(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Hey, what's up, guys? It's Pete. It's Saturday. It's soul winning Saturday today. And I'm sure a lot of you guys, if you're soul winning, you go on Saturday. So I hope you guys had a great day out. I hope you had a very successful day or are having a successful day right now out soul winning. And really quickly, I want to give a soul winning tip that I think is very important and it's very effective. And it's much more advantageous to you out soul winning if this is something that you do. And the soul winning tip is to memorize your soul winning verses. So I highly recommend memorizing every soul winning verse, every verse about salvation that you know to be able to just preach by heart out soul winning as opposed to having to always open your Bible and follow a map verse to verse. This is for a few reasons. Number one, I find myself having to preach the Bible and preach the gospel from memory often out soul winning. And what has really helped me is the fact that when I became a soul winner, when I became a soul winner, sorry about that, the radio was on. When I became a soul winner, I made it a point to memorize every soul winning verse that I could or that I wanted to use. So I went through my Bible, I highlighted every salvation verse that I knew of. That way, if I was trying to preach the gospel, if I was just flipping through my Bible really quickly and I saw a highlighted verse in a certain color, I knew that that was a soul winning verse because really, and then I could use it because really you can use any number of verses out soul winning that you want. You can use many hundreds of verses to win somebody to Christ, but especially your just designated soul winning verses, memorize them, memorize them. Begin today. I mean, it'll help your soul winning a lot. First of all, out soul winning, when you're soul winning in ghettos and low income neighborhoods and really anywhere you're preaching to somebody on the go, on the fly, you're walking with them down the road, they don't always want to or have the time to sit down with you and stand there and have you open the Bible and show them mad Bible verses. They think you want to do a Jehovah's Witness Bible study or something like that. And it's often very effective, even more so, than showing them the Bible verses, just preaching the word of God, having the word of God in your heart and letting the Holy Spirit utilize those as is necessary out soul winning. Last week out soul winning, I had to preach the gospel from memory twice. One, thank God I was finishing up with my soul winning. It was rainy. It was gross. It was windy, snowy. We didn't have much success out soul winning. I mean, we did get to preach. Even if nobody ever gets saved, I still like to look at how many people had the gospel preached to them or had some Bible verses preached to them or the gospel preached in a nutshell. That's also a successful soul winning day in my opinion. But as I was walking to the car, I was getting into my car and I heard this voice go, hi. And I looked to the right and there was on a stoop on the front stairs behind a gate, just like a little 11 year old girl just sitting there. And I was like, obviously I have to try to preach this girl the gospel. So I went to give her, I gave her a tract. I asked her if her parents were home. She said, no, sadly, but there was a gate between us. And I said, that's okay. You know what? If you'd like, I was like, I have to preach this girl the gospel, even though I'd prefer to talk to her parents. You know, I'm going to show you what the Bible says about how to go to heaven. And she allowed me to, and she got saved. And that was just preaching her the gospel, just reasoning with her, looking her in the eye, telling her what the Bible said, preaching the gospel. And she called upon the name of the Lord and got saved. Whereas that kind of girl and different types of people, opening the Bible with them and having them look at it is almost a distraction sometimes. A lot of times out soul winning you run into people who are illiterate and, um, it's a distraction cause like they often are embarrassed that they're illiterate. They, they sit there pretending that they know how to read the Bible verses that you're showing them when they don't. And it's just confusing and distracting to them. I want to just speak to them. I'll say, Hey, Jesus said this, John the Baptist said this, the Bible says this and just looking at them. And it, it's like a natural conversation and it's effective. That's so that's why I think it's important. You should be able to preach the Bible from heart. You should be able to just open your mouth boldly and preach the gospel. I've had many salvations just preaching the Bible from the heart, the same soul winning day, um, that that girl got saved. There was a group of teenagers, they were walking down the street smoking a blunt and, um, I was talking to them and they were interested and engaged. But when I asked them, can I show you the