(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Matthew Stuckey here, and I want to introduce to you a new part of our YouTube channel about soul winning. We're planning to have soul winning tips series, both basic soul winning tips and advanced soul winning tips, and we're also going to be having soul winning for certain situations like getting a family member saved, getting a member of a cult saved, getting someone saved out in public. So the basic soul winning tips are really going to be geared for people that are just getting into soul winning, maybe you're not sure what plan to use or how to go about talking to people, you've only gotten a few people saved door to door. The advanced soul winning tips are going to be more for people that are consistently going out week by week and getting people saved. Now if you're just getting into soul winning, I would really recommend focusing on the basic series. Like anything, it's best to become an expert at the foundational points. I used to coach soccer a lot, and there were these kids that had these crazy skills, but they didn't have the basics like passing, dribbling, and trapping the ball, and a lot of people were trying to get really skilled at all these advanced concepts, where it's best just to get the basics down of your basic plan and your normal situation. So I'd recommend if you're new to soul winning, check out the basic soul winning tips, I think they can be a real help, and maybe if you have a lot of experience, if you want to check out the advanced tips that we have on here, hopefully you'll be able to learn something. Now if you do have a soul winning tip that you can think of, you're welcome to send it in, give us your thoughts, give us suggestions, and if it's something very good we could definitely add it to this series. Now I do want to say this, just as a disclaimer, the greatest soul winning tip I could ever give you is just go out there and do it. Don't study soul winning tips and not actually go out and do the work. You're going to learn a lot by going door to door and by preaching the gospel to people. Trial and error is how I learned a lot of these things, and honestly there's a lot of tips I can't even put on this series because the only way to learn them is through actually doing the work. So by all means, if you have any thoughts or suggestions, send them in and we'd love to hear from you. Thanks.