(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Hello everybody I'm back with another soul winning video and in this video I want to talk about the subject of facing objections or when to move on from the person that you're speaking to. I know that in the previous video at the end I did say it would be about calling on the name of the Lord but I want to quickly address this point before moving on to how to basically wrap it up right because not everybody you preach to is going to get saved not everybody you preach to is going to receive it in the same way so we have to be careful with not just you know going through it and thinking that they're saved when there's some people who kind of just will be time wasters or argue or whatever right so when there are objections right or questions that are asked at any point in the gospel right that somebody you're preaching to right there's something that they they throw at you that kind of deviates off from the main point or maybe they don't understand something maybe they have some kind of argument or objection to what you're saying be kind to them at first right as the Bible says in 2nd Timothy chapter 2 verse 25 in meekness instructing those that oppose themselves right so the thing is make sure to be prepared with verses for each of the points that the people bring up right now don't let the preaching devolve into an argument right we shouldn't waste our time with people who are just trying to argue and don't want to care what the Bible says and doesn't matter how many verses you show show them they just want to argue and they want to bring up another point about why you're wrong right don't argue with people the point is to preach to them if they don't want to hear it then move on and I'll get to that in a second just different people to move on from but you also want to be patient with people as well because not everybody's necessarily trying to argue sometimes people are just not understanding right sometimes people are genuine sometimes when people raise questions they're not doing it in a hostile manner it's just that they genuinely want to know there's something that's actually getting in the way of them understanding or believing what you're telling them there's actually a genuine point that they have you want to be patient with them and you want to be prepared to address that as well now you also want to be honest when you don't know the answer a question right I've seen people do this before also that they kind of just make something up make up an answer obviously don't do that don't lie to them preaching is serious preaching God's Word is important if you don't know the answer to a question or if it's not relevant to the gospel right like this last point here don't let the conversation be derailed into a relevant point you don't want to waste your time just coming up with some explanation for it right if it's something that has nothing to do with what you're telling them just go back into talking about the gospel right so this is what I usually do when somebody brings up a question or objection that's kind of irrelevant I just say hey that's a great question but let's talk about that afterward because I want to focus on you getting saved first or something like that right just to bring it back onto the gospel so you don't just start talking about other random things right this has happened before where you know you're trying to preach I'm trying to preach the gospel to somebody and then they start asking questions about the end times or something right now if it's like something about the resurrection or like the great white throne judgment something that has something to do with eternal life or hell or salvation obviously that might be important to address but if it's just some random thing about like you know the Antichrist or something like that there's no real not really a point in talking about that when you're trying to get them safe right so you want to just kind of say hey that's a good point or that's a good question but let's talk about that later right so when to move on when somebody's a heretic the Bible says in Titus 3 verse 10 a man that is in heretic after the first and second admonition reject right so after you warn them once you warn them twice if you correct them and they don't receive it they just reject clear scripture then they should be avoided the Bible says to avoid that man right so if you preach to somebody and they're heretic right there's somebody who argues against the truth or they're trying to preach back to you lies like sometimes you'll go to like a Jehovah's Witness for example and they'll try to start preaching to you their false doctrine right and then you show them two scriptures that's it that show that they're wrong are you saying well here's what the Bible says and they say no no no blah blah blah blah you say well actually know the Bible says this no no they don't receive it the Bible says you've warned them once you won them twice you need to reject that person right now some people take this verse a little bit too far Titus 3 10 and they kind of apply it to just anybody who isn't understanding or who's asking questions a heretic is somebody who knows what the Bible says and they reject it and they believe false doctrine not somebody who's just ignorant right there are people who are ignorant there are people who are not understanding it that doesn't mean that they're a heretic right so the second one I want to talk about is just somebody who's not getting it somebody who's just not understanding what you're telling them right sometimes there's people who are just they're not paying attention right or maybe they're just not very intelligent right maybe they just don't understand these words maybe they just some of the words you're saying are too hard for them that's the case you want to be patient with them obviously maybe English might be their second language or third language maybe they speak other languages better so English isn't as good to them so you're speaking to them in English or whatever other language and they might not understand it as well that's possibility right maybe they're tired maybe they're drunk that's happened before too right maybe they have some sort of brain damages all kinds of reasons why people won't understand it it's even possible some of the people you preach use because the reprobates right that's another possibility right because the Bible says that they're ever learning but never able to come to the knowledge of the truth right and don't just assume because somebody isn't believing or understanding it that they're a reprobate all of these reasons that are listed here could be one of the reasons they're just not paying attention they have other things on their mind they're tired whatever but again you should be patient