(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Hello everybody, I'm back with another video in the soul-winning Instruction series. So today I want to talk about when you go over the point of eternal security, right? So after you've already explained to the person you're preaching to all the other points the fact that they're sinners That their sin would take them to hell without Jesus the fact that Jesus was sent to be our Savior He's the Son of God God in the flesh He died for sins rose again, and then all they have to do is believe after you go through all those different things It's very important to also talk about eternal security right now The thing is eternal security is not like a separate doctrine. I like the way that a Brother from church explained it he said it's more of like a check to determine whether they really understand that it's by faith alone, right because people who Deny eternal security or say you can lose your salvation or basically saying that they have to do something else besides believe that believing Is not enough it's like well believing is the start but then you have to do other things that's basically What somebody who denies eternal security is saying, right? So after explaining that getting saved and being justified is just by faith alone Explained that the believer is saved forever and has eternal life, right now some especially in the old IFB when preaching the gospel skip this point Because again, they think it's a secondary doctrinal issue But really the person who believes that they can lose their salvation is not safe That's why it's very important that you want to address this now Hypothetically if you just show them John 3 16 if they you know, take it literally they believe it Then they could get saved without you going in depth about what all that entails But most of the time because of false doctrine that's crept into people's minds It's very important to actually go through and explain this in detail, right? so the reason why somebody who believes that they can lose their salvation is not saved is Because they either believe that they still must die for their own sins, right and thus they don't believe the gospel Right because if somebody you're preaching to says well if I later commit this sinner, that's and I might go to hell Basically what they're saying is that Jesus did not pay for that sin. They have to pay for that it themselves still, right? Also, they do not believe God promised which is eternal life right the Bible says in first John 225 This is the promise that he has promised us even eternal life It says in Titus 1 2 also in hope of eternal life, which God that cannot lie promised before the world began So again, they're denying the record that God gave his son. They're denying the promise that God has given So again, they're not safe or they're still trusting in themselves for salvation They're basically thinking that they still have to do other things in order to keep themselves safe, right? So these are three very clear reasons why eternal security is important to address and why people who deny it are not safe So you want to preach this as well in order to establish that once you believe you're saved forever, right? Now the verses that you could use to explain eternal security I'll include John 6 39 to 40. I also use John 6 47 as well John 10 verses 27 to 29 Another one would be Ephesians 4 30 which talks about how we're sealed with the Holy Ghost until the day of redemption But these other verses just establish that the life that God gives us is eternal life, right? It says in John 10, for example Which is probably the hardest-hitting one that I give unto them eternal life and they shall never perish neither shall any man pluck them Out of my hand my father which gave them me is greater than all and no man is able to pluck them out of my Father's hand so it's very clear you can you know show that to them and explain like hey, it says never perish It doesn't say possibly perish. It says never and it says you're in God's hand both Jesus and the Father He says nobody could ever take you out of our hands, right? So it's a very clear scripture to establish that once you're saved you're saved forever Now some questions that you could ask to make sure they're following along include. How long is eternal everlasting, right? So usually the way that I do it is when I show them John 3 16 All right, I say Whosoever believes in him should not perish but have everlasting life I'll ask them how many things does that say you have to do they say? Oh, it's only one thing You just have to believe and then I'll say notice how it says that he gives you everlasting life And I'll say how long is everlasting or eternal they say well that's forever right and then after that I'll go to John chapter 6 I'll either show them verse 40 or verse set 47 or both To establish that once somebody believes they already have eternal life Right to explain to them that you don't get saved if you keep believing to the end of your life But you get saved when you believe that's when you receive eternal life, right? Another Good question to ask to establish eternal security would be how many of your sins did Jesus die for so Usually after I go to John chapter 6 I go to John chapter 10 and then I explained that and then I asked them the reason why your salvation is eternal is because Did Jesus die for some of your sins or all of your sins and they say well he died for all my sins So I say so your future sins that you haven't even done yet. Jesus died for those sins also So is he gonna send you to hell for the same sins? They say no because Jesus already died for them, right? So it's important to bring up the subject of Jesus's death again to explain why it is that Somebody is eternally secure, right? I think that's important as well. It really establishes the point that it's not just because That's just the way it is But you can actually kind of kind of reason with them and show them like Well, the reason why your sins cannot take you to hell is because Jesus already paid for those sins He already died for your sins So when you believe in him, even your future sins also with Jesus also died for those are also forgiven, right? So these are some good questions to ask and verses to show when you're preaching eternal security It's also good to use illustrations and examples to help make the point so the gift example, right? Usually what I'll say is I'll you know have the Bible my hand I'll close it and I'll say hey if I gave this Bible to you as a gift and I said this is yours and I Promise it's yours forever How many times would you have to take it from me for it to be yours and they