spanish and Joe speaks correctly I'm more Spanish. I'm more Puerto Rican Spanish. Yeah, okay, so you'll notice that difference in the Presentation, but it's a little bit for everybody right, okay? Hopefully this is helpful if you have any questions just comment below or suggestions My husband is not a social media person at all so this is a real treat that he is doing this okay We're just gonna dive right into it. Oh when you start off Knocking on the door. You know just introduce yourself by saying hello. My name is and in Spanish It's all I mean ombre es so I was at all. I mean ombre es Joe Rodriguez y soy de la Iglesia Bautista and Basically your church name Iglesia Bautista in the faithful word Baptist something to that effect So basically all you're just stating is this is my name, and I'm from this Baptist Church And then we'll just say something to the effect of a story into Aria, so we're saying I'm in your area Or if you're with somebody a partner you want to if you want to be correct and everything to say it's almost like the Plural you know we we are in your area is Stamos in to Aria Or you could say I say Aria of Guadara. I say Aria. Okay, so we'll say it again slowly Me no, but it is me. No, but it is Joe Rodriguez is going to Aria. Oh, but see you know my stuff Let me just okay all army number is Joe Rodriguez Soy de la Iglesia Bautista Is Thomas into Aria? right Listen to Aria okay perfect, so then the next step is why are we in your area? Okay? It's Thomas in to Aria Invitando los a nuestra Iglesia Okay, so that is inviting you to our church, or how would you say it even down those are noise? It's Thomas in to Aria Invitando los Iglesia, okay Me no, but it's Karen so they like let's see about this that is Tamos in to Aria Invitando los a nuestra Iglesia, right which means Hi, we're in the area, and we're just inviting you to our local church, okay So that's a little bit tricky to say in beat down the loss. How do you say? Invitando los just I'd say it fast and get it out the way Anuestra Iglesia Okay, inviting you to our church now Then I would ask vas a la Iglesia which means All right, do you go to any local church? Okay? Now vas is The non formal way to say it vas a la Iglesia So if you're talking to someone the same age or younger than you you would say that or maybe a kid but the formal way to say it is Usted va a la Iglesia, you know do you go to church the formal way? I don't know. Do you use formal informal when you go out? No, I'm vas a la Iglesia I mean usted vas a la Iglesia. That's more formal so I would say if you older people respond better to that You're asking the person if they go to the church, okay, so let's say you say yes More than likely you're gonna get an answer like si, soy penta cotal, si, soy católico So if they just say si and you want to ask Oh a que Iglesia vas which is the non formal way to say Which church do you go to? Okay, so a formal way to say it is a que Iglesia va So no s at the end a que Iglesia va that's the formal way or you could say Okay, so that's when you're gonna get all these answers, right? Right, okay, so then you would say bueno, pero más importante Que donde vas a la Iglesia Esta cien por ciento seguro or segura if it's a girl De que vas al cielo So that is the non formal way to say it Okay, because it has an s with va vas Okay, or you can say bueno, pero más importante que donde va a la Iglesia that will be formal esta no s esta cien por ciento seguro or segura que va al cielo So basically when it's formal you're just taking off those S's and we'll have everything in the we'll have a Google Doc Drive with all of this information so you can kind of go over it and use it to go over this video with us So what what is that saying? Basically, basically, you're just stating are you 100% sure if you were to die today that you're going to heaven? Okay, so then let's say they say well they could they're either gonna answer it two ways when they're gonna say no I'm not sure Maybe something to the effect that there's no way for you to know that or they're gonna say yes I am sure so let's go with the C first. Okay, they See estoy seguro que voy para el cieno. Okay, so I'm gonna ask What do you think you have to do to go? Okay. So here's the non formal way to say it Que crees que tienes que hacer para ir notice all the S's que crees Que tienes que hacer para ir Okay, that's the non formal way the formal way will be Que crees que tienes que hacer para ir So you see the S's are gone. Que crees que tienes que hacer para ir. Okay so but alternative is If I asked you the same thing, what would you tell me I had to do? I like to say that at the door. I'll say okay Well, if I'm asking you what would you tell me that I have to do? Okay, you could say it in the non-formal way sit a Sierra la misma pregunta Que medirías