(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Matthew Stuckey here and I want to give you another soul winning tip and I want to talk to you about the fact that we deserve hell in this video and how exactly do we show that and what what should we say if there's any questions about hell. And so when it comes to preaching the gospel obviously you get to introduce yourself at the beginning, you invite them to church, you ask if they're interested. As they let us speak to us what you're going to find with all the soul winning conversations in the Bible is that really the first thing you're trying to do is show them that they are guilty. And so the reason why you need to show them that they're guilty is they need to understand that they need a Savior. They need to understand what Jesus Christ did for them. Now what's pretty common is to start in the book of Romans with a couple verses and show them that for all have sinned and come short of the glory of God. I also do that myself and really the purpose of that though is to bring them to this point where they realize they deserve hell. So the gospel is actually the good news but you start with the bad news so they can actually understand and comprehend the good news. And so as you go past Romans what you're gonna do is go to the book of Revelation and there's a few verses in Revelation about hell that are really good to show them. Now first off point number one why do we talk about hell? Well quite simply it makes them understand what Jesus did for them. If you do not talk about hell at all they're gonna have a lot of trouble understanding that they need a Savior. If all you do is talk to them about that God loves you and he's got a wonderful plan for your life the problem is you're not telling them what salvation is and what salvation is is salvation from hell. So we have to actually show them that they deserve hell. The other thing is this it's very helpful to get people saved because people are scared of going to hell. You know people go about their lives and they they try not to think about all these spiritual things because they're not sure what the answers are but when you actually explain to them hell and how they deserve to go to hell that actually scares people into reality. It actually scares people into wanting to get saved. I can say that I got saved because I was scared of going to hell and I think anybody who's watching this video that is saved is gonna say the same thing. Knowing the reality of hell was a very scary thing and that motivates you to actually get saved and it helps you understand what Jesus actually did for you. So point number one why do we talk about hell? Well because of the fact it makes people understand what Jesus did for them and it also scares them into actually getting saved. Now I do want you to understand our goal is not to scare them into saying a prayer. We have to make sure they believe and understand what Jesus did for them but the reality of hell is something that really you know can scare people and make them really take it very seriously what we're actually explaining to them. So that's really the first step in the gospel. You want to show them they're guilty and they deserve hell. You don't want to avoid talking about hell because you're worried about offending them. Point number two how do you show hell? How do you show hell? Well what I do is show them you know a couple verses in Romans. I show them Romans 3.23 and 3.10. I don't personally show Romans 6.23 you know after the verses in Romans 3 but a lot of people do and there's nothing wrong with that but after that you know I go to Revelation chapter 20 where people go but I usually ask them this question do you believe in hell? Now when I ask that question many people tell me that they do believe in hell but I've seen an increasing number of people as the years go by that will tell me they do not believe in hell or they're just like well you know I'm not sure. Now what I've noticed is that many people say they don't believe in hell but when you actually show them a verse and quickly explain it's like boom it snaps them back to reality. Maybe they're famous for their favorite rapper or their favorite athlete you know said that everybody goes to heaven but then in reality in the back of their minds they know that that doesn't actually make sense and so when you actually show them a verse it like snaps them back into reality but I ask them do you believe in hell? If they say they believe in hell I go to Revelation chapter 20. If they say they do not believe in hell well then I might take a little bit of extra time. Now if they say they do not believe in hell what I personally do is I still go to Revelation chapter 20 but I'll ask them you know about the center of the earth and volcanoes and what's the temperature in the center of the earth and they say well it's really hot and I'll say where do volcanoes come from? They say the center of the earth. Where does hell come from? The center of the earth and then in Revelation 20 I show them Revelation 20 verse 14 where it says Lake of Fire or Lawanangapoi in Tagalog and I show them Lake of Fire and the reason why I do this is because it just makes logical sense when I explain what does that sound like and they'll say like it sounds like lava and I'll say yes hell is a real place it's in the center of the earth where it's extremely hot in the center of the earth. Here in the Philippines especially here in Pampanga Mount Pinatubo which was the second biggest volcano of the 20th century is relatively fresh in people's minds. My wife was a young child when that took place you know it's about I guess was about 30 years ago at this point but it's something that people can relate to and you can mention other volcanoes and just say well that is where hell is located. It's not a joke. The Bible