say well I only have to take it once and so I say also how many times then you have to believe in Jesus to receive the Gift of eternal life and they say only once and they say once you receive it, how long is he yours for? Oh, it's mine forever, right? I say yeah, because God cannot lie, right God if he said he's gonna give it to you forever He means us forever, right? That means you only have to take it one time, right? You only have to get saved once Another example, which is good is the child example right to explain that we're children of God Right as the Bible says as many as received him to then give you power to become the sons of God or you're all children Of God by faith in Christ Jesus, right and to explain the example of discipline right in Hebrew chapter 12 How it talks about how God will chasten his children the Lord whom the Lord loveth He chasteneth and scourgeth every son we receive it so to say something like hey God will punish you in this life for your sins, but you're his child Once you believe will he ever send you to hell then right or you could use if they're like an adult and they have children You could say hey if your child disobeys you you're gonna punish them. You're gonna discipline them Would you ever kill your child will they any there would there be anything that they could do so that they could not be your Child anymore and obviously they'll say no, of course, you know, there's my child forever They're always gonna be my son or my daughter So you say it's the same way with God once you're born again, and you're in God's family You can never come out of that family. You're always gonna be his child. So he's gonna discipline you He's gonna punish you when you do wrong, but he's not gonna send you to hell. So that's another good example to Give those who are struggling with eternal security No, the other thing which some people skip over which I think is important is giving an example like the following right so to give Them a scenario like if you believe in Jesus But 20 years later you were to kill somebody even to kill yourself like to commit suicide Right, would you go to heaven or would you go to hell? No The reason why this is important is because you'd be surprised how many people they'd say that no other sin can send you to hell But because people think that suicide is an unforgivable sin, they think that that could send somebody to hell, right? So that's why I think it's important to address this point I've talked to a lot of people where they seem to be following along and believing everything that I'm saying But for some reason they still think that suicide is an unforgivable sin, right? and the reason why is because they still have this kind of thing in their mind where they think that they have to ask for Forgiveness or repent of their sins every time they sin in order to be saved, right? So it's important to ask this question to see if they're really following along if they really understand if they really believe what you're saying because sometimes people still think that if They believe they'll always go to heaven except if they commit suicide, right? They think that's an unforgivable sin, which it isn't the Bible never says it is. So I always make sure to ask this question because sometimes people will Think that there's that suicide or some really really bad sin can still something to help So this is a good example to use to make the point that no matter what you do in the future If you've already been saved your salvation is forever. You can never go to hell, right? And if suicide is a hang up for them if they think it's an unforgivable sin some good scriptures to use for that Would be first of all just to go back and establish that Jesus died for all sins and suicide is a sin as well But then also Matthew chapter 12 where Jesus says all manner of sin and blasphemy shall be forgiven unto men But the blasphemy of the Holy Ghost shall not be forgiven right and to explain to them Hey The only unforgivable sin according to Jesus is blasphemy the Holy Ghost and to explain to them only Unbelievers can do that because the believer has the Holy Spirit They will not blaspheme the Holy Spirit and to tell them basically that Jesus said all manner of sin that includes suicide and say if Jesus You know sent you to hell for suicide, then he didn't keep his promise of eternal life, right? So to basically go back again through eternal security kind of make the point Clearer use more examples if they still think that these really really bad sins like suicide could send them to hell So it's very important to ask this question and use these examples just to make sure they're following along Just make sure they understand it and also to make sure that they actually believe what you're saying Now one last thing about eternal security is it's also helpful to explain that once somebody believes They have the Holy Spirit and therefore they will not stop believing because again another thing that some people are hung up with is They will understand that none of their sins can ever take them to hell But they think well if I stop believing in the future, then I might lose my salvation, right? But that's why again it's important to establish that somebody is only saved one time that salvation is a one-time event It's not a lifelong process and then you'll get eternal life, right? So the gift example, which I talked about before will help illustrate this right to say Hey, you only have to take the gift one time. So once it's yours, it belongs to you So to explain to them once you believe in Jesus, it's yours forever I God's not gonna take it away for any reason because he already promised eternal life, right and It's just good to explain that, you know, a believer can never stop believing But then usually what I'll say is even hypothetically if they could stop believing It's still forever and that person will if they did hypothetically stop believing God already promised eternal life Right just to make that point, right? So it's important I think to address this as well some people don't really need this but it's good just as a habit just to quickly explain that the believer has the Holy Spirit and They will be guided to all truth as Jesus said. So thank you buddy for watching and next I'll go into Basically the the ending of the closing of the gospel presentation because this is all the the main meat of the Preaching I guess but then we want to get to the wrap-up right after you've established that somebody Understands by it's just by faith alone and that it's eternal they could never lose it What to do from there how to actually seal the deal if you would so thank you buddy for watching