(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Matthew Stuckey here and I'm giving you another video on soul winning tips and what I want to talk about in this video is the importance of showing the Bible verses to the people that were actually preaching the gospel to. And so in this video we're kind of transitioning to the point where we're talking about actually preaching the gospel to people and one thing that we should be doing is showing them the Bible verses. Now this is not just a new thing that's taking place. The Bible actually gives us an idea of this in 2nd Chronicles 17 9 when it shows people in the Old Testament actually preaching the gospel. It says, and they taught in Judah and had the book of the law of the Lord with them and went about throughout all the cities of Judah and taught the people. And so it says that when they went out soul winning they actually had the book of the law of the Lord with them. Now realize that carrying a book with you is a bit of an inconvenience. As you go out soul winning you're gonna have invitations, you're going to perhaps have water depending on where you are. And you know bringing a book with you is actually a bit of an inconvenience. It's more things to carry. Of course you don't want to risk like losing it or something like that. Of course if it's raining it can be a big hindrance. So why is it that they brought the book with them? Well obviously because they're actually using it. And so I'm sure the soul owners back then by and large had the the verses memorized that they were going to use. And so there's no point of bringing the book, the Bible, unless you're actually using it. And that is what they did. You say why? Well because they were showing people the Bible verses. They were showing people the verses about salvation because just hearing it is not as impactful as when you actually hear and see it. And see the Bible actually speaks of that when it talks about Revelation. Blessed is he that readeth and they that hear the words of this prophecy and keep those things which are written therein for the time is at hand. When we go to church we tell people to bring their Bibles with them. And as I'm preaching sermons I'll tell people to turn to various verses because I want them to see it and realize it's not just my words and also actually seeing it is more impactful than just actually hearing it. Of course when you're growing up in school or in college and the teachers giving a lecture and they're talking about something, a lot of what you hear goes in one ear and out the other. But if you're actually stopping to pay attention and look at the verses or see what they say from from those manuals read what they're they're actually saying it's going to have more of an impact. So point number one is just simply show the verses to the people when we're going out soul winning. And point number two is this well how do you show the verses? Now this might seem very basic but we are at the introductory tips and one thing I've noticed is that people will open up their Bibles and have people look at it but then they don't actually give them an opportunity to actually see what they're saying. So it's kind of pointless. You say what do you mean? Well one thing that is very basic but something that you need to do is when you have the Bible you need to actually turn it to to them. So if you're talking to them you don't want to just read it and they're looking at it upside down but you actually want to show them what the Bible says and they can actually see it. So of course you should already know these verses pretty well and so hopefully you have them memorized and so it's not a big deal for you to just kind of quote it and then you're pointing to the things that you're actually talking about. But sometimes I've seen new soul winners that get nervous and they open up their Bible but it's upside down to the person that they're talking to and they can read what's being said but the person they're talking to cannot and you need to turn that Bible at least sideways and you kind of get them to say yeah you know look at this and make sure that they're actually able to see it for themselves because otherwise there's no purpose if they're trying to read it upside down. It's just going to lead to confusion and I understand that's something people do when they're a bit nervous but you need to make sure that it's actually turned towards them so they can see. The other thing is you don't want to rush where basically by the time they turn down you've already quoted the verses and you're on to the next thing. You know actually say hey look at this give them a chance to look at it and slowly go through it. Sometimes you see this when people preach sermons as well they'll say hey turn to John chapter 3 and as people are still turning they quote the verses by the time people get to John 3 it's like turn to John 7 and so it kind of defeats the purpose of it. So what you want to do is show people the Bible verses when you're preaching the gospel actually turn the Bible toward them give them a chance to actually see it so they can soak it in so they can understand. Anyway this is gonna have more of an impact with people. Now here's the thing you say Brother Stuckey should you always show the Bible verses? Well I would say every once in a while there are exceptions. For people that are new soul winners I would recommend that you try to show them the Bible verses. However every once in a while you talk to people and even if it's just a one-on-one conversation sometimes they're just really paying attention to every word you're saying and even when you're trying to get them to look at the verses they're still just really listening to every word you say and sometimes you realize okay they're just focused in on what I'm saying maybe I don't need to show them the verses. The other exception might be when you talk to a large group of people you're talking to five people at one time it could be very hard to actually turn the Bible toward them and get them to see it might actually be better just to quote the verses so you can pay attention to who's understanding who's engaged who's listening what questions they have. These are things that you know with experience you'll start to get an idea when to do this and when not but by default as a new soul winner it is a good idea to show them the Bible verses and when you do that you want to make sure that you actually turn it to them and give them a chance to look down and see it and you can use your finger to actually point toward the key parts of the verse so for example what must I do to be saved and they said believe just as when you preach there's certain words that you highlight or if you're doing public speaking there are certain sections that you speak with a louder voice to make it impactful same thing as you're showing them the verses the key words you can really point down to and make sure they get that key word and see believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and so you know show people the Bible verses not a complicated tip but you know when you do that make sure you turn the Bible toward them so they can actually see it so it's not upside down and you know give them a chance to actually look at it and soak it in and not just try to rush through it but actually give them a chance to see it so anyways thank you and God bless