(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) used to that that's fine we're out inviting people to church that's still a charitable and voluntary act anyway we're giving out supreme information about the Bible well we are we're giving them the gospel as our main goal but we are giving them information about the Bible okay after that if they haven't at this point just shut the door whatever else and again like I say that does happen do you go to church at all do you go to church at all I think is a good question it just you just get a bit of background about where they're at what they're likely to believe etc do you go to church at all and I'll ask that to someone in clearly in a burqa or hijab or whatever they are I don't care I'll just ask them anyway because I just want to get it out there because there they might say no they might even say usually not if they're wearing a burqa or hijab but they they might even say look I'm not I'm not a practicing listener or whatever else and it's just interesting you get a little bit of background yeah and it's just a polite question do you go to church at all okay then you straight after that because you don't want to be there giving ten questions on the door because you might have to ask a few questions won't you with with with their response to the ultimate question so don't just be around the bush for ages and sound like a salesman okay so straight in I want to get to the to the meat the meat and bones and is more importantly with and it might be more importantly or we're asking everyone the same question if you died today are you 100% sure that you're going to heaven okay that's how we like to ask it something along those lines now I'll tell you something I do do if I'm knocking on the door especially if I'm not with my kids but sometimes I do with my kids maybe they can't see him and it's someone who looks like they're possibly a bit vulnerable maybe elderly maybe a kid they look a little bit fearful I sometimes ask if you died tomorrow just because when you got some guy at your dog out if you died today are you a hundred percent sure that could be a bit creepy for some people of it they might get a little bit scared so that's just something I do what do you think someone has to do what what if they then did something really bad so if they say yes if they say yes my next point will be well why and and to be fair if they say well I'm not sure I still want to ask them what they think if they say no definitely not I'm a sinner I don't really have to go into that because I know that they think they're not going to heaven so I'm not gonna have that problem at the end when they start oh yeah I already knew that because how many times we had that with the pride so you want to get us ideally you want to you want a strong response what is it that they believe so like I say what do you think someone has to do to go to heaven simple question or and if they're still a bit you're still a bit unsure well what if they what if they did did a really bad sin you know you could put it out there rather than themselves because some people I've had it recently where someone got really offended with me I saw what if you did what if you did what are you trying to say I'm yes well okay okay so what if what if someone did something really bad okay so you're trying to get to the point of finding out what they believe and like we said 99 times out of 100 in this country they're unsaved okay obviously if oh well as long as I asked for forgiveness after I sinned or well as long as I repented that that they're not saved okay they're not safe they're not trusting fully in Christ oh well well as long as I didn't do a really bad so obviously they're not saved okay right don't obviously wrong answer haha laughs oh that's not what the Bible see you don't be like that and again it might sound silly but again from everything I not from what I'm hearing here but for what I hear on every church they've got sadly people like that people that just don't really have a you know understand how to do this okay so yeah don't make them feel small with it okay just I I would usually say something like oh well can I show you what the Bible says the Bible doesn't actually say that it's something but don't don't do it in a harsh way just try and say look can I show you what the Bible says it really like there from this point now you're giving them the chance to accept to reject the Word of God and how many people who claim to be Christians go now not interested not interested what the Bible says it should be amazing but it's not is it