(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Matthew Stuckey here and I want to make another video giving you a soul winning tip and the last video I talked about the importance of memorizing the soul winning verses. The purpose is so you'll be have a better idea of how to actually explain those verses and in this video what I want to talk about is the importance of practicing your soul winning plan. Now realize that if you've been so many for many years I understand these these early tips are beginner tips you probably don't have to practice your soul winning plan if you've been doing it for 10 years but when you're first beginning obviously you need to practice it and the truth is that as we're going soul winning you know what we don't always get opportunities to preach the gospel so if you're a beginner and you only get a chance every few weeks to preach the gospel it's gonna take you a very long time to become proficient at it and if that's your choice to just kind of wait until you get opportunities at the door then that's up to you but if you want to accelerate and learn very quickly how to be proficient in preaching the gospel you should take the opportunity to practice in your free time just like in anything if you're gonna play sports or if you're gonna play a musical instrument you know you're gonna spend time practicing so you're actually ready for the actual performance or the game or the match or whatever and so you say well Brother Stuckey how do I practice my soul winning presentation? Well I want to give you a couple real practical easy ways that you can practice your soul winning presentation outside of actually going door-to-door and preaching the gospel and I want to just reiterate that this is not meant to be a substitute for going out there and preaching the gospel by all means go out there as a silent partner and you can learn you should be out there as much as possible especially if you have people that can help train you so you get the experience because the actual preaching the gospel is gonna have even more of an impact but one way you can practice is with a friend or a family member or a church member now if you have a church member that's proficient in preaching the gospel then that is a great way to learn very quickly how to actually preach the gospel because they can give you pointers and they can give you tips and it can really help you learn very rapidly or if you have maybe a fellow friend that you also go to church with or you have a family member that you go to church with someone you feel comfortable with you can start in practice preaching the gospel to them and I know that me and my friends a long time ago we would practice preaching the gospel to each other and we weren't perfect we we had a lot of things we needed to change in our presentations but the truth is that just practicing with each other it really helped us be ready for various situations and feel more comfortable and so a great method that you can do is actually practice with someone else and you know then you're gonna realize oh wait a minute you know I forgot to mention this or I stumbled at this part you're gonna start seeing you know the problems that you have so it's really about being willing to take the time and be willing to humble yourself because maybe you feel embarrassed if you make mistakes but that that is how we learn you know you learn through you know guess and check trial and error and so one thing is practicing with somebody a church member or a family member or a friend another thing is that you can actually practice by yourself and you say well how can I practice preaching the gospel by myself well there's a couple different ways one way you could do it is actually practicing in front of a mirror and the reason why I would recommend practicing in front of a mirror is because it's it's it's more realistic than just practicing to yourself you know when you're not in front of a mirror when you're in front of a mirror you can actually see the interaction of how you're saying things and you can kind of like play both parts and I get that this will seem weird or feel weird to you but the truth is I actually did this in college and you know of course I did it when you know my roommate wasn't home because I thought it would be you know kind of embarrassing and everything nobody wants to talk to themselves obviously but at the same time you're able to get practice by you know playing both parts so you'll kind of say the part of the soul winner and then you'll say the part of the person who is listening to the gospel now of course practicing with someone is better but if you don't have that opportunity or if you want to just do a little bit of extra practice you can practice by yourself either in front of the mayor or you can just sit down on your bed or just you know actually stand in front of a bedroom door or something and pretend to be knocking to make it as realistic as possible and the thing is when you're practicing preaching the gospel you don't necessarily have to practice beginning to end you could just practice like a five-minute segment of the gospel how to show someone they're guilty how to explain a certain verse and you know you can practice it in segments if you want and that's actually a good method as you learn once you become comfortable with one segment you're actually able to preach that maybe door-to-door and then have your your soul any partner take over and then you can slowly add on to that and another method you could practice by yourself is actually while you're in the car while you're driving and so this is something I've done as well where I'll practice certain parts or I've even done that for sermons I'll kind of like preach certain parts of a sermon that I'm gonna preach we'll kind of speak it out loud and it does help for getting practice and so of course the best method is to actually be out there door-to-door but this is just something you can do in your free time and so memorizing the verses is essential and actually practicing your presentation because the Bible speaks about the preparation of the gospel and you want to be as prepared as possible because there's nothing more important thank you and God bless