(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Matthew Stuckey here and I want to give you another soul winning tip and in this video I wanted to talk to you about the importance of praying for boldness as you're going out to preach the gospel. Now there's many aspects of prayer and in a later video I'll talk about certain things to pray for in terms of the work being done and the soul winning being done but I really want to gear this toward people that are beginner soul winners that maybe you're nervous to switch from being a silent partner to a speaker and you've been out soul winning as a silent partner and maybe even you're kind of starting conversations and stuff like that and you say well how do I go from you know this level to the next level where I can overcome my fears and honestly you know it it might seem like a cliche but prayer is really the big answer and Paul the Apostle spoke about this he said in Ephesians 6 verse 18 praying always with all prayer and supplication in the spirit and watching there into with all perseverance and supplication for all Saints and for me that utterance may be given unto me that I may open my mouth boldly to make known the mystery of the gospel for which I'm in which I am an ambassador and bonds that there and I may speak boldly as I ought to speak so Paul the Apostle he prayed he asked for people to pray for him that he could open his mouth boldly and that he could speak as he ought to speak because we as God's people should be soul winners we should not be afraid or ashamed to preach the gospel we should have boldness and be excited and be encouraged in the Lord to go out and win souls the Lord both at said so many times and in our personal lives but Paul the Apostle as great of a soul winner as he was he still prayed he still asked people to pray for him that he might be bold and if you're a beginner soul winner you need to realize that God wants you out there preaching the gospel God wants you to be doing the work and one thing that you can do is just pray to God that he will give you that boldness now of course if you're at a good church you know hopefully there's gonna be people that are serving God that are praying that everyone at the church will have boldness and we'll talk about that in a later tip but you individually if you are a new soul winner one thing you can do is just ask God to give you boldness to overcome your fears and being filled with the Holy Spirit will give you confidence and boldness to do things that you would not normally do in your flesh so you might be a very shy person you might be very introverted maybe you never looked at yourself as someone who could just boldly preach the gospel and win many to the Lord but quite honestly you know if you get filled with the spirit and you pray to God for boldness he can give you the ability that you might not have naturally in your flesh and quite honestly many of the best soul winners are people that are naturally shy people but if they really want to serve God and love God and if you're listening to this and you're trying to become a beginner soul winner and you're trying to overcome those fears God wants you to be out there preaching the gospel and he can give you boldness so I encourage you to just pray and ask God that he will give you boldness and you know honestly I could give you a million examples of this this is throughout the Bible that you see great characters in the Bible that when they get afraid they pray for boldness they pray for help in their situations you can look throughout the entire Bible you can look at Hezekiah with the Assyrian Empire just character after character prayer is a big part of our lives and prayer should be part of our time soul winning anyway we should always be praying that God will bless us but if you're trying to overcome your fears pray and ask God for boldness Paul the Apostle asked people to pray for him because even the mightiest soul winner outside of the Lord Jesus Christ perhaps was still kind of hesitant sometimes and he knew that sometimes he was a little bit shy and he asked for people to pray for him so that he could have boldness so anyways just pray and ask God for boldness and that can definitely help you out be more encouraged and excited and bold to preach the gospel thank you and God bless