says you know Lake of Fire it is a real place in the heart of the earth and when someone dies they're going to go there forever. Now I would still show revelation 2014 even if they say they believe in hell and just explain it's in this that it's in the center of the earth but I would just spend a little bit more time and then double check and ask them about it if they say they don't believe in hell. Something one thing that people sometimes get confused on is they get confused on the fact that your body would burn up if it got set on fire but the thing is you know when a person dies it's their soul that goes to heaven or hell it's not their body. Now one day people will be reunited with their bodies both those that go to heaven at the rapture but also those that get cast into the lake of fire which says where the worm dieth not referring to their body but you know when someone dies right now it's their soul that goes to heaven or hell immediately and then one day God will give people a body that could actually withstand the lake of fire but what the Bible teaches is it's your soul that goes to heaven or hell when you die and so I will show them Revelation 20-14 either way but I'll spend a little bit more time if they say they do not believe in hell or they weren't sure about it. Then I'll also go to Revelation 21-8 where the Bible gives a list of various sins and it mentions all liars shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone which is the second death. That is a great verse because it mentions all these terrible sins then it says all liars not some liars not the really bad liars but all liars now I believe the reason why the Bible says all liars is because it helps us key in on the fact that even for one lie we deserve hell one murderer makes you a murderer one lie makes you a liar later on the chapter it says whosoever maketh a lie so just one lie makes you a liar the Bible says let God be true but every man a liar so it shows that we deserve hell now here's the thing they need to understand and believe that they deserve hell so you show them those verses and you lump yourself in and say I've lied I'm guilty I've sinned before I deserve hell because I've lied of broken God's commandments I've done worse than telling lies and if they admit that they've told lies explain to them well because of that according to Revelation 21-8 you deserve hell now if somebody does not believe in hell and they're still resistant if you want to give them one more verse because the Bible says a man that is in here take after the first and second admonition reject but Luke 16 I think is a very clear verse on helping a real place if they're gonna deny at that point they've had plenty of chances they just don't want to believe in hell and they're not going to let me just give you a quick testimony of why explaining hell is so important you know when I got saved a soul winner preached the gospel to me that I was friends with at college and you know he explained how salvation was a free gift and he did a great job explaining it and this is someone who had gone soul winning with the Baptist Church but I don't think his technique was completely finished yet at the time so he was giving me all these Bible verses and explaining and it was making sense but hell was not part of his normal presentation at that time now hell is part of his presentation but back then you know he was kind of worried he might offend me and I'm sure a lot of people were out there like that you're afraid that by talking about hell and telling them people that it might offend them but it's actually what they need to hear and I remember asking him after he gave me the gospel so you're telling me I'm going to hell and he kind of tried to avoid answering that question because he didn't want to offend me he was trying to be polite and he's like well you know I don't know what you believe I'm just explaining how to get I said no no I told you what I believe so you're saying I'm going to hell and then he said something like well if you if you believe these exact words and you don't believe this then according to the Bible you would not go to heaven or you you would go to hell and I think he was worried I might be mad because on the outside I was not acting humble I was arguing with him but on the inside I was actually being humbled and I realized I'm guilty I need a savior but I just needed to hear that I was on my way to hell and I just told him okay and you know I just you know he might have thought that I was mad at him but I was not mad I got saved that night and I just needed to have the reality check and it just kind of confronted me with reality and what it scared me into reality because I don't like losing discussions or debates or arguments but you know what the fact is that if I lost that argument which I did lose it you know he was able to show all these verses the reality was if I'm wrong about this I'm going to go to hell for for forever and it was a very scary thing and hearing him say that it forced me to really think about what he said and decide hey is this true because I cannot be wrong about this question and he told me that and then a couple years a couple hours later after we were done studying for our chemistry exam I thought about it and you know what I was just like man I you know he's right it is a free gift and man I don't want to go to hell and I asked Jesus Christ to save me so I just want to encourage you that are out there that are soul winners that you know what don't be afraid to speak about hell it's actually a good thing for people to hear people need to know about hell because if they do not know about hell and they don't believe that they need to be saved from hell then they're not going to get saved to get saved they need to understand that they need to be saved anyways thank you and God bless