(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Matthew Stuckey here and I'm giving you another video on soul winning tips and I'm focusing on going from being a silent partner to becoming a speaker. And so at the beginning as you're learning to preach the gospel you will oftentimes be a silent partner and you're listening to the experienced soul winner preach the gospel and you're trying to learn how to preach the gospel and how to get people saved and everything. And obviously you can be very valuable as a silent partner I just talked about that but of course the end goal is that you will one day be a speaker and you will one day be able to win people to the Lord. Now the greatest example I know of in the Bible where someone starts off as a silent speaker and ends up becoming their silent partner and ends up becoming a speaker is Moses and if you're familiar with the story when Moses started he was too shy to speak and he didn't think he had the ability he said he was slow of speech and a stutterer and then God gave Aaron to be the the spokesman. And so I want to read to you that story and give you some applications but in Exodus 4 verse 10 and Moses said unto the Lord oh my Lord I am not eloquent neither heretofore nor since thou has spoken on thy servant but I am slow of speech and of a slow tongue. You know honestly most people that are soul winners when they first started this is how they felt they felt like I'm not eloquent I'm not a good speaker I don't think people are gonna want to listen to me I know that's the way I felt I felt like it was somebody else's you know ability or somebody else's skill and the Bible says about soul winning that it is not a special talent that some people have or special gift that some people have it's actually just a command for all of us to go out and preach the gospel but all of us when we start we're very nervous we're very shy and we don't think we have the ability. Then it says in verse 11 and the Lord said unto him who hath made man's mouth or who maketh the dumb or deaf or the seeing or the blind have not I the Lord now therefore go and I'll be with thy mouth and teach thee what thou shalt say. So God says I've chosen you for this job you have the ability I'm letting you know that Moses and the same thing is true for us God commands us all to preach the gospel so regardless of how slow of speech you are how regardless of how eloquent or not eloquent you are regardless of whether or not you stutter if God's commanding you to do something he's saying that you have the ability to actually do it and so this kind of goes on and on and then it says in verse 14 and the anger of the Lord was kindled against Moses and he said is not Aaron the Levite thy brother I know that he can speak well and also behold he cometh forth to meet thee and when he seeth thee he will be glad in his heart and so it says in verse 16 and he shall be thy spokesman on to the people and so in this story God chooses Moses and Moses is too shy he doesn't think he has the ability he doesn't think that he's talented enough to do it but God's saying you do have the ability and when Moses basically refuses God says well Aaron's gonna be the speaker and so Moses essentially starts off as a silent partner even though God wants him to be the speaker but see what's interesting when you read the book of Exodus is you don't get very far into it and then you notice well wait a minute Aaron is no longer the spokesman now Moses is a spokesman and so at the very beginning Moses was shy he was a silent partner and then all of a sudden you realize that you know what he's the one who's actually doing most of the talking and I think all of us would agree that you know when we started going soul winning we were very scared we were very nervous you know that first time you handed an invitation to someone the first time you introduced yourself and asked them if they went to church anywhere you were so nervous you were so shy and after you did it you realized that was nowhere near as intimidating as I thought it would be and that's honestly the truth you know going soul winning is not as intimidating as it seems and you know once you actually do it you're gonna actually realize that and then you kind of realize what was I afraid about you know it's not not that big of a deal you know it's not that scary but let me give you a couple quick points that can help you go like Moses from being a silent partner to a speaker what can you do to help yourself out well number one you can do the preparation that we've talked about in earlier videos memorizing the verses working on your soul winning plan practicing your soul winning plan if you're prepared it's gonna naturally give you more confidence look if I if I spend you know hours working on a sermon and I study it and I practice it when I preach it I'm gonna be confident but if you hand me a sermon just five minutes before I go up to speak and I just quickly scan it and try to figure out you know oh man what should I say here I'm gonna be pretty nervous you say why I didn't do the proper preparation if you do the preparation you will have more boldness the other thing you can do is this you can pray that God will give you boldness and the desire to become a speaker and the Bible often talks about praying for bonus and Paul even asked people to pray for him that he would have boldness and that he would have the opportunity to preach the gospel so if you're new I want you to realize God wants you to be a speaker God wants you to get people saved and so if you pray and ask God to give you boldness he is going to help you out now another thing that people can do is they can have this agreement with the speaker as they are the silent partner ahead of time before doors and you know if you're gonna do this you need to make sure that you have talked about it with with the person who's the main speaker of the door but basically you can practice by just introducing yourself and saying where you're from and then you can turn it over to the speaker to actually go through the gospel and you know you can slowly just kind of add on so at first you just introduce yourself then maybe you go through a couple of the verses and turn it over to the speaker and basically you know you just you you just kind of practice various parts until you become comfortable and eventually you're gonna become more and more confident and comfortable to end up becoming the speaker so that is one way you can transition over and you know you want to make sure that you're prepared and being prepared and praying for bonus it is really gonna help you and so the one one thing of note as we're closing up on talking about silent partners if you are in a situation where you're first starting to preach the gospel you might have times where you know your nerves kind of take over and you get you know scared you don't know what to say what you can do though is basically just turn to your soul winning partner who is the silent partner at that door but he's the experienced speaker and once you turn to him it's basically telling him hey can you take over this conversation and so this is what a lot of people do when they they first start a silent partners they try to go through the conversation but sometimes they get nervous and they look over at their soul winning partner and you know that person ends up taking over but look you know what God wants you to go from being a silent partner to being a speaker put in the preparation pray about it practice you know what you're gonna be there one day because if Moses started off too shy to be the speaker and Moses is one of the greatest people that has ever lived you know what you can also end up becoming a speaker it's not unusual to be shy when you first start preaching the gospel pretty much everybody is but then once you get some experience with it you're gonna realize it's not as intimidating as you thought anyways thank you and God bless