(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Matthew Stuckey here, and I wanted to give you another soul winning tip, and in this video I want to talk to you about the importance of eternal security. The importance of eternal security as we are preaching the gospel to people. Now what we believe and teach is that a person cannot be saved unless they actually understand that salvation is forever, that it's eternal life, that salvation cannot be lost. And most people that preach the gospel, most evangelical methods do not emphasize eternal security. And what they try to do is get people to pray first, and then they'll explain after they pray about how salvation is forever. But that's actually a big mistake, because if they prayed without understanding that salvation is forever, then they didn't get saved. They need to understand that salvation is forever. So let me just read you from the Bible real quickly and I'll give you some points. The Bible says in 1 John 5 verse 10, He that believeth in the Son of God hath the witness in himself. He that believeth not God hath made him a liar, because he believeth not the record that God gave his Son. The Bible says that there's two types of people. Those that believe the record, they believe what's written about Jesus Christ, and those that are calling God a liar and saying, I don't believe this record about Jesus. And this is the record that God hath given to us, eternal life, and this life is in his Son. That record is in his Son, it's only in Jesus Christ, that is given to us, so it's a gift, the gift of God is eternal life, but hath given to us eternal life, it says in 1 John 5-11. So you must believe salvation is only in Jesus, that it's a gift, but that also it is eternal life, meaning it cannot be lost. And what it says in the next verse is, He that hath the Son hath life, and he that hath not the Son of God hath not life. So there's two types of people, those that have the Son and those that don't have the Son. Now these verses are very clear if you just believe the Bible and take it word for word as it's written, but I've heard a lot of crazy defenses from various Baptists to try to explain this away. I've heard people say, well, you know, the people that don't believe the record, you know, they're saved also. Well, I mean, it's very clear that they do not have life according to 1 John 5-12. So the Bible's very clear here that you must believe in eternal security. But, you know, why is it so important? You know, what's the significance, why do you have to believe this in terms of salvation? Well, number one, if you deny eternal security, you're calling God a liar according to the Bible. And, see, the Bible says you either, you know, believe God or you're calling Him a liar. And the Bible says that, you know, if you call Him a liar, you do not have the Son. So number one, you're calling God a liar and just denying the Bible and denying what's said about Jesus Christ if you deny eternal security. But, you know, number two, if you deny eternal security, then what you're showing is you don't understand what being saved means or what that gift is. See, the Bible says the gift of God is eternal life. So here's the thing, it's not conditional life, it's not temporary life, it's eternal life. So if you get saved but you don't believe in eternal life, well, then you didn't understand what the gift was. And so the words you said when you called on the Lord were in vain because you didn't believe the gift. The gift of God is not some sort of life or temporary life or conditional life, it's eternal life. And you must understand what that gift is. And so you don't understand what the gift is and you don't understand what salvation is because just by the very definition of the word you're saved, that means you're not going to end up going to hell. So how can you say, well, you know, I believed on Jesus and I'm saved but if I do bad I'll end up in hell. Well, then you weren't saved. I mean, just by the very definition and understanding of salvation or saved, it's saying that you're never going to go to hell. And so here's the thing, once you get saved, once you believe on Jesus Christ, it means that you never have any worry about going to hell because it's eternal life. Salvation has to be forever or the Bible wouldn't use the word saved or salvation, it doesn't make any sense. So point number one is if you deny eternal security you're calling God a liar. Point two, if you deny eternal security then you don't understand what salvation or what the gift is. And, you know, point number three, you know, if you don't believe in eternal security then you can never be certain that you're on your way to heaven. See, here's the thing, if salvation could be lost then you could never know for sure that you're going to end up keeping that salvation to the very end. See, if salvation is just conditional then you might say I believe on Jesus and I'm saved now but it is possible that I'm going to lose it along the way. And so if you don't believe in eternal security you can't say that you know you're going to heaven. You can't say it's a done deal because salvation could end up being lost if it's not eternal. And see, the Bible says in these verses, the next verse after, 1 John 5, 10-12, talks about how you can know that you have eternal life. And those that believe in the name of the Son of God, they do know they have eternal life. And if you don't know 100% for sure that you're on your way to heaven, it's because you're not on your way to heaven. Once you believe you have eternal life and that is forever. So here's the thing, if you don't believe in eternal security you can't say you know for sure you're going to heaven. And so just kind of in closing with all those things I mentioned is in conclusion, we must explain eternal security at the door. You know, I hope you realize how important it is because they don't understand what the gift is or what salvation is. They're calling God a liar and they can't be certain that they're on their way to heaven if they don't believe in eternal security. And it's very clear in 1 John 5 verses 10-12 that if someone does not believe in eternal security, they are not saved. So here's the thing, we must explain it as we're going soul winning because for somebody to get saved, if they believe the wrong thing, they must change their mind about what they believe to end up getting saved. Because otherwise they would already be saved. But they're not saved because they're believing the wrong thing. And to be saved they've got to change their mind about what they believe and put all their faith on Jesus Christ. And if someone thinks they can lose their salvation, they're still depending on their own lifestyle and what they do. They're not placing all their faith on Jesus Christ. And so look, it's vital you explain eternal security at the door. If you do not, you're going to get some people to get saved just by explaining the gospel if you explain for 10 or 15 minutes. But the percentage of people you're going to get saved if you don't directly talk about eternal security is going to be extremely low. Because they don't believe in eternal security if they're not saved. And so here's the thing, you know what, unless you directly explain that, it's unlikely they're going to change their mind about it unless you specifically bring it up and talk about it. So look, it's vital you talk about eternal security. It's extremely important. And if you do not use and emphasize eternal security in your gospel presentation, you're going to end up having very few people get saved. Even though you're going to have a lot of people and probably more people that will pray, the sad reality is most will not understand because you haven't explained it. Anyways, thank you and God bless.