with these people right because some people like for example people who are not very intelligent it might take longer to be able to get them say because some of the words that you're saying they might not understand but they can still get saved they can still understand it you know I've seen examples where you know I preach in the gospel to somebody and I spend 30 40 minutes with them and it takes you know longer than average because of the fact that I'm not understanding a certain point or something and have to use multiple different examples and verses and things like that but that doesn't mean that they won't get saved it's just sometimes you just got to be really patient with people you got to spend more time with people right so spend as much time with them as you can until you really can't think of anything else or it becomes clear that they're not paying attention right because if that's the issue they're not paying attention if they don't care then don't waste your time with them go to somebody who actually wants to hear the gospel right but don't be rude with people be patient be nice and try your best right try your best to be able to share as much as you can and try your hardest to get them safe now we don't have unlimited time of course so if you have like a lot of time like maybe you're going soloing with like your church or something right and you only go for an hour obviously you know you don't want to cut past that hour your other people are waiting on you but you want to make sure to go as long as possible and either until they get saved or until you run out of time basically or until you run out of something else to say right those are the three options I would say for the non-understander now when to move on for the person who's indecisive right that would be the person who will listen to the whole gospel but they don't get saved right they're not sure yet right some people just won't make the decision to believe on Jesus right there right and that's sad but it happens right and so the Bible again says our job is to compel them to come in in Luke 14 verse 23 right now again ultimately it's their decision right we should try to push them to make that decision right to either believe it or not but we can't force people to believe in the sense of you know it's their choice ultimately right we could get them to agree with us or have say a verbal agreement or something but if they don't actually believe in their heart and they're not safe right we're not just trying to get people to agree with us or say that they agree or say that they believe we actually want to get people to believe right so our goal is to actually make or you know make people make a decision basically right either say hey you either believe this or you don't right either believe this or you want to think about it and then you can you know look into it more later right so one useful verse to show them when they're kind of indecisive or they they don't want to do it right now is 2nd Corinthians 6 1 where it says you know behold now is the accepted time now is the day of salvation right and that's sometimes something I'll quote to people who are not sure who don't feel like they want to call in the name of the Lord at the moment I'll show it to them and I'll say hey you know the Bible says you know now is the day of salvation because you know you could die tomorrow right and that's a good hypothetical to use you could say well you never know when you're gonna die you could die tomorrow you could die next week right if you don't make this decision now this might be your last chance to get saved right and if you die without Christ you're gonna go to hell right now again you can say that to them but ultimately if they don't believe they don't believe and that's their own choice you can't again force people to believe it's their decision right you can just simply tell them what the gospel is right it's their choice whether they believe it or not right so once somebody makes that decision they say you know I'll just think about it and say okay have a nice day leave them with a card leave them with another verse something like that but don't you know again don't just try to get people to agree with you or tell you that they believe when they really don't you know what I mean and then lastly when to move on this would be like the time waster right so we've talked about heretics we talk about people who just don't understand you know genuine but they want to understand and then also people who were indecisive right you preach the whole gospel to them they don't make a choice just that right now some people are just time wasters is what I would call them right this is the person who doesn't really care what you have to say and they're really just there to waste your time right this is often found among Mormons right Mormons will have set in their heart already that they don't care what the Bible says and they'll lie to you and say they want to hear what the Bible says and they'll say they believe the Bible and you show them a Bible and they just say you know I don't believe that or they'll pretend like they agree with you but it's obvious they don't right also flat-earthers other vain janglers people who will just try to argue with you about just random stuff that has nothing to do with you know anything people will just start talking about random garbage this happens sometimes sometimes you'll just talk to people who you'll bring up hey do you know for sure going to heaven and they just want to talk about every other thing under the Sun right the Bible says we're deeming the time because the days are evil in Ephesians 5 16 right so the time you spend with somebody who doesn't care or doesn't want to get saved they just want to argue with you about whatever topic you could spend that time preaching to somebody who will actually get saved right so if you go to somebody and you say hey we're from a Baptist Church preaching the gospel you try to preach the gospel them and they just start talking about like you know they believe the earth is flat or something like that and you say hey you know that's another subject let's talk about that another time but they just keep wanting to talk about and they just keep bringing it up and they don't care what the Bible says about heaven just say hey watch the video on that card move on to the next person because they don't want to hear the gospel they just want to talk about other stuff right so they're really just wasting your time because soul winning is for soul winning it's not for just talking about every other stupid thing that that's out there right and debunking every other false doctrine that exists about everything right we want to talk about the gospel about Jesus right so that's it for this video thank everybody for watching and goodbye