(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Hello everybody I'm back with another video in the how to go soul winning series and today I want to talk about the most important point that you want to establish and you want to repeat several times throughout the gospel presentation and that's the gospel itself. The Bible tells us what the gospel is in 1st Corinthians chapter 15 it says for I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received how that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures and that he was buried and the rose again the third day according to the scriptures right. The Bible makes it very clear that this gospel itself is where the power is it says in Romans 1 16 for I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ for it is the power of God unto salvation to everyone that believeth right so in order for somebody to believe the truth they have to believe the gospel right they have to know what the gospel is the fact that Jesus died for their sins and was buried and rose again so do not skip over or de-emphasize the death the burial and the resurrection right not only do you want to preach it you know just initially after you explain who Jesus is and why he came to this earth but you want to keep bringing up again later in the gospel presentation and if they don't believe in these things if they don't believe Jesus died for their sins if they don't believe in the resurrection then they won't get saved right it's not just believing that Jesus exists it's not just trusting a Christ that you've made in your own mind if they have no idea what the gospel is if they don't believe that then they're not gonna get saved right so this is something that you want to make sure to emphasize now firstly after again talking about who Jesus is you want to talk about like I said you know the fact that he's God and flesh and that he lived a similar life what we talked about in the last video but then you want to go into talking about the death of Christ to pay for our sins right almost everybody has heard the phrase Christ died for our sins but very few people know what it means right and usually when I preach the gospel and I say that Jesus died for our sins I'll ask them have you ever heard about that before and 99% of the time they'll say yes right but a lot of people don't really realize or don't really think about or don't really know what that means it's kind of just a phrase that's repeated in our society and everybody's heard it right so in order to explain what the death of Christ was all about you could use 1st Peter 2 24 Romans 5 8 2nd Corinthians 5 21 those are all good verses to explain it personally I use 1st Peter 2 24 it says that who his own self bear our sins and his own body on the tree that we being dead to sin should live unto righteousness by whose stripes you were healed right so that tells us that when Jesus died on the cross he bore our sins on himself Romans 5 8 again Christ died for us right you could explain that as Christ died in our place and then 2nd Corinthians 5 21 for we have made him to be sin for us who knew no sin that we might be made the righteousness of God and him so these are all good verses that you could use to explain why it is that Jesus died on the cross he died for our sin he took our sin on himself also it's important to explain to the sinner that Jesus died for all of their sins and this will be important later when you establish eternal security right so the verse I usually use is the blood of Jesus Christ his son cleanses up from all sin that's the second half of 1st John 1 7 right and so I'll say something like well the past sins the present sin future sin small sins big sins Jesus died for every single one of them right this will help them to understand why it is that their sins will not take him to hell if they believe because if you skip over this point and then you tell them what you believe but then you commit these sins later they won't send you to hell they might be confused but it's easier for them to understand that if you explain to them well Jesus already paid for that sin when you die on the cross even the really bad sins even the sins that you do after you're saved Jesus died for those sins also right so secondly the the burial and the resurrection right again don't skip over this point this is something that you should also emphasize when you're preaching the gospel because many old IFB soul winners they'll talk about the death and you'll hear these phrases like oh the finished work of Christ on the cross right I've heard that so many times but the thing is if Jesus died but he didn't rise again then corn into 1st Corinthians 15 if you read that chapter then we wouldn't be saved if Jesus didn't rise from the dead so the resurrection is important to preach as well and don't take for granted don't just assume that they know that Jesus rose from the dead you'd be surprised how many people even people who go to church claim to be Christian don't know about the resurrection many people I've talked to I've you know they say oh I go to this Baptist Church you know a church where you think that they know about the resurrection and they you know they're an adult or they're you know at least like a teenager or something they've been alive on the search for many years and they don't know that Jesus rose from the dead that's like they've never heard that before right this happens right our society is getting away from the Bible a lot of people don't know about this so you want to preach to them also about the resurrection so usually the verse I'll quote is acts 231 where it says his soul is not left in hell neither did his flesh see corruption and then I'll also quote to them first Corinthians 5 for which was on this slide right here and that he was buried in that he rose again the third day according to the scripture so I'll explain when Jesus died on the cross for your sins his body was buried and then his soul went into hell for three days and three nights but I'll tell them the Bible says his soul was not left in hell neither did his flesh see corruption and I'll usually ask them what happened after three days because sometimes they do know and sometimes they're able to say oh he rose from the dead I'll say yeah exactly if they don't know then I'll quote them first Corinthians 5 for right Romans 425 is another good verse I used to use that a lot more in my gospel presentation not nowadays really but it's good to establish again why Jesus rose from the dead it says he was delivered for our offenses and was raised again for our justification right so that's also a good segue onto explaining how to be forgiven of your sins right to say well Jesus died and he rose again and he did this so that you could be forgiven so you'd be made righteous but obviously we know not everybody is going to be forgiven of their sins and be justified so then I'll go into explaining how to be justified by believing in Jesus right also you want to ask them if they believe that Jesus rose bodily and physically right this is something that I've learned a little bit more recently because I realize again from hearing other people having this experience and seeing this myself that some people they believe that Jesus's spirit just went straight to heaven but they don't know that he bodily rose from the dead right they kind of heard about the resurrection but they don't really know what that means so people just think well Jesus was dead and then his soul was in hell but then it after three days it just went straight up into heaven like they don't believe he actually physically came back to life but they have to believe that Jesus rose from the dead in order to be saved okay the Bible is very clear about this it says in Romans 10 9 that if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus and shall believe in thy heart that God hath raised him from the dead thou shalt be saved so if somebody does not believe that Jesus rose from the dead they are not saved right so again you want to make sure that they understand that Jesus not just resurrected in just like a spiritual sense but they believe that Jesus bodily physically grows from the dead right you'd be surprised again how many people don't know about that now another good habit is to explain the purpose of the gospel the purpose of why Jesus died on the cross and that is to pay for our sins thus then we can be forgiven and remitted of our sins right before transitioning and talking about how to actually receive that forgiveness by belief right now the reason why this is important to explain like to use the the payment analogy because it helps to establish that they cannot pay for it themselves right it also helps to establish that Jesus already did it for them right so to explain to them that well Jesus already did this part for you you know you deserve death and health for your sins but Jesus did in your place right it also helps to establish that Jesus is a substitute and they didn't die for no reason right again everybody knows that Jesus died on the cross but most people don't know why most people don't know he did it for them and for their sins right so that's why it's important again to emphasize the gospel and to explain why it is that Jesus died for your sins why it is that Jesus rose from the dead and to go through each of these points don't just run through it and just kind of like say hey Jesus died for you and rose again and then just get into now all you have to do is believe in him because again just because you tell them that doesn't mean they actually believe it you want to make sure they believe it before moving on to the next point so thank you ready for watching and God bless you