Bible? They said, no, no, no, we've got to go somewhere. But what I found is when I started just speaking the Bible to them and just looking them in the eye, reasoning with them, caring about them, being somebody who was interested in them, being their friend, they just were lit. They listened and they were engaged. And when they were hearing verses and preaching about, you know, the damnation of the unsaved and salvation in Christ alone and Jesus dying and rising again and the works of God. One thing I like to include in my gospel presentation is all of the miracles that Jesus did because one, it proves he was divine, but also there's a lot of commandments in the, in Psalms to just make known the, the manifold works of God, the great and, you know, just speak the glory of God and his works. So I like to incorporate that in my gospel presentation and they were engaged. Whereas if I was like, let's look here in Matthew chapter seven, they, they wouldn't be as engaged. It's just something that might be a turnoff to a certain kind of person and not a turnoff. And it's their problem if they're turned off by the Bible, but you can have more success if you will just naturally just segue into a conversation just by preaching the gospel to them. And they almost don't even realize that you're, that you're showing them the Bible, you're showing them verbally, you're preaching it to them. I think this is really important to be able to preach the gospel from heart. Just today, the one guy that I spent the most time with today, you could tell he had some, he was a black guy, had some Muslim influence. He was a very, you know, historically minded, you know, intellectual kind of guy. You know, I wasn't sitting down and showing him Bible verses today. It was just one-on-one back and forth because he had some questions and you should have your standard gospel presentation memorized, but also you should be able to deviate that from it as is necessary. You know what I mean? You should be able to, you know, I have a standard, my standard gospel presentation is usually Romans 3, 23, Romans 6, 23, Revelation 20, 14, 15, Revelation 21, Romans 6, 23b, 1 Corinthians 15, about the gospel of Christ, verse one to three, and then about the witnesses, and then Acts 16, 30, 31, and or John 3, 16, John 6, 47, and then like two verses from there. And sometimes it's a lot of Bible verses, a lot of turning. And then obviously I go to Titus 1, 2, John 10, 28, or, and then like Romans 10, 9 or Romans 10, 13. And those are good Bible verses. First of all, I would recommend memorizing all of those so you can use them out soul winning and preach them by heart. But also you should have many other Bible verses memorized so that you can deviate and answer questions and just use the verse that's the most, it's just the most suitable to use at that time. It's hard to explain. When you have your Bible verses memorized and you're able to preach the gospel, you feel as if you have a lot of liberty to preach the gospel and as if the Holy Spirit's really working. Now, obviously when you're showing somebody the Bible, they, you can also quote verses from memory, you know, in supplement to that, but you can, you can save time and you can keep more people's interest by having your Bible verses memorized, memorizing many. I would recommend, recommend memorizing verses like, and I, you know, take note of these references and start memorizing them. Romans verses about sin, Romans 3, 23, Romans 3, 10, Romans 6, 23, Revelation 20, 14 and 15, Revelation 21, 8 verses about Christ dying for us, 1 Corinthians 15, 1 to 3, Romans 5, 8 verses about faith alone, Romans 1, 16, Romans 3, 28, Romans 10, 9, John 1, 12, John 3, 16, John 3, 15, John 3, 18, John 3, 36, John 5, 24, John 6, 47, John 11, 25 to 26, Acts 16, 30 to 31, Acts 10, 43. These are all verses you should have memorized, not of works, Galatians 2, 16, Ephesians 2, 8, 9, deity of Christ verses, 1 Timothy 3, 16, Hebrews 1, 8, John 1, 1 and John 1, 1 through 14. You know, these are verses that you should be implementing, only way to heaven as Christ, John 14, 6, Acts 4, 12. These are all verses that you should work on memorizing them and you can just, they'll just be there ready to use and ready to be employed when you need them. I highly, highly recommend memorizing every salvation verse that you can and you'll find, even if you're like, oh man, what illustrations am I going to use? I don't even really know. Look, all you got to do is have some verses memorized and be able to explain them and just have a basic order like, you got to explain to them sin first, the wages of sin and then explain to them that Christ is the only way to heaven. Explain to them that salvation is through faith in Christ and then close the deal and compel them to call upon the name of the Lord. That's soul winning in a nutshell. Know some verses, know how you're going to explain it, but most importantly, know many Bible verses and know the Bible. All right guys, God bless you all. Have a great, a great Saturday. All right.