que tengo que hacer that's saying if I asked you the same thing What would you tell me I had to do sit a Sierra la misma pregunta? Que medirías que tengo que hacer or the formal way to say it is silly Lay instead of day silly is Sierra la misma pregunta Que medirías que tengo que hacer that would be the formal way. Okay, so Just give me like a bad answer. What do I have to do? I would say okay. I'm gonna say in Spanish. Yeah, when I look in a que trabajaduro It they put us again Iglesia it they I do that to put on those are answers Basically, you're just saying that you were you know, be a good person go to your local church, you know help out people okay, so I'm gonna say the following in Spanish. I'm gonna say well the Bible actually says something a little different Do you have a few minutes where I can show you what it says? Okay. So now I Will say in Spanish well la biblia in Realidad Dese algo un poco differente tienes tienes unos minutos Don de puedo Monstrate or you could say enseñarte. That's a little bit easier word. Lo que dice Okay, so bueno la biblia in realidad. Dese algo un poco Differente tienes unos minutos don de puedo enseñarte lo que dice Okay, I might go a little different with that. What would you say? I would say Bueno la bibliadice algo diferente tienes a guno manutos para señarte How is that any different than what I just said, I don't know I think it's easier Oh Again my Spanish is not proper Spanish. It's just enough to get you by All right, so let's say now tienes unos minutos Okay So that's the informal way if you want to make it formal drop the s tienes unos minutos Don de puedo enseñarte Not enseñarte enseñarble lo que dice. Okay. Now, let's say they say Si no, no, yeah, like we're saying okay, so, okay Like if I asked you are you a hundred percent sure you're going to heaven instead of saying yes and all those answers What if you just say? No, no, okay So then you could just say if you have 10 to 15 minutes Can I show you from the Bible how you can be a hundred percent sure, okay So this is how I would say it and then you can say how you would say I would say Si tienes diez o quince a minutos puedo enseñarte de la vivia Como puede estar siempre siento seguro or segura. And so that's the question Okay, si tienes diez o quince a minutos puede enseñarte de la vivia como puede estar siempre siento seguro or segura Okay, how would you say? Si tienes aguno minutos y le puede esseñarte de la vivia como puede enseñarte por siento seguro que uno puede sal que va aí palisiel Okay, so that was the informal way that I said it my way And mine was the very super informal way the very boricua way Very Spanglish way to get through it. Okay, or now the the formal way how I would say it is Si tienes diez o quince a minutos puedo enseñarte le Again, instead of t is le puedo enseñarte le de la vivia como puede estar siempre siento seguro or segura if it's a lady Okay, so that will be the end of the scope of this video. We're just doing the introduction Just the very first part we're gonna Break this video this presentation down into very small bite-sized chunks so this is just the introduction and we'll put the link below to the Google Doc where all of this is typed up for you and you can practice and Just let us know right you have any comments or suggestions. I just want to add one last thing what I've noticed about Spanish culture in general is that they're more friendlier, and I'll invite you more and don't stress over not being able to have the accent down because They will welcome you. They'll give you an opportunity. I mean, I think that Anyone you've ever seen that doesn't speak English as their first language, but tries to talk to you You see the effort so you kind of give them that extra time to explain things You're gonna see that more in the Spanish community so I've seen brother Garrett Give the gospel people get people saved in Spanish I've seen Pastor Anderson do it and you know and they speak great Spanish, but you can tell they don't have the accent down So don't worry if you don't have the accent You know This is a great opportunity for you to give somebody the gospel in Spanish once you practice it once you get it down You can also open the Bible and have them read the verses and that's going to assist you with the process of Giving them the gospel Okay, well thanks for joining us if you like this video, please subscribe to the channel where we will be posting the following The follow-ups and share with all your soul winning friends again. This is just one way to do it This is how we like to do it how we learned at our church. So Share with your friends that might be interested and stay tuned for the following and don't forget the link below in the description to the Document where all this is typed up for you. Okay. Thank you. Bye