(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) But focus on a big smile. I mean, when I go soul-winding, and if you've been soul-winding with me, you know this is true. I knock on the door, and the first thing I do when they open the door is a big smile. Big smile, all right? I say that, like, my wife, when my wife sees me smile, she says that I have the smile where you expect yellow feathers to come out of my mouth in a minute. Like I just consumed Tweety Bird. All right, you know, big smile. But I knock on the door, and I have a big smile. And I say, hi, how you doing? You know, I'm from Faithful Word Baptist Church. Just want to invite you to church. Do you go to church anywhere? And I'm friendly. And you say, oh, that's being fake. No, I actually have the joy of the Lord, believe it or not. I'm actually happy to be there. I actually enjoy soul-winding, and I enjoy meeting new people that I can give the gospel and win to Christ. No, no, no. Why don't you make it real by actually being happy? The joy of the Lord is your strength. The fruit of the Spirit is joy. Why don't you show up? And you say, well, I just have trouble being friendly to people. Well, why don't you start loving people? Then it can be real and natural because it's actually coming from the heart. All right, so big smile. And you know what happens when you smile at people? They smile back. And then they're going to feel kind of dumb being really rude to you five seconds later if they just gave you a big smile. So I smile at them. They smile at me. And then they aren't as rude or abrasive if they don't want to hear the gospel. You know, you get chewed out less that way by smiling. All right? Be nice. Be gentle. Be meek. Be friendly. Be humble, right? Show up wise as serpents and harmless as doves. Be friendly. Smile. OK, what else? Do's and don'ts. Don't knock like the police. Constantly I'm out soul-winding. And in other parts of the country, I'm out soul-winding at these soul-wining marathons. And I'll get paired up with somebody. That's not how you knock. And if you do knock that way, then be sure to step out of the way for the shotgun blast that comes through the door. So don't come to, you know, people will come to the door. I've seen it where somebody knocks the police knock. And then literally, the people will just come to the door. They're already mad. You haven't even opened your mouth. You haven't even started talking. They're already mad. You've already made them mad. And it's a real uphill battle to try to win them back over.